Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 264 The amazing jade unicorn (5 more)

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he began to visit...

The jade unicorn is gentle and obedient...

No way?

Is this woman for real?

Qin Feng quietly pushed the jade unicorn away.

"What's wrong with you?" Yu Qilin looked at Qin Feng resentfully.

"Time is running out...


Yu Qilin smiled tenderly: "Okay! Let's talk about it when you have time! Anyway, I'm already yours... Hey~! What kind of eyes are you looking at? 39

Yu Qilin raised his mouth again.

"I haven't promised to accept you yet, how can you become mine?"

"Sooner or later! I've decided on you!" Yu Qilin smiled tenderly.

Qin Feng:

"Okay! I'll accept you for now..."

Qin Feng casually drew a golden rune and pressed it to the center of the jade unicorn's eyebrows.

Yu Qilin opened his eyes with joy.

She had been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

In an instant, the contract between the two was completed.

The contract went astoundingly well.

This shows that the jade unicorn is 100% open to the heart.

She didn't have any reservations about Qin Feng, so it was so smooth.

Qin Feng sighed.

The women in this star field are really affectionate people.

Once identified, there is no regrets.

From this, it can be seen that Yu Qilin also attaches great importance to the affection of his parents.

Otherwise, she wouldn't hate the organization so much.

The contract is complete!

Yu Qilin looked at Qin Feng with a smile.

Those beautiful eyes were almost fascinated by crescent moons.

"Qin Feng, then I am yours now! 99

"Half it?"

"Why only half?""

"The assessment is about to start! You hurry up and go! By the way, be careful when you leave, don't let people see you, lest your betrayal of the organization be exposed.

"Well, I know!"

"Let's go!", Qin Feng patted the jade unicorn and opened the stone door.

Yu Qilin walked out with a smile.

Before going out, she took a look and saw that there was no one around, so she dodged and left.

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, light and shadow flashed at the door, and the jade unicorn returned.

"Qin Feng, can you really last for four hours?

"are you crazy!


The jade unicorn ran away with a smile.

Qin Feng was speechless.

He is running out of time now.


At this moment, the light and shadow flashed, and the jade unicorn came back.

"Why are you back?

Yu Qilin said with a serious look: "I forgot to tell you something important. The assessment this time is related to the physical strength."

"You Earthlings hardly temper your flesh, so in the same rank, you can't even compete with the Starry Sky Orcs. Your subordinates shouldn't get good grades in this assessment, so you have to be prepared.

"Of course, you are different from them. You have refined so many dragon blood 'dragon bone pills, dragon marrow liquid', and your physical body is extremely powerful.

"I see!

"I'm leaving!"

Yu Qilin said hello and left.

Qin Feng couldn't help thinking.

Unexpectedly, this assessment is related to physical strength.

This is his forte!

He is now 100% dragon quality, dragon bone, and dragon marrow.

The body has been strengthened by the eight elements, and at the same time, he is also taking five perfect genetic medicines.

In terms of physical strength, he dared to compare with the Nine Star Emperor.

The physical body of the eight-star king is not as good as his.

And Chu Chu's body is also very strong.

Chu Chu also took the perfect genetic medicine.

During this time, she even refined a large amount of True Dragon Blood, Dragon Bone Pill, and Dragon Marrow Liquid, and her body was greatly strengthened.

Her Dragon Power has also been upgraded to level four.

In addition, the cultivation base has also broken through from the five-star great perfection to the early six-star stage.

Therefore, Chu Chu's grades should not be bad.

As for Luo Li, Lu Ming and others, they have also refined spirits such as dragon blood fruit and dragon bone ginseng these days, and their physical bodies have also improved a lot.

Their physical bodies are much stronger than their counterparts.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng waved, and Luo Li appeared beside 980.

"Qin Feng!" Luo Li looked at him happily.

"Here, I have taken these bottles of medicine, it will be somewhat helpful for your assessment this time. 35

Qin Feng directly took out the first-level to fifth-level genetic medicine.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, it is good to strengthen the physical body.

Luo Li didn't know what it was, so she took it and took it directly.

After 20 minutes, the effect of the drug starts,

Luo Li was delighted to find that her body became much stronger.

Afterwards, the two left together and went to the assessment square.

PS: Today is the fifth update, I beg you guys to order an automatic order! Full order!! Thank you!!!

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