Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 180 How can you come when you want, and leave when you want?

Sure enough, the hook saint was furious.

"Little bastard! You are courting death!""

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards Hongjun.

Hong Jun's eyes showed a look of ridicule...

"Young Master, be careful!" Lu Ya and the others exclaimed.

"Brother Fishing! Slow down!"

Cang Sheng actually dodged and stopped Jun Sheng.

"Brother, what do you want?" Diaosheng was shocked.

He didn't know why Cang Sheng wanted to stop him.

Hongjun was also surprised.

He was about to suffer Jun Sheng, but the old man named Cang Sheng stopped the conflict.

"Brother Diaosheng, don't do it yet. Wait until the old man asks this little doll a word, and then it's not too late!

Cang Sheng persuaded with good words.

"Humph!" Jun Shengqi hummed back his momentum.

The same is the peak of Tiansheng, and the strength is strong and weak.

That Jun Sheng's strength is not as strong as Cang Sheng, so he will give Cang Sheng some face.

"Little baby, the old man wants to ask you something.

Cang Sheng looked at Hong Jun.

Everyone looked over and wondered what Cang Sheng was doing.

"Ask!" Hong Jun was also very curious.

"Little baby, has your father recently acquired a seedling of the spiritual root of heaven and earth, called the Godly Tree of Fusang.

Cang Sheng asked kindly.

It looked like coaxing a child.

As soon as this topic was thrown, Gou Sheng and others suddenly realized that they all perked up their ears and listened carefully.


For a time, everyone in the field held their breath, not even breathing.


They came from afar, just for the news of the Fusang Sacred Tree, and that's the point!

"This is...

Hongjun glanced at the saints silently, and sneered inside.

Sure enough, these guys didn't have any good intentions, and they came for Daddy's hibiscus tree.

Thinking of this, he rolled his big eyes and said with a small mouth: "That's right! My father got the hibiscus tree!

As soon as these words came out, the saints were in an uproar, and their eyes lit up with excitement.

At the moment, a beautiful woman moved her lotus step and instantly came to Hongjun's side.

"Hee hee! This little brother is so cute, my elder sister likes you very much. Did someone bully you just now? Don't be afraid! Come to elder sister, elder sister will protect you..."

The glamorous woman covered her mouth and smiled, while trying to hold Hongjun's little hand.

"Xianling, what do you mean?"

Jun Sheng was furious.

He heard the meaning of Saint Xianling's words, which was alluding to himself.

"Xianling, do you want to break the rules?

Cang Sheng also suddenly took action, preventing the glamorous woman from holding Hongjun's little hand.

It turned out that the woman named Xian Ling was the leader of the Great Xian Tian Yu, and a great power at the peak of the Heavenly Sage.

As soon as Cang Sheng waved his hand, he waved Xian Ling's hand away, preventing her from grasping Hong Jun's little hand.

"Haha!! Everyone, stop arguing. Our husband and wife also think this little baby is cute, and we are worried that he will be hurt, so let us take care of him!""

The Taoist couple, Yutian and Love God, also laughed loudly, and rushed over together, trying to forcibly pull Hongjun away.

"Two fellow Daoists, don't be so troublesome!

But when the two talents arrived, Cang Sheng and Xian Ling actually joined forces to attack these two...

Bang~! Bang~!

Four palms meet!

Two muffled beeps!

The four of them retreated several miles each, but none of them took advantage.

Although Cang Sage is the strongest among the crowd, Yutian and Love God are good at joining forces.

In this round, neither side took advantage of it...

But Lu Ya, Queen Mother of the West and others were dumbfounded.

How do they feel that these four Heavenly Saint peak powerhouses seem to be vying for their own young master?!

Lu Ya guessed right!

Cang Sheng and several people are robbing Hongjun.

As soon as they heard that Qin Feng really got the divine tree of Fusang, they thought of grabbing Hongjun and using Hongjun as a hostage to force Qin Feng to hand over the divine tree.

After all, there is only one spirit root, so many of them can't divide it, so they can only use these three methods...

Among the crowd, Xianling reacted the fastest, but Cang Sage quickly saw it through...

However, it was said that the four Cang Sages retreated, and there was no one around Hong Jun, just Jun Sage was the only one left.

"Haha!! This little bastard has just insulted the deity! The deity should catch him and teach him a lesson! Don't obstruct the four fellow Daoists~!"

Jun Sheng laughed wildly and rushed towards Hong Jun, feeling extremely proud in his heart.

He said that he wanted to teach Hongjun a lesson, but in fact he had the same purpose as Cang Sheng's four, that is, to capture Hongjun alive and use it as his bargaining chip.

"Not good! 35

"Damn it! 99

"Let him take the lead!"

The four Cang Sage exclaimed in surprise...

(baeh) In the blink of an eye, the fishing saint came to Hongjun, and his big fan-like hand grabbed Hongjun fiercely...

The four of Cangsheng were in a hurry, and they rushed over to snatch...

They will never allow such a bargaining chip to fall into the hands of the fishing saint.

But in the next second, the four of them were dumbfounded.

I saw Hongjun's small fist, directly meeting the big hand of the hook.


A childish roar.

Hongjun's small fist firmly bombarded the big hand of the hook saint.


A loud bang!

Thousands of miles of void are cracked!

Jun Sheng snorted, and was blasted away by Hong Jun hundreds of millions of miles away.

The four of Cang Sheng were dumbfounded, their mouths wide open.

Their subordinates opened their eyes in horror!

Oh my God!

This little guy smashed Jun Sheng with one punch!

They don't have dazzling eyes!

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the field solidified and became extremely quiet.

The four of Cang Sheng looked at Hong Jun as if they were looking at a little monster.

Just now, the moment Hongjun made his move, they saw that Hongjun's cultivation was not in the middle stage of Heavenly Sage...

But the combat power of Hongjun's performance is even stronger than Jun Sheng, even stronger than the strongest Cang Sheng among them...

The same is the peak of Tiansheng, the strength is strong and weak....

In the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains, among the many Heavenly Saint peak powerhouses, the strongest one is Taiyi.

Hongjun's strength is comparable to Taiyi's, so naturally they are not comparable.

Of course, Hongjun's cultivation is much lower than Taiyi, which shows that his potential is much greater.

After a long time, the four Cang Sages recovered from their shock.

"Little friend, the old man disturbed me this time, farewell!"

Cang Sage hesitated for a while, and then threw his hands to Hongjun, his tone became very polite, as if the same generation met.

Xiao Hongjun's performance is stronger than him, how can he dare to put on airs.

"Little friend, I'm waiting to disturb you!"

"Little brother, elder sister was also reckless just now!

Yutian, Eros, and Xianling also bowed their hands one after another, with apologetic expressions on their faces.

At this time, the hook saint also flew back.

At this moment, his face was very ugly and a little embarrassed.

It is a shame to think that he was a dignified peak powerhouse of Heavenly Sage and was blasted away by a child.

But he didn't dare to take another look at Hongjun, knowing that he was not Hongjun's opponent, and it would be a shame to fight again.

"Let's go! 35

Cang Sheng whispered.

The saints had a tacit understanding in their hearts, and they all planned to leave.

With the strength displayed by Hongjun, the strength displayed by this God Realm has reached the level of the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains, and is fully qualified to have spiritual roots.

What are they still doing here.

But just as the saints retreated sullenly, a cold voice sounded above the nine heavens.

"My land of the gods is a place where you can come when you want, and leave when you want!"

As soon as these words fell, everyone was shocked and looked up.

I saw five people slowly fall from the top of the nine heavens.

The leader is Qin Feng.

Behind him, there are phantom clones, Xuanye clones, Ziwei, and Fuzhi.

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