Global Powers: I Control All Elements

The 1 thousand and 66th chapters are comprehensively crushed (for full order)

But he said that on the other side, he returned to the ruins space.

The phantom avatar, Lu Ya, and Fuzhi are standing in front of the divine tree...

The five Emperor Jun are rushing towards this side...

"Father, these five guys are speeding up, they seem very impatient!

"Master, when will your other avatar arrive?

Lu Ya was a little nervous.

"This time, he won't come!

"Ah?!" Lu Ya was stunned.

Fuzhi couldn't help but said: "Father, without your other avatar present, I'm afraid we can't stop it!"

The phantom avatar smiled slightly: "That's not necessarily!"

After these words fell, the surrounding space flickered slightly, and Hongjun walked out of - the void...

"Lu Ya has seen the young master!"

When Lu Ya saw Hong Jun, he hurried forward to meet him.

"Hey! In the middle of Tiansheng! You broke through!"

After Fuzhi saw Hongjun's cultivation, he was also pleasantly surprised...

Hongjun smiled without saying a word, feeling comfortable...

Then, he saw the five Di Jun not far away, rushing towards this side with murderous aura...

"Strange! How did Di Jun Taiyi come to the ruins? Dad, is my mission this time to deal with them?"

"That's right!" The phantom avatar nodded, "For a while, deal with Brahma and the three for the father, Fuxi will play a big battle against Taiyi, and you and Lu Ya will deal with Di Jun together!

Hongjun folded his small hands and said excitedly, "You will obey me!"

He has made great progress in cultivation, and is looking for someone to try his skills!

Now, someone has come to the door.

In the blink of an eye, the five Di Jun and the others were tens of millions of miles away.

At this time, the space in front of the phantom avatar flickered, and another beautiful woman in palace dress with a beautiful appearance walked out of the void. It was the Queen Mother of the West...

"Who are you?!

When Lu Ya saw a mid-level Heavenly Saint suddenly appearing, he immediately looked alert.

Fu Zhi and Hong Jun were also a little surprised.

The Queen Mother of the West was also at a loss.

Especially seeing Lu Ya and Hong Jun, who don't look big on the outside, but their cultivation bases have reached the middle stage of Heavenly Sage, they are shocked.

She couldn't help but get nervous when she saw the two looking at her with a wary expression on their faces.

"Don't worry! She's her own!"

At this time, the phantom clone quickly explained.

The Queen Mother of the West looked at the phantom avatar, and immediately sensed a familiar aura from her body, which was exactly Qin Feng's aura.

"You are the avatar of the Emperor of Heaven - Lord Qin Lei, right?"

The Queen Mother of the West asked respectfully.

In fact, she had already confirmed it in her heart.

Before Qin Feng teleported her out, he had briefly told her about the situation outside and the aura of the clone...

"That's right! My body should have told you everything, and now the situation is critical, so I won't explain more. The enemy is coming! 99

"My subordinate understands!

The Queen Mother of the West bowed respectfully to the distracted ghost shadow.

"Dad, who is she?" Hongjun asked curiously.

"She is a new servant for her father! You can call her the Queen Mother of the West!

Fu Zhi was overjoyed: "Father, in this way, there are three Heavenly Saints in our Divine Alliance..."

As soon as these words fell, there was a rapid breaking sound in the distance.

The five Di Jun finally arrived!

The five phantom avatars stopped talking and looked forward...

The two sides confronted each other, and the atmosphere in the field was instantly tense.

Especially the Queen Mother of the West, when she saw that there were three people at the peak of the Heavenly Sage, and two of them were at the later stage of the Heavenly Sage, her face instantly became difficult to look...

Although there are five people on their side, it seems that the strongest three talents are in the middle stage of Tiansheng...

This doesn't seem like a good situation!

"Qin Lei, why are you here?" Di Jun asked loudly.

The phantom clone sneered: "What's the matter with you?

Di Jun frowned: "Where's Qin Feng? Why didn't he come out?"

The phantom clone sneered: "It's none of your business!"

Di Jun was furious and was about to attack...

Tai Yi hurriedly interjected: "Brother, you see that the divine tree is shaking violently, Qin Feng must be doing a ghost in the divine tree!

Di Jun, Brahma and the others followed the sound, and they saw that the divine tree trembled violently, and the three-color spiritual light shone in response.

"Brother Di Jun, Qin Feng must be taking the spiritual roots of this world, let's stop him!"

"Go on!

Immediately, Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu merged into one, turning into a monster with three heads and six arms in a blink of an eye.

The Queen Mother of the West on the side was dumbfounded, she did not expect that the three of Brahma would have such a means.

Such a combat power is far stronger than the peak of the Heavenly Sage, and she is definitely not something she can resist in the middle of the Heavenly Sage. What should I do?

Just when the Queen Mother of the West was anxious, the phantom clone rushed up...

"not good!"

The Queen Mother's expression changed slightly.

She could see that the cultivation of the phantom avatar is the first realm of eternity, and it can withstand these three-headed and six-armed monsters...

But the next second, she was dumbfounded.

I saw the phantom avatar dodging, and then killed the three of Brahma, and smashed the sky with one palm...

The three Brahma immediately attacked!


With a loud bang!

The three of Brahma groaned and flew out tens of thousands of miles away...

The phantom clone actually repelled the three Brahma with one palm.

The Queen Mother of the West was stunned.

At the same time, Fu Yi waved his hand, and instantly sacrificed Hetu Luoshu...

Hetu and Luoshu shine brightly

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

A projection of a large star banner, projected from the Hetu Luoshu Congregation...

A total of three hundred and sixty-five large star banners, corresponding to three hundred and sixty-five ancient stars...

Fourteen thousand eight hundred small star banners, corresponding to the ancient stars...

At the same time, Hetu Luoshu has cast another hundreds of millions of troops...

Kunpeng, Hongyun, Ziwei, Panzu, Fengdi and others are suddenly among them, there are seven or eight hundred strong in the Eternal Realm, and the quasi-god is more than 130 million. The scene is magnificent and the momentum is mighty...

As soon as the army appeared, everyone lined up in place, and Zhou Tianxingdou's great formation was instantly set up...

It turned out that Fuzhi integrated the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array into the Hetu Luoshu...

Hetu Luoshu can be transformed into a cosmic Rubik's Cube, which is not only a deduction artifact, but also a space artifact...

After combining it with the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array, the army can arrange the formation and then temporarily store it.

In this way, Fuzhi can instantly set up a great formation of Zhou Tianxingdou....

"Isn't this our Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array!

"I'm angry too! 99

As soon as Di Juntai saw the big formation in front of him, he was instantly furious.

·0 for flowers.....

This is their treasure, but now it has become a weapon for others to attack them, how can they not be angry.


At this moment, Fuzhi sent thousands of different orders to the hundreds of millions of troops through Hetu Luoshu...


The Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array is instantly activated!

Kunpeng and Hongyun, who sit in the two great formations, took the lead in mobilizing the power of the stars of the sun star and the lunar star nine days away, and launched a star attack on Taiyi.

Ziwei, Fengdi, Panzu, Qin Baobao, etc. followed closely with the power of the ancient stars...

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

In an instant, thousands of starlight powers, under the command of Fuzhi, blasted towards Taiyi like starlight in the sky...

That starlight like a shower, carrying the power of destroying the world, destroying the sky and destroying the earth,...

"Damn! Damn! 35

Taiyi was frightened and angry, and hurriedly sacrificed the Eastern Emperor Bell, turning it into an ancient bell covering the sky to protect his body...

When~! When~! When~! …

Thousands of starlight attacks, the power completely surpassed the level of the peak of Tiansheng, and the bombardment was defeated one after another, the bells were brilliant, the heaven and the earth shook...

After Fu Zhi merged Hetu Luoshu with the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array, he actually increased the power of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array...

Even though Kunpeng and Hongyun at the eyes of the formation only had the strength of the peak of the extreme sages, which was far inferior to the original Emperor Jun Taiyi, it also allowed the formation to emit a combat power that surpassed the peak of the holy sages, comparable to the combat power of millions of poles, only killing Too much to retreat, there is no way to fight back...

The Queen Mother of the West was stunned.

She could see that Taiyi was extremely powerful.

That Taiyi has the East Emperor Bell, a sacred artifact of casting heaven, and his strength is far stronger than the peak of the heavenly sage of the same rank.

But he didn't want to, he was still suppressed by Fuzhi and others...

Lord Tiandi's subordinates are too strong!

"Second brother, I'm here to help you!"

Di Jun was extremely embarrassed to see Tai Yi being killed.

He was in a hurry and rushed over to help...

"Di Jun! Your opponent is Xiao Ye! 55

But at this moment, a young figure stopped Di Jun with lightning speed, it was Hong Jun...

"Go away!

Di Jun was furious, and slammed into Hongjun with a palm.

His eyes were full of irritability.

He didn't take Hongjun in his eyes from the bottom of his heart.

A little boy in the middle of the Heavenly Sage who dares to intercept himself is simply courting death!

But in the next second, he was hit by Hongjun's palm and vomited blood and flew upside down...

There was a loud bang in the sky!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

The Queen Mother of the West is even more stunned!

Oh my God!

That child with the same cultivation as her, actually blasted a peak of the gods with one palm?

I don't have dazzling eyes?!

"Queen Mother of the West! Hurry up and help the young master!

At this moment, Lu Ya's incomparably excited voice sounded behind her.

In the next second, Lu Ya turned into a light and shadow, swept past her, and slaughtered towards Di Jun...

Only then did the Queen Mother of the West wake up and hurriedly followed.

Suddenly, Hong Jun, Lu Ya, and the Queen Mother of the West joined forces to deal with Di Jun, only to kill Di Jun so badly that he vomited blood again and again.

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