Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 563 The Retribution of True Meaning (Subscription)

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, 20 days passed by the outside world.

The mysterious realm of Ziyun disappeared, and the inheritor of the unicorn master is unknown.

This was a shocking thing.

But the chaotic star field mutation has diverted people's attention~.

Gradually, people stopped paying attention to the inheritance of the unicorn master, and everyone's focus was on the chaotic star field.

The forces of all sizes have also acted.

At this moment, Tianmo City, the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

The Demon Lord called an emergency meeting.

In the main hall, the Demon Lord sat on the throne.

Below stood a group of elders.

After the battle of Ziyun Secret Realm, in addition to the fall of Elder Xiu, Elder Xing and Elder Cang were eliminated very early.

Today, there are only four elders left in the Demon City.

The Vice-City Lord Shadow Heaven God Emperor has not yet come out of retreat.

At this moment, Elder Rui respectfully looked towards the Demon Lord.

"Lord City Lord, why did you call everyone here?"

The Lord of Demon Heaven raised his head slightly: "The city lord has just received the above order, as long as all the people in each city with the strength of a god emperor or above and belonging to the Tianfu Star mechanism, no matter what their status, they are eligible to go to Tianfu City to participate in the selection! Time, one month After!35


Several elders looked at each other.

Immediately, Elder Rui asked curiously, "City Lord, what is the selection?"

"Of course it is to choose the best!" The Demon Lord gave him a lazy glance, "It should be related to Chaos Star Territory. The specific content is not mentioned above! 99

Elder Rui's eyes lit up: "Yeah! Chaos Star Territory is full of chaotic energy, and only God Emperor or above can survive. This kind of selection is issued above, it should be for this matter.

"Hey! City Lord, is the Chaos Star Territory really going to be open to the outside world, as rumored by the outside world?"

The Demon Lord shook his head slightly: "I don't know! There is no specific news yet. If it is really opened this time, all forces in the entire universe will intervene, and it will be very tragic!"

These words made the elders take a deep breath and look at each other.

"Okay! The city lord summoned you here to make an announcement. Let those god emperors who are willing to participate in the selection come to the city lord's mansion to report. The premise is that they must sign a contract with my demon city and belong to my demon city. …”


The elders agreed in unison.

They know that this involves the achievements of the Demon City.

The Demon Lord naturally hopes that the more Divine Emperor players under his command, the better.

"In addition, this is the person in my Tianmocheng agency. You don't need to sign any contract, you can report voluntarily! 35

"I'm waiting to understand!

"Finally, you can mark it on the announcement. The outstanding people selected this time, Tianfu Star will have extremely generous rewards, and there will be key training!

This sentence is the key!

The eyes of the elders shone brightly.

They were all excited.

Since there are extremely generous rewards and opportunities to be trained, why don't they participate?

"You all retreat! Elder Rui stay!

"Yes! 35

The elders left in response.

Only Elder Rui remained in the field.

After the elders had gone away, the Demon Lord looked at Elder Rui and asked with concern, "Elder Rui, hasn't Emperor Qin returned to report?"

Elder Rui smiled bitterly: "Back to the city master, not yet! I have arranged a special staff member at the Earth station. As soon as he comes back, the staff member will bring him to see you!

"Oh!" The Demon Lord was slightly lost.

Elder Rui was also puzzled.

For the past 20 days, the city lord has asked about the Emperor Qin once a day.

Why does the city owner care so much about Emperor Qin?

"I see! You step back!""


After Elder Rui left, the Demon Lord looked out of the door dazedly.

It's been twenty days!

The guy promised to come find him.

Why haven't you come yet?

Did he forget himself?

The Demon Lord was inexplicably uneasy.

At the same time, inside Qin Feng's small universe.

Twenty days have passed outside.

It's been three years here.

A lot has happened in these three years.

Chu Chu, Bao Bao, and Bai Qi's inheritance and integration have reached more than 99%, and they have entered the final complete awakening.

The Jade Qilin has made the fastest progress and was completely integrated as early as two years ago.

Now she has broken through to the low-rank dominance, and the combat power has reached 1.5 million trillion.

According to this progress, she will soon be able to return to the level of her previous life.

This makes Qin Feng happy.

The strength of the jade unicorn has greatly improved, and the combination of the stars will bring more combat power, which is equivalent to his strength.

In fact, Qin Feng's progress in the past three years is not small.

He has successfully condensed the True Intent of Retribution, and his combat power has increased to 3.2 million trillion.

In addition, he also learned several secret techniques related to the true meaning of retribution.

What made him most happy was Emperor Feng.

After Fengdi refined the Qi of Yuqing and the Qi of Shangqing, the cultivation qualification was upgraded to the qualification to dominate the middle grade.

Afterwards, she refined the Mid-Pole Star, became the Master of the Mid-Pole Star, and started the cultivation of the true meaning of sacrifice.

Unexpectedly, her cultivation of this kind of true meaning went very smoothly.

Maybe it has something to do with her mood.

She sacrificed herself wholeheartedly for Qin Feng, and this mentality coincides with the way of sacrifice.

Plus she's so savvy!

In addition, the small universe is shrouded in luck, and the environment is particularly suitable for practicing perception-type secret techniques.

The right place and the right place for everyone!

Therefore, Fengdi's realization of the true meaning of sacrifice was very smooth, reaching 87%, not much slower than Qin Feng.

This makes Qin Feng very happy. …

At this moment, two figures appeared on that barren planet.

·0 for flowers·

It is Qin Feng and Yu Qilin.

Feng Di, Chu Chu and others are still in retreat.

The phantom clone stayed in the small universe to guard.

"Qin Feng, when are you going to break through to the God Emperor?" Yu Qilin snuggled into Qin Feng's arms.


"I can't break through yet!"

"With your talent, it's easy to break through to the God Emperor, you didn't break through on purpose, right?

"Smart!", Qin Feng smiled slightly.

"Why?" Yu Qilin was puzzled.

Qin Feng smiled: "I want true holy water!

The jade unicorn suddenly realized.

True Spirit Holy Water is only valid for God Emperor and below.

Qin Feng is now at the pinnacle of the Great Perfection of the Second Wheel Realm, and has reached the pinnacle of the Second Wheel Realm.

As long as there is one more line of progress, he will be a god emperor.

But after breaking through the God Emperor, he will be ineffective if he takes True Spirit Holy Water.

The true spirit holy water is a sacred object that purifies the soul, it is extremely rare, and its value is no less than the air of Taiqing.


"Qin Feng, if you want the holy water of true spirit, does the flower of your soul also have thirteen petals? 39

Qin Feng nodded with a smile.

Yu Qilin's eyes widened in surprise.

Qin Feng's flower on the other side has opened thirteen petals, and it has already descended into auspiciousness, shaking Tianfu.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng's soul flower will also open thirteen petals!

Your man is extraordinary!

"Actually, I just broke the shackles of the soul, and I have the conditions to open the thirteen petals, but I have not yet reached the conditions for opening."

"At present, the one that can help me a lot is the Holy Spirit Holy Water. But the Holy Spirit Holy Water is only useful to the God Emperor, so I have to suppress my cultivation. 55

Qin Feng explained it casually.

The next bloom progress of his Soul Flower is 69%.

As long as he gets two copies of the water of true spirit, he can bloom thirteen petals.

Of course, he could also get just one copy.

Then fully awaken the inheritance of the unicorn master.

When the inheritance is fully awakened, the Qilin essence can also strengthen the soul.

Just doing this, the speed is a bit slow.

"Qin Feng, although the True Spirit Holy Water is extremely rare, Tianfu Star is also a big force, and maybe one or two copies can be obtained.

Qin Feng's eyes lit up: "This is a good idea!

"Isn't Sister Zixing asking you to find the Lord of Demons! The Lord of Demons is the city lord of a hundred major cities. She has a wide range of connections and should have channels to know where to get the Holy Spirit."

Qin Feng smiled: "I'm planning to go to the Lord of the Demon Heaven, and I can kill two birds with one stone! Let's go!

"Hmm! 35

At the moment, the two of them teleported and disappeared in place.

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