Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 164 Bloody Battle! Imminent

Behind Dijun and Brahma, Taiyi, Shiva, Vishnu...

"Huh? How did these five guys come here all of a sudden? 35

The phantom avatar frowned slightly.

At this moment, Qin Feng was trying his best to capture Huang Zhongtian Realm, and he couldn't do it alone to fight the enemy.

It seemed that he had to figure out how to deal with the incoming enemy.

In particular, these five people cannot be allowed to destroy the divine tree, which will affect Qin Feng's capture of the divine tree...

With this thought, Guixu's avatar's brows furrowed even tighter.

As Qin Feng's combat power increased to 4.5 million poles, his combat power also increased to 1.5 million poles...

But with such strength, it is absolutely impossible for him to defeat five with one...

Meanwhile, the void ends.

The five Emperor Jun finally saw the situation here...

"Brother Dijun! Look! Isn't that the spiritual root of the Holy Ancestor Guixu!

Brahma exclaimed.

"Yeah! Hey! That person seems to be Qin Lei!"

Di Jun saw the phantom clone.

"Brother, it's really Qin Lei!

Tai was shocked.

Brahma frowned: "Strange! How could Qin Lei appear here? How could he appear next to the spiritual roots of fellow Taoist Zhentian (the Holy Ancestor Guixu)?

Di Jun's eyes lit up: "No wonder Taoist Zhentian asked us about Qin Feng, this deity has always found it strange. Now it seems that Qin Feng is attacking Taoist Zhentian's spiritual roots!

Brahma suddenly said: "So it is! Qin Feng's ambition is really big! If he wants to seize the spiritual roots of Taoist Zhentian, that is to dig the root of Taoist Zhentian, but it is a life-and-death vengeance!"

"Yeah! However, it is indeed unusual for this kid to find the location of the Taoist Zhentian. By the way, why can't I see Qin Lei and not that kid. Is he hiding nearby?"

Shiva suddenly interjected.

But as soon as those words fell, Di Jun's five people's expressions changed slightly, and they stopped one by one, not daring to fly forward.

They had been scared by Qin Feng for a long time.

If only the phantom avatar is alone, they are not afraid at all.

If Qin Feng was there, the five of them just wanted to turn around and run away...

In this way, the phantom avatar looked at the five Di Jun from a distance.

The five Emperor Jun also looked at the phantom clone from a distance.

The two sides are caught in a bizarre confrontation...

"Qin Feng doesn't seem to be here...~"."

Brahma stared at it for a long time before speaking uncertainly.

"It doesn't seem like...

Di Jun also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother, you see that Qin Lei seems to be guarding something. The visions of the heaven and earth spirit root are constantly on the side. Could it be that Qin Feng entered the inner spirit root, what the hell is he doing? Could it be that he wants to snatch the spiritual root of the Taoist people? 99

As soon as Taiyi's words fell, everyone's color changed slightly, and they felt that it made a lot of sense.

Shiva hurriedly said: "Everyone, if this is the case, I have to make a move, and I must not let Qin Feng succeed!

"Yeah! If Qin Feng succeeds, and Taoist Zhentian loses his spiritual roots, his cultivation realm will inevitably fall to the peak of Tiansheng, and we will also lose a powerful ally!

Vishnu also quickly echoed.

Di Jun nodded: "That makes sense! However, can we stop it with the power of the five of us? If Qin Feng is provoked, I'm afraid..."

"Brother Di Jun, Fan thinks that he can give it a try. After all, this place is not Qin Feng's hometown, he has no help from the good fortune jade, and his combat power is not yet the threshold of the quasi-sage ancestor. Even if he is provoked, the five of us join forces, still can escape..."

Brahma makes a suggestion.

He didn't know that Qin Feng's combat power had exceeded the threshold of the quasi-saint ancestor, reaching 4.5 million poles...

As soon as his words came out, Di Jun and the others looked at each other, and finally felt a little moved.

"By the way, brother, Qin Feng's attack on the spiritual root of heaven and earth will surely make Daoist Zhentian feel something. Why don't we contact Daoist Zhentian and see what he has to say?"5

Taichi suddenly reminded.

"Yes! I'll ask now..."

Di Jun quickly took out the communication jade talisman and sent a message to the Holy Ancestor of the Ruins.

In just a moment, the Saint Ancestor Guixu returned the message.

After reading it, Di Jun's face was overjoyed.

"Brother Di Jun, how is the situation?" Brahma asked hurriedly.


Di Jun said with a smile on his face: "Haha!! Everyone, everything has been told by my second brother. The Taoist Zhentian is using the space jumping secret technique. On the way back, after three quarters of an hour, he will definitely be there!

Brahma's eyes lit up: "Three quarters of an hour? Less than half an hour! That's quite fast!

"Yeah!" Di Jun continued, "Zhentian Daoist knew that we were nearby, and he was very happy. He begged the five of us to take action and help him stop Qin Feng. After the incident, he will definitely reward him!"

When these words came out, everyone was overjoyed.

Brahma immediately said: "If he can really arrive after three quarters of an hour, let's do it! After three quarters of an hour, the five of us can still do it.

"Yeah! He helped Daoist Zhentian this time, he will definitely be grateful to us, and he will definitely agree to join our alliance!

"That's right! Let's do it!"

"it is good!"

Immediately, after the five Di Jun reached an agreement, they aggressively killed the phantom clone.

But on this side, the phantom clone saw where the five Di Jun were muttering constantly, and did not dare to approach for a long time.

After a while, the five people came to kill them.

The phantom avatar frowned involuntarily.

He thought that the five Emperor Jun could retreat in spite of difficulties, but he did not expect that these five people would still kill them.

". 'It seems that a war is inevitable!"

The phantom clone sighed and made a move, and the space in front of him suddenly changed.

In the next second, Fu Zhi and Lu Ya appeared.


"Lu Ya has seen the master!"

When Fuzhi and Lu Ya saw the phantom avatar, they were delighted to meet him.

"Hey! Father, aren't the five people over there Dijun, Taiyi, Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu!

"Strange! Master, how did the five of them get together?"

Fuzhi and the others glanced at the surrounding situation, and found the five Di Jun in the distance.

The phantom clone said coldly: "Don't worry about why they are mixed together, it's because the comers are not good. 35

"Now, my body is refining the spiritual roots, and I have no time to clone. I'm going to join hands to withstand their attacks. Fuzhi, how is your Zhou Tianxingdou drill?

Fu Zhi busy said: "Father, I (Manuo Zhao) have been practicing in the Dahong God Realm for decades, and the formation has been initially proficient. Preliminary assessment, it should be able to exert the peak combat power of Tiansheng... ."

The phantom avatar's eyes lit up: "That's right! In a moment, you will play a big formation to deal with Taiyi, for the combination of father and Brahma..."

Lu Ya was apprehensive: "Master, with my current strength, I can't deal with Di Jun..."

Although Di Jun was continuously injured and lost the Nine Dragons Sword, his strength dropped a lot, but he still had the strength of the Heavenly Sage's peak.

Lu Ya's combat power is only in the middle of Tiansheng, so he is not an opponent...

"You can assist the battle situation from the side! Xuanhen's clone will come forward to face Fu Dijun. This time, these five people must be taught a bloody lesson!""

Speaking of this, the phantom avatar's eyes showed a cold light, and the eyes were full of killing intent. . .

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