Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 282 9 headed Dragon (2 more)


Everyone was startled and looked around.

After a while, the platform is fully raised.

It was a huge arena.

Summoning the jade talisman sent a message to everyone.

The crowd suddenly realized.

turn out to be. This arena is the final contest.

Only those with Longwei can participate in the battle of the ring.

Only the last winner can be qualified to enter the gate of inheritance and obtain the inheritance of the Dragon God.

At the moment, everyone's eyes turned to Qin Feng.

There were only three people with Longwei present, namely Qin Feng, Chu Chu, and Li Jiao.

Chu Chu is now a fourth-level Longwei.

The birth of Li Jiao is strange, and he is born with the blood of Jiaolong, and has a first-class dragon power.

Needless to say, the only winner here is Qin Feng.

"Brother!" Chu Chu looked at Qin Feng.

"Go up!", Qin Feng smiled slightly.

"Yeah!" Chu Chu obediently stepped onto the ring.


Qin Feng looked at Li Jiao in the crowd.

He quickly shook his head: "Master Qin Feng, my subordinates will not participate in the inheritance competition, so I don't need to go up.

Qin Feng nodded and said nothing.

Everyone else was watching Qin Feng, waiting for him to enter the ring.

But Qin Feng stood silently below, without any intention of going up.

This made people suspicious.

Could it be that Mr. Qin Feng should not pass it on?

That is the most precious thing in the secret realm!

On the ring, Chu Chu looked calm.

She had known the whole story for a long time, and everything was going according to her brother's plan.

"Lord Qin Feng, why didn't you go up?" Luo Li was a little anxious.

Although she has a close relationship with Chu Chu, she still prefers Qin Feng in her heart.

"Yeah! Lord Qin Feng, why are you...?" Xiao Lun Wang also looked puzzled.

Qin Feng said indifferently: "This deity has obtained the inheritance qualification! 33

Everyone was stunned and surprised.

Lord Qin Feng is really unusual!

He had acquired the inheritance qualification unknowingly.

That said, this time, in addition to Lord Qin Feng, Miss Chu Chu will also be able to inherit.

At this thought, everyone looked at Chu Chu enviously, and at the same time they were happy for her.

"Qin Feng, you have a seventh-level dragon power?"

In the crowd, the surprise sound of the jade unicorn suddenly sounded.

Everyone followed the reputation.

Looking at the surprised look on Jade Qilin's face, it seems that the seventh-level Longwei is very powerful.

Qin Feng smiled noncommittally.

"I knew it!" Yu Qilin said excitedly, "Qin Feng, you are really amazing! Thousands of people have acquired the inheritance of the Dragon Ruins for thousands of years, but the vast majority are below the fifth level."

"There are only 100 people who can obtain the inheritance of the fifth level or above, dozens of people who are at the sixth level, and only nine people who are above the seventh level. If you have a seventh-level Dragon Might, then you can obtain the seventh-level inheritance..."

These words made everyone suspicious.

What thousands of years?

What about five, six, seven...

People don't understand.

They don't know the existence of the Star Alliance yet.

I only know that there are starry beasts outside the earth, which are the greatest enemies of mankind.

This is their vision.

It's no wonder they.

After all, the earth is still in its infancy.

Although everyone doesn't understand it, they feel that Level 7 seems to be very powerful.

Xiao Lun Wang couldn't help but ask: "The seventh-level inheritance is very powerful?"

Yu Qilin replied: "Of course! As long as you acquire the fifth-level inheritance, you can improve your potential, not to mention the seventh-level..."

"It can also improve the potential!

"this is not bad!

People were amazed.

Chu Chu's eyes lit up with excitement.

In the past few days, she has been busy collecting resources, and she still has a lot of dragon blood and other items that have not been refined!

She wants to break through to the fifth level of Longwei without any problem.

As for the sixth level, it seems a bit reluctant.

"How many people are there in the eighth-level inheritance?", Qin Feng suddenly asked.

"Only two people!" Yu Qilin couldn't help but glance at Qin Feng, "Aren't you level eight?

Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

But at this moment, the aura of the secret realm descended from the sky and enveloped the audience.

"The challenge time in the arena is over! The examiner Chu Chu has obtained the inheritance qualification! After three days, the secret realm will automatically close and disappear forever!

The atmosphere of the secret realm recedes.

people sigh,

It's finally over!

At this time, a teleportation light gate appeared in the corner of the square.

That is the entrance to the Heritage Temple.

Only the heirs can enter.

Chu Chu got off the ring excitedly.

Yu Qilin kindly reminded her to let her refine dragon blood and other items first, and then enter the dragon's prestige level.

Because the teleportation entrance is based on the level of Longwei, the inheritor is transmitted to the inheritance temple of the corresponding level.

"Chuchu, this is for you!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, and ten drops of dragon marrow liquid flew towards Chu Chu.

"Wow! There are so many dragon marrow liquid! Brother! Thank you!"

Chu Chu's face was full of joy.

She was originally worried that she would not be able to advance to the sixth level of Longwei.

With these ten drops of dragon marrow liquid, she should be fine.

If she can obtain the sixth-level inheritance, she may be able to raise her potential to the aptitude of a nine-star perfect emperor.

·0 for flowers.....

Thinking of this, she was full of joy.

At the moment, Qin Feng explained to his subordinates and walked towards the inheritance entrance.

Chu Chu was on the scene refining dragon blood and other things.

Then, Qin Feng stepped into the teleportation door under everyone's attention.

In the next second, he felt the space change.

His whole person turned into a ray of light, shuttled through the endless starry sky, and the stars in the sky slid by his side.

Then, the starry sky is folded and time is twisted!

One moment he became a baby, another moment an old man.

He travels through one strange time and space after another.

Finally, enter a void.

There is a temple hidden under the endless darkness, suspended in the void, invisible to the naked eye.

Qin Feng landed on both feet and looked up.


Here is a huge temple hall.

The four walls are hundreds of millions of feet high, and you can't see the end of the wall at a glance...

The ceiling of the hall was like the sky.

The whole hall is astonishingly large.

Qin Feng felt like an ant, entering the high hall of human beings.

A sense of insignificance welled up in his heart.

The surroundings are empty and the atmosphere is bleak.

Qin Feng was inexplicably nervous.

He moved on.

In this huge and boundless temple, he is like walking on a vast and boundless plain.

Just ahead.

He saw an incomparably huge statue.

It was a nine-headed dragon, reaching a height of hundreds of millions of feet, higher than Mount Everest on Earth.

There is a special mark on the eyebrows of the nine dragon heads.

Some are like snowflakes, some are like flames, some are like lightning...

Qin Feng was thoughtful.

This should mean that each dragon head has mastered the power of a series of elements.

Nine leading heads, all nine systems.

This nine-headed dragon is similar to himself in some respects!

This is really fate!

Unconsciously, Qin Feng walked under the statue.

The statue seemed to have a sense, and an ancient breath slowly awakened from it.

Invisible oppression descended, shrouded in between heaven and earth.

Between heaven and earth, is full of endless vicissitudes.

A spiritual sense emerged and slowly swept across Qin Feng, with a terrifying pressure.

The spirit of inheritance has awakened. indivual.

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