Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 263 Is this a confession? (4 more)

"What's the matter?" Qin Feng asked.

"I want to rely on you!" Yu Qilin said seriously.


Qin Feng looked at her in surprise: "You came here with Long Shang on your back? 39

"That's right! Are adults willing to accept the little girl?" Yu Qilin asked with a tender smile.

"No charge!""

"Why?" Yu Qilin raised his mouth slightly.

She was pure in appearance.

That looks kind of cute.

"You and I have different positions! Besides, I can't think of why you should betray the Faint Organization?"

"Betrayal?" Yu Qilin smiled coldly.

She seemed to have thought of something, and her expression was a little lonely.

"What? The Faint Organization is not good to you? This seat can see that you are an elite member of the Faint Organization. Qin Feng asked tentatively.

Yu Qilin sighed: "That's right! The fainting organization has given me a lot, but it has deprived me of more.

"How do you say that?"

"Let me tell you this! The background of the organization is very strong. What you see now is just the tip of the iceberg. The God Emperor and the Underworld Emperor you know are only the leaders of this area, not the supreme leader "Nine Eight Zero"

Yu Qilin explained calmly.

Qin Feng was secretly surprised.

It was the first time he knew this information.

Obviously, this information is not available to ordinary members.

Yu Qilin continued: "The faint organization is not only powerful, but also very domineering. In order to cultivate members, they search for qualified disciples everywhere. When I was very young, I was forcibly taken away from my parents by the organization for cruel training... ."

"I miss my parents very much, but the organization never lets me see them. The organization once said that as long as I succeed in cultivation, I can go back to see my parents. In order to meet my parents, I practice hard..."

"Finally one day, my cultivation has become successful. When I go back, my parents are no longer there...

Speaking of this, Yu Qilin looked sad.

"What's wrong with them?"

"Dead! Hey! Died in an earthquake! After all, they are all ordinary people, not elemental masters..."

Yu Qilin's eyes dimmed.

The happiest time in her life was when she was a child with her parents.

At that time, they were poor but happy.

But the fainting organization robbed her of her joy.

"If I hadn't been forcibly taken away by the organization, my parents would have been fine. Because, with my talent, I would have been focused on training by the government, and I would still be able to achieve success and bring a good life to my parents..."

"But what's the result? The stun organization caused me to lose my parents and took away my time with them. You said that such an organization, can I not hate it?"

After Yu Qilin finished speaking his mind, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

She is different from most of the members.

She is not an orphan, she has parents.

And most of the members of that faint organization were born orphans.

They could not understand the feelings of the jade unicorn.

Instead, they will appreciate the organization and be loyal to it.

"Do you still think that I do this as a betrayal?"

"No! 35 Qin Feng answered firmly.

Replace it with him.

He will hate the organization even more.

"However, I don't understand. Since you hate the organization, why don't you leave the organization?"

Yu Qilin smiled bitterly: "I also want to leave the organization very much. But the organization is very domineering. If you join them, you will never want to leave. Otherwise, it is betrayal and will be obliterated!

"But you are going to join me now, isn't it a betrayal?

"If you don't say it, I don't say it, who will know?!

"What about Long Shang and the others?"

"Will you let them go out alive? Yu Qilin smiled meaningfully,

Qin Feng also smiled.

This woman is smart.

To be honest, if he accepted the jade unicorn, it would be a very good thing indeed.

This is equivalent to him placing a chess piece in the fainting organization.

After all, the conflict between him and the faint organization can be said to be endless.

"How? Do you want to accept me?" Yu Qilin asked with a smile.


Qin Feng looked at her seriously.

This is indeed a beautiful woman, especially her pure appearance, it is easy for men to have a desire to protect.

"You hate the organization, I understand! But you risk betrayal and take refuge in this seat, isn't it a bit unreasonable? After all, this seat does not have the strength to protect you..."

Yu Qilin smiled sweetly: "There is indeed a lot of risk here, but in the current situation, I can't do it if I don't rely on you! Could it be that if I don't rely on you, you won't kill me in the end? I'm a person in a stupefied organization!

Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

Yu Qilin continued: "I'll take refuge in you, in addition to saving my life. There are two important reasons! 35

"what reason?"

"The first reason is that you have the potential to become a master. If one day, you can become a master, you can help me get rid of the fainting organization completely..."

"What about the second reason?"

"The second one..."

The jade unicorn blushed inexplicably.

Then, she looked at Qin Feng slightly shyly: "I like you!"

"Er...", Qin Feng was taken aback.

The reason is a bit sudden.

"Girl! Do you like it too casually? There is no intersection between you and me...", Qin Feng couldn't help laughing.

Yu Qilin blushed and said seriously: "Whether you believe it or not, the first time I saw you, my heart beat faster... But you are such a good guy, and I am impressed again and again later, I don't want to like you or not. It's hard... hey! It's really sad!

Qin Feng:

Yu Qilin blushed and said: "How is it? The little girl has confessed to you, so just accept me! 99

Qin Feng:

This woman said 'take it' at every turn, was it intentional? Or did she not understand?

"Sorry! No charge!

"Uh... am I not beautiful? Or do you despise me?", Yu Qilin's mouth was slightly raised.0


"Is that because I'm not pretty enough?"

"'re very beautiful... Qin Feng feels that this topic is a bit off track.

"Then why didn't you accept me?" Yu Qilin pouted.

"That...", Qin Feng sighed, "Let's be honest! Because you are not from Earth! 35

"Huh!..." Yu Qilin's beautiful eyes widened.

Immediately, she smiled and said: "You are really amazing! You even know this..."

Qin Feng smiled: "You are frank!

"You don't trust me? I will sign a sacred contract with you!

Qin Feng shook his head slightly: "We Earthlings have a saying: "If you are not my race, your heart will be different. Even if you sign a contract with me, I still dare not trust you casually..."

"So that's how it is..." Yu Qilin smiled, "You can make me the person you trust most!"

"The most trusted person?""

"You don't even know this, you can make me your woman!" Yu Qilin's little face blushed.

Qin Feng:

"Also, don't you earthlings say: the way that leads to a woman's heart is the way! This is really reasonable, and it is the same in my star field. You can enter the channel of my heart and make me your woman. …”

Yu Qilin's face became more and more red.

Qin Feng sweated on his forehead: "Are all women in your star domain like this?"

Yu Qilin said a little embarrassedly: "It's almost! We are not like Earth people, we are so careful. The women over there are very direct. If you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it..."

"Okay!" Qin Feng was speechless, "I always think you're teasing me..."

"How can there be? I said that 4.6 is the truth..."

"Could it be that you really want to be my woman?"

"Of course it's true!" Yu Qilin was a little embarrassed, "From the moment I came here, I decided.

"If you don't believe me, you can try it now. I will obey all your arrangements, and there will be no resistance..." Yu Qilin stared at Qin Feng boldly.

Qin Feng took a deep breath: "You are so direct! 35

"This should be the difference between me and you Earth women... Don't you dare to try? Yu Qilin asked with a smile.

Qin Feng rolled his eyes: "Okay! Just try it!""

He also wanted to know how much of this woman's words were true.

With a big move, an invisible force rolled the jade unicorn in front of him.

Then, he wrapped Liu's waist with his left hand.

Yu Qilin blushed, closed his eyes, and leaned over softly.

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth were slightly raised, and he began to explore the graceful curves.

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