Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 265 the ladder (1 more)

After a while, the two reached the square.

Qin Feng saw people from the Southern League, the Deep Sea Clan, the White Tiger League, the Xuanwu League, and the Snow Mountain League gathered together, like a group.

Chu Chu was surrounded by the stars holding the moon in the center, like a little princess.

Everyone knew that she was Qin Feng's younger sister, and they naturally respected her.

What's more, the talent that Chu Chu showed last time really shocked everyone.

That is the talent of the Nine Star Emperor!

As long as there is no accident, Chu Chu will become the Nine Star Emperor in the future.

These people naturally want to have a good relationship with Chu Chu.

Thinking of this, everyone sighed in their hearts.

These Qin Feng brothers and sisters are really more evil than each other.

In addition to these people, the two of the Qinglong League stood alone in another place to communicate.

Long Shang and members of the faint organization gathered in another corner.

At this moment, he was looking at Chu Chu and the others with disdain.

"Master Qin Feng is here!"

There was a commotion in the field.

"I have seen Mr. Qin Feng!""

Everyone stepped forward and saluted, respectfully.

It was as if he was welcoming some big man.

Not far away, Long Shang saw this scene, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he was very disdainful.

In fact, he was very jealous.

Such a scene should have belonged to him, but now Qin Feng took it away.

"Humph! Wait for this assessment to end! Your death period is here!

Long Shang sneered in his heart.

Qin Feng seemed to notice, and couldn't help but aim at Long Shang.

At that moment, the silver light in his eyes suddenly lit up.

Memory Read - Activate!

Quick read!


Nine-star light source!

Nine Stars Dark Origin!

Isn't this exactly what you want?

Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

In an instant, he spied Long Shang's plan.

What a vicious plan!

In order to deal with himself, Long Shang designed many traps, and even targeted Chu Chu.

Unfortunately, he found out at a glance.

Qin Feng was calm on the surface, but he was overjoyed in his heart.

Nine-star light source and dark source.

He was worried that he couldn't get it.

Because, whether it is a human being or a deep sea clan, there is no nine-star emperor of light and darkness.

Of these two special departments, only the fainting organization has them.

But the faint organization and him are deadly enemies, and it is impossible for the god emperor and the underworld emperor to give him.

Fortunately, this Long Shang has it.

At the moment, Qin Feng condensed his voice into a line and transmitted his voice to Chu Chu secretly.

Chu Chu was a little surprised after hearing this.

Immediately, she nodded to Qin Feng, indicating that she understood.

At this moment, the voice of the secret realm sounded above the hall.

"The fourth test is about to start! After this test, those who have accumulated less than 1,000 points will be eliminated! The top five outstanding people! The reward will be doubled~

As soon as the voice fell, many people showed panic.

Those who can live to this day are the elite of the elite.

These people have more or less points on them.

But this assessment requires a full 1000 points, which is very scary.

At the moment, many people looked at Qin Feng.

Before we knew it, everyone took Qin Feng as the backbone.

"Everyone! Work hard! 35

Qin Feng said lightly and did not make any promises.

In fact, he still has more than 50 points of points tokens that have not been sold.

These tokens, by the end, should save some lives.

But he didn't want to say it now.

He has to put pressure on these people to make them want to work hard.

Otherwise, people don't know how to cherish what is too easy to get.

At this moment, the entire square trembled, and a huge portal of light appeared.

The voice of the secret realm sounded again.

"Please enter the gate of the assessment within three minutes! Those who fail to enter within the time limit will be dealt with 0 points in the assessment!"

As soon as these words fell, Long Shang hurriedly brought people in.

Xiao Qingfeng and others followed closely behind.

Qin Feng stepped forward silently.

Luo Li, Xiao Lun Wang and others followed closely behind.

Qin Feng stepped into the door of light.

In the next second, he was down-to-earth and found himself at the foot of a high mountain.

He raised his head and looked up, the mountains in front of him were soaring into the sky, and he could not see the end at a glance.

In front of everyone, a steep stone-stairs road, along the mountain, leads to the clouds.

In the depths of the clouds, the wind and clouds were thundering, like a giant dragon sleeping soundly, giving people an invisible sense of oppression, and also showing the majesty of the giant mountain.

"What a high mountain!

"Tsk tsk!! The road to the stone steps is very long! You can't see it at a glance, there won't be tens of thousands of steps, right?"

All the heavens looked up at the long stone steps and sighed one by one.

Qin Feng also looked at those stone steps.

I saw those stone steps, each of which was half a meter high and five or six meters wide, with no end in sight.

At this moment, Summoning Jade Talisman sent a message to everyone.

After a while, everyone suddenly realized.

It turned out that the content of this assessment was to let everyone climb the stone steps to the top of the mountain.

Earn a point for every step you climb.

And, without climbing to the highest point.

As long as you earn enough points, you can save your life.

If you don't want to climb halfway, you can issue an order to the summoning jade talisman, and it will be teleported to the top of the mountain.

Of course, if you want to be in the top five, climb as high as you can.

At this moment, the voice transmission of the jade unicorn sounded in Qin Feng's ear.

`Qin Feng, this ladder is the last test in the secret realm, and it is also the most difficult one. So far, no one has ever been able to walk all the stairs and reach the Tianlong Realm at the top of the mountain.

After hearing this, Qin Feng was shocked.

This Longxu Mystery Realm has appeared in the Star Alliance for thousands of years.

For such a long time, no one has passed, is it so difficult?

You must know that the Star Alliance is very large.

A star field alliance consists of thousands of star fields.

Like the solar system star field where the earth is located, it belongs to the semi-developed indigenous star field, and is not eligible to be counted in the star field alliance.

If the solar system star field is also counted, a star field alliance has at least tens of thousands of star fields. (no money)

It is such a huge place, and it has gone through thousands of years. I am afraid that nearly 100 million people have participated in the assessment of the ladder, but no one can pass.

This is very scary!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath.

But at this moment, Li Jiao's laughter sounded in the field.

"Haha!! I thought this assessment was very complicated. It turned out to be just climbing a stone step! It's too simple!! Everyone, I'll go first!"

As soon as the words fell, he walked towards the stone steps with a smile.

In the crowd, Long Shang saw this scene, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his eyes were full of ridicule.

How could this idiot underestimate the power of the Heavenly Ladder!

Laozi will see how you make a fool of yourself?

Thinking of this, Long Shang's eyes showed schadenfreude.

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