Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 552 Shock and Deterrence (Subscription)

Qin Feng put away the Pearl of the World and did not swallow it immediately.

After all, Zi Xing is still on the side.

Afterwards, he happily picked up the Starry Sky Battle Armor and looked at it.

This is the first master-level Yuan Wu obtained.

Refining this armor will definitely increase its strength.

But at this moment, a fragrant wind rushed behind him, and a soft and delicate body was attached to his back.

Through the clothes, I can feel Zi Xing's whole body is hot~!

"Sister Zixing!" Qin Feng just said.

Zi Xing hugged his strong waist tightly, her face sticking to his broad back.


Qin Feng turned around and quietly pushed away Zi Xing, who was lying on his back.

"The toxicity has increased?" Qin Feng asked with concern.

"Yeah!" Zi Xing nodded pitifully.

She was trying her best to restrain her anger, but there were beads of sweat on her forehead.

The poison was too violent.

Qin Feng frowned, also worried for Zi Xing.

Before he came, he heard the words of the ancestor Wutian.

Such a secret technique that attacks the soul will cause damage to the soul if it is not removed immediately.

"Qin Feng, can you help me?", Zi Xing was eager.

"How to do?"

"Only...only men and women...", Zi Xing was a little shy.

Even though she was outspoken on weekdays, she couldn't say anything about it.

"There is no other way?

Hearing this, Zi Xing felt resentment.

He asked for it on his own initiative, and this guy still thinks about it.

Could it be that you really can't get into his eyes?

Obviously his beauty and talent are not under the jade unicorn.

This guy is still mad at himself.

Thinking of this, she became a little angry: "Then let me commit suicide! 35

Qin Feng looked at her resentful look, with a special style.

People are beautiful, angry are beautiful!

What's more, Zixing is a stunning beauty!

170 Qin Feng comforted in a low voice: "It's not unwilling. First, it's inconvenient here; second, there's a big event happening in the blood venerable inheritance, and I have to go there.

Hearing this, Zi Xing's eyes lit up: "So, you are willing!"

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth were slightly crooked, and he gave a wicked smile, but he didn't say anything.

That evil and charming appearance is so handsome and soul-stirring that it shines brightly.

So handsome!

Zi Xing's mind became hot, and with his love and poison attacking his heart, he suddenly fell into Qin Feng's arms and fell completely.

Qin Feng smiled and shook his head.

It seems that Zi Xing really can't hold it any longer.

The matter of Xue Zun will let the phantom clone carry it for a while.

He had to detox this woman first.

It's just that this place is really inconvenient!

Qin Feng looked around.

Although he has cut off the vision of Chu Chu and several people, he does not guarantee that others will not come in at any time.

What's more, the inheritance temple is next to it, will the spirit of inheritance in it spy on it?

That kind of thing is a little more subtle after all.

"It's so frustrating! Help me!

Zi Xing clenched her legs together, raised her head and begged, her eyes were like deep pools of autumn water, full of tenderness.

Her poison is getting deeper and deeper, and her body is getting hotter and hotter.

If it goes on like this, the soul body will definitely be damaged.

"Sister Zixing, I have a very secret space, where is it safer to do things!""

Zi Xing blushed when she heard the word "service".

"Yeah!" She nodded slightly.

"Where can you enter, you need to sign a contract with me, otherwise you won't be able to enter!"

Qin Feng said it is his own little universe.

Inside is sixty times the flow rate of time, which is enough to do things.

But in order to enter his small universe, in addition to Polestar's followers, he must be a contractor for all living beings.

Zi Xing hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly.

At this moment, she couldn't think so much.

Qin Feng smiled slightly, then drew a rune in the air and pressed it against Zi Xing's bright forehead.

Zi Xing let go of his heart and accepted it wholeheartedly.

In a few moments, the contract is complete!

The hearts of the two were instantly drawn closer, and their affection for each other became stronger.

Zi Xing opened her beautiful eyes slightly, her eyes showing obsession.

At this moment, she really fell in love with the boy in front of her.

"Let's go!"

Qin Feng picked her up at once.

Zixing is warm-hearted, docile and snuggled.

The next second, the two entered the small universe.

Qin Feng brought Zixing to the Palace of the Mid-Pole Star and entered his bedroom.

"Where is it?" Zi Xing looked around curiously.

This place even has a room, decorated elegantly, elegant and refined.

"Shh~! Don't ask so much, let's detoxify first!

Qin Feng placed Zixing on the soft brocade mattress.

With a wave of his hand, the door closed automatically.

There are only two people in the house, and the spring breeze is dark and warm.

Qin Feng touched the graceful curve with one hand.

Zi Xing's pretty face flushed, and she looked at each other tenderly.

In the next second, the whole house was covered by clouds, and all the hot fire gradually rose in the fog...

"Oh my God!"

After a while, Zi Xing's exclamation sounded in the clouds...

Qin Feng's detoxification officially begins...

At the same time, the place where the blood of the Demon Domain is inherited.

Xiang Meng coldly looked at the phantom clone in front of him.

He has just obtained the inheritance of the Blood Venerable, and the combat power has been increased to 1.3 million trillion.

But the guy in the black cape in front of him has a combat power of 1.5 million trillion, which is stronger than himself!

Qin Feng's current basic combat power is 1,000,000 trillion, and after Chaos is transformed, it is 1,500,000 trillion.

The combat power of the phantom clone is naturally 1.5 million trillion.

"You are so much stronger than those guys before!"

Xiang Meng looked at the phantom clone.

He was talking about the great leader of the Demon Domain and the Lufa Heavenly Emperor.

"However, even if your combat power is stronger than your deity! You can't be your deity's opponent! 39

Xiangmeng is full of confidence, and her blood-red long hair flutters in the air.

He was a half-step star master ten billion years ago.

Now his strength has fallen to the bottom line of low-rank dominance, but it's too easy to kill someone of the same rank.

"Besides! Your combat power is not necessarily stronger than mine!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiang Meng turned into a thousand feet, opened his mouth and sucked, and the sea of ​​blood below surged, turning into a monstrous blood wave, which was swallowed by him.

In the blink of an eye, the boundless sea of ​​blood was swallowed by him.

His thin face is getting plump! Gradually rosy!

The combat power has soared to 1.5 million trillion all the way.

So far, the two (baeh) sides have the same combat strength.

Confidence soars!

In his opinion, as long as 1 million terabytes of combat power, he can destroy the phantom clone, not to mention that he is now 1.5 million terabytes of combat power.

This time, he won!

At this moment, the phantom clone attacked, and the Fire Phoenix Divine Sword came from the sky.

Xiang Meng looked disdainful.

The third eye suddenly opened!

The Heavenly Art is activated!


Heaven, earth, and people are all determined!

All time, space, and reincarnation are imprisoned!

Three strange auras radiate out.

This is a secret technique that is hidden from each other, and ordinary masters can't bear it, let alone the guy in the black cloak in front of him.

This guy is obviously not the master, he does not have the aura of Xiaoqian World.

Be proud of each other!

He imagined that the phantom avatar was imprisoned and then waited to die in terror!

Just like the previous Lufa Heavenly Emperor and the great leader of the Demon Domain.

But the next breath, he was stunned.

As soon as the power of the secret technique touched the clone, it was completely offset by the Promise Divine Seal.

His trick was in vain.

"Damn it!

Xiang Meng was extremely annoyed.

His trick was actually cracked by a junior.

You know, he used to be a half-step star master.

It made him a little unacceptable

But at this moment, the attack of the phantom clone also arrived.

"It came just fine!

He clearly saw the weapon of the phantom avatar, but it was only a half-step master-level Yuanfeng.

Disdain each other.

He opened his mouth and spewed out two blood-colored long swords, one of which was the Yuan Tu sword.

The other one is the Abi Sword!

The two swords are activated, and the two swords are combined.

The combination of Yuantu Abi's two swords has actually reached the master level of Yuanwu, which is better than the single Fire Phoenix Divine Sword. .

In one breath, the two swords were combined, the sword qi screamed, the sky of hundreds of millions of miles, the phantom of the blood sea appeared, the blood waves rolled in the sky, the momentum covered the sky...


The phantom clone also opened the Heaven-Opening God Seal,

The Fire Phoenix Divine Sword splits the earth and opens the sky!

Endless golden flames, like the fairy mountain that erupts only once in billions of years, spewing golden fire waves, like a sea of ​​fire poured with gold, swallowing the sky and destroying the earth...


A loud bang!

The two attacks meet again between heaven and earth!

There are cracks in the whole space~!

Two grunts!

Both sides rolled and flew out at the same time.

This time, the two sides were evenly matched.

"This... how is this possible!

Xiang Meng was dumbfounded.

He actually had a draw with a junior!

What's more, his weapon is stronger than the opponent's!

In other words, without the advantage of weapons, he is not the opponent's opponent.

how can that be?!

Xiangmeng can't accept it, it's very uncomfortable in my heart!

If he is not as powerful as the opponent, that's fine.

But both sides are about 1.5 million trillion!

Are you really getting old?

Xiangmeng's expression gradually became serious, and the eyes looking at the phantom avatar became serious.

"You are a good opponent! I'm afraid that when the high-grade star master is young, he is not as good as you!"

Xiang Meng sighed.

The phantom avatar looked at it coldly.

The next second, he rushed forward again.

The two sides fought again.

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

One breath!

Three thousand six hundred swords!

The whole space is dark and dark, and the mountains are crumbling to the ground...

After a while, the two sides parted!

None were injured!

Ke Xiangmeng began to breathe slightly, and it seemed that the consumption was a bit large.

The phantom clone is as calm as ever!

The divine seal of creation is endless, reincarnated from generation to generation, and creation is endless.

If it is a protracted war, no one can win the destiny.

When Xiangmeng saw this scene, a trace of worry came to his heart.

He took a deep breath and said with a serious face: "Your Excellency, you and I are of equal strength, and if you continue to fight, you will only lose both. Why don't we stop together, let's deal with the others individually, how about it?

This has the meaning of retreat.

The corners of the phantom avatar's mouth twitched slightly.

This avatar is Qin Feng's body extension.

At this moment, Qin Feng is enjoying himself comfortably!

When he was finished, he made room and rushed over to kill Xiangmeng.

How could he possibly agree to quit.

What's more, in this secret realm, apart from this Xiang Meng, there are no other outsiders.

Thinking of this, the phantom avatar's smile became even colder.

PS: Everyone, please ask for a few monthly tickets, thank you...

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