Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 524th Star Lord Puppet (Subscribe)

The entire secret realm was shaken by Qin Feng's sword, trembling slightly.

This time, the experts in the four major test areas were moved.

In the eastern examination area, many examiners turned their heads to look around.

This secret realm trembled!

In the corner, Saint Nine Lions frowned.

Black Heart Ancestor, Nine Moon God Emperor, Heaven Splitting God Emperor came over one after another.

"Lion Saint, do you feel it?" The Black Heart Patriarch stepped forward and asked.

"You said the shaking of the secret realm just now?", the Nine-headed Lion Saint asked back.

"That's right! To cause such a sway, I'm afraid it will take a half-step master's blow! You said, could it be caused by the Qin emperor? Right now, the place where the battle will take place should only be the second-round realm treasure house!"

The black-hearted ancestor was a little worried.

"Did you think highly of him?" The Nine-headed Lion Saint was still stubborn.


"The old man thinks it's better to be more cautious!" Ancestor Heixin whispered.

The Nine Moon God Emperor and the Splitting Heaven God Emperor nodded one after another, feeling it was necessary.

At this time, the Tianyuan God Emperor and two other God Emperors came over in great success.

"Everyone, you don't have to worry! The array flags that this emperor gave you before, the seven-star meteorite formation that can be formed, can exert a half-step dominance. Even if the Qin emperor's strength is sky-high, he will fall this time!"

The Emperor Tianyuan looked confident.

When everyone heard this, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

This day, the Yuanshen Emperor is both a master of refining and a master of formation.

In terms of formation attainments, he is even higher than the Nine-headed Lion Saint.

"That's right! The power of the Seven Star Falling God Formation is very clear to this saint! Killing Emperor Qin is too simple!"

The Nine Lions also agreed.

He is also proficient in formation.

However, he felt that using such a top-notch formation to deal with Qin Feng was a bit of a fuss.

After listening to the words of the nine-headed lion saint, everyone's confidence greatly increased again.

At the moment, the seven God Emperor Great Perfection powerhouses looked at each other and smiled.

During the few days when Qin Feng and others were in retreat, they secretly colluded.

In the field, other assessors felt strange when they saw this scene.

Seven of the eleven Divine Emperor Great Perfection powerhouses in the Eastern District have united.

They vaguely guessed that these seven people were going to deal with Emperor Qin.

At the same time, at the other end of the hall.

The God Emperor Xiaoyao and the other three God Emperors gathered together in great perfection, forming another force vaguely.

"Lord Xiaoyao, what do you think these guys are going to do?"

A God Emperor Great Perfection powerhouse asked respectfully.

The Emperor Xiaoyao smiled slightly: "Do you still need to ask? It must be against Emperor Qin! What a pity! Emperor Qin is such a genius, I'm afraid he will perish!"

As soon as these words fell, everyone nodded.

Some are sorry, some are gloating.

"Sir, what shall we do for a while?"

"Wait and see! If they can lose both, best! 99


Everyone nodded silently.

At this moment, the light and shadow at the entrance to the Second Wheel Realm dimmed, and Qin Feng walked out of it, with a faint bloody aura on his body, and a hidden sternness.

The audience immediately fell silent.

The crowd looked at him in awe.

Even the god emperors were terrified.

They suspected that the huge movement just now was caused by Qin Feng.

Unconsciously, Qin Feng rose to a terrifying level in the hearts of the god emperors.

Qin Feng ignored the crowd and stood in the center of the hall with a calm expression, waiting for the next treasure house to open.

It's just that no one dares to approach him!

At this moment, Qin Feng is in a good mood.

Just now, he killed seven or eight hundred second-round powerhouses, and after deducting more than 70,000 points, he gained more than a hundred thousand points.

Today, he still has more than 1.36 million points left, a lot of points.

In addition, the lotus of the primordial spirit that he had just obtained was all swallowed up by him.

His cultivation level also broke through to 21% in the mid-round realm, and his combat power soared to 80,000 trillion (not the strongest state).

"Dad, those guys look at you so strangely!"

"Hehe! They are afraid of my brother!""

The voices of two little girls resounded in my mind.

Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

At this moment, the hall space shook again.


The third door of light appeared.

The entrance to the God Emperor Treasure Vault has opened.

The god emperors opened their eyes one after another.

But in the next second, everyone involuntarily looked at Qin Feng.

This time, does Emperor Qin want to enter?

The god emperors looked solemn.

This God-Emperor-level treasure trove can be entered in the later stage of the God-Emperor.

The Great Perfection of the God Emperor cannot enter yet.

Judging from various rumors, the Qin Emperor's combat power was at least the peak of the late God Emperor, and even reached the threshold of the Great Perfection of the God Emperor.

There is a huge difference between the strength of the Great Perfection of the God Emperor and the late stage of the God Emperor, and the god emperors are very jealous.

For a time, the god emperors were silent.

They are watching.

Qin Feng glanced at everyone indifferently, and under everyone's attention, he entered the treasure house of the god emperor.

As soon as he entered, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Those second-round players poured into the second-round treasure house one after another.

But after a few seconds, everyone returned one after another, their faces ugly.

"What's the matter? Could it be that the treasure house of the Second Wheel is also empty?"

Someone asked.

The players nodded silently.

When the god emperors saw this scene, their faces were ugly.

They realized that Qin Feng did it nine times out of ten.

Even those God Emperor Great Perfection also showed strange colors.

This Emperor Qin is really cruel!

Wherever you go, nothing remains!


A helpless sigh!

A late stage god emperor finally moved.

He silently walked towards the entrance to the treasure house.

When others are afraid of Emperor Qin, he is also afraid!

However, after all, he was a late stage god emperor.

He is confident he can protect himself.

In this case, it is better to take the initiative to fight for it.

Lest the treasury be emptied again, he would be empty.

When he moved, several more powerful late stage god emperors followed in the crowd.

The powerhouses in the early and middle stages of the God Emperor are still watching.

At the same time, Qin Feng has entered the God Emperor-level treasure house.

The treasury has doubled in size.

There are three platforms for exchanging resources.

At this moment, there are dozens of god emperors in the hall.

After Qin Feng came in, the god emperors glanced at him and didn't bother to take a second look.

They don't know Qin Feng!

However, this guy is so young, his cultivation base should not be high, and he has no value.

At this moment, these god emperors are clearly divided into three groups.

Gathered from all test districts.

The three test areas are on guard against each other.

At this moment, Qin Feng was the only one in the East District, looking lonely.

"Everyone, the old man sees that there are a lot of resources in this treasure house, and it is impossible to exchange them all. There is no need for you to fight to the death. You know, the secret realm assessment is not over yet. Better opportunities are still to come! 39

An old man in the northern district spoke up.

"That's right! We might as well go up and exchange them one by one in order!"5

"I think this is a great idea!

The god emperors agreed.

As they spoke, more and more god emperors arrived.

Everyone agreed with the proposal.

In a blink of an eye, there were more than 200 god emperors in the field.

Only five or six late-stage god emperors entered the Eastern District.

The number of god emperors is much smaller than that of second-round players.

These more than two hundred god emperors already accounted for one third of the total number of god emperors.

Qin Feng ignored the arguments of these people.

He silently watched the resource light curtain.

Lotus of Yuanshen, 100 points/flower, 1000 in stock.

Space God Crystal, 500 points/piece, 200 pieces in stock

Time Crystal, 500 points/piece, 200 pieces in stock

Reincarnation God Crystal, 600 points/piece, 200 pieces in stock

Refining experience, 2000 points / copy, 50 copies in stock

Golden puppet (damaged), 50,000 points, 3 in stock.

"Hey! There are golden puppets!

Qin Feng's eyes lit up and he was a little excited.

These days, Yu Qilin's past life memory has almost recovered.

Jade unicorn once told him that the master of the unicorn used twelve demon ancestors to refine twelve golden puppets.

These twelve golden puppets can be gathered and fused together through the great roulette of heaven and earth to form a super powerful puppet-Panzu puppet.

It is rumored that this Panzu puppet can possess the power of the star master.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng was excited.

These three golden puppets, he has to decide.

"Qin Feng, you must exchange those three golden puppets!"

The excited voice of Yu Qilin also sounded in Qin Feng's mind.

She also did not expect that the surviving will of the unicorn master would actually reward such a precious thing.

"By the way, you also need to take all the refining experience. There is a secret to controlling the great roulette of heaven and earth. It is also good for you to repair the golden puppet.

Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

He wants all of these things.

It was at this moment that the god emperors had all finished their discussions.

A gray-haired old man laughed proudly: "Haha!! Everyone, the three of us are going to exchange first!"9

During the conversation, the old man and two middle-aged men walked out of the crowd and each walked to an exchange platform.

Three platforms, exactly three!

And these three people are the god emperor late stage peak cultivation base, the strength is in the forefront among the crowd, so the three of them are the first batch of exchange.

This is their prerogative!

As soon as they saw the three of them going to exchange, the hall became quieter.

Everyone watched curiously.

But just then, a crisp footstep sounded, disrupting the calm.

Qin Feng strode forward!

The three golden puppets and the experience of refining tools, he must be the first to get them.

His move shocked everyone.

Everyone looked at him.

The three people who were about to exchange in front also turned around.

"Are you from that test area? Didn't you listen to the previous discussion?

The white-haired old man standing in the center frowned.

The man in the blue shirt on the left also said: "Your Excellency, step back! Don't break the rules!"

But just after these words fell, the man on the right said violently: "Why talk to him, kill him! Otherwise, I'll do it... Ah!


A horrific scream!

Before the man on the right had finished speaking, Qin Feng smashed him to pieces with one punch.

The hall shakes!

The blood fog is rolling in the sky!

The shrill screams echoed in the sky above the hall.

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Inexplicable chills down my spine!

In an instant, the entire hall fell silent.

The peak of the 4.7th period after killing the emperor with one punch.

This young man in white is definitely the leader in the Great Perfection of God Emperor.

Now in the secret realm, there should be about fifty people in the Great Perfection of the God Emperor, but there are not ten outstanding people.

This young man is the top being among the many examiners!

Thinking of this, the atmosphere in the field became even more solid.

With such strength, how could it appear in the God Emperor Treasure House?

He should appear in the treasure house of the Great Perfection of the God Emperor!

Could it be that his cultivation has not reached the Great Consummation of the God Emperor?

The more people think about it, the more shocked they are!

At this time, Qin Feng had already collected the loot he just got.

He silently looked at the old man and the man in the blue shirt in front of him.


Just one word!

The expressions of the old man and the man in the blue shirt changed slightly.

In any case, they are also the peak existences of the late God Emperor.

This young man is so disrespectful!

They were a little angry in their hearts, but they dared not show it.

The next second, the two retreated silently to make way for Qin Feng, but deep in their eyes, there was hidden hatred.

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he was too lazy to pay attention.

He's going to kill!

But there are not enough people!

He has to wait a little longer!

Now, he wants to get his hands on the golden puppet and the refining tool first.

Qin Feng stepped forward and walked towards the exchange platform under the watchful eyes of the god emperors.

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