Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 551 Star Wars Armor (Subscription)

It turned out that Xiangmeng was the means arranged by the man in the blue shirt.

In the war that year, the men in blue shirts also participated.

He saw Xue Zun die in battle with his own eyes, and Xiang Meng was also on the verge of death.

The man in the blue shirt took the opportunity to seal the phase and put him in a state of suspended animation, keeping him as a pawn in the future.

Now that the seal of Xiangmeng has been released, there will be chaos in the secret territory.

He understands Xiangmeng!

This monster is extremely ferocious, eating people and drinking blood!

In that secret realm, I am afraid that no one can live.

Moreover, this demon is extremely revengeful.

He was severely injured by the unicorn master.

Now wake up, will definitely take revenge.

And the spirit of inheritance of the unicorn master is impossible for the enemies of the past to inherit the inheritance.

What's more, Xiangmeng's element attributes are inconsistent with the unicorn master and cannot be inherited.

In the end, Xiangmeng will definitely destroy the inheritance of the Kylin Lord.

This achieves the purpose of the man in the blue shirt.

What doesn't work for him should be destroyed!

At the same time, within the secret realm.

Qin Feng walked out of the place where Rui Qilin was inherited and returned to the square.

There was no one in the wide square, and it was very quiet.

Today, there are not many people alive in the secret realm.

"Dad, the secret realm is so quiet!

"Brother, won't we be the only ones going out alive this time? 35

The voices of the baby and Chu Chu sounded in my mind.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "In this case, no one knows the inheritance of the unicorn master, and who got it in the end. Wouldn't it be better?"

"Your Majesty is right! The enemies who killed the unicorn master are still alive. If they know who the successor is, the situation is not good. The subordinate suggests that it is best to kill all the people who are still alive in the secret realm, so as not to leak the news! 35

Bai Qi kindly reminded.

Qin Feng nodded slightly, feeling that it made sense.

Although he has not yet obtained the inheritance of the unicorn master, at present, it will basically fall into his hands.

"Brother, Bai Qi is right! We must be cautious! After all, we are not strong enough now. The enemies of the unicorn master are all star masters! 35

"Dad, there are still a lot of bad guys here! Let's go and beat the bad guys!

Chu Chu and Bao Bao also realized the seriousness of the problem.

Qin Feng also said: "There is news from Yu Qilin that she has killed all the examiners in the water unicorn secret realm. Now she is the only one in the inheritance of the water unicorn, and the inheritance is basically settled.

"At present, there are only the inheritance of Fire Qilin and Demon Domain Blood Venerable. There are people from Purple Star and Star Orcs in Fire Qilin's inheritance, and there are people from Demon Domain and Heavenly Clan in Blood Venerable Heritage."

"Zi Xing is the descendant of the unicorn, and has helped us, so he is ours. The starry orcs are our old enemies. The demons and the heavenly clan are the enemies of the ancient five spirits, and naturally they are also our enemies."

"Let's go! Let's go to the place where the blood venerable is inherited, destroy the people of the Demon Domain and the Celestial Clan, and then go back to help Zixing!

Qin Feng analyzed it a little.

Chu Chu and several others agreed.

At the moment, Qin Feng is ready to go to the place where the blood venerable is inherited.

But at this moment, a message came from his communication jade talisman.

Qin Feng hurriedly took it out and took a look, his face changed slightly.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

"It's from Zixing, she's in danger. Ask me for help!"

"Then what?"

"The soldiers are divided into two groups! Let's go to save Zixing! Clone to deal with the people of the Demon Domain and the Celestial Clan!

At the moment, Qin Feng rushed to the fire unicorn clan.

The phantom avatar entered the place of blood venerable inheritance.

Compared to Demon Domain and Celestial Clan, Qin Feng hates Starry Sky Orcs even more.

This race used to oppress the earth for ten years and wanted to rob the earth's star soul, and the master of the star field was a notorious unicorn traitor.

Besides, he killed Emperor Jinwu, Emperor Dafeng and other Star Clan people.

The people of the Starry Sky Orcs will find out sooner or later, and they will retaliate.

The conflict between him and the starry orcs is inevitable.

Since this is the case, he will try to cut off the wings of the starry sky orcs.

Soon, Qin Feng entered the land of fire unicorn inheritance.

It was a land of continuous mountains, and there were fire-red spiritual plants all over the mountains and plains, and the fire energy in the air was extremely strong.

At this moment, the sound of fighting and smug laughter came from the depths of the mountain range.

It was clearly the laughter of the Wutian ancestor.

Qin Feng hurried towards the fighting direction.

Deep in that mountain range, there is a huge inheritance temple.

At this moment, in the square in front of the temple.

Zi Xing was covered in injuries, her pretty face was flushed, and her breathing was very short.

She is in a very strange state now, and seems to be somewhat conscious.

The ancestor Wutian on the opposite side had a wicked smile on his face, and his dim eyes showed greed.

He was looking at Zi Xing's graceful figure.

And behind Wutian's ancestor, there are still several corpses lying, it is the corpses of several people from the Taurus Palace and the Queen of Snakes and Scorpions.

In the previous battle, Zi Xing was hit hard by him.

And his men were also killed by Zi Xing.

However, before she died, the Queen of Snakes and Scorpions released her own trick, which made Zi Xing fall in love.

That's no ordinary sex!

Its poison penetrates deep into the soul, and even a half-step master cannot be spared.

The only way to detoxify is to find a man and have fun for seven days and seven nights, in order to get rid of the suffering of lust, thus transforming the soul and sublimating the spirit.

The Queen of Snakes and Scorpions has been using this method to enhance her soul strength.

This is a secret that outsiders do not know.

After all, she only used sexual poison to deal with men, and rarely used it to deal with women.

Therefore, outsiders do not know that love poison has a greater impact on women.

Zi Xing should be the first woman to be poisoned by the Queen of Snakes and Scorpions.

"Miss Zixing, your love poison seems to be getting more and more serious. Seeing your painful expression, this old man feels a little distressed. Why don't you just obey the old man! Haha! [!"

Ancestor Wutian smiled lewdly, his eyes drooling.

This woman is so beautiful!

The physique is superb!

Much stronger than that scorpion queen.

What is the taste of the Queen of Snakes and Scorpions, he has tasted it, and it is absolutely wonderful.

This purple star is even more beautiful!

Better shape!

The cultivation base is still a half-step master!

Should be more delicious!

Zi Xing looked disgusted: "Old thing! Even if my mother blows herself up, she won't let you touch a finger.""

"Hey~! Why! Isn't it better for people to live?"

The old man shook his head.

"Besides, even if you're not cheap, old man. When your love poison completely breaks out, it's also cheap for others."

"When the time comes, who you will be cheap, you can't control yourself. If you can't get rid of the people of the Lunhai realm. In this case, it is better to be cheap old man!"

"However, the old man is also the incarnation of the master! The old man's body is the master of the Aries Palace in the starry sky, and his status is completely worthy of you.

"As long as you leave the old man. After going out, the old man will give you a name, how about it?


Purple Star is extremely fiery.

Even if she were to die 10,000 times, she would not be able to cheap this old thing.

This old man is still under the command of the Qilin traitor.

Besides, she already had a sweetheart.

By the way, why hasn't that guy come yet?

The unparalleled figure of Qin Feng appeared in Zi Xing's mind!

For Qin Feng, her mood is very complicated.

She can't talk about falling in love with each other, but she has a good impression.

What's more, this guy has a deep relationship with the Qilin family, and is considered his own.

Qin Feng is undoubtedly the best choice under such a helpless situation.

"Are you waiting for reinforcements?!" Ancestor Wutian was thoughtful.

He saw Zi Xing keep looking towards the entrance.


Zi Xing was too lazy to explain, but was extremely anxious in his heart.

This poison is so violent!

She has started to go numb, not obeying orders, and the situation is getting more and more critical.

"Haha! Miss Zixing, you are not waiting for Emperor Qin, are you? The old man knows that you are a group! 39

"none of your business!"

As soon as he thought of Qin Feng, Wutian Patriarch became jealous.

That kid is only at the Lunhai realm, and his strength is stronger than himself.

If it weren't for the help of the starry sky armor, I'm afraid that there is no way to fight against the Qin emperor.

"Miss Zixing, don't be delusional when you see this old man! That idiot of Emperor Qin, he is probably still ruling the place of inheritance now."

"Even if he comes out of the inheritance land of the master, he will enter the inheritance land of Rui Qilin, there is time to rush over there? You want to give him the benefits, but the time is too late!

As soon as the voice fell, Wutian Ancestor rushed towards Zixing.

"What do you want to do?" Zi Xing exclaimed.

"Haha!! If you don't agree, the old man will naturally use his strength! Is it possible that the old man is going to wait for the Qin emperor to come over? It's a good thing for you, it's cheap for him! 35



A loud bang!


The river is broken!

Attacks from both sides converge!

Zi Xing was bombarded and vomited blood and flew upside down.

She was originally weaker than Wutian Ancestor, but now that she is poisoned, her strength is even weaker.

".`Haha!! Bitch, wait until the old man captures you. You have to agree if you don't agree!"

Ancestor Wutian dodged and chased after the victory.

But at this moment, the mighty emperor descended from the sky and overwhelmed the audience.

The whole secret sky is darkened!

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

Under the invisible pressure, cracks appeared on the ground.

Ancestor Wutian instantly felt a little suffocated.

He was frightened, looked up in a hurry, and saw a boy in white falling from the sky.

"It's you!

Ancestor Wutian was stunned.

How did this guy come so fast!

"Qin Feng!", Zi Xing was full of joy as if seeing the savior.

Qin Feng nodded slightly, and looked at Patriarch Wutian indifferently.

He heard everything the old guy said before.

"Emperor Qin! Why don't you fight for the inheritance of Rui Qilin? Are you not afraid that the inheritance of Rui Qilin will be robbed? 35

Ancestor Wutian swallowed his saliva, his eyes full of fear.

Qin Feng showed a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked at him with a hint of mockery.

Qin Feng was truly disgusted with the Wutian Patriarch.

This person really didn't know what to do, and he actually wanted to call Zixing's attention.

You must know that Zi Xing is a member of Yu Qilin's clan, and he has helped him many times.

What's more, he hated the people of the starry sky orcs, and now it's time to clear things up.

"You can die!", Qin Feng's voice was cold and ruthless.

Ancestor Wutian was furious: "Let the old die?! I'm afraid you don't have the ability!

Although he was afraid of Qin Feng, it was almost impossible to kill a half-master.

What's more, (get Zhao's) his starry sky armor is below the master, and the defense is invincible!

But when his voice fell, Qin Feng suddenly shot.

The Black Phoenix Divine Sword splits out!

The God of Heaven is activated!

Ten thousand feet of sword light descended from the sky!

The boundless swords swayed in all directions, the monstrous sea of ​​fire swelled, and a large space shattered inch by inch!

That momentum is devastating! It's terrifying!


Ancestor Wutian suddenly found out that something was wrong and roared in horror!

This sword actually reached the prestige of the low-ranking master.


A sword light came, illuminating the place of inheritance,

For a moment, the sky and the earth were filled with dazzling sword light, and other things could no longer be seen.

In the next breath, a shrill scream echoed in the sword light.

After all the sword light dissipated, the Wutian ancestor had already exploded into a blood mist.

In the air, there is only a Pearl of the World, a Starry Battle Armor...

Everything around became silent.

Zi Xing on the side was dumbfounded.

Oh my God!

Kill a half-step master with a single sword!

At least it is the strength of the inferior ruler!

Zi Xing looked at Qin Feng's back, her heart beat faster and her eyes were watery.

Her poison is almost uncontrollable.

The Star War Armor is here.

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

That is a master treasure!

As soon as he waved his hand, he took the Pearl of the World and the Starry Sky Battle Armor into his hands. allow.

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