Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 167: Dozens of Great Thousand Worlds

After Hongjun broke through to the middle stage of Tiansheng, his comprehensive strength has reached the peak of Tiansheng, and he has reached the level of Taiyi, which is stronger than Dijun...

Coupled with the help of the Queen Mother of the West and Lu Ya, the three of them killed Di Jun to the point of being unspeakably miserable...

On the other side, Fu Zhi controlled the Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Array and killed too much.

The phantom avatar even killed the three Brahma and screamed.

Even if the three Brahma have sacrificed the Holy Artifact Sansheng World and the Sword of Creation, they are still not the opponents of the phantom avatar...

The phantom avatar has a sacred artifact book, and its own combat power has reached 1.6 million poles, which has steadily overwhelmed the three Brahma...

At the beginning of the two sides, the Shenmeng side had the upper hand.

Hundreds of millions of the disciples of the Divine Alliance had high fighting spirit and were extremely excited.

"How... how could this be?!"

"Asshole! What an asshole!"

"Brother Brahma, this is not the way to go! 35

Di Jun and others were in a hurry when they were killed, and they shouted in anger.


"Four Nine Seven" At this moment, Di Jun was hit by Hong Jun again, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.


Tai roared in a hurry.

"Second brother, send a message to Daoist Zhentian! The situation is unfavorable, please hurry back to rescue!"

Di Jun desperately gave an order while desperately supporting.

Taiyi hurriedly covered the Donghuang Bell all over his body, turned on all-round protection, and then took the opportunity to take out the communication jade talisman and contact the Holy Ancestor of the Ruins...

A moment later, Taichi's shout rang out from the Eastern Emperor Bell.

"Brother, Taoist Zhentian has replied to the message, and he will arrive in three quarters at the earliest. He asked us to hold on!"

"Bastard!" Di Jun roared furiously.

For three quarters of an hour, although he could hold on, it could cost him half of his life.

"Brother Di Jun, what should I do?"

The three Brahma were also terrified.

Di Jun hesitated for a while and said, "That's it! Let's hold on! Don't let Qin Feng succeed!

Brahma was stunned.

That's right!

If Qin Feng succeeds, Qin Feng's strength will only be stronger in the future, and it will be even more unfavorable to them.

On the contrary, if they can hold out until the return of the Saint Ancestor of the Ruins, they may be able to reverse the situation.

Even if the results are not large, the alliance between them and the Holy Ancestor Returning to the Ruins can be achieved.

If he flees at this moment, I am afraid that it will be difficult to form an alliance with the Holy Ancestor Returning to the Ruins in the future.

Thinking of this, Brahma and the others decided to hold on...

The two sides continue to fight!

The scene was shattered and extremely intense!

Just like that, a quarter of an hour passed without knowing it...

The disadvantage of the five emperors is becoming more and more obvious.

In the field, apart from Tai Yi, Di Jun and Brahma were all injured.

Among them, Di Jun was the most seriously injured, and his combat power and momentum dropped by 10%...

This made him extremely anxious.

But when he thought that the Holy Ancestor Guixu would arrive in two quarters of an hour, he still insisted.

At the same time, within the divine tree.

The battle between Qin Feng and the Holy Ancestor Guixu has reached a fever pitch. …

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

A quarter of an hour has passed, and one third of Huang Zhongtian's spiritual protection has been lost...

"Damn little thief! My body will be here soon! When I arrive, it will be your death!

The Ancestor Guixu roared anxiously.

"Haha!! You are so confident, why are you yelling? The deity sees that you have no confidence!"

Qin Feng mocked and retorted.

Guixu Saint Ancestor was furious: "At most two quarters of an hour, the old man's body will be able to arrive. If you want to capture Huangzhongtianjie, at your current speed, it is impossible without two quarters of hours. Do you think it's too late? ?

But as soon as these words fell, a system prompt sounded in Qin Feng's mind...

"Ding~! Remind the host that your mysterious female clone has successfully combined nine small universes...Congratulations to the host for obtaining nine small universes...Having a lot of combat power back, your combat power has increased to 4.9 million poles... "

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, because you have obtained nine small universes, the completion progress of Dahong God Realm has increased to 57.6%... The cultivation base has increased to 79.3% in the first realm of eternity.. 95

Boom~ boom~ boom!

At this moment, Qin Feng's body continued to roar, his momentum skyrocketed, and even his cultivation realm was improving...

That's the benefit of getting a small universe.

That can not only improve the completion of Dahong God Realm, but also increase Qin Feng's cultivation realm...

As soon as the realm improved, Qin Feng's spiritual sense immediately became stronger...

Qin Feng was overjoyed and immediately strengthened his divine sense attack...

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

"This... this is? No~!""

The Saint Ancestor of Returning Ruins roared miserably.

At this moment, he clearly sensed that Qin Feng's divine sense had become stronger, and the speed of destroying his divine sense protection increased by 10%...

At this speed, Qin Feng will be able to take the Huangzhongtianjie within two quarters of an hour. …

The situation is not good for him!

"How can this happen! Why is this happening?! Little thief! Why has your spiritual sense been getting stronger?!

"Haha!! Didn't you say that this deity is too late to capture your Huang Zhongtian?! 39

Qin Feng laughed boldly.

"Little thief! Don't be complacent! Even if you speed up, you may not succeed!"

The Saint Ancestor Guixu shouted angrily.

But as soon as the roar fell, the mutation regenerated...

"Ding~! Remind the host that your avatar has transformed the first small universe into a large world... Congratulations to the host's total of twenty-four large worlds, and the combat power has increased to 4.93 million poles... The cultivation base has been improved to Eternal First Realm 79.7%...

A quarter of an hour outside, and a few months have passed in the Dahong God Realm.

A few minutes outside, but a few hours have passed in the Dahong God Realm...

In this short one minute, the Mysterious Female clone evolved into a Great Thousand World...

Boom~ boom~ boom!

Qin Feng's body roared again and again, his momentum skyrocketed, his cultivation level improved all the way, and the power of spiritual sense also continued to rise...

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

The battle of divine sense is getting more and more intense...

The protection of Huangzhongtianjie is becoming more and more fragile...

"How... how could this be? Why is your spiritual sense strengthened again!

The Saint Ancestor Guixu shouted in horror.

This time, Qin Feng's speed in breaking Huang Zhongtian has increased by 10%...

Qin Feng laughed: "Haha!! There are more surprises to come!

As soon as these words fell, the system sent an upgrade again...

"Ding~! Remind the host, ... your Great Thousand Worlds have accumulated to twenty-five, and the combat power has increased to 4.96 million poles... The cultivation base has increased to 80.1% of the first realm of eternity..

"Ding~! Remind the host, ... your Great Thousand Worlds have accumulated to twenty-six, and the combat power has increased to 4.99 million poles... The cultivation base has increased to 80.4% of the first realm of eternity.

"Ding~! Remind the host,... your Great Thousand Worlds have accumulated to twenty-seven...

In this way, Qin Feng's momentum has been soaring, his cultivation has been continuously improved, and the power of spiritual sense has been continuously strengthened...

In the end, the nine small universes were all transformed into the great thousand worlds.

4.7 Qin Feng's Great Thousand Worlds has accumulated to 32, the combat power has increased to 5.2 million poles, the cultivation base has increased to 82.8% of the first realm of eternity, and the spiritual sense has greatly increased...

As soon as this spiritual sense skyrocketed, Qin Feng's speed in capturing Huang Zhongtian Realm increased greatly.


Inside the divine tree, the despairing roar of the Saint Ancestor Guixu resounded...

He never expected that Qin Feng's spiritual power would increase so fast...

According to Qin Feng's speed, he can take down Huangzhongtianjie in a quarter of an hour, but his body still needs a quarter and a half to return...

The situation has completely turned to Qin Feng. …

But he was not reconciled and was still struggling desperately.

At the same time, the battle outside the Divine Tree has also undergone amazing changes.

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