Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 176: Princess Moon God, the source of extreme yin

It didn't take long for everyone to return to the headquarters of the Shenmeng...

Star Master Ziwei began to distribute the medicinal pills.

In Medicine God Palace, Shangguan Yunxi also began to distribute rewards to those children who participated in the war......

After the rewards were distributed, all the disciples were very happy and began to repair.

On the other side, Ziwei and Emperor Feng with millions of children, under the leadership of the Queen Mother of the West, settled in Xuanji Heavenly Realm and Huangzhong Heavenly Realm respectively.

Afterwards, in the land of the two realms, the crowd laid down tens of millions of pillars of belief, and began to incorporate living beings.

All intelligent beings, whether human or beast, demon or demon, must sign a contract...

As a result, the number of souls who have agreed to sign contracts between the two worlds exceeds 3 trillion...

There are even two of them, namely Jiutian Xuannv and Xuan~wu Zhenjun from Heavenly Court.

These two used to be the right-hand man of the Queen Mother of the West, but now they are the direct subordinates of Qin Feng...

In this way, with the increase in the number of people who signed up, Qin Feng's combat power has skyrocketed, and the exchange points are also increasing wildly...

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed by the outside world.

In the past two weeks, the outside world has been unusually calm, but the trend has actually been undercurrent...

The news that Di Jun Taiyi spread is still fermenting...

On the contrary, Di Jun was destroyed, and the news of the injury of the Holy Ancestor Guixu was deliberately concealed...

This made the turmoil of the fusang tree not completely over.

The power to fight the God Fusang tree idea is just around the corner.

Qin Feng still faces some threats...

Of course, after so long, Di Jun Taiyi's plan still leaked some clues...

For example, after Di Jun's death, many people asked Di Jun to inquire about the news, but received no reply.

This made many experts feel strange and began to speculate on Di Jun's whereabouts...

They also thought that since Di Jun Taiyi got the news, why didn't he go to grab the spiritual root, but spread the news everywhere?

This move is very unreasonable!

After some analysis, some forces began to inquire about the details, and first made a spectacle....

Some forces couldn't hold back, and they still planned to go to the God Realm to have a look.

After all, the God Realm is too weak to pose any threat to them.

Whether Qin Feng has the hibiscus tree or not, they will know by checking.

In this way, there are four groups of forces in front and back, heading to the realm of the gods...

Coincidentally, these four groups of forces met halfway.

Everyone has the same goal, they know it well, and they leave together...

These four forces, a total of more than 20 people, are all above Heavenly Sage, and five of them are at the peak of Heavenly Sage...

Those five people are the ones who most want to get the divine tree of Fusang...

However, everyone is not sure whether Qin Feng has spiritual roots or not, and they all talk and laugh along the way with the intention of inquiring about the news, and they get along quite harmoniously...

At this moment, above the nine heavens.

This group of people are flying in the void while chatting...

"Everyone, how credible do you think Di Jun Taiyi's words are?"

A Tiansheng Peak suddenly asked.

"According to this old man, the credibility is less than 30%..."

"That's right! The deity also thinks it is not very reliable. What's even more strange is that the deity contacted Di Jun recently, but got no reply..."

"Hey! The little girl also contacted Di Jun, but she couldn't get in touch. Strange! Strange!

The group was puzzled.

Afterwards, a middle-aged man stroked his beard and said with a smile: "I don't care whether his news is true or not, I will wait until I go to the realm of the gods to find out that Qin Feng and ask..."

"Haha!! Brother Liu is right! By the way, if Qin Feng really has a fusang tree, what if he doesn't want to hand it over?"

"Hehe! It depends on whether he has the strength to keep his spiritual roots. No one is qualified to have spiritual roots. If virtue doesn't match, then you will find your own way of death!

"Brother Liu is right! Think of how powerful he can be as a little creature from the God Realm? I'm afraid that when I wait for him, he will be so frightened that he will hand over everything directly! Haha!!"9

As soon as these words fell, everyone burst into laughter, and no one took Qin Feng into their eyes at all...

These people don't know that Qin Feng has already become someone they can't afford to offend...

"Everyone, whether the news of Emperor Jun Taiyi is true or false, we will find out in a few days, and then it will spread throughout the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains. This may be a good thing for Qin Feng..."

"Hey! Fellow Daoist is actually concerned about a god realm ant!

"The old man doesn't care about him, but is worried that someone will get there first. If that's the case, Qin Feng's life or death will be unpredictable. If he dies, I'll be waiting for nothing!

As soon as these words were reminded, everyone suddenly realized.

"Yeah! If someone gets there first, it will be extremely disadvantageous to us.

"Let's go! In a few days, we will be able to reach the God Realm..."

At the moment, a group of people rushed to the realm of the gods.

At the same time, something is happening in the Great Sun Heaven Realm.

Today's Great Sun Heaven Realm, the earth is barren, the spiritual energy is lacking, the sky and the earth are pitch black, like a dead place...

At this moment, three mysterious figures are suspended in the sky above the Great Sun Heaven Realm.

These three figures are two women and one man.

On the left is a woman in a red dress. She is charming and charming, and her cultivation has reached the peak of Tiansheng.

And on top of this woman's head, a hydrangea is suspended.

That is her sacred artifact - red hydrangea.

Next to the woman in the red dress, stood a woman in a white dress. Her appearance was pure and lovely, giving people a feeling of being harmless to humans and animals, but her cultivation had reached the peak of Heavenly Sage.

And beside the woman in the white dress, stood a fair-skinned man, dressed in colorful clothes, dressed like a man and a woman.

That demonic man is also at the peak of Heavenly Sage.

In his hand was a blood-stained jet-black chain.

At the other end of the chain, there was a strong man in armor.

The strong man was wearing an iron hood, and only his eyes were exposed, making it difficult to see his appearance.

But from the exposed eyes, it can be seen that the strong man's eyes are dull, and his body also faintly exudes a sense of death.

Obviously, this strong man has been made into a corpse slave by the demonic man, and the demonic man can drive it at will.

What is terrifying is that the realm aura emanating from the corpse slave of the strong man has suddenly reached the early stage of the quasi-Saint Ancestor...

Not only that, the giant giant axe held by the strong man corpse also exudes the halo of a holy artifact.

If Qin Feng saw this scene, he would be very surprised.

That monstrous man obviously only has the cultivation base of the peak of Tiansheng, but he actually has a corpse slave of the quasi-Saint Ancestor level, which makes people unbelievable...

"Hey~! I didn't expect the Great Sun World to become like this..."

At this moment, the three of them looked at the Great Sun Heaven Realm in front of them, shocked...

Obviously, they did not expect that the Great Sun Heaven Realm would fall to this point.

"Oh! No wonder Di Jun couldn't get in touch, and Tai Yi didn't reply to me waiting for information. It seems that something happened to them... So, most of the news they spread is true..."

The demonic man said yin and yang strangely.

Immediately, he looked at the woman in white and said respectfully, "Princess Moon God, you have also seen it, the ancestor's calculation is correct, and I hope you will consider it carefully..."

The woman in the red dress also echoed: "Yes! Your Highness Princess, after the ancestors deduced it, he said that the Great Sun Heaven Realm was destroyed, and the Emperor Jun Taiyi also had a bloody disaster. There is a star rising in the God Realm, and you must not I underestimate it. Now it seems that it is all true..."

"If I go to the God Realm rashly, not only will I not get the Fusang Divine Tree, but it will be more fortunate. According to the old ancestor's intention, after the old man leaves the customs, I will wait to go to the God Realm. There is a chance to help you win it. The Godly Fusang Tree..."

The woman in the red dress persuaded her with persuasion.

It turned out that these three were mainly women in white.

Although the woman in white is not the strongest among the three, she has an extremely powerful elder, who is the ancestor in the words of the woman in red.

This time, the three of them want to go to the realm of the gods, and they also want to capture the sacred fusang tree for the woman in white, and help the woman in white break through to the quasi-sage ancestor.

But the woman in white frowned after listening to the words of the two.

·0 Seeking Flowers··

"Matchmaker, matchmaker, are you making too much of a fuss? What kind of powerful characters can come out of a small God Realm? What kind of God Realm has a Bastar born, this princess doesn't believe it!

Princess Luna had a look of disdain, and her eyes were full of arrogance.

Demon men are matchmakers.

At this moment, he was a little worried.

Speaking of which, it is difficult for him to accept the deduction of his ancestors, but the safety of the princess is the most important thing!

Immediately, he kindly persuaded: "His Royal Highness, my subordinates don't believe that any character can be produced in the God Realm, but the princess is a body of ten thousand gold, and I must not lose it. My subordinates think that I should wait until the ancestors leave the customs, and then I will go. Explore the realm of the gods!

The corner of Princess Moon God's mouth was slightly raised: "Isn't it just to visit the God Realm and see how nervous you are. You must know that the God Realm has always been low in strength, and even the lowest among the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains is inferior, so what's there to worry about?

"This...", the media demon didn't know how to refute.

He also felt that the God Realm was weak.

Hongniang hurriedly said: "Your Highness, even though you have said that, you have also seen that the Great Sun and Heaven have been reduced to such a state that even the day of congenital creation has disappeared, and Emperor Jun Taiyi has also disappeared. It is enough to show that the ancestors The deduction is correct, we must not go to the realm of the gods, after all, the ancestor also said...

Speaking of this, Hong Niang suddenly thought of something and immediately shut up...

Princess Luna frowned: "What else did you say..."

"This... This... The ancestor asked the subordinates not to say anything, the subordinates just talked quickly..."

Hong Niang regretted a little.

Princess Luna was displeased: "I told you to say it, just say it! Don't worry, I won't tell my father!

"This... this... well! Hey! 99

Hong Niang sighed helplessly.

"Princess, the ancestor said that if the princess rushes to the realm of the gods, you will not only lose the source of extreme yin, but also endanger your life..."

The source of extreme yin and the source of extreme yang are sources of energy of the same order.

Qin Feng relied on the source of extreme yang to obtain the sun body of creation.

Similarly, if he obtains the source of extreme yin, he can promote the eternal moon body to the creation moon body.

In this way, the second layer of his Primordial Body can be realized.

Sure enough, after hearing those words, Princess Moon God immediately became furious.

"Father is all bullshit! How can a small God Realm threaten Ben Gong's life? Ben Gong just doesn't believe it! Let's go! Let's go to God Realm now!"

As soon as the voice fell, she turned and left.

"Your Highness! No!"

"Princess think twice! 55

The matchmaker and the matchmaker were terrified to catch up and wanted to persuade.

The Moon God Princess was annoyed: "The three of us are all at the peak of the Heavenly Sage! The matchmaker, you also have a corpse slave at the level of the quasi-sacred ancestor. With our strength, what are you afraid of going to the God Realm?"

"Didn't you say before that there are ants everywhere in the God Realm. The strongest person is nothing more than a Supreme Sage, not even a Heavenly Sage in the early stage. What is there to worry about with such a weak force?

Hongniang was anxious: "But the ancestors have deduced..."

Princess Luna didn't take it seriously and said: "My father's deductions are not always right, and there are always times when they are wrong. For example, this time, it must be a big mistake!

As soon as these words came out, the matchmaker and the matchmaker couldn't help but look at each other.

That's right!

Old Ancestor also had miscalculations.

However, the people who let the ancestors calculate things are the strong ones above the quasi-sacred ancestor, and the ones below the quasi-sage ancestor have hardly missed.

There shouldn't be a quasi-Saint Ancestor-level figure in the God Realm!

Thinking of this, the two were a little confused again.

But at this time, Princess Luna had already flown out of nine days.

The two were helpless, sighed, and followed.

The matchmaker and the matchmaker didn't know that their ancestors were much more difficult to deduce about Qin Feng than deducing a quasi-sacred ancestor, and the results were also vague...

This makes their ancestors always puzzled...spoon

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