Global Powers: I Control All Elements

8 hundred and 60 chapters real strength (seeking full order)

Thinking of this, Tianzun Huoyue slowly got up.

Everyone couldn't help looking at him, and the atmosphere in the field began to change...

"Qin Feng, this deity accepts your challenge!

Huoyue Tianzun smiled proudly and stepped forward.

Every step of his red lotus, he changed step by step, and his momentum rose steadily.

When he walked to the center of the hall, a silver moon mark appeared between his eyebrows, which was extremely evil and charming, and his aura reached the limit of the peak of the gods, which was earth-shattering...

Everyone was amazed by the sight, secretly thinking that Huoyue Tianzun is really powerful!

Even the three gods nodded approvingly.

To say that in the south, who can become the fourth God, must be the Huoyue Tianzun...

This time Qin Feng is going to challenge him, and he is a little too ambitious. I am afraid that he will make a fool of himself on the spot...

The three gods looked at Qin Feng with some worry.

They wanted to dissuade Qin Feng from changing his target, but it was too late...

In fact, not only the three gods, but others are not optimistic about Qin Feng

Even the members of the Youth League looked at each other and were very worried about Qin Feng...

In short, no one is optimistic about Qin Feng.

That day, Old Ancestor Saint's eyes lit up, his lips moved slightly, and he sent a voice transmission to Tianzun Huoyue...

"Brother Huoyue, I hope you will teach Qin Feng a good lesson in a while, so as to let out your anger. Afterwards, there will be treasures for you..."

Hearing this, Tianzun Huoyue smiled slightly, and then went back through the sound transmission secretly.

"Brother Tiansheng is very polite! Huo wanted to teach him a lesson for a long time!

In fact, Huoyue Tianzun is very jealous of Qin Feng and Qin Lei's excellent performance.

Even if the ancestor of Tiansheng did not say it, he would not be merciful.

What's more, he has a good personal relationship with the ancestor of Tiansheng.

Before, the ancestor of Tiansheng was often shriveled, and he was also a little unhappy.

But said that the ancestor of Tiansheng was overjoyed after hearing the sound transmission.

At this time, the voice transmission of Huoyue Tianzun rang in his ears again.

"Brother Tiansheng, you just played against Qin Feng and Qin Lei. What do you think of their strength?

"Brother Huoyue, to tell you the truth, the strength of these two people is almost the same, and they should be comparable to Minglin Tianzun.

The ancestor of Tiansheng told the truth.

Minglin Tianzun is the second-ranked peak powerhouse of the gods among the peak forces.

His combat power is about 20,000 trillion, or about 2 trillion. (10000 Zi = 1 Rang)

And Huoyue Tianzun's combat power is 3 trillion yuan.

Therefore, Tianzun Huoyue never took Minglin Tianzun in his eyes.

Naturally, he wouldn't take Qin Feng into his eyes.

Immediately, he replied: "So, Qin Feng and Qin Lei are just like that~"!35

"Brother Huoyue, I would like to remind you that Qin Feng and Qin Lei's strongest point is not the combat power, but the mysterious golden flame. The flame can directly swallow the primordial spirit, and it is hard to prevent..."

"Ha~! If I can control the flame, I have never been afraid of anyone! Brother Tiansheng, just wait and watch the show!

Huoyue Tianzun didn't care.

At the same time, the three gods have retreated to one side.

Over the entire hall, only Qin Feng and Huoyue Tianzun were left to confront each other.

The whole place watched silently.

Youth League people are even more nervous.

"Fellow Daoist Huoyue, let's do it!"

"Haha! Little friend Qin Feng, are you sure one person will come to challenge?

Huoyue Tianzun has a proud posture.

Qin Feng was taken aback by his words.

The crowd was also puzzled.

"Fellow Daoist Huoyue, what do you mean? 35

"The meaning of the deity is very simple. You are the only one to challenge. You are not the opponent of the deity at all. Why don't you join forces with Qin Lei! That way you won't lose too badly!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar!

When Huoyue Tianzun said this, he was nakedly despising Qin Feng and Qin Lei!

After all, Qin Feng and Qin Lei have the strength of the peak of the gods.

Isn't Huoyue Tianzun too arrogant!

At this moment, everyone whispered.

In the crowd, Qing Lin, Star Master Ziwei and others frowned.

If Qin Feng singled out Huoyue Tianzun, they were indeed a little worried.

But if Qin Feng and the phantom avatar teamed up to lose, they would not be convinced.

Huoyue Tianzun's arrogance makes them very upset!

In the battlefield, Qin Feng did not expect that Huoyue Tianzun would be so arrogant.

"Fellow Daoist Huoyue, deal with you! I'm enough alone!" Qin Feng did his part.

"Are you sure?" The corners of Huoyue Tianzun's mouth twitched slightly, "Qin Feng, this deity will give you another chance, you really don't need Qin Lei's help?

"No need! 39

"Okay! You don't regret it! 55

Huoyue Tianzun sneered, and suddenly shot....


A monstrous atmosphere rose from Huoyue's body, covering the sky and covering the ground, and the combat power suddenly reached 4 trillion yuan!

The audience immediately exclaimed!

Isn't Huoyue Tianzun's combat power 3 trillion yuan? How did it reach 4 trillion yuan all of a sudden?

Even the three gods were stunned!

Immediately, they thought of the reason.

3 trillion battle strength, that is the peak limit of the gods of the Sanyuan God base.

Huoyue Tianzun is the pinnacle of the gods of the Jiuji God Base!

It turns out that this guy has made great progress in cultivation, and has broken through to the limit of the peak of the gods, so the combat power has been increased to 4 trillion yuan in one fell swoop!

This guy hides deep enough!

No wonder he is so arrogant!

Then Qin Feng will be out of luck!

True God and Jiuyuan God both showed concern.

It's too late for them to stop it!

On the other hand, the corner of Yaochi God's mouth showed a subtle smile, as if he really wanted to see Qin Feng defeated.

At this moment, the attack of Huoyue Tianzun fell...

4 Trillion Rang Attack!

One hundred and thirty times increase!

The power of destruction is shocking, weeping ghosts and gods, so terrifying!

All the quasi-gods and pseudo-gods were horrified.

The gods also changed their color!

If it was them, they couldn't resist it at all...

It was at this moment that Qin Feng made his move...


Qin Feng's whole body burst out!

The 2.9 trillion battle power is fully revealed!

This is also his first full shot!

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

With three heads and six arms, the statue of King Dao Ming appeared!

Woo~! Woo~! Woo~!

Throughout the ages, the light of creation has bloomed in the sky!

In an instant, the purple light shot into the sky behind Qin Feng, and the auspiciousness bloomed!

The 200-fold increase is on!


A loud bang!

Huoyue Tianzun groaned and was blasted away dozens of miles away.

Qin (good money Zhao), but the wind does not move at all!


This scene shocked the audience!

Even the three gods have their mouths open!

Oh my God!

Qin Feng actually repelled Huoyue Tianzun!

In the crowd, the ancestor of Tiansheng was even more confused.

Immediately, he thought of something, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

It turns out that Qin Feng didn't use all his strength from start to finish!

He underestimated Qin Feng before!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling chills all over his body and began to feel uneasy...

66` Qin Feng! Let's come again!"

At this moment, Tianzun Huoyue's incomparably angry roar sounded in the field.

He couldn't accept the fact just now.

He wants to use his real trump card to get his face back!

In the next second, he aggressively attacked Qin Feng.

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