Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 270 The Secret of Level 9 Longwei (2 more)

Fuck it~!


Long Shang was so terrified that he couldn't hold it any longer and quit in an instant.

In a flash of white light, Long Shang disappeared.

At the same time, on the plaza on the top of Tianlong Mountain, a group of examiners who had withdrawn gathered.

At this moment, everyone was nervously watching the Summoning Jade Talisman.

The jade talisman is showing the results of each examiner.

At this time, Qin Feng's grades kept beating...

Fifteen thousand three hundred and sixty-one...

Fifteen thousand three hundred and sixty-two...

Fifteen thousand three hundred and sixty-three...

"My God! This is more than 15,000 steps! Master Qin Feng's grades are still rising, this is too scary!

"Look! Long Shang's grades have stopped..."

As soon as these words fell, everyone sensed a wave of space fluctuations.

Everyone looked up and saw Long Shang standing in front of him covered in blood.

"Oh! Long Shang also quit..."

The crowd murmured.

Many people's faces showed joy.

They all took refuge in Qin Feng, and naturally they all stood on Qin Feng's side.

"Yo! Isn't this Long Shang! I thought you could surpass this king, but I didn't expect you to be only 2,800th order! It's 300 orders less than this king..."

The mocking sound of the Ferry King sounded in the field.

Long Shang was feeling like his whole body was torn apart and the pain was unbearable.

Hearing these yin and yang strange words, he almost vomited blood.

"Heh! You cheating guy who relies on skills, it's not really a skill to win, what's there to be proud of?" Long Shang sneered disdainfully.


"It's not a skill for this king to win, so is it a skill for Chu Chu to win? At least this king has the hope of winning Chu Chu. You seem to be overtaken by Chu Chu... In such a comparison, you are still not as good as this king!"5

Long Shang was annoyed: "That little girl hasn't surpassed the deity yet, what are you bragging about..."

As soon as these words fell, there was a commotion in the field.

"Look! Chu Chu surpassed Long Shang!"

"Huh! Really..."

Hearing this, Long Shang was startled, and quickly used his spiritual sense to detect the jade talisman.

His grade is 2851st order......

Chu Chu's grade was 2852, which really surpassed him...

Longshang petrified.

This result was unacceptable to him.

At this moment, the mockery of the Ferry King sounded in his ears again,

"Long Shang, you can't even compare to a six-star girl, and you dare to mock us as trash... So you are trash yourself!


Long Shang was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of old blood.

He raised his head again, but saw that everyone was looking at him with schadenfreude, and their eyes were full of contempt and ridicule.

It stabbed his sensitive self-esteem deeply.

Thinking that he was a high-ranking five-level star field genius, he was despised by a group of earth bumpkins.

It was a sad life for him to be reduced to such a level.

"You all wait..."

Long Shang gave everyone a gloomy glance, and then walked over to a few members of the unconscious organization with a gloomy expression, taking medicine to heal his wounds.

How dare these hillbillies despise him.

After the assessment was over, after he killed Qin Feng, he killed all these hillbillies, leaving none of them behind.

Only in this way can the hatred in his heart be vented...

At the moment, people no longer pay attention to him.

Everyone was nervously watching the results of Qin Feng and Chu Chu.

Time flies.

Before I knew it, another ten hours passed.

What shocked everyone was that Chu Chu finally managed to reach the 3400th order, surpassing the Ferry King and taking the second place.

However, she also reached her limit and quit.

As a result, Qin Feng was the only one left on the ladder.

At this moment, everyone is paying attention to Qin Feng's results.

The more people looked at it, the more shocked, and the more they admired it.

At this time, Qin Feng's score was 19,990, and he was only ten steps away from 20,000.

Everyone was inexplicably nervous.

In the crowd, the jade unicorn was amazed, and the beautiful eyes hidden joy.

The man she likes is much more powerful than she imagined!

However, she was still a little worried.

20,000 steps is a huge threshold.

Being able to reach the 20,000-level means that the physical body has reached the threshold of the quasi-emperor level.

This is a very high level of physical strengthening.

As far as she knows, since the appearance of the Longxu Secret Realm, very few people have crossed the threshold of 20,000 steps.

The later achievements of these people are extremely dazzling, and the lowest is the emperor-level existence.

Therefore, in the eyes of all star field examiners, if they can pass the 20,000-level, they will definitely become emperors in the future.

Can Qin Feng do it too?

Yu Qilin took a nervous breath.

At this moment, Qin Feng's grades have risen to 19997...

The crowd became even more nervous.

"Come on! Lord Qin Feng is about to break through to the 20,000th order...~°"

"Yeah! It's just the last three steps!"

"Do you think Master Qin Feng can successfully cross over?"


As soon as the voice fell, Long Shang's mockery sounded from behind the crowd.

"Ah! A bunch of ignorant hillbillies!"

As soon as these words fell, everyone was angry and turned to look at Long Shang.

Long Shang looked at everyone with contempt: "Humph! Don't look at the difference between 19999 and 20,000, but that is a big threshold. That is equivalent to the gap between the physical strength limit of the eight-star Great Perfection and the threshold of the quasi-emperor level. , the difference between the two is more than ten times."

"Most of the assessments are stuck at this level. Do you think Qin Feng can pass? You look down on him too much! Is it possible that you really think that his physical body has the strength of a quasi-emperor?

Long Shang looked disdainful.

"How did you know? I think you're talking nonsense!" Ferry King questioned.

"Laozi just knows, it's none of your business!" Long Shang replied angrily.

The Ferry King was furious: "You..."

"Stop arguing! Lord Qin Feng has reached level 19999..."

With this reminder, Ferry King and Long Shang hurriedly looked at Yu Fu.

Everyone held their breath nervously.

They all wanted to know if Qin Feng could cross 20,000 steps.

If Long Shang is right, from 19999 to 20,000, then the strength of dragon power will suddenly increase tenfold.

When people think of this situation, they feel extremely terrifying.

At this moment, the data on the jade talisman jumped.

Qin Feng: Twenty thousand orders!

At the same time, the entire Tianlong Mountain trembled slightly.

There was cheers from the crowd.

"Haha!! Crossed it! Master Qin Feng crossed it!""


The crowd was extremely excited.

"Humph! It's still early... He will go back in a while..." Long Shang sneered.

This kind of assessment has happened many times in history.

There are many people who have only reached the 20,000th order.

The ten-fold increase in dragon power that can suddenly increase makes them unbearable, either directly return to the 19999 level, or withdraw from the assessment...

Long Shang felt that Qin Feng would do the same.

He was always deep in his heart and wanted to see Bian Qin Feng.

After all, it's too hard for a conceited person to admit that others are good.

But as soon as his voice fell, there was another exclamation in the field.

"Look! Lord Qin Feng has reached level 2003..."

"No! It's the 20,007th order now..."

"My God! It's 2010th order now! So fast!

"What?!" Long Shang hurriedly checked.

Seeing this, he was dumbfounded.

Qin Feng slapped him in the face again.

That guy has really crossed the 20,000 steps, and is still going up...

"This... how is this possible?!

Long Shang felt bitter in his heart.

How can this earth native be so strong?

He seems to be far superior to himself in every way...

Now, his physical strength far exceeds his own.

how so?

Isn't there a way to forge the body on Earth?

Why does this earth bumpkin have such a strong body?!

Not reconciled!

Laozi is not reconciled!

Long Shang roared angrily in his heart...

At this time, the mockery of the Ferry King came again.

66 `Haha!! Long Shang! Lord Qin Feng has passed the threshold of 20,000 steps, you just wait for him to surpass you ten times, you kneel and call his father!!

Long Shang was furious: "It's only 20,000 rank. If he wants to surpass me ten times, then he must be able to reach 28,510 rank..."

"Haha!! Then just wait...

At the same time, go up the ladder.

Qin Feng's speed has slowed down.

His current physical strength is 31.3% of the quasi-emperor level, and his combat power has increased by 20 million to 540 million.

At this moment, Qin Feng's face was no longer pleasant.

He already felt pain.

The real challenge finally begins!

Qin Feng looked ahead.

The ladder is like a long dragon, along the mountain, straight into the sky, and there is no end in sight...

Jade unicorn told him that this ladder has 108,000 steps, and the best result in history is 89,000 steps...

He has just passed the 20,000th order, and he has already felt a little pain. The road behind him will become more and more difficult.

It turned out that the eight elements of dragon power only strengthened his physical body, but did not have the function of repairing injuries.

The light attribute in the dragon power has been destroying his body.

After reaching the 20,000th order, the strength of the light attribute of Long Li reached the quasi-nine-star threshold level, and it was finally able to hurt Qin Feng's body.

Therefore, Qin Feng began to feel a little pain.

Well, just a little bit.

After all, his physical body is 31.3% of the quasi-emperor level, which is equivalent to the physical strength of the mid-term quasi-emperor level.

He (the one who promised money) could still bear the pain.

But there are still more than 80,000 steps, does he exceed the highest score in history?

Qin Feng was apprehensive and felt that it was unlikely.

But at this moment, Summoning Jade Talisman sent a message to him.

After a while, Qin Feng's eyes gradually brightened, and a happy expression appeared on his face.

He finally knew how to obtain the ninth-level Dragon Might.

The secret is hidden at the end of the ladder.

Only after he has completed the 108,000 steps, can he hope to obtain the ninth-level dragon power, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to activate the ninth-level dragon power.

Level 9 Dragon Might!

Qin Feng yearned for it.

After obtaining the ninth-level dragon power, he can take away the inheritance of the supreme dragon god of Longxu.

At this moment, he finally understood.

Why has the Longxu Secret Realm been around for tens of thousands of years, and no one has been able to obtain the only ninth-level inheritance.

That's because no one has ever made it to the top of the ladder.

let's start!

Qin Feng stepped out.

This time, even if he fights to the death, he has to complete the ladder to the sky‥

This is his only chance.

According to the secret realm prompt, the assessor who got the prompt just now is not allowed to enter the secret realm for the second time.

Otherwise, as soon as he enters the secret realm, he will be knocked unconscious by the secret realm attack.

He has been prompted.

This time, he will either succeed or fail, and there will be no second chance.

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