Global Powers: I Control All Elements

The 1 thousand and 52 chapters were bea10

"Nine Heavenly Saints?" Everyone was a little shocked.

For them, any Heavenly Saint is extremely terrifying, not to mention that there are nine of them all at once.

"Your Majesty, who is coming?"

"I don't know! Let's go out and see! If these guys are here to cause trouble, don't blame the deity for being rude!

Xuan Ye clone sneered and strode out.

The subordinates hurriedly followed suit....

With Qin Feng's current strength, he is really not afraid of the opponent.

What's more, this is the headquarters of Shenmeng, Qin Feng's lair....

After a while, the group left the temple and came to the central square...

As soon as Xuanye's clone and others arrived at the square, nine holy powers descended from the sky above the God Realm, covering the sky and the earth, rolling down.

"Huh! This is..."

"Look! That... what is that..."

"My God! Nine heavenly saints are coming! What are they doing here..."

In an instant, the earth in the God Realm was shocked, and hundreds of millions of creatures raised their heads.

I saw nine stalwart figures, all of them tall, with their own rings of holy light, slowly descending from the "497" sky...

The disciples of the Shenmeng could see at a glance that those nine people were all heavenly saints!

Heavenly sage powerhouse, with an extraordinary body, naturally exudes a ring of holy light all over his body.

The higher the cultivation level, the more dazzling the ring of holy light!

This scene made countless gods' creatures panic...

Most of the Shenmeng disciples looked calm..

It's not the first time they've seen such a big scene,

"Let's stay behind the Supreme Sage! The rest will follow the deity to have a look!

Xuan Ye clone gave an order and took the lead in flying high into the sky.

At the moment, Lu Ya, Ziwei, Kunpeng, Hongyun, Fuzhi, and Yingzhao followed closely.

Panzu, Fengdi and other high-level officials quickly organized an army of hundreds of millions, entered a state of alert, and opened the guardian formation at any time...

In front of the Heavenly Sage, there is no resistance at all below the Extreme Sage, only the Extreme Sage can still have a ray of hope of escaping.

This is also the reason why Xuan Ye's avatar is only allowed to follow the Supreme Sage...

At the same time, thousands of feet above the sky.

The nine Brahma descended slowly.

"Big boss, seven people flew from below..."

"Haha! It's just a few sages, and one of them is in the first realm. The real power of the gods is really low... Hey! There is even a sage..."

When the nine Brahma people saw Xuan Ye's avatars coming, all of them showed disdain...

In the end, their eyes fell on Lu Ya.

They were a little surprised that there was a mid-term Heavenly Saint from the God Realm.

Of course, it was just a small accident.

It's just a middle stage of Heavenly Sage, it can't change anything...

On their side, there is one Heavenly Sage Peak, two Heavenly Sage Late Stage, one Heavenly Sage Middle Stage, and five Heavenly Sage Early Stage.

In their opinion, they are the ones who have decided the alliance of the gods.

In just a moment, the two sides met in mid-air.

"Excuse me, where do you all come from? Why did you visit the realm of the gods?

Xuan Ye's clone asked politely.

Brahma frowned slightly, his eyes swept across Xuanheng, and he didn't bother to stay for a second.

A small eternal first realm is not qualified to let him speak.

Shiva and Vishnu also glanced at Xuan Ye's avatar, each sneered, too lazy to speak.

The arrogance of Brahma and others made Lu Ya and others frown.

These guys are too eye-catching!

His Majesty asked politely, but they ignored it.

"A few...", Xuan Ye clone was about to speak.

A person came out behind Brahma, and it was Indra.

He interrupted directly: "You are a small eternal first realm, what qualifications do you have to ask our leader?"

After saying this, he turned to look at Lu Ya: "Your Excellency is the rumored leader of the God Realm, Qin Feng?"

Lu Ya asked back, "Who are you?"

Indra said proudly: "I am from Da Zizai Tianyu. When I visit your God Realm today, I have something important to discuss with Qin Feng. Your Excellency should be Qin Feng, right?"

Just as Lu Ya was about to deny it, Xuan Ye's clone sent him a voice transmission and told him to speak.

Immediately, Lu Ya said, "What do you want to discuss? 95

"This...", Indra looked back at Brahma.

Brahma nodded slightly.

When Indra was instructed, he said: "Qin Feng, I'll get straight to the point! Recently, there is a rumor in the Nine Heavens and Ten Regions, that is, you have obtained a seedling of the spiritual root of heaven and earth.

"I think your cultivation is only in the middle stage of Heavenly Sage, and you don't need the spiritual roots of heaven and earth. On the contrary, my family leader is already at the peak of Heavenly Sage. If you lack a spiritual root, you can break through to the quasi-sage ancestor. If you are willing to use the spiritual root If we give up and give each other, we will not treat you badly..."

Indra has regarded Lu Ya as Qin Feng.

When Xuan Ye clone and others heard this, they already understood the other party's intention.

This group of people came here with great fanfare and absolutely did not want to return empty-handed.

This is a bad visitor!

"How did you get this news? Could it be that Di Jun Taiyi told you?"

Xuan Ye's clone suddenly interrupted.

Indra and the others frowned.

This first realm kid really doesn't know what to do, so he adds a sentence from time to time.

However, he still replied: "That's right! It's the news spread by Tai Jun Taiyi. Even your little first-level realm knows about it. It seems that the news of Tai Jun Taiyi is true..."

After saying this, Indra looked at Lu Ya again.

"Qin Feng, hand over the divine fusang tree! 35

"What if I don't pay?" Lu Ya said deliberately.

He was instructed by Xuan Ye's clone and continued to test.0

"Don't pay?! So, you really have a fusang tree!"

Brahma suddenly interrupted.

At this moment, his eyes were shining, and his heart was ecstatic.

Shiva and Vishnu also looked at each other with joy in their eyes.

They were worried that Qin Feng did not have the hibiscus tree, and that the news was false.

Now, they have confirmed that Qin Feng has the divine tree, so they will grab it anyway...

"Qin Feng, this deity gives you a chance. If you hand it over obediently, the deity will give you a certain amount of compensation. If you don't hand it in, then you will end up like him...

As soon as the words fell, Brahma suddenly slapped Xuan Ye's avatar with his palm.

He wanted to slap this little ant in the first realm to death, so as to deter Lu Ya and let him hand over the divine tree obediently.

After all, Lu Ya is a mid-stage Heavenly Saint, and it is not that easy to kill.

But this kid in the first realm, he can instantly kill him with a flip of his palm.

In the blink of an eye, Brahma's palm reached the top of Xuan Ye's avatar's head.

The full blow of the holy peak that day covered the sky and the ground...

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

Wherever the palm wind passes, all the laws are shattered, the space is cracked, the sky and the earth are destroyed...

"His Majesty!

Ziwei, Kunpeng and others couldn't help but exclaim...

This scene made them a little unresponsive.

Shiva, Vishnu, and Indra sneered...

They have long disliked Xuan Ye's avatar.

A small first-level ant was chatting beside all the time.

Now, the big leader personally took action to destroy this ant, just to give these people from the God Realm a slap in the face...

In the blink of an eye, Brahma's palm fell.

Xuan Ye's avatar also greeted her with a palm...

The smiles of the eight Shiva became stronger, and there were still some disdain in their eyes.

A small ant in the first realm of eternity, but also delusionally resisting the palm of the big leader, what is the difference between this and courting death

They seemed to have seen that Xuan Fei's clone was slapped by the big leader and turned into a bloody fog...

But the next second, the smiles on their faces froze...

I saw two palms meet!


An earth-shattering loud noise...

It was followed by a terrifying scream!

Brahma was smashed by Xuan Ye's clone and vomited blood and flew out...

Shiva and the others were completely dumbfounded.

No way?!

Their big leader was actually blasted away by a boy from the first realm of eternity, and in the blink of an eye, he was flown out of nine days, out of everyone's sight...

He also vomited blood all over the sky.

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