Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 280 Emperor Shengdan (4 more)

What kind of inheritance is this ninth-level inheritance?

He is the master of his potential, and he has only a 10% pass rate.

It seems that I have to improve my qualifications!

Qin Feng remembered what Yu Qilin said.

There are secret treasures in the Dragon Palace that can improve the qualifications of the Nine Stars Emperor.

Thinking of this, he immediately searched.

An hour later, Qin Feng wandered through the entire Tianlong Palace, but found nothing.

It made him depressed!

He was not reconciled, continued to search, and finally found a hidden formation altar in a side hall.

This formation altar is more complicated.

Qin Feng studied for a day and a night before he found the doorway.

If it is said that the formation method entering the entrance of Tianlong Palace is a primary formation.

Then this formation altar belongs to the intermediate level.

Fortunately, Qin Feng just reached this level in the inscription formation.

In addition, this altar needs inverse scales, dragon tendons, and dragon balls as objects to suppress.

This is obviously implying that only those who have collected these three tokens can start the grand formation.

After figuring out the doorway, Qin Feng offered dragon balls and other three-eyed tokens. After spending another hour, he finally started the big formation.

After the big formation was activated, the ground cracked and a hidden entrance appeared in front of Qin Feng.

He walked down curiously and found that he had entered a dark hall closed on all sides.

There was only one corridor in front of him.

On both sides of the corridor are stone houses.

The ceiling of the corridor is inlaid with night pearls, illuminating the surroundings brightly.

Qin Feng was curious, opened the door of the first stone house, and was immediately intimidated by the sight in front of him.

I saw that the stone house was full of Emperor Liujing.

It is divided into nine piles in total, and the piles of the same series are stacked together neatly.

There are hundreds of thousands in each pile.

The nine piles add up to nearly a million!

Oh my God!

Qin Feng couldn't believe his eyes.

How come there are so many Diliyu crystals?

Could it be that this is the resource warehouse of the Longxu Secret Realm?!

Haha!! This is so cool!

Qin Feng was ecstatic.

Afterwards, he opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing hundreds of Emperor Liujing......

"Ding! Devouring Emperor Liujing successfully... The completion of the eighth star pattern has increased to 31.2%..."

Not enough, swallow another thousand!

"Ding! Devouring Emperor Liujing successfully... The completion of the eighth star pattern has increased to 39.7%..."

Continue to devour....

A quarter of an hour later, Qin Feng swallowed nearly 10,000 Emperor Crystals, and finally raised the eighth star pattern to 99.9999%.

Just a sliver, he will be able to break through to the quasi-eight star.

To put it bluntly, as long as he has a thought, he can break through.

However, Qin Feng restrained.

His super god-level challenge has not been completed, and naturally he cannot break through.

Afterwards, he collected nearly one million Emperor Liujing.

Such a huge resource can greatly improve the realm of elemental masters on the entire earth.

And he couldn't use that much at all.

These resources, he is ready to make good use of them, will definitely be able to create his own powerful forces

Next, Qin Feng entered the second stone house and was startled again.

I saw that the house was filled with small essence pills, there were a million pills.

He took it all.

In the next dozen or so stone houses, Qin Feng discovered more treasures.

What emperor liu, dragon blood fruit, dragon bone ginseng, Jing Yuanzhu have ....

He really found a resource warehouse.

However, Qin Feng found out that Dragon Jingguo and Da Jing Yuan Dan did not.

These two things are the most precious.

In addition, those eight stars and the origin of the great perfection of the eight stars have not been seen.

For these, Qin Feng doesn't care anymore.

He has made money.

Just taking out the Emperor Liumao, Xiaojing Yuandan, and Emperor Liujing on his body is enough to shock the earth, and it is enough to increase the strength of the entire earth by a large amount.

Besides, he also gained a lot of other resources.

Qin Feng took all these in his pocket and was very happy.

Half an hour later, he came to the end of the dark hall.

It was a wide hall.

There is a jade platform in the center of the hall.

That is a miniature altar.

In the center of the altar, there is a golden elixir suspended, exuding a faint aura, as well as a refreshing elixir.

Even if there is an altar enchantment blocking it, the Danxiang will flow out elegantly.

This is a magic pill!

A light screen automatically popped up in Qin Feng's eyes.

The next second, he showed ecstasy.

found it!

He finally found it!

This is the treasure that the emperor wanted - Disheng Dan.

Emperor Shengdan: It can raise the potential of the Nine Star Emperor to the Great Emperor level.

Note: Only the Nine Star Emperor can refine.

After reading the remarks, Qin Feng smiled.

Only the nine-star emperor is qualified to refine this Emperor Shengdan, and the eight-star king cannot refine it at all.

That's because the high-end medicinal materials used to refine the Emperor Shengdan contain many ingredients that need to be slowly consumed by the nine-star origin before they can be absorbed and refined.

The origin of the eight-star king cannot be digested at all, and naturally he is not qualified to refine.

In fact, even if the Nine Star Emperor came to refine it, it would take several months to fully refine it.

It can be seen that it is extremely difficult to refine the Emperor Shengdan.

But if the refining is successful, for the Nine Stars Emperor, it will be a step to the sky.

Future achievements are limitless!

Immediately, Qin Feng strode forward, easily shattered the barrier with one finger, and took the Disheng Pill in his hand.

So fragrant!

Qin Feng opened his mouth and swallowed it directly.

Just because the Eight-Star King couldn't refine it didn't mean he couldn't do it.

In terms of refining medicinal pills, the Nine Star Emperor is far inferior to him.

Because he has a god-level devour!

At the moment, Qin Feng sat with his eyes closed, spinning and swallowing.

This Emperor Shengdan is indeed much more difficult to refine than other items.

After an hour passed, he only refined 10%...

That magical and powerful medicinal power is silently improving every cell, every inch of bone, every drop of blood essence...

Some of the medicinal power penetrated into the divine court, strengthening his soul body and the seven consciousness rings...

Such changes are comprehensive and fundamental.

The flesh is optimized genetically...

Spirit is to optimize from the depths of the soul...

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next day.

On this day, Qin Feng opened his eyes from the meditation.

"Ding! The swallowing emperor succeeded in ascending the pill.... The potential has been upgraded from the middle-rank master level to the high-rank master level...

It really worked.

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

In just ten hours, he had completely refined the Emperor Shengdan.

This speed is much faster than the Nine Star Emperor.

God-level devouring is extraordinary.

Qin Feng looked at himself with satisfaction,

He felt like he was different from before.

Not to mention the changes in other aspects, the comprehension has been raised a level.

He glanced slightly ahead and saw how many billions of sand grains were on the ground.

He saw it right away.

Fuck it~!

Such an exaggeration!

Obviously, this is a spiritual transformation.

His potential has really improved.

".`Huh! This is….39

The next second, Qin Feng's eyes showed a look of astonishment.

His cultivation level actually went backwards.

The cultivation base retreated to 64% in the late stage of Seven Stars.

The spiritual power has not reached the extreme of the eight-star great perfection, and it is not above the bottleneck.

The eighth star pattern has also degraded to 74% completion, and it has become looming and will be broken at any time...

This is not a good thing!

Once the eighth star pattern is broken, all his previous efforts will be in vain.

Such a change made Qin Feng puzzled.

The next second, he found that his combat power had not diminished in the slightest, still more than 750 million.

Qin Feng suddenly realized.

There was also a look of joy on his face.

It turns out that this is because his potential has been improved, and his basic upper limit has been raised, not because his cultivation is going backwards.

Immediately, Qin Feng took out a large amount of emperor (promised money) flowing crystals and essence beads and began to swallow them.

An hour later, he swallowed 30,000 Emperor Crystals and 2,000 Essence Orbs in one go.

His cultivation has also recovered to the Great Perfection of the Seven Stars, and the completion of the eighth star pattern is 99.999%.

His spiritual power also reached the pinnacle of the Eight-Star Great Perfection, and once again reached a bottleneck.

And his combat power has reached 820 million in one fell swoop, and his strength has greatly increased.

Qin Feng also feels that his foundation is more solid.

At this time, the Summoning Jade Talisman sent new information again.

The success rate of his obtaining the ninth-level inheritance has been increased from 10% to 20%......

Qin Feng was a little speechless.

His high-ranking aptitude dominates, with only a 20% success rate.

The chances of this failure are too high...

This also shows that the ninth-level Dragon God inheritance rank is too high...

Qin Feng was helpless.

There's only so much he can do so far.

This is also his limit faint.

When the time comes, when the Spirit of Inheritance is in front of him, let him adapt accordingly!

The most important thing at the moment is to awaken the ninth-level Dragon Might first.

Otherwise, he would not even have the qualifications to meet the Spirit of Inheritance.

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