Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 869 Strength is advancing by leaps and bounds (subscription)

Time flies, time flies.

In a blink of an eye, twenty-seven days have passed from the outside world, and there are only three days left before the opening of the return to the market.

In these twenty-seven days, the major top forces and super forces are actively preparing.

The large-scale forces have also re-divided their spheres of influence within these days.

However, they did not leave just like that, and remained in the True Extremist Sect.

According to the rules, after the top-level forces and super-powers enter the ruins, these large-scale forces are responsible for guarding the entrance.

When everything is over, the three superpowers will also give them certain benefits, such as rewarding some by-products of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

In short, super powers and top powers eat meat, they drink soup.

Even if they drink some soup, the large-scale forces are always happy and regarded as the supreme.

In this way, a spiritual root of heaven and earth unites the large and small forces in the south to form a southern alliance...

But it is said that twenty-seven days have passed in the outside world, and more than two hundred and seventy years have passed in the double universe...

In the past two hundred and seventy years, the hundred pseudo-poles that Qin Feng rewarded have all played a role...

The strength of the members of the All Youth League has skyrocketed, and more than 20 people have emerged from the Great Perfection of the Pseudo-God.

Xuan Ming has reached the limit of the great perfection of the false gods. He began to retreat as early as 30 years ago, and he wants to break through to the real god realm in one fell swoop...

In addition, Lu Ming also refined the Taishen Dan, breaking through to the peak of the true god...

What Qin Feng didn't expect was that the fetus Hongjun sang all the way, and after 270 years of practice, he also broke through to the pinnacle of the true god.

Emperor Feng is a latecomer, and his cultivation has surpassed that of Star Master Ziwei, and he also broke through to the pinnacle of True God two years ago...

This is because Emperor Feng is a Fire Saint, and he has refined a Taishen Pill, so the progress of his cultivation is naturally extremely fast.

This incident made Qin Feng more aware of the importance of physical fitness.

Today, among his many subordinates, the ones with the highest physique are Qinglin and Fengdi.

Qing Lin was the Nine Heavens Snow Spirit Body, and Feng Di was the Fire Saint.

The rest of the people are of average physique. If there is no Qin Feng's resources to pile up, I am afraid that the progress will not be as fast as it is now.

Of course, the fetus Hongjun is an exception. Qin Feng doesn't know what physique he is, but he is definitely taller than Qinglin and Fengdi.

Because of the existence of the fetus Hongjun, Star Master Ziwei's combat power is higher than Fengdi, Hongyue, and Luming.

This is a special case!

On the other hand, Qinglin has been in seclusion for more than 27 years since he took the Taishen Pill to refine it, and he doesn't know what happened.

As for the effect of Taishen Dan on her, no one knows, not even Qin Feng.

However, Qin Feng didn't want to disturb her practice, so she just let her retreat.......

In short, after more than 270 years of hard work, the overall strength of the Youth League has improved a lot.

Qin Feng's strength has also increased, his combat power has increased to 5.5 trillion Zi, and his cultivation has increased to 87% of the true god realm...

But said that this day, the double universe, in the discussion hall.

Qin Feng and the senior officials of the Youth League are holding a regular meeting.

Today, Qin Feng is the leader of the alliance, and Qing Lin is the deputy leader.

Under the Youth League, there are three divisions: Taiqing, Taichu, and Taishi.

In the Taiqing Department, Hongyue is the main leader, Luming is the deputy leader, and the main members are the children of the Qingqiu clan.

In the Taichu Department, Ziwei is the main leader, Panzu is the deputy leader, and the main members are mainly children of the Star Alliance.

In the Taishi Department, Emperor Feng is the main master, Fuzhi and Qin Baobao are the deputy masters, and the main members are mainly the children of the Qin family.

In addition, there are auxiliary departments such as the Medicine Master Palace, the Refining Palace, the Earth Realm, the Three Realms, and the Reincarnation Hall.

In short, the development of the Youth League is becoming more and more perfect, more and more large, and the situation is prosperous.

At this moment, the high-level officials are discussing the trip to the market in three days, and the atmosphere in the field is very relaxed.

Everyone is looking forward to the return trip in three days.

"Father, after three days, the road to return to the ruins will begin. According to the regulations, the top forces can bring in nine more places in addition to the gods. I don't know if Father can confirm the places~"?"

Fu Zhi respectfully asked.

Qin Feng sat on the high throne and looked at everyone.

"The quota is tentatively set as: Qinglin, Hongyue, Lvming, Ziwei, Fengdi, Panzu, Qin Baobao, and you...

"Father, there is one less person..."

"Then choose the strongest one from the Great Perfection of the Pseudo-God, Xuan Ming is the right fit!"

"Father, I know.

"Your Majesty, my concubine has a concern."

Feng Di came forward to report again.

"What's the concern?

"The deputy leader of the Qing Dynasty and Xuan Ming are both in seclusion, and they may not be able to exit after three days. At that time, the two cannot appear, so we must choose a replacement. To avoid wasting two places in vain and missing two opportunities …”

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "I've already prepared, and the candidates are in my heart, and I'll announce it later on the day of departure!

Now the Youth League is full of talents, and the competition is fierce.

Qin Feng deliberately did not announce a replacement candidate, just to give those who have a chance a thought and stimulate them to work harder.

After all, three days outside, more than thirty years in the double universe, there is still room for effort...

But Qin Feng's voice just fell, and a system prompt came in his mind...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your subordinate (Xuan Ming) has successfully broken through the bottleneck, and his cultivation base has broken through to the real god realm... Your life value has increased...

"Ding! The host has received a lot of combat power from subordinates (Xuan Ming), and your combat power has increased to 5.58 trillion Zi...


Qin Feng's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed.

Xuan Ming actually succeeded in breaking through by relying on his own ability.

This was completely beyond his expectations!

"Dad, have you encountered something happy?" Qin Baobao looked curious.

"Well, Xuan Ming has broken through!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, and the space in the field shook.

The next second, a ruthless black-clothed youth appeared in the hall, it was Xuan Ming...

After so many years, Xuan Ming's appearance has also changed.

He has grown from a child back then to a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old.

As soon as he appeared, everyone sensed that he had broken through to the realm of true gods, and everyone was overjoyed.

"Xuan Ming has met His Majesty!" Xuan Ming saluted respectfully.

Qin Feng looked relieved.

"Xuan Ming, you have performed very well this time. Since you have broken through to the realm of true gods, this deity will appoint you as the deputy head of the Absolute Beginning Department!

Xuan Ming was overjoyed: "Thank you, Your Majesty!

"Also, take these two swords to refine them too!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, and the two spirit swords flew towards Xuan Ming, which were the twin swords of Tai A and Yuan Tu.

"Xuan Ming, these two swords have been sacrificed by the deity to become spiritual weapons of heaven and earth. Each sword is of extraordinary quality. When the two swords are combined, their power is comparable to that of high-quality spiritual weapons. You can sacrifice them to be your own spiritual weapon. Bar!

As soon as these words fell, the surroundings were full of amazement, all showing envy.

Xuan Ming was even more ecstatic: "Thank you Your Majesty for the reward!"

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "If you can rely on your own strength to break through, you should be commended!""

"My subordinates will always remember your Majesty's cultivation!

Xuan Ming was very grateful.

Just as his words fell, an unfamiliar heavenly might rose from the depths of the two universes, with an earth-shattering aura...

Everyone was shocked and turned to look in that direction...

At this moment, that heavenly might enveloped the entire double universe...

Countless creatures were shocked, looking up in horror one by one...

On that day, the prestige represents the appearance of the gods!

In the main hall, Qin Feng was full of surprises.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

`Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your subordinate (Qing Lin) has successfully refined the Taishen Dan, and his cultivation has broken through to the realm of the gods... Your life value has greatly increased..."

"Ding! The host has gained a lot of combat power from subordinates (Qinglin), your combat power has increased to 6 trillion Zi, and your cultivation has increased to 97.6% of the true god realm..."

Qing Lin actually broke through to the gods!

Qin Feng's strength has also skyrocketed, and his cultivation has broken through to 97.6% of the true god realm, which is just a line away from the peak of the true god...

With Qin Feng's current strength, even if he is facing the Lord of Shangyaochi, he is not afraid at all. It is hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker.

Although his combat power is not as good as that of Yaochi God, his boost is unmatched.

In other words, Qin Feng is still far underestimating himself.

He doesn't need to break through to the pinnacle of the true god, and he is capable of fighting against the God of Yaochi.

If he breaks through to the pinnacle of True God, he may have the hope of killing Yaochi God.

Of course, he also had more confidence to break into that dangerous place and seize the bones of the ancestors of Liuling Zushui and Qinglin.

In short, all of this is a plan that can't keep up with the changes!

Qin Feng felt relieved at this thought.

"Your Majesty, why did the aura of an unfamiliar god appear in the depths of the universe? 35

"Isn't someone breaking in?

At this moment, Emperor Feng, Star Master Ziwei, (Good Money Zhao) Hongyue and others were all nervous.

The dual universe is Qin Feng's biggest secret.

They don't want to be known.

If this is leaked, even if there is no one to deal with Qin Feng in the south, who can be sure that other forces in the God Realm have no idea?

This God Realm is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and often a terrifying old monster pops up inadvertently.

Some old monsters were even born at the same time as the Lord of the Ancient God Realm, so terrifying...

Seeing the girls panic, Qin Feng quickly comforted them.

"Don't be afraid! That's the breakthrough of Qinglin's deputy leader!

As soon as these words fell, the hall became a sensation.

"Haha! My sister broke through!

"It turns out that the deputy leader of the Qing Dynasty broke through! It's really great!"

"In this way, doesn't our Youth League have three god-level powerhouses!"

"Yes! Dad, with one more god, you will be able to share more of the spiritual fruits of heaven and earth! This time, our Youth League is going to develop!"

The crowd rejoiced.

Qin Feng was also in a happy mood and got up from the throne.

"Go on your own business! I'm going to see Qinglin!

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Feng stepped out and disappeared out of thin air.

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