Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 284 Obtaining Perfect Grade Inheritance (1 More)

"Uh..." The Spirit of Inheritance was stunned.

Fuck it~!

How does this sound so reasonable!

"Senior, do you think so?

"It's a ghost!"

The spirit of inheritance is full of fire.

This kid is so black!

If he had not been deceived by Qin Feng's appearance before, he would not have been successfully attacked.

Thinking of this, he could not wait to slap Qin Feng to death.

But his hand had just been raised, and then quietly put it down.

The shock of the temple gradually subsided, the great formation stopped, and the surroundings became quiet.

He had to admit that Qin Feng had some truth in what he said.

He has been forced by Qin Feng to have no choice.

But he was still not reconciled.

"Humph! You want to get the inheritance, but you are not destined after all. Even if it is given to you, it is useless. Even, you will die.

"You must know that the enemy of my body is very powerful. As long as you grow to a certain level, you will have contact with his level. He will sense the inheritance aura in you."

"At that time, he won't listen to any explanation from you and will kill you directly!

Qin Feng smiled lightly: "I know this, as long as I inherit the inheritance of your body, I am destined to become an enemy with him. So, you don't have to worry, after I get the inheritance, I will definitely avenge your body.

"I'm not worried about this! What I want to tell you is that with your aptitude, even if you acquire inheritance, you are not qualified to be that person's opponent. You are actually seeking death by using this method to acquire inheritance!

The spirit of inheritance sneered.

This is also the point that he is most dissatisfied with.

If Qin Feng's potential was good enough, he would have already sent the inheritance, so why bother.

Qin Feng said in a low voice, "I don't necessarily want to die!

The Spirit of Inheritance sneered: "The ignorant are fearless! Sometimes, the more you know, the more you know awe.

"And you are more like a bug that can only live through summer, you never know what winter is. There are some worlds that you can never understand because you can never reach that level! 35

Qin Feng sneered: "Stubborn! Summer bugs can't live in summer, that's your common sense. Maybe one day, a bug mutates. Its life span is ten times longer, can't it live until winter?

"Everything in the world is not static. For example, your body has calculated that the real inheritor will come in seven hundred years. What about now? Does he still have a chance to come? Has your body calculated this?

"Uh! This..." The Spirit of Inheritance was speechless.

"Also, has your body deduced my appearance? If he can deduce it, you won't be so surprised when you see me! 35

, The Spirit of Inheritance was once again speechless.

Qin Feng smiled proudly: "So, everything is not static, there will always be one or two variables. And I am your variable! Maybe, if I inherit it, I will get better results..."

"This...", the spirit of inheritance hesitated.

"Your aptitude is still too poor!" The Spirit of Inheritance is still struggling with this.

"Speaking of this, I feel that according to the law of cause and effect, this inheritance should not be inherited by you, and it also makes sense..."

Qin Feng sneered: "If the law of cause and effect is true, I shouldn't appear. It means that it is still not accurate. In fact, if you follow the law of cause and effect, you may fall into someone else's trap..."

"Falling into a trap?" The Spirit of Inheritance was puzzled.

"That's right! You can deduce your own body, so why can't his enemy? Logically speaking, his enemy is stronger. If you continue to follow the causal deduction, you will eventually be defeated, let alone revenge! 39

Hearing this, the Spirit of Inheritance broke out in a cold sweat.


With that person's strength, how could he not understand deduction?

What's more, the main body of the year was an inheritance that was hastily arranged due to serious injuries, and many details were not considered enough.

"Then what should we do?" The Spirit of Inheritance asked involuntarily.


Qin Feng smiled: "If you want to break the game! Naturally, you have to do the opposite.

"For example, I just attacked you... Even if you were forced to compromise, when you gave me the inheritance, you planned to do something in the inheritance, right?"5

"Well, yes!" The Spirit of Inheritance nodded stupidly.

That's what he thought.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng broke his mind.

In fact, any person would think so.

Anyone who is attacked or threatened will hold revenge.

This is the norm!

Qin Feng was a little speechless, this guy really isn't very intelligent, so he didn't even know how to hide it.

He continued: "What you do is very in line with your current state of mind and state of affairs, but this is caught in a causal cycle.

"You should do the opposite, think outside the box, give me the inheritance wholeheartedly, and do nothing..."

The Spirit of Inheritance frowned: "How do you feel that you are fooling me!"

Qin Feng said seriously: "It's not gibberish, think about it carefully. You really did this, is it against logic?"

"Not bad! 55

Qin Feng said: "That's right! Logic is the composition of causal lines. If things don't conform to logic, the law of causality is difficult to achieve. How can we deduce the next development?""

"As long as you make such an illogical decision, how much can the enemy of your body calculate? At least, he can't calculate all."

"Uh...", Spirit of Inheritance's eyes lit up.

Fuck it~!

This really makes sense.

Do I really want to do this?

The spirit of inheritance hesitated.

After a while, he sighed helplessly.

"Okay! The deity will believe you once! 99

Qin Feng's crooked reasoning made him unable to refute.

Besides, he really had no choice.

"let us start!"

As soon as the spirit of inheritance beckons, an inheritance altar rises from the ground.

Qin Feng was delighted.

This guy was finally persuaded by himself.

At the moment, the two began to enter the inheritance and inheritance ceremony.

A few minutes later, the surprise sound of the Spirit of Inheritance sounded in the hall.

"Hey! Your vitality has nine attributes! This is really good!"

"Although your potential is not high, your characteristics are very suitable for inheriting the inheritance of my body!

At this moment, the Spirit of Inheritance looked at Qin Feng with a look of surprise, and his hands were shaking with excitement.

Qin Feng was curious: "So, after I inherit this inheritance, I hope to avenge your body?"

"There's a 10% chance!"

"997 is only 10%?"

"Humph! 10% is not bad. According to your previous potential, you can't see any hope, which makes people a little desperate!

"Uh! Okay!" Qin Feng was speechless.

"Speaking of which, you are such a strange person! I have never heard that someone in this world has nine attributes. Although my body has mastered the power of the nine elements at the same time, it cannot be merged. Your existence may be the result of this Anomaly in the world!"

Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

He is truly an outlier in this world.

He came through!

He has a system!

Naturally an anomaly.

At the moment, the spirit of inheritance continues to operate the inheritance ceremony.

If he was reluctant before, he finally recognized Qin Feng now.

Because of Qin Feng's nine attributes, he saw a glimmer of hope.

Time flies.

A day later, Qin Feng remembered the system prompt.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the inheritance of the Nine-headed Dragon God (perfect level)... The current inheritance is 10%..."

"Ding! The potential of the host has been greatly improved... Now it has been upgraded to the star master level! 99

Hearing this, Qin Feng was overjoyed.

Not to mention that his potential has been upgraded to the star master level.

Just the fact that the inheritance remarks was the perfect level made him heave a sigh of relief.

This shows that the spirit of inheritance did not do anything.

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