Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 177: Prince Xishen, the old man under the moon

In just a moment, the three flew out of the Great Sun Heaven Realm.

The Moon God Princess was still angry.

She didn't believe her father's deductions at all.

Don't say she doesn't believe it, nor do matchmakers and matchmakers.

They really couldn't figure it out, why did the ancestors be so careful in a God Realm that was looked down upon in the past?

Even if the God Realm can produce a quasi-Saint Ancestor, with their strength, they can definitely protect the princess...

It's just that Princess Luna's safety is very important, and they have to be cautious.

However, if Princess Moon God insisted on going to the God Realm, they would not stop her.

Seeing that the two of them were no longer blocking her, Princess Moon God calmed down a little.

"What? You two don't stop this palace?"

"His Royal Highness the princess insists on going, I and the other two can only obey...", the matchmaker smiled bitterly.

Princess Moon God didn't take it seriously and said, "You still take my father's deduction too seriously! I can guarantee that this time he must have made a mistake. 35

"My subordinates hope so! However, judging from the extent of the destruction of the Great Sun World, at least a quasi-Saint Ancestor shot, we should not be careless.

The witches are still very cautious.

"497" Moon God Princess smiled coldly: "The Great Sun World was destroyed, no one knows which force did it, so you are so sure that the God World did it? Qin Feng did it? Is there any evidence? "

"This...", the media demon was stunned.

Hong Niang also narrowed her eyes.

The two looked at each other involuntarily.


The Great Sun Heaven Realm was destroyed, and the people of the Nine Heavens and Ten Regions did not know it yet.

The three of them just found out, who knows who did it?

It's just that they connected with the deduction of the ancestors, and they thought that Qin Feng of the gods did it. This idea is very subjective and not objective.

"His Royal Highness, if you say this, it's not necessarily Qin Feng's actions. After all, the realm of the gods has never been able to produce many talents. With their abilities, I'm afraid they can't deal with the big sun realm from afar..."

The media demon also analyzes itself.

Hongniang also said: "His Royal Highness, do you think this is the case, Di Jun Taiyi spread the story of Qin Feng's acquisition of the spiritual root. A great man came to the door and asked them to verify. Later, the two sides fell out and a scene After the war, the Great Sun Heaven Realm became like this.

Princess Moon God's eyes lit up: "Hey! That should be the case. Hongniang, you are still smart..."

"Thank you princess for your praise, my subordinates are just guessing!"

The three of them chatted and laughed. The more they talked, the more they felt that the Great Sun World was destroyed and Qin Feng had no light. They thought too much before. …

Thinking of this, the three of them relaxed a little about their trip to the God Realm.

"By the way, the day of innate good fortune in the Great Sun World has been lost. If this matter spreads out, it will definitely cause a huge sensation..."

"Yeah! If you can get rid of the day of creation, few people in the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains can do it, and they don't know who did it?!

The matchmaker and the matchmaker discussed again.

The Moon God Princess said impatiently: "Why do you care so much! It has nothing to do with us anyway! After all, the innate resources of the Great Sun Heaven Realm are no worse than our Extreme Moon Heaven Realm, but Di Jun Tai is not up to par, but its development is far inferior to ours.

Hongniang smiled and said: "His Royal Highness, the Great Sun Heaven Realm is qualified to compare with our Extreme Moon Heaven Realm? The Great Sun Heaven Realm ranks at the bottom of the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains, and our Extreme Moon Heaven Realm ranks among the top five forces..."

Speaking of which, Hongniang looked proud.

Princess Luna and the matchmaker also smiled.

Speaking of which, with the current strength of the God Realm, it can only be regarded as the top ten in the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains, which is one level worse than the Extreme Moon Heaven Realm.

You must know that the ancestor of the extreme moon heaven, known as the old man under the moon, achieved the position of the quasi-sacred ancestor by virtue of the moon of innate good fortune, and now his cultivation is the peak of the quasi-sage ancestor.

There is a son and a daughter under the old man under the moon.

The eldest son is called Xishen, known as the Crown Prince of Xishen. He achieved the position of the Quasi-Saint Patriarch by virtue of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth and a laurel tree, and now his cultivation is in the middle stage of the Quasi-Saint Patriarch.

The second daughter is Princess Moon God, the peak of Tiansheng.

In addition, the old man under the moon and the two generals, the matchmaker and the matchmaker, are all at the peak of the Heavenly Sage.

Especially the matchmaker, who has a corpse slave in his hand named Wu Axe, who can exert the combat power of the quasi-Saint Ancestor in the early stage...

In addition, there are as many as ten celestial sages in the extreme moon heaven, and their comprehensive strength is indeed stronger than that of the gods...

Of course, this refers to a situation where neither side borrows the power of heaven and earth.

But said that Princess Moon God and her party were on their way.

The matchmaker suggested: "His Royal Highness, this is too slow, we might as well take a corpse slave and let it replace the footstep..."

"Alright!" Princess Luna nodded slightly.

Immediately, the matchmaker put down the chain in his hand and pinched a seal in his hand.

The corpse slave was shocked all of a sudden, and the dark and dull eyes lit up with violent blood, as if the ancient beast had awakened, and the breath was extremely terrifying.

"Wu Axe! Get bigger!

The matchmaker gave an order, and the corpse slave immediately obeyed the order, and his body continued to grow bigger...

Boom~ boom~ boom!

In the blink of an eye, the corpse slave became hundreds of millions of feet tall.

As soon as the matchmaker jumped up, it jumped over the head of the corpse slave.

Princess Luna and Hongniang also jumped to the left and right shoulders of the corpse slave.

"Wu Axe! Go!"

The matchmaker pulls the chain.


With a low roar, the corpse slave strode forward...


Suddenly, the void smashed into pieces, shrinking into an inch, and in the blink of an eye it traveled hundreds of millions of miles away...

The speed was comparable to the level of the quasi-Saint Ancestor, and in a blink of an eye, it disappeared into the nine-day star field...

At the same time, some things are also happening in the Da Zitian domain.

There are trillions of creatures in the Great Freedom Heaven Domain, and the combat power of quasi-gods and above is close to 100 million, and the power is not weak.

Da Zizai Tianyu headquarters, Da Zizai in the Tiangong.

Brahma and Taiyi sat opposite each other, drinking and sighing.

The faces of the two were pale, and it was obvious that they had just recovered from their injuries.

"Brother Brahma, how are the injuries of Shiva and Vishnu?

"Hey~! It's not a big problem with their injuries, but they have lost trillions of cultivation bases, I'm afraid it's hard to make up for it... and the deity's sword of creation, Shiva's three-life world, was also destroyed by Qin Feng. That little thief ruined.0"

Brahma picked up the jug in front of him and took a big gulp.

This time the loss is too great.

They're not just a matter of lost cultivation.

Just three days ago, he and Shiva sensed that the sword of creation and the world of three lives were destroyed.

This made him and Shiva suffer a lot of backlash.

Thinking of this, he was extremely sad.

"Hey! Brother Brahma, my condolences and change! Speaking of which, it's even more desolate. Not only is my brother gone, but I don't even dare to return home. After all, my brother's heavenly seal has also fallen into the hands of Qin Feng, the thief. If I go back to the big sun Heaven, sooner or later will be poisoned by him!"

Taiyi's face was full of sadness, and the more he talked, the more sad he became.

"Brother Taiyi, from now on, you will stay in our great freedom. Not only me, Shiva, Vishnu, but also fellow Daoist Zhentian are here. The five of us are here in a group, forgive Qin Feng and don't dare to attack." "

Tai Yi smiled bitterly: "That's the only way! The world is so big that this is the only place where Taimou can live. By the way, Brother Brahma, how is the situation of Taoist Zhentian?

"Speaking of which, Brother Zhentian may be a blessing in disguise this time..."

"Oh? How do you say this?"

Brahma replied: "Because of the residual thoughts of the ancient gods, although Brother Zhentian broke through to the quasi-saint ancestral realm before, his combat power failed to reach the threshold of the quasi-saint ancestral. There is no longer any interference factor if the ancient gods are remnant. After he leaves the customs, he should be able to truly reach the battle power of the quasi-sacred ancestor..."

Tai was overjoyed: "This is a great thing!

Immediately, he breathed again: "However, even if Daoist Zhentian's strength has improved, with the strength of the other five, I still can't deal with Qin Feng. This great revenge, I don't know when I will be able to avenge it? Hey!"

Brahma smiled mysteriously and said, "Don't worry, brother Taiyi! According to the news I received not long ago, the forces of the four major heavens have already gone to the God Realm, and there seems to be movement in the Jiyue Heavenly Realm."

"Brother just watch, this time they will definitely suffer a big loss. In the case of 4.7, more and more people will be offended by Qin Feng. We take the opportunity to win over and form the 'Qin Punishment Alliance'! I don't believe it, this No revenge!"

Taiyi's eyes lit up: "That makes sense! Brother Brahma, then you must pay close attention to the movements of the God Realm.

"Haha!! It's natural!

The more they talked, the more excited they became, as if seeing Qin Feng's future fate, they drank happily...

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

That is to say, on this day, the Heavenly Saint team composed of the four major forces has approached in a mighty way, and it is only half a day away from the God Realm...

The team of Princess Luna is also getting closer...


At the same time, in the Dahong God Realm.

Qin Feng is digesting the harvest some time ago.

During this period of retreat, he has gained a lot, and his cultivation and combat power have been greatly improved.

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