Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 863: Fire Moon Heavenly Venerate (for full order)

At this moment, the whole place was silent.

The eyes of the gods looking at the Qingmeng were different.

After a while, the blasted Kui formation retreated with an embarrassed expression.

Everyone in Tiansheng Mountain felt a little embarrassed.

They felt that their ancestors were like a clown from beginning to end, and it was okay to lose face, and let them also lose face...

"Tiansheng, what else do you have to say?" True God looked cold.


The ancestor of Tiansheng was very embarrassed, and his old face was red.

"Humph! It's just you!"

God really doesn't care about him.

Immediately, he announced to the audience: "From this moment on, the eleventh top force of the Southern Alliance is born, and that is the Youth League!"9

As soon as these words fell, the members of the Youth League cheered.

The members of those large forces all showed envy.

Top power!

That's the heart of the league!

They can get more resources!

At this time, the true God said again: "Qin Feng, the three of us have just negotiated, and the territories of the Fire Virtue Realm, the Bichi Realm, the Shuangjiao Realm, and the Hell King Realm will be placed under the jurisdiction of the Youth League! 39

Qin Feng was overjoyed: "Thank you three adults!

Youth League members are also excited.

Those four realms are the leaders of the large-scale forces, with a wide jurisdiction and a lot of resources.

This will greatly benefit the future development of the Youth League!

Speaking of which, the existing territory of the Youth League, coupled with the territory of the Four Realms, has indeed echoed the status of the top forces.

The three gods did not treat the Youth League badly!

"Senior, I heard that the road to return to the ruins will be opened in a month. At that time, only superpowers and top powers will be able to enter and collect the spiritual roots of heaven and earth."10

"That's right!

True God smiled and nodded, this is no secret.

Qin Feng added: "Senior, I also heard that the distribution of spiritual roots in that day is based on the number and strength of the gods of various forces."

"That's right! The old man is about to tell you this. According to the previous ranking, Tiansheng ranked fourth among the top ten top forces. You beat him just now, then you replaced his ranking and ranked fourth. ."

"That is to say, in the next spiritual root distribution, you can get the fourth-ranked income!

"Of course, if you want more income, you can challenge the top three. As long as you win, you can replace their ranking and get more income! 99

As soon as these words came to an end, the top forces ranked second and third became nervous and looked at Qin Feng uneasily.

Qin Feng's previous performance was amazing, completely reaching the level of the peak of the gods.

If they were to face Qin Feng, there was no certainty that they would win.

However, Tianzun Huoyue, who was ranked first, was calm and did not worry at all...

He is the pinnacle of the gods of the Jiuji God Base, and his combat power has long reached the limit of the pinnacle of the gods.

Even if the two Heavenly God Peaks ranked second and third joined forces, they would not be his opponents.

As for Qin Feng, in his opinion, he is the ordinary level in the peak of the gods, and is far from his opponent.

Therefore, he was not worried that Qin Feng would challenge himself.

Even, he still expects Qin Feng to challenge!

This kid is too dazzling, it's time for him to beat and beat.

He wanted to let Qin Feng know, what is the mountain outside the mountain, and there are people outside the person...

Thinking of this, Huoyue Tianzun looked at Qin Feng with a smile on his face, the look of anticipation was beyond words.

But not wanting, Qin Feng turned a blind eye.

I saw him saying to the true God: "Senior, what I mean is, our Youth League has two god-level combat powers. According to the rules, can we get two shares of the benefits of the heaven and earth spirit roots?

"What? Two of you are god-level combat power? Who is the other?"

"Senior, it's me!" The phantom avatar bowed before him.

The whole audience was amazed.

No way?

Qin Feng is already outrageous!

Qin Lei is also like this?

This time, everyone's eyes fell on the phantom clone, and they took a breath of cold air...

Even Huoyue Tianzun frowned, and his heart was not happy.

If Qin Lei also has the strength of the gods, then he will be the gods of one alliance and two days, which is unique among the top forces!

Maybe, the prestige of the Youth League can surpass his Fire Moon Immortal Mountain in one fell swoop!

The thought made him a little jealous.

"Qin Lei, do you really have the power of a god?"

The three gods were amazed and delighted.

Originally, there was a Qin Feng in the south, and they were very satisfied.

If Qin Lei is also equally good, then the luck of the south is really coming.

Maybe the southern part can get rid of the momentum of the bottom of the god realm in one fell swoop...

"Three adults, you really have the power of gods! 35

The phantom clone replied like this.

But as soon as these words fell, there was a muttering sound in the crowd.

"Heh~! It's rare that the Qing League has a Qin Feng, how could it be possible to have a genius in a row, that's too coincidental..."

The person who spoke was the ancestor of Tiansheng.

His voice was very low, and he seemed a little unconfident, but it was heard by everyone, like a grumbling woman complaining.

Everyone frowned, this guy is really confused!

The phantom avatar smiled coldly: "Tiansheng Taoist friend, it seems that you don't believe it! Why don't you and I fight to see if there is the strength of the gods below?"

The face of the ancestor of Tiansheng changed slightly: "Qin Lei, the deity is just talking about it! But I didn't say that I want to test your strength......

After what happened to Qin Feng, he had no confidence and dared not fight.

But he didn't want to, his words fell, and the true God spoke.

"Tiansheng, you are the only one to fight!"

"Ah? Me?" Tiansheng Patriarch was stunned.

"That's right! It's you!"

The true God did not give him any good looks.

From start to finish, this guy has a lot to do.

"This... well!

The ancestor of Tiansheng wanted to refuse but dared not, so he had to re-list.

It was at this moment that Qin Feng launched the Confusion Technique and switched with the phantom avatar.

No one noticed this change.

In other words, the ancestor of Tiansheng is about to face Qin Feng, not the phantom clone.

After a while, the ancestor of Tiansheng came to the center of the hall and confronted the phantom clone...

In fact, he confronted Qin Feng again.

Unfortunately, no one knows the truth.

At this moment, everyone was waiting curiously.

The three gods also stepped aside, leaving the battlefield for Qin Feng and the ancestors of Tiansheng.

"Qin Lei, this time we'll stop here!

"Ha! Friends of Heavenly Saint Taoist are joking, how can you prove my strength if you and I can't compare your true strength? What? Friends of Heavenly Saint Taoist are afraid?

The ancestor of Tiansheng was furious: "Boy, don't take an inch! Although this old man is not Qin Feng's opponent, it is more than enough to deal with you! 99

"Okay! Then try it!"

Qin Feng suddenly shot.

The ancestor of Tiansheng hurriedly stepped forward to fight, and there was still some disdain in his eyes...

He really didn't see the phantom clone in his eyes.

But in the next second, Qin Feng made a powerful punch, and the world turned around, the eight directions changed instantly, and the divine power shook the sky...

The ancestor of Tiansheng suddenly felt bad, and his face changed greatly.

But it's too late!

Before anyone could react, Qin Feng dropped a punch...



A horrific scream!

Qin Feng smashed the ancestor of Tiansheng into slag with one punch, and the monstrous golden sea of ​​fire engulfed the blood fog in an instant...

The momentum of the ancestors of Tiansheng continued to plummet!

Everyone was shocked!

Oh my God!

It turns out that Qin Lei is also so strong!

The expressions of the gods are a little weird.

A Qin Feng surpasses them, and now there is another Qin Lei...

The rise of the Youth League is irresistible!

In the crowd, Tianzun Huoyue narrowed his eyes.

The jealousy in his heart is getting stronger and stronger...

In a blink of an eye, the momentum of the ancestor of the Tiansheng plummeted by 30%...

He screamed mournfully, begging for mercy, calling for help...

But this time, the true God was indifferent.

This guy is too disobedient, and the true God intentionally refuses to save...

Qin Feng is naturally rude, strangling with all his strength...

After a while, the imposing manner of the ancestor of the heavenly sage fell to the edge of the heavenly god realm, and if this goes on, his divine foundation will collapse, and he is not far from death...

The true God finally spoke up.

"Little friend Qin Lei, stop here!"

"Good! 35

Qin Feng respected the true God, and this time he also gave face, and put away the fire...

The blood mist rolled for a while, and the ancestor of Tiansheng was resurrected again...

It's just that his momentum has fallen to the threshold of the gods, and he almost fell to the realm of gods,

He glanced at Qin Feng in horror, then retreated with a look of dejection, not even daring to say more.

That embarrassing look is so embarrassing...

No one would have thought that the Heavenly Sage Patriarch, who used to be aloof in the past, played himself as a clown this time, and it can be said that he has lost all face. . . .

But as soon as he returned to his seat, several gods got up and asked for battle.

"Lord God, Chunyu wants to fight against Heavenly Saint Taoist friends in order to change the ranking!

"Three adults, Mohe also wants to fight Tiansheng Taoist friends..."

"And me, I also want to fight Tiansheng..."

For a time, in addition to the three celestial peaks in 387, the other six celestial gods have challenged the ancestors of Tiansheng...

The ancestor of Tiansheng was stunned...

Immediately, he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

These guys are clearly watching their strength plummet, so they came to grab the ranking!

"Tiansheng, they are all going to challenge you, do you want to fight?", True God asked.

The ancestor of Tiansheng smiled bitterly: "Sir, I will admit defeat!"

True God Lord nodded slightly: "Since you have all surrendered, your ranking among the top power gods will be at the bottom, and your share of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth will be the least..."

"My subordinate understands!

The ancestor of Tiansheng smiled bitterly, but he hated Qin Feng in his heart.

He believes that all this is caused by Qin Feng.

It's just that he didn't see it, Qin Feng also showed killing intent when he looked at his figure.

For the unity of the south, Qin Feng is not good to kill him in public.

After a month, he will not give him another chance after entering the ruins.

At this time, the true God looked at the gods again: "Do you have any dissatisfaction with your respective rankings? If you want to challenge, now is the opportunity!"

"Senior, I want to challenge!"

Qin Feng was the first to come forward.

The body he had already exchanged with the phantom avatar.

"Little friend, who are you going to challenge?

God's eyes lit up, he really wanted to know Qin Feng's upper limit.

Tianshen Peak, ranked second and third, couldn't help but get nervous.

But he didn't want to, Qin Feng said firmly: "Senior, junior wants to challenge Huoyue Tianzun! 35

As soon as these words fell, the audience was shocked.

That Huoyue Tianzun is the pinnacle of the gods of the Jiuji God Base, and his strength is the limit of the pinnacle of the gods.

In other words, apart from the three major gods in the entire Southern Alliance, the Fire Moon Heavenly Venerate is the strongest.

How dare Qin Feng challenge Huoyue Tianzun?

Are you a little impulsive?

The corner of Huoyue Tianzun's mouth slightly turned up, revealing a touch of disdain.

He was also worried that Qin Feng would not dare to challenge himself, this guy actually came to the door.

It seems that this kid is a little floating, and he just taught him a lesson..

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