Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 865 sun and moon eternal body (for subscription)

"Just in time!"

Seeing that Huoyue Tianzun was entangled, Qin Feng did not let go.

He slapped it with a palm, and the golden sea of ​​fire surged away, boundless and mighty...

"The moon shines in the sky!


The fire moon Tianzun pinched the seal, and the moon mark between the eyebrows flew out, turning into a blood-colored crescent moon. . . .

When the blood moon appears, thousands of miles are red!

A power of extreme yin was born out of thin air, and it actually produced a great power of swallowing...

The next second, the boundless golden sea of ​​fire was madly swallowed by the curved blood moon...


Qin Feng was a little surprised.

His Creation God Fire was the first time he lost.

Surrounded by a sigh.

Fire Moon Tianzun finally used his unique trick - Moonlight Sky!

It seems that Tianzun Huoyue has encountered a real enemy.

Moonlight in the sky, can absorb all damage, especially fire damage, can absorb 100%...

Even if the Creation Divine Fire is of a very high grade, it was forcibly absorbed...

Qin Feng was not clear and was naturally shocked.

At this moment, Qing Lin's voice transmission came from his ear.

"Qin Feng, this move is Fire Moon Heavenly Venerate's moonlight in the sky, which is emitted by the moon mark between his eyebrows. The moon mark is the companion spirit of Fire Moon Heavenly God, equivalent to a heaven-grade spiritual weapon, with unparalleled power and can absorb all damage. , especially the absorption of fire damage..."

"That moon mark is so powerful because it contains the source of extreme yin, plus a small part of the law of ancestral fire..."

"Extremely yang, the main release, the main time, can illuminate all things! Extremely yin, the main return, the main space, can absorb all spirits..."

Qin Feng suddenly realized something.

"Haha!! Qin Feng, although your golden fire is strong, it can't hurt the deity. In this south, under God, no one can hurt the deity! You are no exception!

Huoyue Tianzun frantically swallowed the Creation Divine Fire while laughing proudly...

But there was a look of pain in his eyes.

Qin Feng's divine fire power is too powerful, and it is constantly destroying his Fire Moon Seal, and he can't support it.

However, while he was shocked, he was also a little bit overjoyed.

His Fire Moon Seal can not only absorb damage, but also plunder some spiritual fire, such as this creation fire...

As long as he deprives him of this divine fire, and then forcibly refines it into his Seal of Fire Moon, the power of his Seal of Fire Moon will be greatly increased...

Thinking of this, Tianzun Huoyue showed greed in his eyes.

At the moment, he endured the pain in his brows and frantically swallowed the divine fire of creation...

Qin Feng quickly realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly forcibly took back the divine fire, but found that the divine fire that had been swallowed couldn't be taken back...

At this moment, the voice transmission of Huoyue Tianzun sounded in his ears.

"Qin Feng, you are using spirit fire to deal with this deity, it's a joke! What this deity is most not afraid of is spirit fire!

"As long as the deity is willing, you can drain all your spiritual fire. However, the deity wants to give you a chance. As long as you admit defeat in public, the deity will not absorb the remaining spiritual fire.

"Otherwise, the deity will drain all the spiritual fire in your hands, and even if you win the fight, you will lose the spiritual fire! Besides, you may not win!

Huoyue Tianzun is very clear that his overall strength is comparable to Qin Feng, and it is difficult to distinguish the winner if he continues to fight.

It is better to use the Shenhuo threat to force Qin Feng to admit defeat.

In this way, he can not only keep the interests of the first place, but also gain some of the benefits of the spirit fire.

Of course, he also had a hunch that he couldn't devour all the fire, so he made such a suggestion...

His move can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Qin Feng was annoyed and immediately sent a voice over.


"Qin Feng, don't you cry when you don't see the coffin?"

"Hehe!! I want to see how you rob me of my spiritual fire!"

"Okay! You don't regret it! 35

Huoyue Tianzun pinched a seal in his hand.

(baeh) The blood moon aura in the air is magnified, and the absorption is enhanced tenfold...  

The endless sea of ​​fire rushed towards the blood moon at a faster and faster speed

Qin Feng controlled it carefully, but he couldn't control the speed of the sea of ​​​​fire. . . .

As a result, a strange scene appeared in the hall.

The two who were originally fighting started a battle around the sea of ​​​​fire...

Obviously, Huoyue Tianzun has the absolute upper hand...

Seeing this scene, everyone looked strange...

Many people sighed in their hearts.

Everyone knows that Qin Feng suffers from not knowing his opponent.

To deal with Huoyue Tianzun, you must not use flame-like spirits, otherwise you will be controlled by Huoyue...


Qin Feng doesn't understand!

The people of the Youth League were very anxious to see this.

In the crowd, the dark eyes of the ancestors of Tiansheng lighted up again, as if they were revived.

This time, regardless of the outcome, Qin Feng will have a loss!

In the blink of an eye, most of the golden sea of ​​fire was swallowed.

Just when everyone thought that Huoyue Tianzun wanted to take the initiative in the competition, a sudden change occurred in the field.

When Qin Feng pressed his left hand, the temperature of the entire hall suddenly dropped by hundreds of degrees.

In the next second, Sanqi Ancestral Water gushed out and quickly poured into the blood moon in the air...

Before Huoyue Tianzun could react, water and fire blended together, and the explosion suddenly occurred...


A loud bang!

The blood moon in the air collapses, the fire splashes, and the fog fills the sky~!

Huoyue Tianzun was immediately backfired, and screamed in a shrill scream...


The Fire Moon Seal between his eyebrows shattered immediately, turning into several black chips and flying out...

Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, then swallowed all the divine fire and ancestral fire back...

And those few black chips were also swallowed by him...

In the next second, he forcibly runs God-level Devour...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the source of extreme yin.

It turns out that those few black chips are the source of the extremely negative...

"Ding! Your god base, true spirit, and celestial soul have been successfully tempered by the source of extreme yin... Your physique has been promoted to the body of moon virtue... The host's combat power has increased to 3 trillion yuan!""

Qin Feng was overjoyed, he unexpectedly acquired the body of Yuede.

The body of the moon virtue and the body of fire virtue are of the same grade, but it is based on the laws of space, and its power is stronger...

It is rumored that at the beginning of the birth of the God Realm, there was a strange man whose left eye could see through the past and the present, and the right eye could see through the nine heavens and ten places, as well as the outside world.

Later, the strange man had a conflict with the Lord of the Ancient God Realm.

The two fight for a thousand years!

In the end, the strange man was beheaded by the Lord of the Ancient God Realm.

After the strange man died, his left eye turned into a sun star, and his right eye turned into a lunar star, which was used by the ancient gods to illuminate the land of the gods...

The physique of that strange man is the eternal body of the sun and the moon!

Simply put, it is the combination of the eternal sun and the eternal moon.

These two types of constitutions are the strongest of all eternal beings.

However, the Lord of the Ancient God Realm is a collection of Creation Fire Body and Creation Wind Body, and the foundation is higher.

The Fire Moon Heavenly Venerate has been accompanied by the Fire Moon Seal since he was born, and his physique is naturally a collection of Fire Virtue and Moon Virtue.

It can be seen that he is more or less related to that strange man...

Of course, compared with Qin Feng, he is far worse.

Qin Feng is now a collection of Creation Fire Body, Eternal Water Body, Moon Virtue Body...

However, Tianzun Huoyue screamed for a long time before calming down the pain...

Having broken the Seal of the Fire Moon, his aura plummeted by 30%.

Although he can re-condense the Seal of Fire Moon, his cultivation will not recover for a while.

"Fellow Daoist Huoyue, do you want to fight again?""

Qin Feng looked down at Huoyue Tianzun...

The whole audience also watched.

I saw Huoyue Tianzun's face was covered with blood and looked at Qin Feng with a look of horror.

The God of Creation, he did not recognize it.

But San Qi Zu Shui, he knew it.

Sanqi Ancestral Fire is closely related to the spiritual roots of heaven and earth in the Guixu in the south.

He never thought that Qin Feng actually had Sanqi Ancestral Water, let alone that Qin Feng could freely control Sanqi Ancestral Water.

You must know that if you want to control the Sanqi Ancestral Water, either some special existences in the ghosts of returning to the ruins, or human beings with eternal water bodies.

To put it simply, Qin Feng is an existence with an eternal body of water, an existence with the potential to break through to the eternal realm. . . .

Thinking of this, Huoyue Tianzun was envious, discouraged, and jealous.

He never thought that he would provoke such a terrible guy.

In fact, Zhenji God and Jiuyuan God also recognized Sanqi Zushui.

The two looked at each other with envy in their eyes.

Eternal physique!

There is not much obstacle to cultivating to the eternal realm!

How can they not be envious?

I think they have been practicing hard for countless years, and they are still stuck in the great perfection of the gods.

"Qin Feng, you won!'""

Huoyue Tianzun folded his hands and smiled wryly.

But at this moment, a clear voice sounded in the field.

"Fellow Daoist Huoyue, I, Qin Lei, want to fight you! 35

Huoyue Tianzun's face changed slightly.

Immediately, he smiled bitterly again: "Qin Lei, you two brothers are of equal strength. I am not Qin Feng's opponent, and naturally I am not your opponent. In this challenge, I abstain and admit defeat!

Leaving this sentence, Tianzun Huoyue returned with a tired face

In this way, everything is over.

The ten top forces, the gods' strength rankings have finally come out.

The first and second are Qin Feng and Qin Lei, the third is Huoyue Tianzun, and the fourth is Minglin Tianzun...

And so on, the ancestor of Tiansheng ranked last...

This time, the people of the Youth League were naturally excited.

Qin Feng also smiled, everything was finally complete.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that God of Yaochi looked a little bad when he saw the excited appearance of Qingqiu's children.

This makes Qin Feng feel strange.

Thinking again that since he was promoted all the way, the True God and Jiuyuan God are very enthusiastic towards him.

Only Yaochi God is lukewarm.

It seems that she is a little alienated to herself.

Just when Qin Feng was puzzled, Qing Lin's rumors rang in his ears.

"Qin Feng, do you think Lord Yaochi is a little strange?!

Qing Lin was very careful, she could see Qin Feng's doubts.

"Sister Qinglin, is there a reason here?" Qin Feng was a little curious.

"I was killed by her in my previous life, and she doesn't want to see the Qingqiu realm rise again, so she doesn't mind your excellence!

As soon as the sound transmission came out, Qin Feng was shocked and couldn't help but look at the Lord of Yaochi.

That Yaochi God seemed to have a feeling, but he also looked over...

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