Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 301 Invisible fire poison (5 more) Seeking complete order

The King Whale smiled slightly: "It's time to tell you now, what we want is Xingxi Stone..."

Star tidal stone?

Qin Feng quickly thought of the jade unicorn.

She mentioned it to Qin Feng, saying that the Xingxi Stone is extremely precious, and it is of great help to the cultivation of Jiuxing Emperor~Jun.

To put it simply, the role of Xingxi Shi to the emperor.

Equivalent to the effect of Emperor Liujing on the Seven Star Elementalist, it can quickly improve the cultivation base.

"Your Majesty, what exactly is Xingxi Stone? Is it rare?", Qin Feng asked curiously.

He knew very little about the tidal stones.

After all, he has just come into contact with the nine-star level.

The King Whale smiled cheerfully: "Haha!! Little friend, it's okay to tell you. You have already cultivated to this level, and sooner or later you will know the preciousness of Xingxi Stone.

"This Xingxi Stone is of great help to the cultivation of our nine-star emperor. It's just that the formation of this thing is extremely harsh. It takes ten thousand years for an ordinary planet to condense one...

"Hey~! Only one in 10,000 years! That's really rare!

Qin Feng couldn't help taking a breath.

This star tidal stone is rarer than he imagined.

The Whale Emperor also sighed: "Yeah! This thing is indeed extremely precious! Generally speaking, two Xingxi stones can be exchanged for a fake emperor martial arts."

"But even so, it is still priceless. There are no more than ten Xingxi Stones unearthed on the earth so far."

"Otherwise, on our earth, the Qinglong Emperor will not be the only one who has cultivated to the peak of the Nine Stars, and the rest of the people will be a little behind. 35

"However, if we can successfully excavate this time, the King Shark and I will hopefully break through to the peak of the Nine Stars..."

The King Whale touched his chin with anticipation on his face.

The shark emperor on the side is also beautiful, and he is equally excited

Even now, they don't want to hide it.

In fact, King Whale didn't say a word.

As long as he and the Emperor Shark break through to the peak of the Nine Stars, they will definitely get more benefits from the Heavenly Enlightenment Monument more than 20 days later.

Maybe they can find a way to break through to the Nine Stars Great Emperor.

"Your Majesty, shouldn't the Xingxi Stone have attributes?" Qin Feng continued to ask.

"Not bad! The Xingxi stone is also divided into five elements, such as wind and thunder, and the water system Xingxi stone is hidden under this volcano..."

"Uh... shouldn't the bottom of the volcano produce fire-type treasures? How can water-type treasures be produced?"

"This emperor doesn't understand. The wonder of the universe, even if I wait for the emperor, I can't see the tip of the iceberg."

The Whale King was amazed.

Immediately, he said again: "Little friend, there is not much to say. Now you know the situation, what we want is those water tidal stones..."

"Little friend is a fire master, and these water tidal stones have no effect on you. However, if we find other fire-type treasures below, all of them will be owned by little friend, how? 39

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "No problem!"

He now understands why the King Whale and King Shark are so generous.

Presumably there are a lot of water tidal stones hidden under this volcano, and the value is far greater than that of a fire-type pseudo-emperor.

After all, the earth has existed for 4.6 billion years, and in 10,000 years, many stars and tidal stones can be produced.

"Little friend, let's go!

At the moment, the whale emperor is currently leading the way.

Qin Feng and King Shark followed.

"Your Majesty the Whale King, the starry sky orcs have always wanted to invade our earth, is it because of these star tidal stones?

Qin Feng suddenly had this idea.

The Whale King sighed: "It is indeed related to the Xingxi Stone, but it is not entirely for the Xingxi Stone. What are they for? We haven't figured it out yet. 35

"However, one thing is certain. As long as the planet occupied by the starry sky orcs will become a barren death star, all living beings cannot survive."

Qin Feng understood some reasons.

This starry beast is really a scourge!

Unconsciously, the three walked to the vicinity of the volcanic crater.

Purple-red magma gushed out from the rift, slowly condensed while rolling around, and the seawater temperature was extremely high.

The whale emperor propped up the protective mask and drilled directly into the red glowing magma.

Qin Feng and King Shark followed closely behind.

As soon as he entered the magma, Qin Feng saw a dark red outside the mask.

Can't tell the difference between up and down.

The endless heat wave hit through the mask, scorching the skin scorchingly.

However, this temperature did not harm Qin Feng in the slightest.

Immediately, the three released their consciousness and dived into the depths of the magma.

One kilometer…..three kilometers….five kilometers….

The further you dive, the higher the temperature of the magma, and the greater the pressure on the mask.

20,000 meters...40,000 meters...70,000 meters...

Seventy thousand meters underground, it has entered the mantle layer...

The temperature around is extremely high, and there are rolling lava all around...

The mask supported by Qin Feng has been slightly deformed under such high pressure.

At this moment, he sensed the extremely pure water energy fluctuations from the depths below, which should be the water star tidal stone.

In addition, he also heard various noises of magma flowing.

As well as various infrasound waves and ultrasonic waves that ordinary people cannot hear, they are disturbing people's minds.

And these noises were mixed with some demonic howls.

Could it be that there are still monsters under the mantle?

"Little brother, can you hold on?", the King Shark asked with concern, a little worried in his beautiful eyes.

Now it has reached 100,000 meters underground, which is the limit of the eight-star king.

"No problem!", Qin Feng didn't feel the slightest pressure.

"Little brother, going further down is just the beginning of the danger, you have to pay attention..." The Emperor Shark asked with concern.

She has a good impression of Qin Feng.

The three continued to dive for more than 10,000 meters

The rock berries below suddenly changed.

The originally pure liquid lava began to become a solid-liquid mixed state, and the density of the lava also increased sharply.

Qin Feng's mask was under huge pressure and began to twist

·0 for flowers·

At the same time, solids of different sizes kept hitting him along the flowing magma.

These solids can not melt at such high temperature, and most of them are high-density metal ores and so on.

It is suitable for use as an auxiliary material for making ordinary Yuanwu, as well as titanium alloy weapons.

However, these Qin Fengs had long since looked down on them.

But at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred.

In the magma not far away, an extremely harsh howl sounded, shocking people.

Qin Feng followed the sound and saw two hideous monsters rushing over from the magma layer below.

The two monsters were covered in white flames, with devilish faces, two claws and one tail, but no legs.

In this magma layer, they were as nimble as swimming fish, slaughtering directly at Qin Feng, and they kept making a harsh howl.

The speed was astonishingly fast, reaching the eight-star level.

They seemed to find that Qin Feng was the weakest, and they all rushed towards Qin Feng.

"finally come!

The Whale King and the Shark King rushed to Qin Feng at the same time, and dealt with a monster each.

With a single blow, the two killed the two monsters.

But the two monsters sprayed out an invisible heat wave before they died, ignoring the water element block of the two demon emperors, and directly bombarded the two demon emperors through the defense mask.

Two grunts!

Both the whale emperor and the demon emperor showed pained expressions.

"What kind of attack is that?" Qin Feng was surprised.

"Fire poison!", the whale emperor turned back, "This fire poison attack can ignore the defense of Yuan force and directly attack the physical body. Even the physical body of the emperor cannot continue to resist..."

The King Shark also urged: "Little brother, quickly open the Nine Fire God Dragon Cover! If you want to resist the fire poison, only the Nine Fire God Dragon Cover!

It turned out that this was where they needed Qin Feng.

Qin Feng did not say a word, and directly sacrificed to Emperor Wu.

I saw that the golden ring flew out of the finger, and the magma for several kilometers was tumbling.

In a blink of an eye, the golden ring turned into a huge golden fire cover, surrounded by nine fire dragons, roaring and dancing wildly, with an extremely astonishing aura.

This is the Nine Fire God Dragon Hood!

Qin Feng stood in the hood and clearly sensed that the defensive power of this fire hood was more than ten times stronger than his previous protective mask.

What's more, the Nine Fire God Dragon Hood can absorb fire poison damage.

"Your Majesty, come in!"

Qin Feng casually pinched a seal, and the divine fire hood opened an entrance.

The shark emperor got in first.

The Whale Emperor went deep into the magma and grabbed twice from the air.

Two fiery red inner pills flew into his hands from the depths of the magma.

The next second, he also entered the divine fire hood.

"Little friend, it was agreed before, except for the Xingxi stone. All the other treasures obtained here belong to you, these two inner pills, please accept them!"


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