Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 300 Deep Sea Volcanoes (4 more)

Qin Feng was shocked.

The pseudo-emperor-level Yuanwu and the emperor-level Yuanwu are collectively referred to as Emperor Wu.

You know, there is a scarcity of resources on earth.

All the emperors used pseudo-emperor-level Yuanwu.

On the earth, there is only one real emperor-level Yuanwu, and it is in the hands of the Qinglong Emperor.

"Little friend, before we tell you the secret of chance, you must refine this nine-fire dragon cover!"

The King Whale smiled and handed the golden circle over.

Qin Feng was stunned: "Your Majesty, are you going to give me this imperial weapon?

"Not bad!" Whale King nodded with a pained face.


"Your Majesty, why did you give me such a precious thing?" Qin Feng was puzzled.

The value of these nine fire gods is far more than thirty essence essence pills.

But he did nothing, and the other party gave him such a precious treasure.

The King Whale explained: "This Nine Fire God Dragon Mask has excellent fire resistance. If you refine it, it will play an extremely important role in our treasure hunt this time..."

"I understand! That is to say, the place we went this time has strong fire damage, and this item needs to be used..."

Qin Feng calmly took the Nine Fire God Dragon Hood.

"Not bad!" The King Whale nodded, "And it's not ordinary flame damage. There are some strange things in the fire, only the Nine Fire 997 Dragon Mask can resist..."

"But the Emperor Shark and I are both Water Elemental Masters, so we cannot use the Nine Fire God Dragon Mask, so we have to find a Fire Elemental Master..."

Qin Feng suddenly realized: "So it is.

Qin Feng didn't say a word.

The Nine-Fire God Dragon Mask is a defensive fire weapon. If it is obtained by a fire-type emperor, it will definitely have an advantage in the place of chance.

This will greatly affect the interests of the two demon emperors, so they do not want to ask the fire emperor for help.

"Your Majesty, can you tell the junior what the opportunity is now?", Qin Feng observed the golden circle in his hand.

The King Whale said with a smile: "Little friend, this is a long story. Let's talk about it after you have refined the shroud of the Nine Fire Gods. We will take you there directly, and we will talk about it in detail when we get there...․"

"Of course, no matter whether the final thing is successful or not, the Nine Fire God Dragon Cover will belong to the little friend."

"Okay! The juniors will do their best!" Qin Feng said cheerfully.

King Whale nodded with a smile, very satisfied with Qin Feng's attitude.

"By the way, your two majesties, that water element and Jingyuan Dan traded..."

The King Whale smiled and said, "That's all trivial matters. After exploring the land of opportunity, we will complete the deal with you on the origin of the water system..."

The Emperor Shark also interjected: "Little brother, I am responsible for the source of the water system you want. Just taking out some of the source will reduce my strength, so I have to wait until I finish exploring the secret realm, and I hope my brother will forgive me!

"Good talk!" Qin Feng readily agreed.

"The little friend is here to refine the emperor martial arts, and I will wait outside!" The Whale Emperor casually set up a barrier on the main hall.

After a while, the two demon emperors left.

At this moment, Qin Feng watched the golden circle in his hand with joy.

Before it even started, he got a fake emperor martial arts.

This is a treasure that even Jiuxing Emperor is moved by.

After refining it, his strength will be greatly increased.

This time it really didn't come in vain!

At this moment, a light screen automatically popped up in his eyes.

Item name: Nine Fire God Dragon Hood

Category: Yuan Wu (defensive type)

Grade: Pseudo-Emperor

Effect: Has a strong defense, can absorb all special fire damage

Remarks: If you use the power of chaos, the effect is comparable to the real emperor-level Yuanwu

"Really good!

Qin Feng smiled, feeling very happy in his heart.

Unexpectedly, this Nine Fire God Dragon Mask is more suitable to use the power of chaos.

And he is only one step away from condensing the power of chaos.

At that time, he is equivalent to having a real Emperor Wu.

Immediately, Qin Feng began to sacrifice.

The pseudo-emperor's martial power is extremely powerful, and the sacrifice is also very slow.

Qin Feng worked hard for a day and finished 27%....

Time flies, time flies!

In the blink of an eye, it was the fourth day.

On this day, in the hall, a sea of ​​golden flames spread throughout the audience.

The surrounding enchantment was burned and shook, and it seemed to be broken at any time.

Qin Feng emerged from the sea of ​​fire.

Then, a huge golden circle flew out of the sea of ​​fire.

Qin Feng stretched out a finger, and the golden circle rapidly (baeg) shrunk, turning into a golden ring, which was placed on the finger.

In the hall, all the visions disappeared.

Qin Feng looked at the ring in his hand, showing joy.

The nine gods of fire were completely refined by him.

With this emperor martial arts, he has more confidence in fighting the emperor.

Now, even if two emperors shot at the same time, it is impossible to kill him in seconds.

However, Qin Feng also noticed one thing.

He is now defending against the strong and attacking the weak, and is not comprehensive.

At this moment, the enchantment of the main hall shook and was removed.

Then, the whale emperor and the shark emperor walked in.

"Little friend, have you refined it?"

"Hmm!" 5

The King Whale rejoiced: "It's not too late! Let's go!

After leaving the palace, the three flew out of the seabed and headed towards the South Pole without using any aircraft.

The deep sea clan did not master the technology of the human race.

A day later, the three arrived at their destination.

That's the deep Antarctic region.

At this moment, the bottom of the sea is more than 10,000 meters.

The sea is freezing cold.

It was pitch black all around, with no visible light.

Qin Feng looked around.

He has divine consciousness, and even if there is no light, he can take in all the scenes in a radius of hundreds of miles in his mind.

This Antarctic deep sea is somewhat barren, and the surroundings are surprisingly quiet.

In a place like this, even the sea clan rarely come, let alone humans.

If there is any treasure here, it is really difficult for humans to find it.

"Your Majesty, is the place of chance here?", Qin Feng didn't notice anything strange around him.

"That's right! Little friend, wait a moment!" The King Whale looked at the King Shark, "The King Shark, let's start! 35

"it is good!"

The two demon emperors held the seal with their hands at the same time.

After a while, the bottom of the sea trembled in front, and a layer of enchantment disappeared, revealing its true face.

It was a huge underwater volcano.

"Little friend, the place of opportunity we are talking about is right ahead!" The King Whale looked at the front with excitement.

"Is there anything special about this volcano?", Qin Feng wondered.

"Little friend, use your spiritual sense to carefully sense the volcano...

Qin Feng did what he said.

After a while, he looked at the two demon emperors in surprise.

Just now, when his divine consciousness invaded the depths of the volcano, he heard a strange sound coming from the depths of the volcano.

The sound was extremely harsh, like a demon roaring.

In addition, he also felt extremely pure water element force fluctuations, looming.


How can there be water energy fluctuations in the depths of this volcano?

Aren't fire and water mutually exclusive?

"Your Majesty, is there something under the volcano?" Qin Feng asked.

King Whale smiled: "This volcano is just the entrance, and what we want is hidden hundreds of thousands of meters below the volcano.""

"Your Majesty, what is it? 95

The King Whale smiled slightly: "It's time to tell you now.

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