Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 285 Son of Heaven (2 more)

This is the supreme inheritance.

Qin Feng was satisfied.

At this moment, the exhausted voice of the Spirit of Inheritance sounded in his ears.

"Qin Feng, your potential is not enough, you can't digest all the inheritance at one time, you can only inherit 10% first, and the remaining 90% has been turned into a divine treasure, hidden in your seven-consciousness divine ring..."

"In the future, as long as your strength meets the requirements, this Shenzang will automatically awaken and let you digest it..."

The voice of the spirit of inheritance is a little tired.

Qin Feng looked up and saw that his figure was dim.

In order to instill the inheritance into Qin Feng, the spirit of inheritance has digested too much energy.

He couldn't last long.

"Thank you, senior!" Qin Feng sincerely thanked him.

The Spirit of Inheritance looked at Qin Feng with some emotion in his eyes.

The development of things completely exceeded his expectations.

Even his body did not calculate that he would have today.

The moment when the decision is made is tough.

But after he was done, he felt relieved and relieved.

"You have inherited my body, and you will inherit his karma in the future. In the future, you can do it yourself! 35

"However, it's not that you don't have a chance. Your physical attributes are very suitable for this inheritance, and your black-bellied cunning is also an advantage!

The spirit of inheritance showed appreciation in the eyes.

This young man is a wise man with a shrewd mind.

Back then, his body was just not smart enough to be plotted against by the enemy.

Otherwise, if the two sides face each other, his body will be slightly inferior, and he will not fall.

And Qin Feng has a delicate mind and a black belly, so maybe the ending will be different.

"Uh... Senior, are you complimenting me?"

"Just take it! It's passed down to you, my mission is completed, and it's time to go away..."

The spiritual language of inheritance brings a sigh.

His body energy is almost exhausted, and it is time to dissipate between heaven and earth.

"Senior, I'm really sorry..." Qin Feng felt a little apologetic.

His appearance dissipated the spirit of inheritance ahead of time.

"You don't have to do this! This is my duty. Now that my mission is complete, it's time to disappear~". "5

"What's more, there is no such thing as a banquet in this world, so the fate of you and me ends here..."

As soon as the voice fell, the spirit of inheritance smiled slightly, and the figure gradually dimmed, and finally turned into countless light spots and dissipated.

In the sky above the temple, the last voice of the spirit of inheritance echoed.

"Qin Feng, if you grow up in the future, I will repay my revenge if I can, but if I can't, I will not repay it. If you live, you will have hope...

After a long time, the light spots dissipated and the sound disappeared.

The temple became quiet, and only Qin Feng was left alone.

Looking up at the empty hall, he sighed in his heart.

If he wants to live, he can only become stronger.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng sat cross-legged and began to digest the inheritance he just got.

He just inherited 10% of the inheritance just now.

But this 10% has not been digested, it is time to digest it now. ...

At the same time, a distant star field.

A starry sky temple the size of the moon is suspended above a green planet.

At this moment, deep in the temple.

A supreme power sat on the dragon chair.

His name is 'Hun', and he is the supreme leader of the Hun organization.

At this moment, with a wave of space fluctuations, a beautiful woman appeared in front of Hui.

Seeing that this woman's breath is actually the nine-star emperor.

But she was trembling and trembling in front of the "darkness", with fear hidden in her eyes.

"Your Majesty Master, the Son of Heaven has broken through again..." The woman reported respectfully.

"Okay~!" Hui nodded slightly.

There was a hint of joy on Gujing Wubo's face.

After dusk, it is night.

'Night' is his only son.

One side dominates the other side!

The Son of the Lord is the Son of Heaven!

Therefore, 'Ye' is called the Son of Heaven by his subordinates.

"I heard that Yingguang and Anming discovered a secret realm of Longxu?" Duan asked casually.

Yanguang is the emperor of the gods, and An Ming is the emperor of the underworld.

"Yes! They discovered a mysterious dragon ruins in a primitive star field called what solar system decades ago, as if on some earth planet...

The woman reported respectfully.

Faint nodded slightly: "Notify Yingguang and Anming, seal the secret realm of Longxu, and prohibit anyone from exploring..."

"Sir, how long is the seal?

"Seven hundred years!"

"Yes! This subordinate will inform you now!"

The next second, the woman disappeared out of thin air.

He turned his head in a daze and looked at a forbidden place in the temple.

Where is his son's 'night' retreat.

This time, Tian Ziye had to retreat for seven hundred years before he could come out.

Thinking of this son, there was a rare pride on his face.

The proudest part of his life should be this son!

Ye's potential is extremely terrifying, and has reached the star master level.

He was destined to be the pinnacle of the Star Alliance.

His future achievements will be far higher than his own, making himself unmatched.

Thinking of this, I feel proud.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the solar system again.

He had deduced that seven hundred years later, there would be a great opportunity when he left the gate at night.

This opportunity is in the Longxu.

Dragon Market!

Appeared in the Star Alliance for more than 10,000 years.

So far, no one has been able to obtain that supreme inheritance.

I'm afraid everyone has never thought that the supreme inheritance will be his son's.

He was still worried before, where did he go to find a secret realm of Longxu?

The known Longxu has been developed.

Unexpectedly, his subordinates have been quietly discovered.

Diffraction, Darkness

These two guys are a bit greedy!

Faintly sneered.

The two subordinates did not report the secret realm, apparently wanting to make a fortune first.

However, he didn't care either.

Greed is the nature of all living beings, and he is no exception.

He only needs to seal this secret realm and wait for his son to leave the customs in seven hundred years.

At the same time, within the forbidden area of ​​the temple, in a void space.

A young man in black woke up from meditation.

(Nuo Nuo Zhao) He is the Son of Heaven.

At this moment, he looked panicked.

Just now, he felt a strong heart palpitation.

As if he had just lost something extremely precious.

It feels so weird!

Ye Tianzi looked puzzled and a little uneasy...

At the same time, inside the inheritance temple.

Qin Feng finally digested 10% of the inheritance.

Great changes have taken place in him,

At this moment, he looked at himself.

The attributes of light, darkness, and fire are all strengthened to the bottom of the nine-star level.

The attributes of the other six elements have been strengthened to the quasi-nine-star level.

This is a big step forward in condensing the power of chaos!

And his combat power has skyrocketed to 2 billion!

Qin Feng was in a good mood.

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