Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 150: Great Freedom

There were three people in this act.

At the front is a middle-aged man with a dignified temperament, named Brahma, whose cultivation base is at the peak of Heavenly Sage.

The one on his left is a strange man with brown and black complexion, who looks like a man and a woman. His name is Shiva.

The person on his right is a curly-haired strong man named Vishnu, who is a late-stage sage.

Behind these three people, there are also six people who have cultivation bases ranging from the early days of the Heavenly Sage to the middle of the Heavenly Sage.

This group of nine people, from the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains, the Great Freedom Heaven Domain

"Chief, do you think the news released by Tai Jun Taiyi is true or false?"

In the team, a mighty middle-aged man asked Brahma.

The middle-aged man was called Indra, a mid-term master of the Heavenly Sage.

"I'm not sure if it's true or not... Even if it's false, it won't hurt if you come to the realm of the gods. What if this news is true?"

Brahma put it lightly.

He did not fully believe what Emperor Jun Taiyi said, but the temptation of the hibiscus tree was too great.

The second leader Shiva also echoed: "That's right! If the news is true, we will make a lot of money this time. Brother Brahma has long been at the peak of the heavenly saints, and it is only one tree of the spiritual root of heaven and earth to break through. Quasi-Saint Ancestor..."

Indra nodded slightly: "If the big leader can break through to the quasi-saint ancestor, our comprehensive strength of Da Zi Zai Tian can be greatly improved. This will also be of great benefit to the trip to the treasure of the God Lord thirty years later!"

The three leaders, Vishnu also said: "That's what the three of us thought, so when we got the news, whether it was true or not, we rushed over as soon as possible. Even if the news is true, if we come a step later, the spiritual roots will be destroyed. It was taken away by other forces!"

As soon as these words fell, the powerhouses nodded.

"That's right! If the news is true, the inferior beings in the God Realm are too weak to keep their spiritual roots..."

"Yeah! It's too easy to grab the spiritual root from the God Realm. This time the competition for the spiritual root is a matter between us in the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains. It depends on which side arrives first.

"Aren't we coming too late? In terms of distance, we and the Great Sun World are the closest to the God Realm. Other forces will take two or three months at the earliest, and a few years at the latest. They should not be able to catch up with us..."

"That's right! In terms of distance, our Great Freedom Heaven is very close to the God Realm. I didn't expect that this could also be an advantage.

As soon as these words fell, Brahma and the others showed smiles on their faces.

From the beginning to the end, these nine people did not take God Realm in their eyes, let alone Qin Feng.

They care more about the authenticity of the news.

Of course, they also expect the news to be true.

"Brother Brahma, when we reach the God Realm, how can we judge whether the news is true or false?"

The second leader Shiva suddenly asked.

Brahma smiled coldly: "It's not easy! Let's find that Qin Feng directly and ask him directly. If he admits it, it's fine to hand over his spiritual roots obediently. From his memory, everything is true or false without knowing..."

"Haha! Brother Brahma is right, it's so simple and clear, it can save a lot of time..."

Everyone looked at each other and laughed.

Extracting people's primordial spirit and refining memories is equivalent to killing people, which is extremely cruel.

Brahma and the others said it lightly, and did not take Qin Feng's life or death seriously.

In their opinion, killing Qin Feng was like pinching an ant to death. It was no big deal.

"Big Chief, will we encounter resistance when we take action like this? After all, it is the old lair of the God Realm, and there are quite a few of them..."

Indra said a word casually.

But when these words came out, everyone burst into laughter.

"Haha!! Since the birth of the God Realm, there is not even a Heavenly Saint, how can they fight against us?

"That's right! The nine people I wait for are all heavenly saints, killing them is like ants...․"

"Let's go~! There are still two hours before we can reach the God Realm..."

At the moment, everyone stopped talking, and rushed to the God Realm at a faster speed...

At the same time, the SAARC headquarters, in the hall of the court.

Xuan Fei's clone sat on the high throne.

Many top executives from SAARC, such as Ziwei, Fengdi, Fuzhi, Panzu, Lu Ya, Kunpeng, and Hongyun, were standing on both sides.

Further down, there are ordinary high-level, as well as many power leaders.

There were many, many leaders, and tens of thousands of leaders were gathered in the hall, and the atmosphere in the field was very lively.

Everyone had a look of joy on their faces.

Ten days have passed since the last war.

For the past ten or so days, everyone in the South Alliance has retreated and rested in the Dahong God Realm.

It has been more than a hundred years since the Dahong God Realm had passed for ten days or so.

Before everyone retreated, Qin Feng exchanged millions of various divine pills and distributed the rewards.

After more than 100 years of rest, everyone in the South Alliance has refined the elixir, and their strength has improved by leaps and bounds...

The number of troops above the quasi-god has increased to 130 million people,,,,,

The number of powerhouses in the Eternal First Realm has reached more than 160 people.

The second realm has more than 40 people.

Fengdi, Panzu, Qinglin, Qin Baobao, Minghe, Gonggong, and Jiuyin have all reached the limit of the second realm, and they are just one step away from the extreme sage.

Ziwei, Kunpeng, Ziwei, and Fuzhi have successively broken through to the early stage of the extreme sage...

And after Hongjun obtained massive resources and many divine pills, he has been in seclusion and refining the Chaos Extreme Realm, trying to turn it into a heaven (domain)......

Although I don’t know whether Hongjun can succeed, his cultivation has also advanced by leaps and bounds in the retreat, and has quietly been elevated to the middle stage of the extreme sage...

In short, the overall strength of SAARC has been greatly improved, which has given Qin Feng a lot of combat power back, and the combat power has increased by 100,000 poles......

"Is everyone here?"

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded above the hall.

Xuan Ye clone spoke.

The originally noisy hall became quiet after baeh, and the atmosphere in the field was solemn.

"Go back to Your Majesty! There is one person who has not yet arrived, and the rest have all arrived..."

Star Master Ziwei respectfully replied.

"Who's not here?

"Ying Zhao, the leader of the Ying clan!

As soon as these words fell, everyone couldn't help but look towards the corner of the hall.

Where thousands of people stood, it was before and after the last war that they were the leaders of many hidden forces who joined the SAARC.

They vaguely followed suit.

At this moment, these people were a little nervous when they saw the leaders of tens of thousands of forces looking over.

One of them stepped forward nervously and respectfully reported to Xuan Ye's avatar.

"Go back to Your Majesty, after Lord Yingzhao received the Primordial Primordial Pill you rewarded, he has been refining and refining in seclusion, and he has not yet left..."

Speaking of this, the man's tone was full of envy.

Behind him, thousands of hidden power leaders also showed their envy.

They have already heard about the benefits of the Primordial Spirit Pill.

But after the war, Qin Feng only rewarded Ying Zhao, and did not give any reward to other hidden power leaders.

It's not that Qin Feng's magic pill is insufficient, but that these people are willing to join the SAMC when they see that the SAMC has the upper hand.

Although this is understandable, in Qin Feng's eyes, it is the icing on the cake.

He has a lot of magic pills, so he naturally wants to give priority to rewarding his direct descendants who fought bloody battles for him, so he didn't reward these hidden forces who joined later.

As for Yingzhao, this time the credit is not small, Qin Feng specially rewarded a Primordial Spirit Pill.

However, Qin Feng did not allow Yingzhao to enter the Great Wilderness God Realm, and Yingzhao naturally couldn't enjoy the thousands of times of time acceleration, so far he has not been able to refine the Primordial Spirit Pill.

In other words, the credit of Yingzhao was not enough.

Qin Feng treats him differently because he wants to distinguish between rewards and punishments.

As for the leaders of many hidden forces, seeing that the leaders of the South Alliance, big and small, have made great progress in just a few days, they have long been envious in their hearts...

"Since Yingzhao is still in retreat, I won't wait for him..."

Xuan Ye's clone spoke again.

As soon as these words fell, a figure hurriedly walked in outside the main hall...

"Ying recruits late, I hope Your Majesty will forgive me!

The person who came was a long-overdue British recruit.

As soon as he entered the gate of the hall, he stepped forward and knelt down to meet him, and everyone couldn't help but look over.

"Hey! Lord Yingzhao has broken through to the third realm!

"Yes! Lord Yingzhao has really broken through to the extreme!"

The leaders of many hidden forces discovered the change in Yingzhao's cultivation for the first time, and they couldn't help but show their envy.

Xuan Ye's clone also showed a relieved smile.

His magic was not wasted.

Now, as soon as the British move made a breakthrough, the number of the most powerful sages in the South Alliance has reached six.

"Get up! 35

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Yingzhao stood up respectfully.

"It can be seen that you have broken through to the third realm..."

"His Majesty bestows Yingzhao's breakthroughs. Without His Majesty's reward, it is hard to say whether Yingzhao can break through the bottleneck in this life. Even if he is lucky enough to make a breakthrough, it will be millions of years later..."

Speaking of this, Yingzhao looked grateful.

He was really grateful to Qin Feng.

The medicinal effect of the Primordial Primordial Pill is really wonderful, which made him break through the biggest bottleneck in his life, and also made him recognize Qin Feng to the extreme...  

Xuan Ye's avatar smiled and nodded: "As long as you follow the deity faithfully, your benefits will naturally be indispensable..."

"Your Majesty, Yingzhao has a treasure that I want to dedicate to you!"


"Your Majesty, look!

At the moment, Yingzhao took out one thing from his body.

When all the hidden forces saw it, they were all shocked.

They did not expect that Yingzhao would take the initiative to donate that kind of thing, which is the real root of many hidden forces.

With this dedication, there is no turning back...

"Huh! This is...  

When Xuan Ye's clone saw that thing, his eyes lit up, revealing a look of surprise.

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