Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 273 Reborn from ashes (1 more)

On the other side, the jade unicorn was ecstatic.

Qin Feng shocked her too much.

In one fell swoop, he surpassed the record set by the Lord of Silence.

Wouldn't he really be the first to break through the ladder?

If this is the case, then he is the first person in ten thousand years.

That would definitely shock the entire Star Alliance.

The jade unicorn's beautiful eyes are shining, and there is infinite expectation.

In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

On this day, Qin Feng finally reached the 100,000th order.

He finally reached the last big threshold of the ladder.

At this moment, on the ladder to the sky.

Qin Feng looked ahead.

The last eight thousand steps are just around the corner.

He could already see the end of the ladder.

At the end is a huge altar.

In the center of the altar, there is a mass of things, emitting a dazzling white light, brightening the world, making people unable to see its original appearance.

Qin Feng was a little excited.

He knew that that mysterious thing was related to the secret of the ninth-level Longwei.

However, if he wants to get the mysterious treasure, he needs to pass the last eight thousand steps.

Looking at the stone steps in front of him, Qin Feng's eyes flashed a trace of "nine eight zero" fear.

His current physical body has reached 90.7% of the quasi-emperor level, just reaching the threshold of the quasi-emperor level Great Perfection.

But he only had the last two demon cores left.

And the Primordial Force in his body is running out.

This is what he has been using to perform Hunyuan Transformation.

The remaining Primordial Force in his body, which can only support his transformation for half an hour, will be exhausted.

By then, he could only quit.

So far, Qin Feng is facing the point of running out of ammunition and food for the first time.

What's more, the last eight thousand orders are completely different from the previous one hundred thousand orders.

It only destroys, only destroys, and no longer has any strengthening and quenching effect.

What's more, its difficulty is ten times that of the 100,000th order, and it gets stronger as it goes on.

This is a road to destruction!

Qin Feng looked at the altar from a distance, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

He was standing on the 100,000th order, already extremely reluctant.

If he hadn't been lucky enough to break through the threshold of the Quasi-Emperor-level Great Perfection three hours ago, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to reach the 100,000-level at all.

It looks like he's going to work hard!

Qin Feng took a deep breath and stepped into the one hundred thousand and one order.

Take this step.

Earth shakes.

The ten thousand feet of the mountain swayed.

An extremely terrifying aura emerged.

It seems that the giant beast has been awakened!

In the sky, the coercion comparable to the nine-star emperor plummeted, causing Qin Feng's clothes to burst, and the mid-grade Yuanwu armor on his body instantly shattered.

Under the soles of his feet, the violent dragon force rushed into his body instantly, his internal organs were instantly crushed, his body swelled in an instant, and his whole body was about to burst and die.


Qin Feng was horrified, endured the dizzying intensity, and retreated in an instant.

With this retreat, his body, which was about to collapse, slowed down.

When he returned to the 100,000th order, the previous vision disappeared.

The mysterious horror also disappeared.

And Qin Feng's whole body is cracked, blood is bleeding from seven orifices, and all internal organs are broken, and his appearance is extremely miserable...

He hurriedly swallowed a demon core, and at the same time turned the dead wood into the spring.

Moments later, he fully recovered from the injury.

This recovery ability is rare under the nine stars.

"How did this go?"

Qin Feng looked at the eight thousand stone steps ahead with lingering fears.

This is pure killing eight thousand orders!

Just now, he clearly sensed that the dragon power that surged up the stone steps was purely light and had no other attributes.

This is Tongtian Ladder deliberately targeting him.

This last 8000-level only has destruction and slaughter, and there is no reinforcement.

If that's the case, what's the point of him climbing up step by step?

Qin Feng figured it out instantly.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the altar at the end, and there was light in his beauty.

After a while, he took out a demon core and swallowed it slowly.

That was his last demon core.

He was ready to fight.

This will also be his only chance.

If it fails, he is likely to die here.

At the same time, on the top of the mountain, everyone was in an uproar.

Just now, everyone saw that Qin Feng's score was 100,000 and 1st.

But in less than a second, it returned to the 100,000th order.

This shows that Qin Feng is really reaching his limit.

In the crowd, Yu Qilin was so frightened that his heart skipped a beat.

Such a change shows that Qin Feng has reached the extreme extreme and can no longer move forward.

However, Qin Feng's ability to climb to the 100,000th order was enough to shock the entire Star Alliance.

Yu Qilin smiled.

She was very satisfied with Qin Feng's achievement.

Thinking about it, she felt excited.

In the corner, Long Shang was so frightened that he was sweating coldly.

His heart kept shaking.

Qin Feng is so scary!

He actually climbed to the 100,000th order in one fell swoop.

He didn't even dare to dream of this achievement!

Long Shang trembled, and secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

What kind of evildoer has Laozi provoked?

Oh! What a sin!

Long Shang suddenly felt a little regret.

Fortunately for Long Shang, however, Qin Feng's results finally stopped.

After all, he was unable to pass the customs.

Otherwise, it will be even more terrifying!

"That guy should be back soon..."

Long Shang muttered in his heart, and his eyes gradually became cold.

In any case, he will kill Qin Feng.

Otherwise, when Qin Feng grows up, he will die.

Fortunately, Qin Feng has not grown up yet.

He still has a chance!

Thinking of this, he secretly touched the hole card in his arms.

At the same time, everyone was talking about it.

They saw Qin Feng returning to the 100,000th order and thought that Qin Feng was about to withdraw from the assessment.

On the other side, on the Tongtian Ladder, Qin Feng silently swallowed the last demon core.

The next second, he suddenly rushed into the 100,000th order.

The world shakes again.0

The mountain shook violently.

Horror reappears.

In the sky, Diwei suddenly pressed down, pressing Qin Feng down all of a sudden.

So that he cannot fly, the soles of his feet must touch the stone steps.

He only landed with one foot, and the violent dragon force poured into his body.

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

The blood vessels on the body surface burst!

Poof~! Poof~! Poof~!

The internal organs shattered instantly, making a muffled sound.

Qin Feng endured the severe pain and started again.

Space teleportation!

A white light flashed!

Qin Feng disappeared.

In the next second, he appeared on the 104,000th order.

With this appearance, the strength of coercion and dragon power has skyrocketed tenfold.

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

In an instant, Qin Feng's whole body cracked, blood and flesh flew out, revealing white and red ribs, and even his internal organs burst out.

Another white light flashed.

Teleport is activated again.

In the next instant, Qin Feng appeared at the 107,995th order.

He was just five steps away from the finish line.

But the coercion of heaven and earth and the power of the dragon have increased tenfold again!


A loud bang!

Qin Feng burst into pieces and turned into a blood mist, leaving no residue behind.

But at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred.

In the blood mist, there is still a finger left intact.

That was Qin Feng's Emperor Finger.

The strength of the emperor's finger is a real emperor-level flesh.

Under this terrifying coercion and dragon power, it survived

At this moment, it was wearing a storage ring, exuding a dazzling light, turned into a white light, and flew towards the finish line rapidly.


With a flash of light, the Emperor Finger instantly passed through the last five stone steps and reached the end.

All the visions between heaven and earth disappeared in an instant.

The coercion is gone!

Dragon Force is gone!

Even the weird smell disappeared.

Only the Emperor's finger scatters 4.6 at the end with a strong aura.

After a while, a skill jade talisman flew out from the storage ring on the emperor's finger.

That is the emperor-level skill Jade Talisman - Fire Rebirth!

It was Qin Feng who got it from Zhu Yang.


The jade talisman is broken!

The emperor-level skill is activated-fire rebirth!

The fire of life burns!

Those shattered flesh and bones automatically flew from a distance and threw themselves into the flames.

A few minutes later, an incomparably handsome young man, like a god, came out of the flames.

Qin Feng is resurrected!

He surveyed himself a little.

No injuries.

On the contrary, his physical strength has increased from 90.7% to 92.1%, actually becoming stronger.

Looking back, the altar was near Chichi.


He finally got through!

Qin Feng was ecstatic.

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