Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 267 This kneeling! Earthshaking! (3 more)

But just after Qin Feng landed on the ground, he seemed to have discovered something, and there was a look of joy in his eyes.

He found that the power of the elements could not resist the strange power.

That strange force was directed towards the fleshly body.

Moreover, that strange power contains nine attributes.

Qin Feng called this strange force Dragon Force for the time being.

When Long Li washed Qin Feng's body, he was pleasantly surprised to find that Long Li was actually tempering his body.

He felt comfortable and didn't feel any pain.

It feels so comfortable!

He couldn't help but take a step up.

As the steps go up one level, the dragon power is strengthened by one point, and the comfort is also strengthened by one point.

"Not bad! 35

Qin Feng was cool and continued to walk up.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Every time you take a step, the dragon power is strengthened by one point.

In a blink of an eye, Qin Feng reached the 37th level, and his body was unknowingly strengthened.

It was at this time that a mutation occurred in his body.

His blood, bones, and bone marrow began to heat up, as if a wild beast was hidden in his body, slowly waking up.

"Ding! The physical body is being strengthened.... The host's physical strength is 11% of the quasi-emperor level..."

"Sure enough, it can strengthen the body..."

Qin Feng was full of surprises.

According to this hint, his physical body is at the level of a quasi-emperor, and has not yet reached the level of a nine-star emperor.

At the moment, he stepped up several steps.

The dragon power increases rapidly, and the physical body strengthens rapidly.

"Ding! The physical body is being strengthened.... The host's physical body has been raised to 11.1% of the quasi-emperor level... The combat power has increased by 100,000..."

Climb a few more steps.

"Ding! The physical body is being strengthened.... The host's physical body has been raised to 11.2% of the quasi-emperor level... The combat power has increased by 100,000..."

In this way, Qin Feng's body was continuously strengthened by dragon power, and his combat power was continuously improved...  

What's the test here?

This is clearly a great opportunity!

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng easily surpassed Li Jiao.

Along the way, his expression was comfortable, as if he was enjoying himself.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Long Shang was even more stunned.

Isn't this guy afraid of the pain of dragon power invading the body?

Long Shang couldn't believe it.

After he was invaded by the dragon force, he felt very painful, and there was no sense of comfort.

This guy must be pretending.

Everyone naturally didn't know that Qin Feng's physique had eight attributes.

And this dragon power is very peculiar, the side with the same attribute is used to strengthen, and the different is used to destroy.

Therefore, the attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, and darkness of Longli are strengthening Qin Feng's body.

Only the light attribute is destroying Qin Feng's body.

But the strengthening of the eight elements is far greater than the destruction of the first element, so it is generally a high-speed strengthening.

Therefore, Qin Feng felt that his body was being rapidly strengthened, and he felt very comfortable.

But Longshang Lijiao is different.

They are all monolithic.

In other words, they only have one system to strengthen, but eight are destroyed.

Therefore, when they are invaded by dragon power, they are destroying their bodies at high speed, and they will feel pain.

In fact, a situation like Qin Feng's is unique in the entire Star Alliance.

"Master Qin Feng is really a genius!"

Li Jiao looked at Qin Feng's back with admiration.

The people below were also discussing.

"Master Qin Feng seems to be very relaxed..."

"Yeah! Why do I feel like Lord Qin Feng is enjoying it?

"Go! Let's go up and see too!"

Everyone thought it was easy to climb the ladder, so they all climbed up.

But the next moment, everyone showed pain.

They realized the power of the ladder to the sky.

This shocked everyone, and they were even more shocked by Qin Feng's performance.

At the top of the Tongtian Ladder, Long Shang frowned when he saw all this.

"Humph! Pretending to be a ghost!", Long Shang was very disdainful

He felt that Qin Feng's relaxed look must be disguised.

Qin Feng's speed was very fast, and he climbed to more than one hundred steps in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Long Shang hurriedly turned around and quickly climbed up.

He cannot be surpassed by Qin Feng!

Two hundred and thirty....two hundred and fifty....two hundred and eighty....

After a while, he reached the 300th order...

Long Li's destruction of the physical body has already made him feel obvious pain.

He endured it, but was very proud in his heart.

He has participated in such an examination.

That time, when he reached the 300th order, his body couldn't hold it any longer, and he almost collapsed.

But this time, he easily held on.

His physical body is much stronger than the last time.

Decades of physical training have really not been in vain!

Qin Feng, you don't have the method of physical cultivation, can you compare to me?

Da~! Da~!

But at this moment, there were soft footsteps behind him.

Long Shang looked back and was dumbfounded.

Qin Feng unknowingly followed.


cannot be surpassed by him.

Long Shang didn't have time to regulate the chaos in his body, and once again bit his head and climbed up.

Three hundred and thirty....three hundred and eighty...four hundred and twenty....

Long Shang climbed to the 500th order in one breath...

At this moment, he was breathing heavily, his legs were a little weak, and the breath in his body was disordered...

Haha!! I have climbed to the 500th level, that Qin Feng...

Da~! Da~! Da~!

The sound of orderly footsteps came from behind again.

Long Shang turned back.

Qin Feng was more than ten meters behind him, his eyes were slightly closed, and he was climbing up with a face full of enjoyment.

The speed is neither fast nor slow, and the time taken for each step is extremely consistent, not more than a second, not a second, which is amazing...

"Damn it! Still pretending!

Long Shang was annoyed.

He thought Qin Feng did it on purpose.

He also had a fight with Qin Feng.

Today, he is going to compete with Qin Feng...

At the moment, he ignored the disorder in his body and continued to climb up.

In a blink of an eye, Long Shang climbed to the eight hundredth order.

·0 Flowers ·...

At this moment, his legs are filled with lead, the skin of his body is swollen and red, and it takes half a day to lift his feet...

Long Shang felt that he couldn't take it anymore.

He wanted to take a breather.

But at this moment, Qin Feng's footsteps came again.

Damn it!

Why did he catch up again!

Long Shang gritted his teeth and continued to climb up...

His speed was significantly slower, less than one-tenth of the initial speed.

It's getting harder and harder...

For two hours, he fought for half his life and finally climbed to the thousandth order...

Haha!! A thousand orders!

This is the first threshold!

People who have not practiced the method of physical fitness will definitely not be able to get here.

Qin Feng, a native of the earth, should have never practiced the method of bodybuilding...

Just as Long Shang had this thought, there was movement behind him.

Da~! Da~!

Qin Feng's footsteps came softly.

Long Shang turned back, his eyes widened.

This haunted guy!


He was angry.

His breath is very chaotic right now.

Logically, he should adjust his breath and climb again...

But Qin Feng was getting closer and closer to him.

One step.... Two steps.... Three steps....

Only four steps away from him...

That's too late!

Long Shang raised his foot with difficulty and took a step up...

His stubborn temper came.

This time, it took Long Shang a full two minutes to climb to the first step...

His body was already in chaos...

But Qin Feng has already reached the third level, which is less than the second level from him.

Long Shang was anxious and stepped up again...

When his feet were about to hit the ground, a graceful figure arrived one step ahead, and fell down easily...

Fuck it~!

He was surpassed by Qin Feng.

Long Shang was in a hurry, and his mind fell instantly.

At this time, his right foot just landed.

The extremely violent dragon force rushed into his body along the soles of his feet...

Long Shang was caught off guard, his legs softened, and he suddenly knelt down in front of Qin Feng.

The dull sound of kneeling on the ground resounded throughout the valley, and the connecting ladder trembled slightly.

The appraisers below were all startled, and looked up one after another, suddenly stunned.

They saw a strange scene.

Long Shang actually knelt in front of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng was also stunned.

He was completely immersed in the wonderful experience of body quenching.

His physical enhancement has reached 13.6% of the quasi-emperor level, and his combat power has increased by more than 2 million...

To be honest, he didn't take Long Shang seriously at all.

He just wanted to enjoy this great opportunity.

And Long Shang was also dumbfounded.

How did you get down on your knees?!

It wasn't of his own accord at all!

The atmosphere in the arena suddenly became very quiet.

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