Global Powers: I Control All Elements

The 272nd chapter is the 1 of all ages (4 more)

At the same time, go up the ladder.

Qin Feng was standing on the 60007th order.

now. He's in big trouble.

The destructive power of the light attribute in the dragon power finally exceeded the strength of his physical body.

I saw that the skin of his whole body was swollen and red, some places had cracked, and the fine blood lines were flowing out.

Qin Feng also had cold sweat on his forehead from the pain.

He looked up at the stone steps ahead.

As long as he rises one tier, the strength of the dragon force will increase by 10%. I am afraid that his physical body will not be able to withstand it, and it will burst on the spot.

This is only 60,000 steps!

His goal is 108,000 steps!

Speaking of which, these 60,000 steps are aimed at the flesh body of the late quasi-emperor class.

Qin Feng's current physical strength is 65.7%, which has not reached the level of the late quasi-emperor level.

Only when it reaches more than 70%, will a qualitative change occur, which is regarded as entering the later stage.

And if he wants to strengthen his physical body, he must step forward.

Only the eight-element dragon power on the higher stone steps can strengthen his physical body.

It's time to show your true strength!

Qin Feng's heart moved.

Super Skill - Withered Trees Bring Spring!


His injuries were quickly repaired.

In the next second, he even crossed the seventh order.

The strength of the dragon force increases continuously.

Finally, the dragon force destroys the balance.

Withered trees can not keep up with the speed of repair.

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

Qin Feng's whole body burst blood vessels.

But he did not stop, but accelerated.

At the same time, he quickly swallowed a demon core.

The god-level devoured and operated, and the energy repaired the body.

The two repair skills are superimposed, and the effect is greatly increased.

Qin Feng hurriedly accelerated forward.

Tier 300…. Tier 500… Tier 1,000….

In a blink of an eye, ten hours passed.

Qin Feng has reached the 69,000th order.

He consumed more than a thousand demon cores before and after.

This time, before he came to the secret realm, he expected to consume a lot of demon cores.

Yue'er helped him acquire a total of 8,000 demon cores, all of which ranged from three to five stars.

He originally thought that so many demon cores were completely enough.

Now it seems that it is not enough!

He continued to sneak.

An hour later, he finally crossed the 70,000th order...

He reached his limit again.

God-level devouring and dead wood can't save it.

Poof~! Poof~! Poof~!

Broken blood vessels throughout the body.

Qin Feng was in excruciating pain, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

At this moment, his whole body was covered with cracks, and the cold sweat and blood on his forehead mixed together and flowed down his cheeks.

This time it really went to the limit.

Qin Feng gritted his teeth and looked towards the steps in front of him.

He knew very well in his heart that if he took another step, his body would collapse...

Logically, he should take a step back and adjust.

But Qin Feng didn't back down, he glanced at his data.

Flesh quasi-emperor level 69.99%!

You can try it!

Qin Feng actually stepped forward again.

Seventy thousand and one order!

The flesh keeps bursting!

Bloody fog!

Internal organs shattered!


Qin Feng's eyes were dizzy from the pain.

extremely dangerous.

If he does not retreat within three seconds, or if he does not withdraw, his body will collapse and die.

Qin Feng stood there and didn't move.

For a second...the blood vessels are constantly collapsing...

Two seconds.... The body begins to disintegrate from the inside out...

three seconds...

The eight-series quenching time is sufficient.

"Ding! The physical body has been strengthened to 70% of the quasi-emperor level, reaching the late stage threshold of the quasi-emperor level, and the physical body has been greatly strengthened..."

Qin Feng was shocked.

His physical body finally broke through to the late stage of Emperor Zhundi, and his resistance increased greatly in an instant.

At this moment, he resisted.

Withered trees come in spring, and god-level swallows run at high speed.

The injury on the whole body recovered quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was as good as before, and there was not even a single wound.

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

Everything is in your control.

When the physical body reaches the late stage of the Emperor, it is different!

In fact, these 60,000 to 80,000 steps are aimed at the physical strength of the late Emperor Zhundi.

With this breakthrough, the road behind him will be better.

At the moment, Qin Feng swallowed a demon core and moved on....

In a blink of an eye, a day has passed.

Qin Feng finally reached the 79999th level, and the next level is the 80,000th level.

This is the fourth big threshold.

After passing the 80,000th order, it was aimed at the Great Perfection of the Emperor Quandi.

The physical strength of Dzogchen is above 90%.

But Qin Feng's physical strength is only 81.37%, which is far from 90%.

Qin Feng stood on the 79999 stage and pondered.

He has almost reached the limit now, and he has almost used all the means, so he can barely stand on the 79999th order.

When he can step up to 80,000 steps at once, his dragon power will instantly increase tenfold.

There is no doubt that his physical body will collapse quickly, and it will not last for less than two seconds.

Eighty thousand steps!

Qin Feng sighed.

For thousands of years, only one person has crossed it.

That person eventually reached the 89,000th order.

He is the only one who has crossed the 80,000 steps.

It seems that he can only use the last resort.

Otherwise, he can't get over it.

Hope his remaining demon core can hold up!

Qin Feng took a look and saw that more than 6,000 demon cores had been consumed, and only more than 2,000 remained.

But he still has 28,000 steps to go...

His goal is 108,000 steps, not just the 80,000 steps in front of him...

Hope to last till the end....

The next second, he started.

Eight Elements Primordial Transformation.

Qin Feng's body soared, his aura soared, and his combat power increased by 100 million.

This transformation, his physical body is also greatly strengthened.

It turned out that he had long known that this method could strengthen the physical body.

After transforming, his energy consumption will be accelerated tenfold.

This is not conducive to a protracted war.

Therefore, Qin Feng has always regarded it as a hole card and did not use it.

And now it's the final stage, and he has to use it.

Immediately, he swallowed a demon core and stepped directly to the 80,000th order...

Meanwhile, on the Peak Galleria.

Yu Qilin was extremely nervous.

She stared closely at Qin Feng's grades.

79999 steps!

The fourth threshold has been reached!

Can Qin Feng step over?

For thousands of years, only one person has stepped over, will Qin Feng become the second one?

She was expecting and worrying...

On the other side, Long Shang was dumbfounded.

This Qin Feng is so scary!

For thousands of years, only the Lord of Nirvana has passed.

Of course, the annihilation master at that time was only the strength of the eight-star king.

This Qin Feng obviously hasn't reached eight stars, or even close to eight stars.

He was able to reach the 7999th level, which had already made Long Shang feel desperate.

Qin Feng's ability to reach rank 7999 means that his potential is no worse than that of the Master of Nirvana!

It doesn't matter if you don't reach the 80,000th order.

If Qin Feng can reach the 80,000-level, I am afraid that his potential is even stronger than that of the master of silence.

Thinking of this, Long Shang's heart sank, and he felt fear.


He must kill Qin Feng.

Qin Feng must not be allowed to grow up.

Otherwise, it is a future master!

·0 for flowers·


When Long Shang thought of the master, he felt infinite despair and fear.

It was a terrifying existence that even the Nine Star Emperor dared not look up to.

I didn't expect that such a character could appear in the small earth star field.

He took a deep breath of cold air.

Just then, there was a commotion ahead.

The crowd muttered uneasily.

"Look! Lord Qin Feng stopped at 79999 and couldn't get rid of it..."

"Yeah! Could it be that Mr. Qin Feng has reached his limit?"

"Actually, rank 79999 is already extremely terrifying, this achievement, killing me, I can't even imagine! 95

The crowd was amazed.

When Long Shang heard this, he suddenly discovered the problem.


Qin Feng's previous grades have been rising slowly.

He has stopped now!

It seems that he has finally reached his limit!

What a terrible character!

Long Shang sighed, inexplicably relieved in his heart.

He naturally didn't want Qin Feng to be stronger...


That guy has finally reached his limit.

Long Shang slowly got up.

He's coming to announce that it's all over,


Long Shang coldly glanced at the audience.

Everyone sensed and turned to look at him.

He became the center of attention again.

Long Shang was inexplicably excited, and his confidence came again.

"Don't look! It's all over!

Long Shang announced in a low voice, with a proud expression and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Lord Longshang, Qin Feng has reached the 80,003rd level..."

The voice of a member of the fainting organization sounded behind him.

Long Shang was like five thunders, and the whole person froze.


The Ferry King cursed angrily.

This Long Shang is a fool.

Where did it say over and over again that it was over, but it didn't end every time.

This kind of person who can't pretend to be good is simply a sand sculpture.

He couldn't watch it anymore.

Everyone also showed disgust.

This dragon is really annoying!

Long Shang was dumbfounded.

Did Laozi lose face again?

He turned his head blankly, but found that the members of the Faint Organization were avoiding his eyes one by one, and their expressions were clearly disgusting.


Laozi messed up so badly?

Even the subordinates are starting to hate it!

Long Shang was extremely angry.

With a gloomy face, he sat back silently.

But the next moment, when he saw Qin Feng's results, he was dumbfounded again.

After Qin Feng entered the 80,000-level, his grades kept going up...

Long Shang was startled and frightened...

It turned out that after Qin Feng used Hunyuan to transform, coupled with the help of the demon core and the dead wood Fengchun, it was just enough to resist the damage of the dragon force.

His only flaw now is that the digestion speed of the demon core has accelerated.

In a blink of an eye, seven hours passed.

Long Shang was completely desperate,

Qin Feng has reached the 90,000th order.

He actually surpassed the achievements created by the annihilation master back then.

You must know that the master of annihilation was an eight-star cultivation base back then.

And Qin Feng doesn't seem to have reached eight stars yet.

In this comparison, Qin Feng's potential is obviously stronger than that of the master of silence.

This guy is horrible too...

Thinking of this, Long Shang felt cold all over, as if he had fallen into an abyss.

He closed his eyes weakly, and dared not look any more.

He was afraid that the more he looked, the more hopeless he would become. indivual.

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