Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 266 1 hundred_8thousand steps (2 more)

At this moment, Li Jiao had already walked to the sky-reaching ladder.

He didn't think much about it and stepped on it.

But as soon as his feet landed, a strange force rose from the ground, with violent energy, through the soles of his feet, straight into his body.

Li Jiao was horrified, and quickly turned the water element force in his body to resist, but it didn't work at all.

The violent energy continued to wash over his body, and the severe pain spread throughout the body.

Unprepared, Li Jiao stumbled and almost fell.

Afterwards, he turned back awkwardly, looking a little ugly.

The crowd looked shocked.

This is the first step, and Li Jiao has become like this.

Is this ladder so hard to climb?

"Lijiao. Are you alright?" Ferry King asked with concern.

"I'm fine! This ladder is a little weird. Stepping on it will cause a strange force to rush into the body. The elemental force can't counteract it. You can only use the body to resist..."

Everyone was stunned.

It seems that this ladder is designed to test the physical body.

Li Jiao said again: "This strange force is not strong, our fleshly body should be able to withstand it..."

As he spoke, he stepped up a step, but his face changed.

"Lijiao, what's wrong?"

"This strange force has become stronger!

As soon as these words fell, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

This means that the more you go up the 980, the harder it is to go.

At this time, Li Jiao continued to walk up.

Everyone's eyes were focused on him, silently paying attention.

I saw Li Jiao step up step by step.

Every time he ascended a step, the expression on his face became dignified.

When he reached the fifty-seventh step, a look of pain appeared on his face.

Seeing this scene, everyone was very uneasy.

Especially those who don't have many points, panic even more!

But the higher you go, the harder it gets!

At this moment, Li Jiao had reached the 69th step.

He was walking slower and harder and harder.

Gradually, he became afraid.

He is still 267 points short of 1,000 points.

This means that he has to go to the 267th step.

But now, when he reached the 69th level, he felt very difficult, what should he do next?

You must know that every time he took a step, he felt that his strange power was strengthened by 10%.

In this way, the 267th is about twenty times stronger than it is now!

Can he walk?

At this time, Li Jiao stepped onto the 70th step.

The strange force under his feet surged, filling his whole body,

Ka~! Ka(baeg)~!

The violent force made his body swell, and fine cracks appeared on his skin.

Li Jiao was frightened, and a strange roar came out of his mouth.

After a while, black scales appeared on his body.

In order to endure the strange force, he actually turned into a half-beast.

Below, when everyone saw this scene, their expressions changed greatly.

Li Jiao is a member of the demon clan.

At the same level, the demons themselves are stronger than humans.

Now, Li Jiao has only reached the 70th order and has reached its limit, and it needs to rely on half-beast transformation to enhance the endurance of the physical body.

Are they worse?

The hearts of the people sank.

Especially those with low points are about to cry.

At this moment, Long Shang's disdainful laugh sounded in the field.

"It's really weak! It's only the 70th order, and it's like this... If it reaches the 300th order, it won't explode and die?"

Long Shang shook his head in schadenfreude.

Hearing this, everyone's expression changed.

At this time, Long Shang turned back to look at everyone.

"Hey! You poor little body, I don't know if you can reach the 300th order? I don't know how many of you will survive this assessment? Haha!!

Long Shang laughed proudly.

This guy is really...

The crowd glared angrily.

Long Shang didn't care at all.

He wants to show these earth bumpkins what is the real physical strength.

He glanced at everyone contemptuously and began to transform.

In the next second, he had strange horns on his head, bat wings on his back, and scales on his arms, turning into a monster that was half human and half beast.

His physical body also strengthened.

Afterwards, he turned around and stomped up the ladder, and under the shocked eyes of everyone, he quickly climbed up.

In a blink of an eye, he climbed to more than one hundred steps, easily surpassing Li Jiao.

This made Li Jiao dumbfounded.

The people below were also stunned.

"My God! This Long Shang's body is so strong!"

"Yeah! You see he hasn't slowed down yet! It's horrible too!

While speaking, Long Shang has quickly climbed to the 200th order.

At this time, he looked back at everyone.

Those eyes seemed to be looking at garbage, full of disdain and contempt.

The crowd was furious.

This is simply a blatant provocation...

In fact, Long Shang is provocative!

He knew that these people had all turned to Qin Feng.

It made him very upset!

He is going to stimulate these earth bumpkins now, so as to disgust Qin Feng.

He firmly believes that his physical body is stronger than Qin Feng, after all, he has practiced the method of physical fitness.

But Qin Feng is just a native of the earth and has no chance to practice and exercise.

Because the earth is too backward, there is no way to forge the body yet.

So, how does Qin Feng compare to him?

As long as he wins Qin Feng in this assessment, Qin Feng will lose face.

He wanted to show these country bumpkins what kind of people they took refuge in?

Of course, after this assessment is over, he will smash Qin Feng to pieces!

However, before that, he wanted to disgust Qin Feng again, which he felt very cool.

"A bunch of trash!"

Long Shang sneered, turned around and continued to climb.

He is tearing the skin.

The crowd was furious.

Such face-to-face insults will make anyone angry.

At this moment, they can't wait to rush up, surpass Long Shang in one fell swoop, and return a rubbish...

It's a pity! They don't have that strength!

Everyone couldn't help but look at Qin Feng with hope in their eyes.

They didn't want to see Long Shang arrogant anymore.

Qin Feng raised his head slightly.

At this moment, the voice transmission of the jade unicorn resounded in his ears again.

"Qin Feng, this ladder has a total of 108,000 steps, and the best result in history is 98,000 steps.

"With Long Shang's strength, he can climb to more than 2,000 steps at most. As long as you climb to 3,000 steps, you will definitely be able to beat him! 99

Hearing this, Qin Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he strode towards the Tongtian Ladder.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Qin Feng finally moved!

On the stone steps, Long Shang turned his head and his eyes were cold.

He didn't believe it, Qin Feng was better than him in every aspect.

At this time, Qin Feng had already walked to the ladder.

He stretched out his right foot and stepped on the stone steps.

Landing with one foot is extremely easy.

But just after Qin Feng landed on the ground, he seemed to have discovered something, and there was a look of joy in his eyes.

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