Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 562 The Mysterious Ancient Race (Subscribe)

Qin Feng crossed the barrier with ease.

In the next second, he was above the earth.

Just get into a headstand position.

He quickly took control and came in sequence.

Such a state, if one is not careful, it will fall.

Afterwards, Chu Chu and several others also followed.

"My God! Brother, we're back on Earth! 35

"Dad, it's South Capital City! Wow! We're back home!""

Chu Chu and the baby were very excited.

The jade unicorn beside him smacked his tongue.

Qin Feng smiled slightly, his eyes swept down through the clouds.

I saw tens of thousands of people gathered below.

Everyone raised their heads and looked up at the canopy.

Only the canopy is covered by clouds.

They couldn't see Qin Feng and others.

But Qin Feng could see them clearly.

He saw Luo Li, Nishan, Baihu Dijun and others in the crowd at a glance.

Obviously, those are no ordinary clouds.

Qin Feng's spiritual thoughts unfolded.

In just a split second, the entire earth was scanned, revealing a look of relief.

During his absence, Emperor Feng managed the earth in an orderly manner, and everything developed in an orderly manner.

The whole earth is in a prosperous state, and at the same time there is a shroud of luck.

This luck is brought by the divine tree under his feet.

Therefore, the protection of luck, the earth already has a background.

Not bad!

Qin Feng nodded with satisfaction.

"Dad, I want to go home and play!" The baby couldn't wait. 170


She was born on Earth and has made it her hometown.

Seeing the familiar things in front of her, she felt more cordial.

Chu Chu naturally too.

"No hurry! Let's go back to the small universe first! 35

Qin Feng waved.

In the blink of an eye, everyone returned to the Mid-Pole Star.

From beginning to end, people on Earth only saw clouds in the sky, but did not see Qin Feng and others.

"Dad, why don't you let me go home and play?", Bao Bao was playing coquettishly while hugging Qin Feng's legs.

Qin Feng smiled: "The earth is developing very well now, and there is no danger. We are not in a hurry. We have an important thing to do now. I am afraid that the strength of all parties in the universe has already begun to prepare..."

At the moment, Qin Feng spoke out about the Chaos Star Territory.

After everyone heard it, they were all very surprised.

Qin Feng continued: "I don't know when this chaotic star field will start. However, we can't wait for news, and we should take action, lest everyone be caught off guard when we need it.

"None of your inheritance has been fully awakened. My suggestion is that after you have fully awakened your inheritance, you can return to Earth. At that time, you can play whatever you want.

"Otherwise, if you return to Earth a day later, you will waste 2 months of cultivation time here.

The crowd suddenly realized.

Outside one day, here is 2 months.

Now that all cosmic forces are actively preparing for war, they naturally cannot be idle, and they must improve their strength as soon as possible.

"Dad! That baby has gone to retreat!" Qin Baobao took the initiative to ask Ying.

The little guy just wants to play early, so he can't wait to integrate the inheritance.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Go!

He is just worried that the baby can't control himself, and he will be playful when he returns to earth.

After the baby left, Bai Qi and Chu Chu also took the initiative to invite him to retreat.

Qin Feng, Yu Qilin, and Emperor Feng were the only ones left in the field.

At this moment, Qin Feng looked at the divine tree and said with joy: "With this divine tree, I don't have to worry about the safety of the earth in the future. As long as something happens to the earth, I can rush back from anywhere in the universe!"9

Emperor Feng and Jade Qilin looked at each other and smiled, and they both showed joy.

No matter what happens now, they will always have their own territory in the future.

This earth will be their base camp from now on.

"Yue'er, send Luo Li a message to see if they can accept it?"

"it is good!

Emperor Feng took out the communication talisman and sent a message.

After a while, she received a reply from Luo Li.

Seeing this, Qin Feng was overjoyed, and another boulder fell in his heart.

"It seems that the birth of this divine tree has created a connection between my small universe and the earth. This connection is not limited by time and space! It's amazing!

Qin Feng was amazed.

Yu Qilin smiled and said: "Qin Feng, can you understand it this way? The top of this divine tree is like a space-time node, linking your small universe with the outside world."5

"In a sense, your small universe and the outer universe are equal, so they are not limited by space-time distance."

"If the link between your universe and the earth is limited by time and space, it means that your universe only exists in a different dimension of this world."

This is a bit esoteric, but Qin Feng makes a lot of sense when he thinks about it.

Emperor Feng said curiously, "Qin Feng, don't you think this divine tree is very similar to the legendary Jianmu? It should be Jianmu!"

Qin Feng nodded slightly (baeh): "It's really similar! Some rumors say that Jianmu can lead to other universes, and some rumors lead to immortal worlds... Thinking about it carefully, this tree also has the same function.

The jade unicorn looked strange and said, "Where did you hear the legend of building wood?"

Qin Feng said casually, "Ancient mythology on our earth. What's wrong?"

The jade unicorn was surprised: "This is not right! Jianmu, this universe has existed for a long time, and there is only one tree, and it exists in the ancient domain.

"But about the existence of Jianmu, generally only the ruler can know it. How do you people on earth know? Logically, it's not long since you started cultivating on earth, how do you know such a secret thing?"

Qin Feng was also curious: "It's a little strange for you to say that. It stands to reason that humans on earth should have no chance to know about it."

Yu Qilin also sighed: "Yeah! The formation of your earth is only 4.6 billion years, and the appearance of Jianmu has been hundreds of billions of years!"

Qin Feng was shocked: "Hundreds of billions of years? Where did that ancient clan come from?

Yu Qilin said: "They claim to be the first primitive inhabitants of this universe, so they call themselves the ancients. The most primitive center of the universe is not on the five pole stars today, but in the ancient domain.

"In short, this race is strange and powerful, but more exclusive. They will not cultivate people outside the ancient realm.""

"You earthlings should not be their descendants, but the legend of Jianmu has flowed out of your earth. It's really strange. Maybe there are some secrets hidden in it!"

Qin Feng thought about it for a while, but couldn't think of a reason, so he was too lazy to think about it.

Afterwards, the three chatted for a while, and Yu Qilin also went to retreat.

Qin Feng and Emperor Feng were the only ones left in the field.

"Yue'er, I want to practice a secret technique with you, I wonder if you are willing?"

"Yes!", Emperor Feng agreed without thinking.

She is now a married couple.

Qin Feng smiled: "You promised too quickly, I haven't said the specific content yet. To cultivate this secret technique, you must first sacrifice all your cultivation."5

Emperor Feng didn't take it seriously and said, "Come and listen, as long as it can help you, Yue'er will definitely be willing."

Qin Feng glanced at Emperor Feng gratefully, and told the matter of the Karma Divine Seal.

Not only did Feng Di readily agree, but he was also very excited.

In her opinion, this is also a great opportunity for her.

Immediately, Emperor Feng said: "Qin Feng, then I want to go back to the earth to make arrangements, and let Nishan manage the earth for me. After the arrangement, I will come in and retreat.

"Okay! Take this one!

Qin Feng threw a storage ring over.

"There are two Qi of Jade Purity in this ring, and one is of Supreme Purity, which should be able to raise your aptitude to the potential of being a mid-rank master.

"There is also the secret technique of refining the Middle Pole Star, and the method of cultivating the true meaning of the sacrifice."

"You first improve your aptitude, then refine the Mid-Pole Star to become the Star Master, and then cultivate the true meaning. Don't get the order wrong!""

Feng Di was overjoyed: "I see! Qin Feng, thank you!"

Emperor Feng took the storage ring and hurried to Earth.

After ordering these, Qin Feng went to retreat.

This time, he summoned a phantom avatar, and at the same time realized the true meaning of retribution, doubling the efficiency.

The phantom clone also has the ability to perceive.

After Fengdi went to Earth, he soon returned to the small universe and began to retreat.

It all quickly got back on track.

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