Global Powers: I Control All Elements

The 1 thousand and 42 chapters of the search are clean, and there are countless harvests

"Qin Lei, why are you here?" Di Jun asked in surprise.

"Coming for you!"

The phantom avatar smiled coldly, and started to sacrifice the book.


The book of the earth is out!

When the human and the machine were unified, the momentum of the phantom avatar soared all the way, and after a while, it rose by 30%, infinitely close to the threshold of the peak of Tiansheng.

"Brother, you... look at his strength..."9

"Hey! This... how is this possible!

Tai Jun Tai couldn't help but exclaimed.

A few days ago, the phantom clone barely reached the threshold of the latter stage of Heavenly Sage even if the human and the equipment were one.

But after not seeing him for a few days, the strength of the phantom avatar has almost doubled, and it is already close to the threshold of the peak of Tiansheng.

"Are you really Qin Lei?"

Di Jun still couldn't believe it.

"Guess!"', the phantom clone laughed without saying a word.

His purpose is to delay time, not in a hurry.

Di Jun frowned, displeased.

"Brother, don't doubt it. This guy is Qin Lei, and I won't admit his aura!

Tai's expression was determined.

Di Jun's brows furrowed even deeper.

He also discovered that the guy in front of him was a phantom avatar, not someone else pretending to be.

But he really can't think about the "four-eight-zero" pass, how the phantom avatar's strength suddenly soared, and he even ran in front of him, it seems that the direction he came from is the Great Sun Heaven Realm...

At this thought, Di Jun's face changed slightly: "Qin Lei, where did you come from?

The phantom clone still smiled and said nothing.

Di Jun said coldly: "You think that the deity can't see it, you came from the Great Sun Heaven Realm, right?"

As soon as these words fell, Taiyi's face changed greatly: "Not good! Brother, if Qin Lei can appear here, then Qin Feng may appear in the Great Sun Heaven Realm. The one who sneaked into the Great Sun Heaven Realm should be Qin Feng!"

"What... what?!" Di Jun was stunned.

Immediately, he suddenly said: "It must be him! It must be him!! Go! 99

As soon as the words fell, he rushed towards the Great Sun Heaven Realm anxiously.

Taichi followed suit.

"Go away!

The phantom clone suddenly blocked the way of the two.

Di Jun was furious: "It was indeed what you SAARC did!

At this moment, Di Jun was so angry that he just wanted to vomit blood.

He had been beaten extremely miserably by Qin Feng, but he did not expect that the old nest was also copied by Qin Feng.

This Qin Feng is going to kill him quickly!

"Qin Lei! Get out of the way for Laozi!" Di Jun roared.

"Sorry! If you want to leave, pass me first!" The phantom clone sneered.

Di Jun sneered: "Just because you want to stop the two of us?!""

The phantom avatar didn't care: "How long can you stop it!

"Brother, this guy is just procrastinating, don't talk to him! 95

After Taiyi's reminder, Di Jun suddenly woke up.

He suddenly became furious: "Little thief! You are courting death! 99

As soon as the voice fell, he slaughtered towards the phantom clone.

"Haha!! Just in time!

The phantom avatar laughed, and then sacrificed the book, turned into the fetal membranes of heaven and earth, and barely blocked Di Jun's attack...

Tai Yi was about to go up to help, Di Jun urged loudly.

"Second brother, go and stop Qin Feng! I'll deal with Qin Lei! 35

Taiyi woke up, quickly dodged, and was about to fly to the Great Sun Heaven Realm.

"Don't even think about leaving!"

As soon as the phantom avatar waved his hand, the fetal membranes of heaven and earth transformed by the book of the earth wrapped all the Emperor Jun Taiyi.

The phantom clone also got in.

"court death!"

Tai Jun Taiyi's angry roar resounded in the fetal membranes.

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

In the next second, a violent fight sounded inside the fetal membranes.

The two sides fought against each other with all their strength, and the fetal membranes were constantly deformed that day...

The phantom clone is one against two, naturally it is not the opponent of Emperor Jun Taiyi.

The muffled sound of the phantom clone continued to come from the fetal membranes.

But Dijun Taiyi was trapped in the fetal membrane, and he couldn't break out of the membrane for a while, and he was extremely depressed.

In this way, the phantom clone successfully trapped Di Jun Taiyi.

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

The battle within the fetal membranes of heaven and earth is also drawing to a close.


Suddenly, there was a loud bang!

The fetal membranes of heaven and earth burst suddenly, emitting a strong light all over the sky, completely exploded, and re-turned into a book on the ground, screaming incessantly...

Emperor Jun Taiyi also rushed out of the white light...

"Haha!! Dead! That kid is dead!

Di Jun laughed proudly.

He joined forces with Tai Yi, and after half an hour of hard fighting, he finally killed the phantom clone.

Of course, if it wasn't for the phantom avatars who had to fight to the death, they wouldn't be so easy to succeed.

"Brother! Look! That's Qin Lei's storage ring and holy artifact!""

Tai Yi pointed to the storage ring not far away, and the book on the ground, excited.

"Haha!! These are all our trophies, just take the interest from Qin Feng!""

Di Jun dodged, flew to the storage ring, and was about to grab it into the palm of his hand...

But at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred!

The surrounding space changed for a while, and the storage ring and the book on the ground disappeared at the same time.

"Hey! This is..." Di Jun couldn't help but stunned.

But at this moment, Tai Yi's body was shocked, and he spat out a large mouthful of blood essence, and his momentum instantly wilted...

Di Jun was shocked: "Second brother! What's wrong with you?"

"I... My spiritual sense in the Fusang tree has been destroyed!"

"Ah!" Di Jun's face instantly became difficult to look at.

The Fusang Sacred Tree has no spiritual thoughts of the two of them, and it has become an ownerless thing...

"Damn! It's all because of Qin Lei's interception!

Di Jun was furious.

"Brother! Let's go! Maybe it's still too late!"


As soon as the voice fell, the two brothers turned into two long rainbows and rushed towards the Great Sun Heaven Realm.

At the same time, within the Great Sun Heaven Realm, within the extreme sun.

A book and a storage ring are suspended in front of Qin Feng.

Just now, after the phantom avatar was killed, he summoned the phantom avatar's storage ring and ground book.

At this moment, his mind moved, and a black mist emerged from the surrounding space and gathered into a human shape...

Afterwards, the entire Great Sun Heavenly Realm shook violently, and countless powers of heaven and earth poured into the Sun of Extreme Sun, and then poured into the human-shaped black fog...

The power of the sun on the day of the sun is also frantically used to use the humanoid black fog...

The aura of the human-shaped black mist was soaring all the way...

In the blink of an eye, 10% of the power of heaven and earth in the Great Sun Heaven Realm was extracted, and the spiritual energy became much thinner.

The day of the polar sun was also extracted a lot of the power of the polar sun, and it was reduced by a circle.0

And the imposing manner of the humanoid shadow has soared all the way to the level of the late Tiansheng, and it has become the appearance of a youth, it is the phantom avatar.

In just a moment, the phantom avatar was resurrected, and its strength returned to its peak without any damage...

Afterwards, the phantom avatar put away the storage ring and the book on the ground, and drilled out of the day of the extreme sun.

At this moment, Qin Feng has refined forty-six levels of prohibition, and he still has four levels of prohibition that he has yet to refine...

If he wants to refine everything, he still needs more than two hours, obviously it is too late...

Therefore, the phantom avatar is going to intercept Di Jun Taiyi again and buy time for Qin Feng...

As soon as the phantom clone came out of the extreme sun, the entire Great Sun Heavenly World vibrated violently again...

In Tanggu, a dazzling golden light lit up, one after another...

The phantom avatar dodged and reached the sky above Tanggu.

I saw that the avatar of Xuanwu was forcibly pulling it up while resisting the attack of the divine sense of the Fusang tree...

The avatar of Xuan Fei has destroyed Di Jun Taiyi's spiritual sense, and the fusang god tree has become an ownerless thing, which can be forcibly transplanted...

The phantom clone hurried to help...


For a time, the ground cracked and the valley collapsed.

The people around looked terrified.

It didn't take long for the two of them to work together to forcibly pull the fusang tree off the ground. Tens of millions of golden roots seemed to be alive, twisting in the air, as if struggling...

At this time, the phantom avatar waved his hand and opened a door of light leading to the Dahong God Realm.

Xuan Fei's clone forced a push, and forcibly sent the Fusang Divine Tree in...

All the visions disappeared, and the surroundings returned to calm.

Both the phantom avatar and the mysterious female avatar showed joy.

They finally forcibly moved the sacred tree of Fusang into the Dahong God Realm and succeeded in capturing it.

Next, as long as Qin Feng is free, he can refine it at any time...

"Congratulations to Daddy for getting a treasure of heaven and earth! 35

Hongjun stepped forward to congratulate with a look of joy.

Everyone around came forward to congratulate him.

At this moment, Pan Zu, Xiang Liu and other high-level officials flew in from a distance.

4.7 "Two Your Majesties, we have finished searching the resources of the Great Sun Heaven Realm! The South Alliance Army has reassembled, and wait for your Majesty's order!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look around.

I saw that the original resources were all over the big sun and heaven, and it has become a barren land, and all resources have been searched by the South Alliance...

Seeing this, everyone showed a meaningful smile.

This time, SAARC's harvest is really great.

After that Emperor Jun Taiyi returned, seeing this scene, he still didn't know what it would look like...

"Good job! Now that the search has been completed, you will lead everyone back to the Dahong God Realm. It won't be long before Di Jun Taiyi will return. If you stay here, there will be dangers after all! 35

"I will obey!

At the moment, the top leaders of the Zhongnan League took their orders to leave, opening the doors of space one by one, and began to fully evacuate...

The phantom avatar and the mysterious female avatar flew towards the nine heavens together...

They are going to intercept Di Jun Taiyi and buy Qin Feng the last time.

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