Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 279 shocking sword (3 more)

At this moment, Qin Feng was the only one left in the square.

He waved.

Hundreds of Emperor Crystals and Essence Orbs appeared in front of them

Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing it all.

"Ding! Devouring Emperor Liujing succeeded.... The completion rate of the eighth star pattern has increased to 26%..."

"Ding! Successfully swallowing the Essence Orb.... Combat strength increased by 2 million..."

not bad!

Qin Feng is very satisfied,

He also felt that his spiritual power was approaching the limit of the Eight-Star Great Perfection.

Then, he took out two more crystal balls.

It is the nine-star darkness source and the nine-star light source.


Qin Feng flicked with one finger.

The surface of the crystal ball was cracked, and numerous fine lines appeared.

For a moment, the whole body was covered.

A soft sound!

The crystal ball shattered into powder, revealing the black light group wrapped inside.

Nine-star dark origin!

This is a treasure!

Qin Feng stretched out his imperial finger and touched it lightly.


The dark and cold source energy, with the power of destroying the sky and the earth, poured into the body along the emperor's finger,

Qin Feng frowned slightly.

Still some pain!

Although his physical body has reached the level of quasi-emperor perfection, the power of the nine-star origin is still extremely terrifying.

However, that's it!

This dark source only made him feel the pain, but he couldn't destroy the flesh.

Everything is within his reach.

The strands of darkness were absorbed, Qin Feng closed his eyes slightly, and felt that his dark attributes were constantly being strengthened.

The pain on his face was getting lighter and lighter, and he seemed to be slowly getting used to it.

And this time, the speed of absorbing the source of Nine Stars was obviously dozens of times faster than last time.

Last time, he could only absorb a tiny bit of it.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

The source of darkness was completely absorbed.

Qin Feng opened his eyes excitedly. 10

His dark attribute was successfully strengthened to the quasi-nine-star level, and his combat power was increased to 720 million.

Then, he shattered another crystal ball and began to absorb the source of light.

This time the absorption is smoother.

It only took 20 minutes for him to absorb it.

His light attribute has also been upgraded from quasi-nine-star to nine-star level.

At this point, his light attribute has been strengthened to the nine-star level.

Darkness and fire attributes are enhanced to quasi-nine stars.

The rest are all at the eight-star Dzogchen level.

One step closer to his fusion of the power of chaos.

In addition, his combat power has reached 750 million.

After doing this, Qin Feng came to the reward altar again and started to exchange items.

In the last two assessments, his points accumulated to more than 130,000 points, and he could exchange some resources.

This is also his last chance to exchange.

Great Essence Yuandan, worth 1000 points (100 in stock)

The effect is equivalent to a dragon fruit.

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

This is definitely baby!

What is the most lacking thing on earth right now?

That is the most lack of spiritual things to strengthen the spiritual power.

In the face of increasing mental power, everyone is helpless.

In fact, not to mention the earth world, even the fainting organization is extremely lacking in means.

But to break through from the seven-star Great Perfection to the eight-star, the most important thing is the need for mental power.

Therefore, the vast majority of days on earth are stuck at this level.

The same goes for people who are stunned.

There is no one who can directly devour the Essence Orb like Qin Feng, and can improve his spiritual power.

In short, there is no way for the Nine Star Emperor to improve his spiritual power.

The effect of Xiaojing Yuandan is limited, and it has strong drug resistance. After taking a dozen of them, it will have no effect.

This Great Essence Yuandan is different.

It is not only effective, but also has low drug resistance. It is the best treasure for cultivating eight-star kings!

If you use them to trade, the Nine Star Emperor will be moved.

The more Qin Feng thought about it, the more excited he became.

He has already made his mind up on those nine-star emperors.

If he wants to strengthen the nine attributes, he needs the origin of the nine-star emperor.

Perhaps these Great Essence Yuan Dan can help him exchange for a few copies of the origin.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng spent 100,000 points without hesitation to redeem all the Great Essence Yuandan.

These great essence pills, like dragon essence fruit, have little effect on him, but they are invaluable.

In fact, dragon essence fruit is also invaluable.

Except for items such as dragon blood, it is the most precious item in the secret realm.

The dragon essence fruit is very rare, and there are no more than five in the Tianlong realm.

And the Tianlong Realm is very large, and it may not be possible to find all of them within three days.

Previously, those assessors were eager to find treasures, and no one had discovered the existence of the Great Essence Yuandan.

Afterwards, Qin Feng exchanged the remaining 30,000 points for other resources and left in a happy mood.

Two hours later, in the depths of Tianlong Realm.

Qin Feng walked into an empty valley.

There is a primitive altar in the middle of the valley, and I don't know how long it has been vacant, but it doesn't stick to a trace of dust.

Qin Feng observed for a while, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he has been researching star formations recently.

This formation altar is very simple, and he knows how to activate it.

Immediately, he took out the inverse scales and dragon tendons, placed them in the center of the altar, and activated the great formation.

After a while, the altar activated.

The earth shook and the valleys cracked.

In the depths of the valley, a passage emerged.

At the end of the passage, white mist shrouded.

Vaguely, a palace was hidden in the clouds.

Qin Feng put away the inverse scales and dragon tendons and walked towards the dense fog.

A quarter of an hour later, the thick fog made two loud noises.

The ten thousand zhang sword light rushed out of the thick fog and went straight to Jiuxiao.

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

In the sky, the secret barrier was split into a crack by that sword, and countless fine lines appeared.

The sky is dark!


The entire Heavenly Dragon Realm was trembling, as if it would collapse at any time.

what happened?!

Everyone was terrified and raised their heads one after another, stunned.

I saw a sword light shot out from the valley in the distance, piercing the sky of the secret realm.

The dazzling sword light shines through the world.

In the next second, the sword light receded.

The sky has dimmed, but there are white fine marks that have been checked by thousands of feet, like the marks left by that sword...

The whole secret realm became quiet.

The crowd stared blankly at the sky.

This sword!

Terrible so!

After a long time, the sword marks in the air disappeared.

Everyone came back to their senses and looked at each other.

At this moment, everyone thought of one person.

That is their boss - Qin Feng!

In the secret realm, only Qin Feng can issue such a terrifying sword!

It's just that the power of this sword is too scary!

It has completely surpassed the level of the Eight-star Dzogchen.

Could it be that Lord Qin Feng has surpassed the level of the eight-star Great Perfection?

At this thought, everyone was shocked.

Everyone has a different heart, and they respect Qin Feng more and more, and even worship him.

This is the era of worshipping the strong!

At the same time, in the Tianlong Palace, a magnificent hall.

Qin Feng stood in the air with a long sword in his hand, looking forward proudly.

At this moment, the Dragon God Emperor was standing in front of him.

The Dragon God Emperor is at the peak of the eight-star Great Perfection, with a combat power of 600 million.

Apart from having a pair of dragon horns, he looks exactly like a human on the outside.

On the surface, he is a gentle and elegant middle-aged man.

At this moment, the Dragon God Emperor held a long sword and looked at Qin Feng with a smile on his face.

But in the next second, a red line split open on the forehead of the Dragon God Emperor, and blood flowed out.

The Dragon God Emperor seemed to sense something and widened his eyes in horror.

Immediately afterwards, in his desperate eyes, his body split in half and collapsed.

In the air, there was an essence pearl, ten drops of dragon marrow liquid, and a divine sword.

Qin Feng's illusion is too strong.

When the Dragon God Emperor was about to die, he realized that he had been tricked.

As soon as the Dragon God Emperor died, the divine sword fled outside the palace as if it had spirituality.

Qin Feng waved his hand and sucked the Divine Sword into his hand.

He wiped the blade of his sword to clear the Dragon God Emperor's consciousness.

Divine Sword suddenly quieted down.

Afterwards, he pierced his fingertips and used the blood talisman inscription to make sacrifices.

The higher the Elementalist's cultivation, the more places that require the technique of inscriptions.

After a while, Qin Feng finished the ritual.

He also obtained the information of the Divine Sword, and his face was filled with joy.

It turned out that this sword was called the Dragon God Sword, and it was a top-grade Yuanwu.

Top-grade Yuanwu is extremely rare on earth.

Even the eight-star Great Perfection powerhouse may not have it, let alone the eight-star king.

Qin Feng was very satisfied.

With this weapon, his strength can be improved a lot.

"and this…..

Qin Feng put away ten drops of dragon marrow liquid and looked at Jing Yuanzhu with fiery eyes.

This is the essence pearl of the Eight-star Great Perfection!

This is also the highest-level Essence Orb he has ever seen.

The next second, he opened his mouth and took a breath...

"Ding! Successfully swallowed the eight-star Great Perfection Essence Orb.... The combat power has increased by 5 million..."

"Ding! Remind the host that your spiritual power has reached the ultimate eight-star great perfection, and you cannot continue to improve."

"Finally 980 has reached the bottleneck!"9

Qin Feng was a little unsure.

Immediately, he turned to look at the center of the hall.

There is an altar there.

In the center of the altar was a golden glittering spiritual bead, the size of a human head.

That's Dragon Ball!

Qin Feng flicked his finger, the aura shattered, and the altar barrier shattered.

The Dragon Ball instantly turned into a thousand-zhang giant dragon and was about to escape.

Qin Feng's figure flashed, and one step teleported to the top of the dragon's head.

The next second, the mighty divine might bombarded down, and the power of heaven and earth was boundless and brilliant.

Qin Feng blasted the dragon with one punch.

The dragon roared miserably and turned into a dragon ball again.

Qin Feng pressed his hand.

Dragon Ball screamed again and began to shrink rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, it changed from the size of a head to the size of a fist.

The third token has arrived!

At this moment, Summoning Jade Talisman sent a message to him.

Qin Feng couldn't help showing a look of great joy.

The way to obtain the ninth-level Dragon Might, he got it.

But then, another message came from Yufu.

Qin Feng was stunned!

Fuck it~!

There is such a thing in the world!

That ninth-level Dragon God inheritance is too terrifying!

That message told him that even if he obtained the ninth-level Dragon Might, the success rate of obtaining the ninth-level inheritance would not exceed 10%...

The spirit of inheritance is likely to despise him.

The specific reason is that his potential is too poor, so he dominates his potential and is not worthy of the supreme inheritance.

This can't be blamed for the arrogance of the spirit of inheritance!

This is really the helplessness of the spirit of inheritance.

It's like, you give a spaceship to an elementary school student.

Even if he gets the spaceship, he will never be able to open it for the rest of his life, not even the hatch of the spaceship.

This is tantamount to wasting!

In short, the rank of the ninth-level Dragon God inheritance is too high, and the world is unique.

Qin Feng's qualifications are not enough!

If you rashly inherit it, there is a great possibility of failure!

As a result of failure, he can only inherit the eighth-level inheritance.

This was not the result Qin Feng wanted.


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