Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 269 The Last Face of Long Shang (1 More)

Chu Chu's cultivation base is only in the early stage of six-star, and it is the lowest cultivation base and weakest among all people. Logically speaking, it should be the first to be eliminated.

But Chu Chu now surpassed the jade unicorn, followed closely behind the Xiaolun Wang, and climbed to the nine hundredth order.

What is even more shocking is that every time Chu Chu goes up a step, he swallows a mouthful of Diliu (ice), and sits there to retreat and practice...

She actually regarded the Tongtian Ladder as a place to practice.

As if those dragon powers couldn't hurt her.

In this way, she climbed to the 900th rank, and her cultivation has also risen to the peak of the initial six-star stage, which is not far from the middle stage of the six-star stage.

This is incomprehensible, how Chu Chu did it.

It turned out that Chu Chu used her time ability.

She felt that there were nine attributes in the dragon power.

In addition to the ice element being strengthened, the other eight elements are destroyed inside the body.

She manipulated the time field to slow down the destruction of the eight elements and speed up the time of the strengthened ice elements.

After going back and forth, the dragon power damage she suffered was less than one-tenth of that of the other examiners.

To put it simply, the difficulty of this assessment for her is only one tenth of that of other assessors.

In addition, she refined many dragon blood things, as well as genetic medicine.

Her physical strength is stronger than that of ordinary examiners.

In this way, she can rely on her body to resist the damage.

And while refining the Emperor's Slurry (ice), she strengthened her physical body and fought steadily step by step.

Of course, the more she climbed, the harder it was.

After all, she can't offset all the damage, but it is not impossible to surpass Long Shang.

Above the stone steps, Long Shang looked at Ferry King and Chu Chu who were getting closer.

His heart was extremely anxious. 10

He is a very proud man and a man who cannot afford to lose.

"How to do?"

Long Shang looked at Qin Feng, who was far ahead, and at Xiaolun Wang and Chu Chu, who were catching up slowly behind him.

He suddenly had a sense of crisis that there was a tiger in front of him and a wolf in the back.


If Laozi lost to Qin Feng, forget it!

Even if you lose to Ferry King!

Wouldn't even that little girl lose?

He glanced at Chu Chu, and the expression on his face became more and more strange.

All the appraisers have the means to cover their cultivation, but Chu Chu does not.

Chu Chu suddenly appeared from behind.

Her early six-star cultivation was particularly eye-catching in the crowd.

It would be too embarrassing if he couldn't even compete with a little girl in the early six-star stage.

This matter has to be passed back to his own star field, he can't afford to lose face...

These earth bumpkins of Damn it!

Long Shang was angry and hated the earthlings in his heart.

He never thought about his own reasons.

At the moment, he gritted his teeth, raised his feet with difficulty, and continued to climb.

As time goes by, the assessment becomes more and more difficult.

Gradually, some examiners finally couldn't hold on any longer and quit one by one.

ten hours later.

Qin Feng has already climbed more than 7,000 steps, and his speed has not slowed down in the slightest.

Long Shang was a little panicked!

He only climbed to more than 1,700 steps.

Qin Feng is more than four times his size.

And Xiao Lun Wang is also more than 1,700 steps, and he is only a dozen steps away from him.

Next is Chu Chu.

Chu Chu has been playing steadily.

She had slowed down.

Just an hour ago, she broke through to the mid-six star.

This made her speed up a bit.

Now, she has reached the 1,500th order.

Her physical strength is also infinitely close to the quasi-eight star.

This made Long Shang panic even more.

Next, is the jade unicorn.

I saw that the jade unicorn's whole body was transformed into jade, and the physical strength was greatly improved, and she also climbed to the 1,400th order.

Further down, Luo Li, Xiao Qingfeng, Bai Qianyue, Duanmu Xue, and the captain of the Xuanwu League, Wu Sihai, all stayed in the ranks of seven to nine hundred.

Their physical strength is obviously very different from the previous ones.

The examiners further down are less than 500th order.

And there are seven or eight people who quit the teleportation.

The higher up, the more everyone felt Qin Feng was terrified.

At this moment, Qin Feng's physical strength has increased to 21.1% of the quasi-emperor level, and the combat power has increased by 10 million, reaching 530 million.

His physical strength is getting more and more terrifying.

The examination continues.

Before you know it, a day has passed.

After Luo Li, Xiao Qingfeng and others reached the thousandth order, they couldn't hold it any longer, and they all quit.

Jade unicorn exits at the 2100th level.

The Ferry King directly surpassed Long Shang and reached the 3,100th order.

In the end, his resurrection speed couldn't keep up with the self-destruction speed.

If it goes on like this, he may not be able to resurrect, and he has to quit.

At this moment, there are only three people left in the field.

Long Shang is in the 2860th order.

Chu Chu is in the 2830th order.

Qin Feng has already reached the 15,000th order.

His speed still did not slow down.

This made Long Shang's heart completely chaotic.

This guy has more than five times his grades.

Could it be that he really surpassed himself ten times?

If it really becomes like this, he will be disgraced.

What made him even more depressed was that Chu Chu was only thirty steps away from him, and he was about to catch up.

However, Chu Chu's state is very bad.

Her body had reached its limit, and self-cracks continued to appear on her white and tender skin, and several thin blood lines flowed out.

Seeing this scene, Long Shang breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this little girl has reached the limit and should quit immediately.

He was finally able to keep his third place.

Losing to Qin Feng, he admitted it.

Losing to Ferry King, that is a guy who cheated by resurrection, nothing special.

But if he loses to Chu Chu, he will lose all face.

"Haha!! Little girl, have you reached your limit? Quit if you can't stand it! It's not worth it if you don't die here..."

Long Shang persuaded Chu Chu behind him.

He was about to reach his limit, and he couldn't walk anymore.

He wanted to coax Chu Chu to retreat, so he could follow.

In this way, he kept the third place and the last face.

Speaking of which, he's pretty miserable too!

Since taking part in the examination, he has not achieved any good results.

For example, in the first game, he won a third place.

In the second game, even the top five didn't make it.

In the third game, he won a fourth place.

In this last game, his third place position was at stake.

Thinking about it this time, he felt suffocated.

His dignified genius of the fifth-level star field was trampled by the indigenous people of the earth, which is totally inappropriate.

"Little girl, what are you still holding on to? If you go on like this, you will die!

Long Shang continued to persuade.

"Humph!" Chu Chu glanced at him in disgust.

She was very upset when this guy talked to her brother like that before.

She must surpass this guy and give her brother an outlet.

"Heh! Little girl, what's with your eyes? What's the use of staring at me? This is because you are young and can't bear to die here, so I kindly persuade..."

"Humph! You still worry about yourself! This girl will soon surpass you!

"Haha! It's just you? Little girl, looking at you like this, your body is about to collapse. It's impossible for you to go to the next level, and you still want to surpass this seat?!"

The corners of Long Shang's mouth were slightly upturned, full of disdain.

"Then you look good! 35

Chu Chu grabbed a handful of healing medicine and swallowed it directly, while running the super technique of self-healing - ice healing.

The injury on her body was slowly recovering, but it cracked again in the next second, and she could not fully recover at all.

This is indeed her limit.

"Haha!! I'll just say it! You can't do it anymore!

Long Shang laughed proudly.

But the next second, he was stunned.

I saw Chu Chu's thoughts move, and the time ability was activated.

Time accelerates!

Ten times faster!

With the aid of the time ability, the ice healing technique can repair ten times faster in an instant, reaching the level of a king-level technique.

At the same time, the healing medicine she just swallowed also accelerated the healing tenfold.

Combining the two, the injuries on her body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the next second, Chu Chu took three steps up.

Bang 980~! Bang~! Bang~!

Every step of Chu Chu was extremely heavy and powerful.

Long Shang was stunned.

This little girl actually climbed up.

He also took three steps in one breath.

The situation is not good!

Long Shang was in a hurry.

But at this moment, Chu Chu's body cracked again.

After three steps. She finally couldn't bear it anymore, she couldn't even save the time acceleration, and her body began to collapse...

Long Shang was immediately surprised.

He just waited for Chu Chu to exit.

Chu Chu activates time ability again, time delay!

Her body collapse slowed down.

It was at this moment that the power accumulated in her body finally reached its breaking point.


A soft sound!

Seems like a bottleneck was broken.


Chu Chu was shocked, and his momentum skyrocketed in an instant.

She actually broke through to the late six-star at this moment...

Her mental strength and physical fitness improved a lot in an instant.

She took it!

how can that be?

Long Shang opened his eyes in horror.

Like her brother, this little girl is also a pervert!

In the next second, Chu Chu walked up and took three steps in a row again.

The gap between the two sides has narrowed to the twenty-fourth order.

not good!

Long Shang's face changed greatly, and he quickly turned around to climb.

When he stepped up, his body quickly reached the limit, the scales on his arms shattered one after another, and the blood flowed,

Long Shang grinned in pain.

But at this time, Chu Chu was connected to the third rank again. Closer again.

Long Shang was in a hurry, and without caring about the pain, he took his life to the next step.

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

The blood vessels in his whole body burst~!

The internal organs in the body swell rapidly. . . .

Fuck it~!


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