Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 141: Killing the Spiritual Mind, Cl1 to Block

At the same time, above the nine heavens, in a vast starry sky.

Di Jun Taiyi is rushing over.

They are only two or three hours away from the Great Sun Heaven Realm...

"Brother, we're almost there!

"Yes! It's only two or three-hours away!"

"Brother, those people have already attacked the divine tree..." Taichi was worried.

Di Jun said with a gloomy face: "I have already sensed it. However, those guys underestimate the backlash of the divine tree. The first person to attack is probably already dead!""

Speaking of this, the corners of Di Jun's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a trace of disdain.

After Kunpeng was hit hard by the divine tree of Fusang, they sensed a general idea through the spiritual sense that remained in the divine tree.

"Brother, although the first person was repelled, they still have latecomers..."

Tai was still a little worried.

Di Jun sneered: "Even if there is a latecomer, can that person resist the combined attack of the divine tree and your divine sense? Unless that person's divine awareness reaches the level of a quasi-saint ancestor, or they have three heavenly saints Peak powerhouse. …

"But in the Nine Heavens and Ten Territories, there are three or more powerhouses at the peak of the Heavenly Sage. We, the Great Sun Heavenly World, have never sinned against them, and even deliberately made friends with them. I don't think they will fall for us at this moment..."

Di Jun analyzed it carefully.

"Brother, what do you mean, it's not the powerful forces that attacked our Great Sun Heaven Realm this time, but the forces that have enmity with us?"

"Mostly so!"

"That's good! Several forces that have hatred with us are not as strong as us. Even if they see the divine tree of Fusang, they will not be able to refine it..."

Having said this, Taichi breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and said anxiously: "By the way, brother, I forgot to mention the South Alliance. If we talk about those hostile forces, only the South Alliance is comparable to us. If the South Alliance goes to attack …”

Before the words were finished, Di Jun sneered and said, "Second brother, we have only fought against the Southern Alliance for a short time. It is impossible for them to attack. You think too much..."

Taiyi smiled bitterly: "I think too much. If it weren't for the South Alliance, then the few remaining forces would really not have the ability to move the fusang tree..."

"Having said that, I'm afraid that they won't get it by themselves and forcibly destroy the sacred tree of Fusang, then we...hey! This is...not good!


Suddenly, the expressions of Di Jun and Jun changed greatly.

In the next second, the two roared and flew towards the Great Sun Heaven Realm.

Just now, Xuan Fei's clone shot, Di Jun and Di Jun sensed that the Fusang Divine Tree was being suppressed at the same time, and their spiritual senses left in the Divine Tree were also being attacked frantically...

Such a sudden change made the two of them startled and angry, desperately rushing to the Great Sun Heaven Realm...

This time, no matter who it is, they will stop it.

Even if the other party is a quasi-Saint Ancestor, they are not afraid.

As long as they reach the Great Sun Heaven Realm, they can borrow the power of heaven and earth, and they can also exert the strength of the quasi-Saint Ancestor...  

In this way, on this side, Di Jun Taiyi desperately rushed to the Great Sun Heaven Realm.

On the other side, Xuan Fei's avatar is fighting for the divine tree of Fusang with all his strength.

On the day of the extreme sun, Qin Feng was also making every effort to refine the core ban.

Time flies!

In the blink of an eye, an hour and a half passed.

Emperor Jun Taiyi is only an hour away from the Great Sun Heaven Realm...

On the day of the extreme sun, Qin Feng's ban was only refined to the forty-one level, which was much slower than he expected...

In fact, the further back this restriction goes, the more difficult it will be to refine...

"There is still no refining in the ninth layer. It will take at least three or four hours. It's too late to go on like this..."

The more Qin Feng thought about it, the more anxious he became.

According to his estimation, Emperor Jun Taiyi would be able to return in just one or two hours.

At that time, the two used the power of heaven and earth to raise their strength to the level of the quasi-saint ancestor, and he had to retreat.

Then all his previous efforts will be in vain...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your subordinate (Lu Ya)'s accompanying universe has successfully evolved into the Great Sun World.... Lu Ya's strength has greatly increased..."

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for winning the tenth Great Thousand World... The progress of the Great Hong God Realm you created has improved... You have gained a lot of combat power back.... The combat power has increased to 930,000 poles...

As the system's prompt sounded, Qin Feng's momentum skyrocketed again, and the refining speed increased by 10%...

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

The associated universe of Lu Ya has evolved into the Great Sun World!

The Great Yang World contains infinite energy, ranking second among Qin Feng's ten Great Thousand Worlds, only below Hong Jun's Great Chaos World.

This also increased Qin Feng's combat power to 930,000 poles in one fell swoop, and the speed of the refining ban was accelerated by 10%.

However, even if the speed is accelerated, it will still take three hours for him to refine the remaining nine-fold restriction, which is obviously too late...

How to do?

give up on this?

If this is given up, it will not only give up the core of the extreme sun, but also give up the divine tree of Fusang.

Qin Feng estimated the time, and it would take at least an hour for the Xuanwo clone to take down the divine fusang tree.

But Di Jun and the two will be able to arrive in an hour, and I'm afraid it will be too late.

Besides, Qin Feng will never give up.

Whether it is the day of the extreme sun and the hibiscus tree, he will take it away.

Suddenly, Qin Feng's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of a way,

Then, as soon as his mind moved, the phantom avatar appeared out of thin air.

In the next second, the phantom clone flew out of the sun of extreme sun and rushed to the nine heavens.

It turned out that the solution Qin Feng thought of was to let the phantom clone intercept Tai Jun Taiyi and try to buy some time for him and Xuan Ye clone.

At this moment, only the phantom avatar is free, and only he can stop Taiyi Emperor Jun for a while....

In just a moment, the phantom clone flew out of the Great Sun Heaven Realm.

In the vast starry sky, after he identified the direction, he fled in the direction where Di Juntai came together...

A few days ago, when the Southern Alliance and the Great Sun World were at war, after the phantom avatar and the mysterious female avatar were combined, the combat power reached 340,000 poles.

Today, Qin Feng's strength has skyrocketed to 930,000 poles, and the strength of the phantom avatar has also increased to 310,000 poles, which is no different from that at the time.

If the phantom avatar uses the Holy Artifact again, the comprehensive strength is infinitely close to the threshold of the peak of Tiansheng, and it is indeed qualified to intercept...

In a blink of an eye, another half an hour passed.

On the day of the extreme sun, Qin Feng has been refined to the forty-fourth level of prohibition...

In Tanggu, Xuan Ye's clone finally destroyed Di Jun's spiritual sense and began to concentrate on dealing with Taiyi's spiritual sense.

At the same time, nine days away, in a vast starry sky.


Di Jun's mouth was bloody, and his face was pale.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"The spiritual sense I left in Fusang was destroyed!"

Di Jun gritted his teeth angrily.

Just now, Xuan Fei's clone destroyed his spiritual sense, causing his spiritual soul to be attacked, and his momentum couldn't help but drop a point.

"Brother, then let's go back quickly, we'll be there in half an hour, maybe it's still too late..."

Tai was completely panicked.

The elder brother's spiritual sense was destroyed, and it was his turn to have his spiritual sense next.

When the two of them's spiritual senses are destroyed, the fusang god tree becomes an ownerless thing and can be forcibly transplanted away.

"Go! Let's hurry!

Di Jun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He was also anxious.

However, they still have a chance.

Counting the time, it took the man half an hour to destroy his spiritual sense.

And Taiyi's spiritual sense is stronger, it will definitely take more than half an hour to destroy Taiyi's spiritual sense.

With this calculation, they can reach the Great Sun Heaven Realm before that person succeeds.

Immediately, the two of Di Jun accelerated and flew towards the Great Sun Heaven Realm.

But at this moment, there was a rapid sound of breaking through the air in the distance.

The two of them were stunned for a moment, and they couldn't help but look up, and saw a young man in white with a book of gods on his head, flying straight towards them...

"Yes... it's Qin Lei!"

When the two of Di Jun saw who was coming, they were a little confused.

That person is the phantom clone.

But Di Jun Taiyi couldn't understand why the phantom avatar appeared here.

And looking at the direction from which the phantom avatar came, it seems that it came from the Great Sun Heaven Realm...

Thinking of this, the two faintly felt that something was wrong.

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