Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 181: 1 palm spike, 9 Heavens Spirit Dew

When Hong Jun, Lu Ya and others saw Qin Feng's arrival, they all showed joy.

Cang Sheng and the others were shocked.

When they saw Qin Feng's cultivation base, they couldn't help frowning.

Three eternal first realms, ~ two extreme saints.

Even with such a low level of cultivation, he dares to say such arrogant words to these heavenly saints.

Thinking of this, the boss in the hearts of the sages of the heavens is unhappy.

They are afraid of Hongjun, that is because Hongjun not only has the cultivation base of Tiansheng in the middle stage, but also has the strength of Tiansheng peak.

But what are the five people in front of you?

Especially Qin Feng, who took the lead, his cold and arrogant appearance made them extremely unhappy.

At the moment, the grumpy Hook Saint broke out first.

"Boy! What are you! How dare you..."

Before he finished speaking, Hong Jun's voice sounded behind him.


The next second, Hongjun flew over happily.

No way?

Is this young man the father of the little doll?

Can an Eternal First Realm give birth to a mid-day Son of Heaven?

This scene made the saints stunned...

"Fellow Daoist, you are Qin Feng?!

Xian Ling asked immediately, her beautiful eyes flowing on Qin Feng's face, and a gleam of light appeared in the depths of her eyes.

Qin Feng's handsome appearance and incomparably noble temperament made her feel amazing for a while...

Qin Feng glanced at her indifferently, ignoring it.

"Hong'er, are you alright?

"Father, the baby is fine. By the way, these guys wanted to capture me just now, they should have wanted to take the baby as a hostage in exchange for your hibiscus tree!

As soon as these words fell, Cang Sheng and the others changed their expressions, a little embarrassed.

They didn't expect that this little devil from Hongjun could see through their previous thoughts at a glance, and even expose it in public.

"Oh? They want to take you hostage?

Qin Feng looked at Cang Sheng and the others coldly.

"Fellow Daoist Qin Feng, here..."

Cang Sheng was about to speak, but was interrupted by Jun Sheng...

"Brother Cangsheng, it's just a small eternal first realm, why bother with him!"

Jun Sheng looked impatient.

He was already out of breath.

He is afraid of Hongjun, but it does not mean that he is afraid of Qin Feng.

A small eternal first realm, he hasn't seen it yet.

"Qin Feng! Don't think that if you give birth to a powerful son, the deity will give you face. What do you think you are?!

Everyone in the Shenmeng was furious, and they all jumped with rage.

This man was so disrespectful to their Majesty.

"court death!"

Qin Feng sneered and slapped Jun Sheng...

"Beyond your own strength!"

Jun Sheng looked disdainful, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the next second, he will strike with all his strength and meet that palm...

He decided in his heart that this time, he was going to be ruthless and teach Qin Feng a good lesson.

Don't think that you can be lawless by relying on your son!

Cang Sheng and others also shook their heads secretly, and felt that Qin Feng was too arrogant.

A young cultivator in the first realm of eternity actually went to challenge the majesty of the peak of the heavenly sage, and was simply courting death...

Could it be that if you have your son present, you can be unscrupulous?

The saints couldn't help but aim at Hongjun, thinking that Hongjun would come to the rescue...

But in the next second, everyone felt that the situation was not right...

I saw Qin Feng's palm fall, turning into a giant white hand and falling from the sky...

Suddenly, the sky is dark and the clouds change color!

The imposing force of seven million extremes of combat power instantly enveloped the audience, crushing the top of Jun Sheng's head, as if destroying the sky and destroying the earth, extremely terrifying...

"This...this is..."

The faces of the saints changed greatly, and they were all stunned...

"Huh! No!

Jun Sheng's face was also instantly ugly.

He never expected that the power of Qin Feng's palm had reached the level of a quasi-sacred ancestor...

Immediately, he shouted in horror: "Qin... Fellow Daoist Qin Feng misunderstood! Misunderstanding!


Qin Feng sneered, and the fortune-telling jade in his body was activated.


Fortune Jade Shakes!

The world of the gods shook!

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

One after another, the power of heaven and earth emerged and attached to Qin Feng.

In just an instant, Qin Feng's combat power increased to more than 50 million poles, reaching the peak level of the quasi-Saint Ancestor...

Boom~ boom~ boom!

The wind is thundering!

Qin Feng's palm fell....


Jun Sheng opened his eyes in horror...



A muffled sound!

Jun Sheng was shot on the spot and turned into a bloody fog.

Even the void shattered inch by inch, turning into a huge black hole, which echoed with Jun Sheng's incomparably shrill screams, and finally turned into a sky full of energy...

With just one palm, Qin Feng instantly killed Jun Sheng.

Cang Sheng and the others were completely dumbfounded.

One by one, they looked at Qin Feng in horror, not even daring to breathe...

They never expected that Qin Feng himself had the strength of the quasi-Saint Ancestor in the early stage.

I didn't expect that Qin Feng, with the help of the power of the gods, could unleash the power of the quasi-Saint Ancestor's peak...

He never thought that Qin Feng could kill a peak Heavenly Saint with one palm.

You must know that even if the quasi-Saint Ancestor peak powerhouse shot, it is absolutely impossible to kill the Tiansheng Peak with one palm.

Horror, only the Holy Ancestor of the sixth realm can kill with one palm.

Naturally, these people don't know that Qin Feng's power of primordial is a sharp weapon to kill the Heavenly Sage.

All in all, the more the heavenly saints thought, the more frightened they became. They looked at Qin Feng one by one, as if they had seen the saint ancestors. They were so frightened that they trembled.

As soon as Qin Feng waved his hand, he put away the energy of Jun Sanctuary,

This time, it was a fluke that he could kill Jun Sheng in seconds.

If he leaves the God Realm region, his strength is only in the early stage of the quasi-Saint Ancestor, and he will never be able to kill the peak of Tiansheng in seconds...

In fact, in terms of real strength, he is extremely difficult to face the middle stage of the Holy Ancestor, and at most remains undefeated...

After collecting the energy, Qin Feng looked at Cang Sheng and others.

"Who else thinks the deity is something?"

"I can't wait!"

The expressions of Cang Sheng and the others changed greatly.

Thump~! Thump~!

For a time, Cang Sheng and others actually knelt down one after another...

"Qin... Lord Qin Feng! I'm wrong!

"I shouldn't wait to rush into the realm of the gods! I have offended Master Qin Feng! I also ask for your forgiveness!

Cang Sheng and others actually begged.

They were terrified by the fall of Diaosheng.

Qin Feng can kill Jun Sheng in seconds, and naturally he can also kill them in seconds.

For the sake of their lives, as for what face, they have already ignored...

·0 for flowers·

"Wait, you know what's wrong?"

"I know I'm wrong! I'll wait to know I'm wrong! 39

Cang Sheng and the others nodded like chickens pecking at rice. …

"But the deity said before that the land of my gods is not a place where you can come and leave whenever you want."5

As soon as these words fell, Cang Sheng and the others' faces instantly turned pale.

"Sir Qin Feng, spare your life! I didn't mean to offend! 99

"I hope that Lord Qin Feng will spare his life, I will never dare to wait again!"

Cang Sheng and others begged.

They also thought about running away.

Seeing that more than 20 of them joined forces, they barely reached the strength of the quasi-Saint Ancestor in the early stage.

But Qin Feng's strength is comparable to the peak of the quasi-saint ancestor with the help of the power of heaven and earth.

In the early stage of the quasi-Saint Ancestor, in front of the peak quasi-Saint Patriarch powerhouse, he was vulnerable and did not even have the chance to escape.

What's more, Qin Feng also has Hongjun, Lu Ya, Xiwangmu and other Heavenly Saint-level subordinates...

Seeing the appearance of Cang Sheng and others begging for mercy, everyone in the Shenmeng felt extremely comfortable...

These guys used to be arrogant and called their Majesty a junior, but now they look like a dog, they deserve to be inferior...

"Your Majesty, do you really want to kill them all..."

In Qin Feng's ear, the voice transmission of Star Master Ziwei sounded, and his tone was full of worry.

"I have a plan!"

Qin Feng replied secretly.

He knew what Star Master Ziwei was worried about.

He killed too many Heavenly Saints and offended many Nine Heavens and Ten Domains.

Star Master Ziwei is worried that his enemies will become more and more, and finally aroused the anger of the Nine Heavens and Ten Regions, it is not good...

It is rumored that behind the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains, there are several Holy Ancestors of the Sixth Realm who are secretly watching...

Those high-ranking ancestors usually do not care about the disputes between the nine heavens and ten regions.

But if the disputes caused by someone are too great, or if they cause public anger, it will lead to those saint ancestors and old monsters...

In front of the Holy Ancestor of the sixth realm, Qin Feng still has no ability to protect himself, so sometimes he has to keep a low profile...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng looked at Cang Sheng and others indifferently...

"Master Qin Feng, forgive me!

Cang Sheng and others kept begging.

Qin Feng said in a cold voice, "Nian Er is the first offense! The death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot escape! If you want to survive, you must either leave the storage ring or save your life! 35

Cang Sheng and the others were overjoyed.

"I am willing to keep the storage ring! 35

"Thank you Qin Feng for not killing!""

At the moment, all the heavenly saints took off the storage ring one after another, and their eyes couldn't help showing the color of pain.

However, compared with their lives, these are external things.

In a moment, everyone handed the storage ring to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng scanned the storage rings a little, and there was a look of joy in his eyes.

He actually found two bottles of Nine Heavens Spirit Dew in those storage rings.

That is a treasure for cultivating the seedlings of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth!

His hibiscus tree was still a seedling, and it failed to give birth to the embryonic form of the heaven.

If you use these two bottles of Nine Heavens Spirit Dew, you may be able to cultivate it.

At that time, his strength can be greatly improved.. spoon

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