Global Powers: I Control All Elements

The 281st chapter emperor level skills true dragon hegemony (1 more)

Thinking of this, Qin Feng left the dark hall.

At the entrance, he retrieved the dragon balls, inverse scales and other tokens.

The altar stopped functioning, and the entrance to the dark hall was automatically closed.

Qin Feng did not leave the Tianlong Palace.

A moment later, in a room somewhere in the palace.

Qin Feng sat cross-legged.

Inverse scales are suspended in front of him.

Using the blood of his finger as a guide, he began to draw an inscription on the reverse scale.

This is the unsealing method taught by the secret realm after he got the Dragon Ball.

After a while, the seal on the reverse scale was broken.

The golden scales turned purple gold, emitting a dazzling golden aura.

At the same time, a coercion that was even stronger than the usual nine-star imperial prestige radiated from the inverse scales.

That Diwei has reached the pinnacle of Jiuxing Diwei.

No matter how strong it is, it will undergo a qualitative change and become the prestige of the nine-star perfect emperor.

Luckily, it hasn't reached that limit yet.

Otherwise, Qin Feng can't bear it.

Even so, Niscale's coercion still made him feel a little oppressed.

And the way to obtain the ninth-level dragon power is to fuse the inverse scales, dragon tendons, and dragon balls.

The specific fusion method, the secret realm has been taught, and needs the assistance of the True Dragon Heart.

Without the Heart of the True Dragon, it cannot be refined at all.

Of course, you must also understand the art of inscriptions.

Qin Feng has both.

At the moment, Qin Feng started refining.

His fingertips punctured, and the True Dragon Heart was activated in his body.

A drop of blood from the heart is forced out, along the blood vessels, and flows out from the fingertips...

Qin Feng immediately painted the inscription with the blood of his heart….980.

The scales trembled and roared with joy. . .

Sure enough, there was a reaction.

Qin Feng was excited and continued to portray...

Before I knew it, three hours passed.

Qin Feng's face paled slightly.

He has consumed forty-eight drops of the blood of his heart and painted forty-eight runes...

At this moment, he is depicting the forty-ninth track...

After a while, the forty-ninth rune was completed, the dragon might be vast, and the heaven and the earth resonated...

The inverse scale exudes an incomparably dazzling golden light,

Like a scorching sun, it illuminated the hall extremely brightly.

The dazzling aura penetrated thousands of barriers and rushed out of the Tianlong Palace...

During this thought, the wind was surging, the ground shook and the mountains shook.

The whole secret realm is sensitive, shaking slightly...

The examiners were amazed...

In the main hall, the anti-scale seems to be activated, actively flying to Qin Feng, and starting to merge...

Half an hour later, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, exuding endless bearing...

He actually has the majesty of the emperor, and the dignity is incomparable, as if born...

"not bad!"

Qin Feng looked at himself with satisfaction,

His combat power increased by 60 million to 880 million.

This reverse scale is indeed stronger than the emperor bone.

At the beginning, when he fused the Emperor Bone, his combat power increased by 50 million, which was 10 million less than Ni Scale.

Next, Qin Feng began refining dragon tendons and dragon balls.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was the third day.

This is also the last day of the opening of Tianlong Realm.

At this moment, in the Tianlong Palace.

Qin Feng looked excited.

Half a day ago, he refined dragon tendons, and his combat power skyrocketed by 60 million.

And just now, he refined the Dragon Ball again.

Today, his combat power has just reached one billion.

"Ding! Detected that the host is 100% dragon, 100% keel, 100% dragon marrow... The fusion of inverse scales, dragon tendons, and dragon balls is successful, awakening the emperor-level skill - true dragon hegemony!

"Huh! Emperor-level skill?

Qin Feng's eyes lit up and he lifted off into the sky.

In the next second, the sky and the earth changed color, and a thousand zhang aura was released.

A phantom of a dragon appeared behind Qin Feng, and golden dragon scales appeared on his arms.

The real dragon hegemony is activated!

In the next second, the pressure of the Nine Star Emperor radiated from him.

That is the real value of the nine-star coercion.

Qin Feng looked at himself a little, then put away his skills with satisfaction, and all the visions disappeared.

The imperial pressure on him also disappeared.

It turned out that the True Dragon Tyrant Body was a defensive emperor-level skill, which could forcibly increase the strength of the physical body.

After it was activated, Qin Feng's physical strength increased to the nine-star emperor level, his defense power soared tenfold, and he also had his own emperor's prestige.

With such a powerful body, the possibility of him being killed by the Nine Stars Emperor in seconds is even smaller.

As long as he is not killed in seconds, he has a chance to survive.

Because he mastered teleportation.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for awakening the ninth-level dragon power, and the combat power has increased by 100 million. It has increased to 1.1 billion..."

The ninth-level dragon might finally awakened!

Qin Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth.

It's almost time.

It was time for him to meet the spirit of inheritance.

An hour later, Qin Feng returned to the square.

At this moment, there are many people in the square.

The opening of the Heavenly Dragon Realm is coming to an end.

So, everyone started to return one after another.

Qin Feng's appearance shocked everyone.

When everyone saw him, they stepped forward and saluted.

He smiled and nodded.

This time, everyone's harvest was very good, and everyone was happy.

In the crowd, he saw the jade unicorn.

The woman was looking at him resentfully, her mouth cocked high.

Obviously, she was complaining that Qin Feng didn't summon her these days.

Qin Feng (baeg) smiled without saying a word.

Not long after, all the examiners returned.

Everyone's faces were filled with joy, and it was obvious that they had achieved a great harvest.

Qin Feng also looked relieved.

After all, these are their own subordinates.

At this moment, everyone came to see it.

"Mr. Qin Feng, we have all negotiated, and we will give you the three that we have harvested, and I hope you can accept our sincerity!

The Ferry King said very respectfully.

Everyone looked at Qin Feng with respect.

These days, everyone found out that Qin Feng did not go to Tianlong Realm to search for resources.

The people were moved.

They thought that Qin Feng deliberately left the resources to them.

Otherwise, with Qin Feng's strength, most of the resources will go into his pockets, and there is no place for them.

While this moved everyone, they also felt sorry.

After some discussion, we felt that we should dedicate a part to the boss.

"Sir, I hope you will accept our sincerity!" Xiao Qingfeng also stepped forward to persuade.

He felt that Qin Feng, the boss, was really good.

Qin Feng's expression was calm, his eyes swept across the crowd.

With just one glance, he scanned everyone's recent memories.

Everyone's harvest is really good.

Each faction has harvested several hundred pieces of Emperor Liujing, which is ten times that of previous years.

Among them, the Southern Alliance has gained more than 1,000 yuan, which is 20 times that of previous years.

The reason why the Southern Alliance has gained the most is because they are numerous.

Even without Qin Feng, there are five people in the Southern League.

In addition, Luo Li, Xiao Lun Wang, and Yu Qilin each got a dragon essence fruit.

This harvest made everyone envious.

However, these people's gains all add up, which is less than 1% of Qin Feng's.

"No! You can stay by yourself!" Qin Feng said indifferently.

",", Xiao Qingfeng wanted to say that Qin Feng did not gain anything.

Qin Feng interrupted: "No need to say more! Xiao Qingfeng!"

"Subordinates are here!

"If the deity gives you a dragon essence fruit, can you reach the threshold of quasi-eight stars? 35

The so-called quasi-eight-star threshold means that the spiritual power meets the requirements, and the eighth star pattern can be condensed.

"Yes!" Xiao Qingfeng answered very simply.

For this, he is very confident.

"it is good!"

Qin Feng waved casually.

A spiritual fruit flew towards Xiao Qingfeng.

Xiao Qingfeng caught it casually and was shocked.

It was a very precious dragon fruit!

"Hey! It's the dragon fruit..."

People were amazed.

When did Master Qin Feng get such a treasure?

In fact, Qin Feng picked it up on his way back.

He still doesn't care.

He searched for treasures with divine sense, no one could compare.

"Sir, you are..."

"Give it to you! Let's break through to the quasi-eight-star threshold as soon as possible!"

As soon as these words fell, everyone cast envious glances at Xiao Qingfeng.

Master Qin Feng is really generous!

This Xiao Qingfeng is also very lucky, c

"This...thank you sir!"

Xiao Qingfeng was moved and accepted it silently.

Afterwards, he cupped his hands and asked, "Sir, after the trip to the secret realm is over, can my subordinates directly join you?

As soon as these words fell, everyone looked at Qin Feng.

There are many people in the crowd who want to take refuge in the past directly.

Some people are hesitant.

They can't let go of their original strength.

"I won't mention it for the time being! I'll talk about it when the deity has obtained the inheritance of the Dragon God!

Qin Feng said it very succinctly.

He already had a plan.

Just then, the square shook.

A huge platform rises from the ground.

Qin Feng was delighted.

He knew that the door of inheritance was about to open.

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