Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 151 Thousands of small worlds in space

I saw Yingzhao took out a blue light group, exuding a very strong power of spatial fluctuations...

Xuan Ye's clone could see at a glance that the light group was a small space world that was self-enclosed.

The small universe is broken and will not be completely destroyed.

Some will turn into countless floating continents, and some will turn into dozens of self-enclosed spaces~small worlds.

Those small worlds in space will - give birth to the seal of the world.

By refining its seal, you can control that small world and become the master of the world.

In a small world like that, the spiritual energy is not necessarily rich, the resources are not necessarily rich, but the concealment is extremely strong.

As long as the Lord of the Small World is deliberately hidden, even the Heavenly Sage will find it difficult to find the location of the Small World...

"Yingzhao, the light group in your hand is a small space world, right?" Xuanhen's clone asked deliberately.


"Your Majesty is wise! This is a small space world, and it is also the family residence of my Ying family that has been inherited for tens of billions of years. I heard that the small space world is of great use to your majesty, so I donated this thing to your majesty. !

Yingzhao respectfully presented the light group, and at the same time took out a jade seal.

That jade seal is the seal of the world that controls the light group.

Everyone was slightly moved when they saw this scene.

A small world in one space is worth a lot!

The leaders of the hidden forces, you look at me, I look at you, all showing strange colors...

Xuan Ye's clone looked at all this silently, and there was a scruple in his heart...

Speaking of which, these small space worlds are indeed of great use to Qin Feng.

After all, they are formed by the fragmentation of the small universe. If the corresponding fragments can be found and then reorganized and repaired, a complete small universe can still be obtained.

Small universes can be cultivated into large thousand worlds.

And every time he gets a Daqian World, Qin Feng's Dahong God Realm progress will be improved, and the combat power will also increase...

"Yingzhao, this space world is your inheritance clan, how do you explain to the family you rashly dedicate to the deity?"

Yingzhao said sincerely: "Your Majesty, this is the result of our entire clan's discussion. Our Ying clan is willing to follow Your Majesty with all his heart, so there is no need to shrink into a small world.

"For this reason, our whole family has moved out of the small world ahead of time. I have also erased the divine sense of this world's seal. As long as your majesty refines this world's seal, you can immediately control this small world..."

Hearing this, Xuan Ye's clone nodded again and again.

"Okay! Yingzhao, since you treat me sincerely, this deity will not treat you badly. From now on, your family will not need to choose another clan in the outside world, just move directly into the deity's Dahong God Realm!""

Yingzhao rejoiced: "Thank you, Your Majesty!

When the leaders of the hidden forces saw this scene, they couldn't help being moved, and their faces more or less showed a hint of envy.

As we all know, Qin Feng's Dahong God Realm is rich in resources and rich in spiritual energy.

If they can also be qualified, it will be an excellent thing for them to arrange the family residence in the Dahong God Realm.

But this kind of preferential treatment, not all forces can have, only Qin Feng's most direct line forces are eligible.

Right now, Yingzhao Xianbao has meritorious deeds, so they will be treated so favorably, and they are naturally a little tempted.

At this time, Xuanhen's clone waved his hand, and he took the small world that Yingzhao offered, and the seal of the world into his hands.

He observed it for a while, and then put it away with satisfaction.

"Yingzhao, these extremely divine pills were given to your clan, and you accepted them too!"

Xuan Ye's clone waved his hand again, and thousands of extremely divine pills flew towards Ying Zhao.

Yingzhao was overjoyed and took the medicine pill with excitement.

The leaders of the hidden forces were all greedy.

"And these Hongshen Pills, Desolate Pills, and Taishen Pills are of great use to your clan's high-level officials, so you should accept them too! 99

"There is also this Primordial Primordial Pill, you can continue to take it, and the effect will be better than the first time. However, you need to take it every 10,000 years before it can take effect. If you have been staying in the Great Hong God Realm, the Great Hong God Realm Ten thousand years, more than 30 years have passed in the outside world..."

Xuanhen's clone waved his hand again, and hundreds of divine pills flew towards Yingzhao, one of which was an extremely precious Hunyuan divine pill.

"Thank you Your Majesty!

Yingzhao was overjoyed, and took over those divine pills with a look of excitement.

He carefully put away those divine pills, especially the Primordial Primordial Pill...

With that Primordial Primordial Pill, as long as he spends 10,000 years in the Great Hong God Realm, he can take it again.

At that time, he will have the hope of breaking through to the middle stage of the Supreme Sage...

This thought made him extremely excited.

Coupled with the other divine pills rewarded by His Majesty, the strength of his clan will also be greatly increased.

When the leaders of the hidden forces saw this, they were completely jealous.

Finally, a white-haired old man couldn't bear it any longer.

He strode forward and said, "Your Majesty, this old man also has a small space in his hands, and it is also where my clan resides. This old man is willing to dedicate this small world to your majesty! 99

The white-haired old man took out a silver light group and a seal of the world.

"very good!

Xuan Ye's clone waved his hand, and put away the light group and the seal of the world.

"Liuhe, since you treat me like this, the deity will not treat you badly. From now on, your family will also move into the Great Hong God Realm. In addition, this Primordial Primordial Pill and these Pills will be rewarded to you!"

Xuan Ye's clone waved his hand, and nearly a thousand divine pills flew towards the white-haired old man.

"Thank you Your Majesty!

The old man was ecstatic, and put away those divine pills with excitement.

"Your Majesty, this subordinate also has a small world of space... Luo

"Your Majesty, I also have..."

At the moment, nearly a thousand hidden power leaders are scrambling to offer treasures...

The SAARC high-level officials were stunned.

"Good! Good! Come one by one..."

Xuan Ye's avatar had expected it, and showed a happy smile...

Qin Feng has always had a doubt in his heart.

That is why these hidden forces are so numerous, why no one can do anything to them during the Fire Cloud Extreme Sage period.

Even in the SAARC period, many of Qin Feng's subordinates could not find the station of these hidden forces.

It was not until Yingzhao presented the small space world that he finally figured it out.

It turns out that these hidden forces have a small world of space that has been passed down, and they can hide their old nest station...

In this way, Huoyun Jisheng and others have nothing to do with these hidden forces.

It was not until Qin Feng appeared and the SAARC was unprecedentedly strong that these hidden forces felt the unprecedented pressure.

And in order to develop, they also need the resources of the Great Wilderness God Realm, and they can't hide in the small world all the time, so they have to join the South Alliance...

At this moment, Yingzhao and Liuhe gave their small worlds one after another, and received generous rewards.

The leaders of these hidden forces finally couldn't bear it any longer, and one by one they came up with their final details.

They also knew that if they didn't give up at this moment, they would be marginalized forever in the future.

Besides, Qin Feng is not stingy, he didn't treat them lightly....

In this way, as long as one of the hidden forces is willing to give up the small world, the Xuanhen clone will reward one party with a great deal, and allow their entire clan to move into the Dahong God Realm...

After a long time, the hidden leaders have all contributed.

·0 Flowers · ......

Xuanhen's clone has collected more than 1,200 small space worlds.

After a rough assessment, he should be able to integrate more than 20 small universes...

In other words, he will soon be able to reach more than twenty thousand worlds, and he can greatly improve the strength of his body...

At the same time, he also greatly rewarded many leaders.

Both parties are happy!

The atmosphere is very harmonious...

It's just that Qin Feng's redemption points are not much left after this heavy reward.

If he hadn't swept the Great Sun Heaven Realm before, he really wouldn't have been able to get so many rewards...


"The concubine is here!

"After the conference is over, you can go to Dahong God Realm and divide Yingzhao, Liuhe and the others. The scope of each clan's station should not be smaller than their previous station..."

"My concubine understands!

As soon as these words fell, Yingzhao and others were greatly grateful.

"I'll thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, Yingzhao has another proposal..."

"Oh? What's the proposal?

"Your Majesty, all the powers of the God Realm belong to you now, and the land of the God Realm is your territory. My subordinates feel that it is inappropriate to name your power after 'Southern Alliance'. Suitable…."


As soon as these words fell, everyone felt that this should be the case, and they all agreed.

"My subordinates also feel that it is more appropriate to use the Alliance of God..."

"That's right! The name of the 'God Alliance' is even more grand..."

Xuanhen's clone nodded slightly: "This proposal is not bad! From now on, the Southern Alliance is a thing of the past, and the Shenmeng is our new starting point...

The crowd was overjoyed and cheered.

"Your Majesty is wise!""

"Long live the Divine Alliance!

For a time, there was thunderous cheers in the field, and the atmosphere was high.

When the voices calmed down, the phantom avatar looked at the leaders of the hidden forces again.

"The deity asks you, are all the forces in this God Realm now attached to my God Alliance?

"Your Majesty, as far as your subordinates know, there are still more than a dozen stubborn forces that are not affiliated with..."

Yingzhao took the initiative to report.

He is dead set on Qin Feng now.

"Oh? Why aren't they attached?"

"Your Majesty, they should think that their small space world is extremely hidden, so they have nothing to fear. However, their subordinates know them well and know where their world entrances are..."

Xuan Ye's clone nodded: "Okay! The deity will give you a task, you tell them: under the whole world, is it the king's land; leading the land, is it the king's ministers. Today, in the realm of the gods, there can only be one power, and that is the gods. Alliance."5

"If they are willing to join the League of God and donate to the small world of space, the deity will reward them generously. If they don't know the appearance, don't blame the deity for being rude...'

"Subordinates obey!

British recruit excited.

He knew that the opportunity for meritorious service was coming. . . .

"Who else has something to play?

"Father, there is something wrong with the child..."

Fuzhi stepped forward.

But before he could finish speaking, Xuan Ye's avatar suddenly changed his expression slightly, raised his head abruptly, his eyes penetrated the dome of the temple, and looked towards the sky above...

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?" Ziwei asked quickly.

Xuan Ye's clone sneered: "There are nine heavenly saints coming together, I am afraid that the comers are not good...

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