Global Powers: I Control All Elements

The 1 thousand and 65 chapters get the prototype of the heaven again, and the strength rises again

Speaking of this, the phantom avatar's eyes showed cold light, and the eyes were full of killing intent...

At the same time, the Dahong God Realm, the Heavenly Palace Holy Land, and the cultivation secret room.

On the altar, Xuan Ye's avatar closed his eyes and crossed his knees, and his hands kept moving the seal.

Above his head, there are nine light groups suspended...

That is he combined more than 300 small space worlds into nine small universes.

Now, these nine small universes have reached the critical moment of forming...

At this moment, Xuan Ye's clone sensed something and slowly opened his eyes.

Then, he looked up in the direction of Guixu, his eyes showed killing intent, and there was a touch of anger...

He and the phantom avatar have the same soul, and naturally know that the five emperors are coming....

He had to go and fight for the phantom clone.

But in this way, all his hard work over the past few decades will be in vain...

Thinking of this, Xuan Ye's clone raised his head and looked at the nine small cosmic light clusters in front of them, none of which had yet been formed...

These are the decades that he has spent before he can barely finalize the shape, and he is just the last step...

If he gave up on this, he would have to regroup next time, and it would take another decades.

Of course, only a few days have passed in the outside world for the decades of the Great Hong God Realm...

But time is extremely precious to Qin Feng, even if it is outside for a few days, he is not willing to waste it.

"Looks like I have to go..."

Xuan Ye was helpless in body and mind, and was about to end the combination of the nine small universes.

Seeing that these decades of energy and time will be wasted in vain...

But at this moment, Xuan Fei's clone seemed to sense something 497 had arrived, and looked into the depths of the Holy Land with a face of surprise...

That is where Hongjun retreated and practiced...

At the same time, return to the territory of the ruins.

The phantom clone also sensed it, and there was a look of joy on his face.

"Father, did you find something..."

Fuzhi also saw the change in the expression of the phantom clone...

"The little guy Hongjun is going out of the customs..."

The phantom clone is overjoyed.

On the other side, inside the divine tree.

Qin Feng is battling fiercely with the spiritual sense of the Holy Ancestor Guixu...

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

At this moment, in the space with infinite texture and rhythm, the electric light of divine consciousness flickers in the sky...

Qin Feng had the upper hand.

The divine sense of the Holy Ancestor Guixu was so angry that he screamed.

"Qin Feng little thief! This ancestor and you will never die! 99

"Huh?! How do you know the name of this deity? Is it possible that you have already hooked up with the five emperors?

Guixu Saint Ancestor was shocked, thinking that this kid is too smart!

He casually said a word, and this kid was able to think through the cause and effect of the matter.

"Humph! Little thief! This deity knows your foundation, and even if you succeed today, the ancestor will kill you and smash your bones into ashes. If you are acquainted, retreat now, and the ancestor will be able to open the door!

"Haha!! Do you think this deity is a three-year-old child? Let's make some jokes! Whatever you say, this deity has to decide this Huangzhongtian realm!

Gui (baeh) Ruins Saint Ancestor was furious: "Little thief! You are so arrogant! To tell you the truth, the old man's body will definitely arrive after three quarters of an hour. And with the power of your spiritual sense, there is no half an hour, absolutely Can't conquer Huangzhongtianjie."

"You are still delusional about taking me Huang Zhongtian, don't have a big dream! Haha!!!"

Coming in three quarters?!

Qin Feng frowned slightly.

According to his current progress, he did take half an hour to capture Huang Zhongtian Realm, obviously it was too late.

If you can't capture Huang Zhongtian before Guixu Saint Ancestor arrives, I'm afraid that with Guixu Saint Ancestor, the phantom avatar and others will not be able to hold on...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng felt a little anxious.

"Hey! This is...

At this moment, he sensed that in the Dahong God Realm, the place where Hongjun retreated, a monstrous aura surged up, one after another...

At the same time, a system prompt sounded in his mind...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your child (Hong Jun) has successfully refined the Chaos Extreme Realm sacrifice into the prototype of the heaven.... Its cultivation base has been upgraded to the middle stage of the heavenly saint, and the combat power has skyrocketed.... The host has gained a lot of combat power back-feeding, fighting The force is increased to 4.65 million poles...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the second celestial prototype - Chaos Heaven.... The completion progress of Dahong God Realm has increased to 57%... The host's combat power has increased to 4.8 million poles..."

"Ding~! Congrats to the host... Your cultivation base has increased to 76% of the first realm of Eternity..."

Boom~ boom~ boom!

At this moment, Qin Feng's aura continued to skyrocket, and his cultivation progress was also skyrocketing...

In a blink of an eye, his cultivation progress has reached 76% of the first realm......

As the cultivation realm increases, the strength of the primordial spirit will increase, and the power of spiritual sense will also increase. . . .

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng's spiritual power increased by 30%...

Qin Feng was overjoyed and immediately launched an attack...

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

For a time, the battle of the divine sense in the divine tree became more intense...

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

Huang Zhongtianjie's divine sense protection was suddenly unbearable, and the speed of rupture was greatly increased...

"This...what's the matter?!

The Spiritual Mind of the Saint Ancestor Guixu roared in horror...

It never expected that Qin Feng's spiritual sense could suddenly increase, and its power has been increased by 30%, infinitely close to the level of the late ancestors...

Such power makes it unbearable, and the speed of collapse is accelerating...

"Returning to the Ruins of the Holy Ancestor! Perhaps without waiting for your main body to arrive, this deity will be able to capture the Huang Zhongtian Realm! Haha!! 35

Qin Feng laughed arrogantly, and the divine sense attack was not soft at all.

"Damn it! Damn it! Little thief! You don't have to offend me! Who will kill the deer is still unknown!

The Holy Ancestor Guixu was furious.

His heart was also extremely anxious.

Qin Feng's spiritual sense suddenly increased, and the speed of capturing Huang Zhongtian Realm accelerated.

According to his estimate, that is about three quarters of an hour, which is equivalent to the time he arrived at...

As a result, the battle between the two sides has become more intense.


This old man must not let this kid succeed!

The Holy Ancestor Guixu roared in his heart!

The spiritual roots of this world are related to his foundation, and he must not lose it....


Outside, only this kid's clone is guarding.

A clone of the eternal first realm can never stop the siege of the five emperors.

If the five people of Emperor Jun and the ancestor's spiritual mind should cooperate with each other, they should be able to stop this kid...

The spiritual thoughts of the Holy Ancestor Guixu are connected with the soul of the main body.

At the moment, outside the Nine Heavens Territory, the Holy Ancestor Guixu sent an emergency message to the five Di Jun and asked them to speed up and control the divine tree...

As soon as the five Di Jun received the information, they speeded up and killed them.

At the same time, in the Dahong God Realm.

Mysterious female avatars are still reorganizing the nine universes.

Xiao Hongjun stood aside with a look of excitement.

"Dad, the boy has broken through to the middle stage of the Heavenly Sage...'

"Well! I saw it for my father. For my father, this clone has to reorganize these nine small universes, and it cannot be separated. Right now, there is an extremely important thing that needs your action..."

Hongjun's eyes lit up: "What's your mission?"

Now that he has made great progress in cultivation, he wants to try his skills to see how far he has progressed.

"Hong'er, my father asks you, what is your current comprehensive strength? 35

"I don't know the specifics. We will know after we fight. According to Baer's estimation, the weakest should have the combat power of the peak of Tiansheng..."

Xuan Ye's avatar was overjoyed: "Haha! Great! You go to assist the phantom avatar, there are arrangements there!

As soon as the voice fell, Hong Jun was summoned by the phantom clone and disappeared in place out of thin air.

No matter the avatar of the mysterious female or the avatar of the phantom, they are all extensions of Qin Feng's body, and the three are always connected with each other.

Seeing Hongjun leaving, Xuanye's clone heaved a sigh of relief.

With the help of Hongjun, the phantom avatar and his party should be able to resist the attack of the five emperors and buy time for the main body...

Thinking of this, Xuan Ye's avatar did not dare to waste time, hurriedly moved the seal, and continued to reorganize the nine universes...

He wants to combine the nine big and small universes as soon as possible, and evolve them into nine big thousand worlds...

In this way, Qin Feng's cultivation can be quickly improved, thereby enhancing the power of divine sense.

The stronger the spiritual sense, the faster Qin Feng will capture Huang Zhongtianjie......

All this is a race against time, interlocking.

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