Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 525 The 300 God Emperors Are All Scum (Subscribe)

Qin Feng stepped forward and walked towards the exchange platform under the watchful eyes of the god emperors.

The crowd is silent!

No one rushed to fight, and no one rushed to stop it.

At this moment, everyone defaults to Qin Feng's priority.

Behind the crowd, the few late-stage god emperors from the Eastern District looked at each other and were extremely shocked.

"Everyone, everyone underestimated Emperor Qin!"

"Yeah! Emperor Qin's strength should be among the top three in our Eastern District. The only ones who can compare to him are the Emperor Xiaoyao and the Nine-headed Lion Saint."5

"Unfortunately! Nine Lions and the others underestimated Emperor Qin!

"Regardless of underestimation or not, Emperor Qin will soon suffer a loss! The Nine-headed Lion Saint has joined forces with Emperor Tianyuan and Patriarch Heixin. Together, the group of Emperor Xiaoyao has kept a low profile, and Emperor Qin alone is only afraid to support him. don't stop."

"It's none of our business! I'm wondering, shall we wait, or leave first?"

"What are you afraid of! No matter how strong Qin Huang is, there is only one person. Now there are almost 300 people here. If everyone joins hands together, are you still afraid of Qin Huang?"

"Yes! Even if there are two Qin emperors, don't be afraid!

The god emperors in the Eastern District were whispering in the later stages.

After all, the strength of the God Emperor is different from that of the Second Wheel Realm.

A large number of people can also threaten the Great Perfection of the God Emperor.

These people were afraid of Qin Feng, but they had not yet reached the point of fleeing.

If it touches the bottom line of their interests, they will rebound at any time. …10….

Qin Feng ignored those people.

He put his token into the platform center and began to communicate with the will of the secret realm.

After a while, Qin Feng's head shone brightly.

Three broken golden puppets and fifty pieces of experience in refining tools fell from the glow.

In the hall, everyone watched all this silently, and there was not much movement.

These god emperors still don't know how precious these two things are.

The golden puppet used to be very famous, but it is old and damaged.

What the world knows is that the power is not obvious, and it is gradually ignored by people.

Qin Feng quietly put away these two treasures and continued to communicate with the secret realm.

In the next second, the ten thousand zhang rays of light bloomed again.

Countless lotus of primordial spirits, divine crystals of time, space divine crystals, and reincarnation divine crystals flew out from the glow, and the inventory data in the light curtain instantly became zero.

Immediately following a sensation!

Fuck it~!

This guy took all the treasures!

"Friend, what do you mean? The previous ancestor frowned.

"Your Excellency, do you want to eat alone?!" The man in the blue shirt also asked.

"Yes! What do you mean?"

The rest of the god emperors were also anxious, and their anger rose from their hearts.

The atmosphere of the scene suddenly became tense, and there was a tendency to draw swords.

Although they were very afraid of Qin Feng, they would still bite people if they were in a hurry.

What's more, they are numerous.

As long as they are united as one, they can still grind the Death God Emperor to great consummation.

Behind the crowd, the late god emperors from the Eastern District couldn't help but look at each other face to face.

"Several, the treasure house of the first stage and the second stage has been moved by Emperor Qin, and now he has come to harm the treasure house of the god emperor again. What do you say?"

"Humph! We can't just watch him move here! Besides, how dare you go to the Great Perfection Treasure of the Emperor God?"

Several people shook their heads.

Where is the place where God Emperor Great Perfection went, they only get killed when they enter.

It was at this moment that a roar came from the front.

"Your Excellency, you are going to provoke public anger at this time!"

"Hurry up and stop! Otherwise, we're going to shoot!"5

Those god emperors were anxious and roaring, but none of them dared to take it lightly.

These are the rabble, all waiting for others to come forward, lest the guns hit the first bird ticket.

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth were slightly upturned, he was too lazy to pay attention, and continued to trade.

At this moment, a low voice resounded throughout the audience.

"Everyone, he is the Emperor Qin of our Eastern District! He has a very clear air in him!

As soon as these words came out, the audience was silent for a second.

Oh my God!

Too clean!

In the next second, everyone's eyes widened, and their gazes towards Qin Feng became extremely greedy.

So clean!

It is more than a hundred times more precious than the treasures in front of him.

In an instant, everyone's blood boiled, and greed and jealousy swallowed up fear.

Looking at Qin Feng one by one, it's like seeing the sweet pastry.

At the same time, Qin Feng has completed the transaction and emptied the treasure house.

He turned his head, his eyes were like sharp swords, pierced through the crowd, and fell on the person who just spoke.

This guy, he has a familiar face, is the Yuanhu God Emperor of the Eastern District.

There are a few people beside him, also from the East District.

Just now, it was this guy who deliberately revealed his identity, clearly intending to harm himself.

When Emperor Yuanhu saw Qin Feng, his expression changed greatly, and he involuntarily took a few steps back.

The few around him also shrank their necks in fright.

But in the next second, God Emperor Yuanhu seemed to think of something and raised his head stubbornly.

"Everyone, what are you waiting for? Don't you want to be too clear? Let's work together, we will be able to destroy him!"5

God Emperor Yuanhu shouted.

It's been a crime anyway.

At this moment, he also gave up.

As he spoke, he also hinted at several eyes around him.

Immediately, one person echoed: "" That's right! This guy is from our Eastern District, and they really have a clear air about them!

As soon as these words fell, someone in the crowd finally couldn't hold back any longer.

I don't know who shouted.

"kill him!"

The audience was buzzing!

More than 300 god emperors attacked Qin Feng together.

Thousands of attacks hit...


In an instant, Qin Feng was submerged!

Behind the crowd, God Emperor Yuanhu showed a happy expression.

He seemed to see that Qin Feng was smashed to pieces by everyone.

I really didn't expect it!

Qin Huang, who was so talented, ended up being so aggrieved and died!

The more the Yuanhu God Emperor thought about it, the more proud he became!

Not only God Emperor Yuanhu, but others also showed joy.

Under such a siege, ordinary god emperors would have to fall.

Even if he is the best in the Great Perfection of the God Emperor, he has to suffer heavy losses if he does not die.

such a pity!

Such a young Emperor Qin died like this!

It's no one else's fault.

This can only blame Qin Huang for being so arrogant!

At this moment, Qin Feng raised his head and stared coldly at the thousands of attacks.

In an instant, the Promise Divine Seal was activated!

The laws of time and space are in control!

Thousands of attacks were frozen in the air!

"Huh! This is..."

The god emperors suddenly felt bad.

They found themselves unable to move.

The surrounding space was imprisoned.

The surrounding time flow rate was also delayed sixty times.

Since Qin Feng's cultivation has advanced greatly, his time and space ability has greatly increased.

At this moment, he also superimposed the time and space abilities of Chu Chu, Bao Bao, Yu Qilin, and Bai Qi.

As if in an instant, the entire hall was frozen into ice cubes.

The sword light blazing in the air was moving slowly like an ant.

"how so?!

"Not right!"

Everyone felt uneasy.

The atmosphere of the scene became extremely strange.

God Emperor Yuanhu felt a sudden shock in his heart.

It was at this moment that Qin Feng smiled coldly, transformed into chaos in an instant, and his momentum skyrocketed.

153 Twelve trillion battle power!

Cross the half-step dominance threshold.

The Four Stars are Combining!

The combat power has skyrocketed again to 140,000 trillion!

Divine Fang sword out!

Under the seal of the god of opening the sky, a golden sword light splits the sky and the earth, like the first light of the morning sun, shattering all darkness.

My God! This man is actually a half-step master!


People screamed in horror.

But all sounds were frozen.

The shouting was unusually slow.

People are totally panicked!

A ray of blood flew up!

That sword slashed a bloody path, and countless blood rains flew, and the sword light slashed directly at the Yuanhu God Emperor at the back of the crowd...

"Do not!"

God Emperor Yuanhu shouted in horror from the bottom of his heart.

He turned and ran away!

But the time and space around him were frozen, and he tried his best to move a step.

Endless despair rose in his heart!

He totally regrets it!

He wants to beg for mercy!

But it's too late!

Just for a moment!

God Emperor Yuanhu was smashed to pieces!

Even the dozens of god emperors around him were turned into ashes under the power of the sword...

The whole secret place is shaking violently!

The god emperors were so frightened that they turned around and ran away.

But in the next second, they are desperate!

The confinement of this time and space made it difficult for them to move.

Another sword light rose up, like the beginning of the universe, blooming endlessly...

Countless silhouettes burst into blood mist, bloody light...

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

A sword fell, and the ground of the temple was cracked countlessly!

Three hundred god emperors are all scum!

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