Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 271 Long Shang! Amazing Ah Q spirit (3 more)

Qin Feng moved on.

One step...two steps...three steps...

Every time he rises one level, the dragon power is strengthened by one point, and the damage of the light attribute to him is strengthened by one point.

However, it was all within his tolerance.

What's more, he is a tough-willed generation.

What is this pain for?

An hour later, Qin Feng climbed the 22,000th order......

Three hours later, 24,000 steps...

Eight hours later, 28,000 steps...

The pain Qin Feng suffered became stronger and stronger, and the climbing speed gradually slowed down.

His physical strengthening is also quietly improving, and it has been raised to 32.9% of the quasi-emperor level...

Meanwhile, on the square.

All the appraisers watched the jade talisman nervously.

Every change in Qin Feng's grades affects everyone's heart.

In the crowd, Yu Qilin was full of joy.

Qin Feng has already climbed the 2800th order, which is extremely good.

Maybe one day,

Qin Feng can really help her get out of the stupor...

The more she thought about it, the happier she was. ……..

On the other side, Long Shang stared at the jade talisman with a grim face.

Fuck it~!

This guy has reached the 28,506th order...

If he advances four steps, he is ten times his own.

Long Shang suddenly felt a stagnation in his chest, unspeakably uncomfortable.

It is impossible for him to call Qin Feng 'father'.

But it also made him lose face!

"This damn earth bumpkin! How is he still climbing? How is he still not stopping? Doesn't he have a limit 980?

Long Shang is roaring in his heart!

He is not happy!

He is really not happy at all!

How could he be forced into this by an earth bumpkin?

At this moment, the mockery of the Ferry King sounded in his ears.

"Long Shang, you're going to have another father soon..."

"Go away!" Long Shang didn't hit a single place with anger.

"Yo! Are you trying to deny it? Everyone heard what you said on the Tongtian Ladder before, don't you want to admit it? 99

As soon as these words fell, everyone agreed.

"That's right! We've all heard it! Long Shang, the husband said that one is one, and if you go back on your word, you will drop the price!

"Yeah! Long Shang, if you deny it like this, we look down on you..."

Long Shang was furious: "You bastards! I need you to look up to this seat? Shut up! 39

The Ferry King sneered, "Are you so embarrassed?"

When the words fell, the crowd exclaimed.

"Look! Lord Qin Feng has reached the 28510th level!"

Everyone quickly looked at it, and it really happened, and they were overjoyed.

Long Shang's face became extremely ugly.

Qin Feng's grade is really ten times his!

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the field was not right.

He couldn't help but look up and saw everyone looking at him strangely.

Those eyes were full of schadenfreude and ridicule.

They are all watching their own jokes!

Long Shang's fragile self-esteem suddenly shattered to the ground, and not even scum was left.

Immediately, he was extremely angry.

A monstrous hatred rose from the bottom of his heart!

Damn it!

Damn it!

How dare these earth bumpkins of Damn it despise themselves.

He wants to make them regret it!

"Long Shang, Lord Qin Feng has surpassed you ten times..."

The corners of Xiao Lun Wang's mouth twitched slightly.

Long Shang's face darkened.

For a moment, he said in a hoarse voice: "You will regret it..."

After speaking, he closed his eyes and meditated, ignoring the crowd.

Everyone shook their heads slightly and ignored him.

It's just that everyone didn't see that Long Shang's forehead burst with blue veins, his face was hazy, and his heart was filled with boundless hatred.

You earth bumpkins just wait!

When the assessment is over, I will kill you all!

At that time, even if you kneel down and beg for mercy, you will die! Haha!!

The more Long Shang thought about it, the more proud he became, and he couldn't help laughing.

Everyone was shocked, and they turned their heads and looked at him strangely.

what's wrong with this guy?

Where inexplicably giggle!

Wasn't he driven crazy?

Long Shang didn't know it.

He still lowered his head, where he exerted his ability to comfort himself.

He couldn't wait for the assessment to end.

If you want to finish the assessment, Qin Feng needs to finish the assessment quickly.

Until then, he is the protagonist!

Thinking of this, arrogance surged in Long Shang's heart again.

He opened his eyes and looked at the backs of everyone coldly, as if looking at corpses.

just wait!

Your time of death is approaching!

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, a whole day passed.

Long Shang waited so anxiously.

He is not pleasing to everyone now, and he can't wait to kill him immediately!

But that Qin Feng was too perverted.

He has persisted until now and has not quit.

To be honest, he was shocked.

Although he hated Qin Feng very much, he had to admit that this Qin Feng was terrifyingly strong.

But the more he did, the more he wanted to destroy Qin Feng.

And now, his chance is coming.

Long Shang touched the trump card in his arms, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He firmly believed that this trump card could easily kill Qin Feng into scum.

Long Shang looked at Qin Feng's results again.

(baeg) That pervert has already reached the 39998th order.

Soon, he will encounter the second threshold, which is the 40,000th order.

From level 39999 to level 40,000, the difficulty will suddenly increase tenfold.

After the 40,000-level, only the body of the mid-term emperor can withstand it.

In ten thousand years, only four people have entered the 40,000-level.

If there is a fifth person, it should be a super genius from the high-level star field, and it will definitely not be Qin Feng, a native of the earth.

At this moment, Qin Feng had already reached the 39999th level.

Long Shang laughed!

It's time for a good show!

He slowly got up and swept towards everyone with a cold and arrogant face.

"It's time to end!"

Long Shang's words quickly spread throughout the audience.

Everyone was stunned and turned to look at him, feeling a little inexplicable.

"What's the end? What do you mean?!" Ferry looked at him unhappily.

Long Shang said proudly: "Are you all fools? The 40,000th order is the second gate, Qin Feng will immediately...,  …

"Look! Lord Qin Feng has entered the 40,000th order!"

"Yeah! He has entered the 40,001st order again..."


Qin Feng has passed 40,000 steps again?

Long Shang was embarrassed.

He stood there blankly, not knowing what to do.

Even the three fainting organization members beside him felt embarrassed.

Long Shang was slapped in the face again in public.

It made the three of them a little embarrassed.

They were all a little embarrassed, wondering how they had recognized such a boss?

Where have you been embarrassed!

"Cut!", Xiao Lun Wang sneered, not bothering to care about Long Shang.

He now feels more and more that Long Shang is like a clown.

Being despised and ignored by everyone, Long Shang's face turned red, and he was a little embarrassed.


This time Laozi was embarrassed again.

All right!

There is another chance!

You hillbillies are going to die sooner or later!

Long Shang had a gloomy face and sat down again.

But he said Qin Feng had passed the 40,000th order.

Everyone found that Qin Feng's climbing speed had dropped significantly, and it was not half as fast as before.

Obviously, Qin Feng was also in trouble.

But this kind of achievement has shocked everyone, including Yu Qilin and Long Shang.

In the blink of an eye, another two days have passed.

In the past two days, everyone has been paying attention to Qin Feng's results.

In the corner, Long Shang's eyes were bloodshot.

He kept staring at Qin Feng's results.

This time, he waited again.

Qin Feng is now on the 59999th level, and the next step is 60,000, and the dragon power damage will suddenly increase tenfold.

That's the third big threshold.

For thousands of years, only two people have gone anywhere.

Qin Feng, this country bumpkin is definitely not good!

"Everything is about to end!", Long Shang stood up excitedly.

Everyone was stunned again and looked back at him.

The corners of Long Shang's mouth twitched, and just as he was about to explain, he felt someone pulling his clothes behind him.

He looked back, and a member of the fainting organization looked at him strangely.

Long Shang frowned: "What?"

The member swallowed his saliva and said uneasily: "Sir, don't talk anymore..."

Long Shang was furious: "What do you mean?"

The member said with a sad face: "Sir, Qin Feng has already climbed to the 60,001st order..."

Long Shang's expression froze instantly.

Everyone is stupid!

Fuck it~!

This Qin Feng actually broke through again?!

At this time, he found that everyone was looking at him mockingly.

He blushed with embarrassment...

Then, under the contemptuous eyes of everyone, he sat down silently.

Paralyzed! Laozi is disgraced again!

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