Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 870 Return to the Ruins Abnormal (Seeking Complete Order)

The next second, Qin Feng appeared in a spiritual garden and saw Qinglin.

"You're here!"

When Qing Lin saw Qin Feng, he was overjoyed.

"Sister Qinglin, congratulations on your breakthrough..."

"I know I can't hide it from you! I would like to thank you! Without the medicinal pill you sent, I am afraid that it would take thousands of years, or even more than ten thousand years, to be promoted to the position of the gods.

Qing Lin's beautiful eyes were full of gratitude.

"Qin Feng, I have broken through to the gods. According to the rules of the alliance, I am also qualified to divide the spiritual roots of heaven, earth, and spiritual roots. You say, do I want to show my strength to the true god?""

Qinglin asked Qin Feng for advice.

Before she knew it, she always followed Qin Feng's lead on important issues.

Speaking of which, she was promoted to the God Realm, and she was indeed qualified to divide up the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

According to the rules, the gods of the top forces are allocated according to their strength rankings, and everyone has a share.

Today, the top forces nominally have twelve god-level combat powers.

The first place is Qin Feng, and the second place is the phantom avatar.

Qin Feng can get twelve Spirit Fruits.

The phantom clone can be divided into eleven.

Huoyue Tianzun ranked third and could get ten.

By analogy, the last ranked ancestor of the heavenly sage can get one.

If Qing Lin showed his strength at this time, there would be thirteen gods in the top forces.

Qin Feng, who ranked first, will get thirteen, the phantom avatar will get twelve, and Qing Lin will also get some.

The harvest of the Youth League can indeed increase a lot.

And after the top forces have divided the spiritual fruit, the remaining spiritual fruit will be distributed to the three superpowers.

Naturally, those are the big ones.

"Sister Qinglin, I suggest not to show your strength for the time being..."


"If you show it right now, 403 will naturally arouse the surprise of the Yaochi God, it is better to hide your strength and give her a surprise.

Qing Lin's eyes lit up: "It makes sense! By the way, there are still three days before the opening of the return to the market, right?

"Exactly! Sister Qinglin, you can consolidate your realm in the past few days, and there may be a big battle in three days!"


At the moment, the two discussed it again, and then went back to prepare.

Time passed quickly, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Today is the opening day of the road to return to the ruins.

Early in the morning, Kunwu Mountain is lively.

Kunwu Mountain is the name of Zhenjizong's residence.

Early in the morning, the members of the large-scale forces gathered on the top of the Kunwu Mountain, and formed a super-protective formation with the left-behind members of the three super-powers.

As soon as this formation begins, even if half-step Eternal Realm comes, it is impossible to break through it within a month.

And a month is enough for Qin Feng and others to enter the Guixu back and forth.

At this time, the surrounding area of ​​the Peak Plaza was already crowded with people.

These people are left behind.

At this moment, they all looked at the center of the square with envy.

In the center of the huge square, there are only a few hundred people.

These hundred people are the people of the top ten top forces.

They are the candidates to enter the road to return to the ruins.

In addition to the Youth League, the top forces were all present.

Each top power has ten people.

One god, nine followers.

Each faction has a different set of followers.

Some are five true gods plus four false gods, and some are six or seven true gods and false gods, and there is no uniform team of true gods.

After all, true gods are rare, even the most powerful Huoyue Mountain has eight true gods and one false god.

At this moment, the members of the top forces chatted while waiting for the opening of the road to return to the ruins.

Wen Yuan just wandered in the ranks of Tiansheng Mountain, silently observing everything.

The northern gods hidden in his body couldn't wait for a long time, chatting excitedly one by one.

On the other side, the ancestor of Tiansheng and Tianzun Huoyue whispered together.

"Oh! The people from the Youth League haven't arrived yet! The shelf is really getting bigger and bigger!

Huoyue Tianzun sneered.

He suffered a loss in Qin Feng's hands last time, and he was naturally unhappy.

"Brother Huoyue is right! If you want me to see, this Youth League is a bit floating, thinking that it is a superpower, and it has to be the last to be there! 99

The ancestors of Tiansheng also followed suit.

"Heh!" Huoyue Tianzun sneered, "It is a dream to compare the strength of the Youth League with the superpowers!"

"Yeah! Speaking of this Youth League, it's quite pitiful. Except for Qin Feng and Qin Lei who can do it well, the rest of the members are all weak and weak, and they can't even make up the five true gods!""

"Haha!! This is also true! Compared with the number of true gods, the Youth League should be the least among all the top forces!

The two of them sneered and spoke so loudly that everyone around them could hear them.

Many people cast strange glances at the two of them.

Huoyue Tianzun was displeased by others.

"What? Are we wrong? Apart from Qin Feng and Qin Lei, how many true gods are there in the Youth League? Can they compare to our Huoyue Mountain and Tiansheng Mountain?"

Speaking of which, Tianzun Huoyue looked disdainful.

He was already suffocating fire.

The defeat in the last battle caused him to lose a lot of the source of extreme yin, which made him hate Qin Feng thoroughly.

If there is a chance, he must find his way back.

Of course, if he had the opportunity to mock the Youth League, he would not let it go.

But just after he finished saying those words, the crowd outside the square was commotion.

Then, there was a murmur in the crowd.

"Look! The people from the Youth League are here!"

"Master Qin Feng and Master Qin Lei are really extraordinary! 39

"Look at the youth league team! My God! So many true gods! 99

"Huh! It's (baeh) really!"

Following this exclamation, Huoyue Tianzun and Tiansheng Old Ancestor suddenly felt that something was wrong and couldn't help but look at the crowd.

I saw the crowd separated, and a group of people entered the square.

This team is different from other top-level forces, with a total of eleven people.

The leader is Qin Feng and the phantom avatar.

Behind them, followed by Qinglin, Ziwei, Fengdi and others, all of them are true gods.......

Everyone was amazed!

"This... how is this possible!"

Huoyue Tianzun and Tiansheng Patriarch were also dumbfounded, their mouths wide open.

It's only been a month!

The number of true gods of the Youth League has increased from four to nine, and it has become the existence with the most true gods among the top forces.

This time, the Youth League is the strongest existence among the top forces, both in terms of masters and in terms of the number of true gods.

How did the Youth League do it?

Everyone was amazed!

Some people thought of something, and looked at Huoyue Tianzun and Tiansheng Patriarch with strange expressions.

The two suddenly felt their faces turn red.

They mocked the Youth League just now, but they didn't expect to be slapped in the face so quickly.

It was at this moment that the two felt Qin Feng looking at them.

The two suddenly bowed their heads in a guilty conscience, not daring to look at each other.

Qin Feng sneered in his heart.

With his strength, the conversation between the two of them could be heard clearly.

Naturally, he would not let them go.

Everything will wait until the return to the market!

At this moment, there was another commotion behind the crowd.

The three superpowers also arrived.

The three superpowers are three teams, each with thirty places.

In addition to the leader of God, there are seven or eight gods in each team, and there are also a few half-step gods, and the rest are not below the real god realm.

This super power is far stronger than the top power!

Just like the people of Yaochi Mountain, in addition to Yaochi God, there are actually seven gods, two half-step gods, and the rest are more than true gods.

This strength is more than double that of the Youth League.

Qin Feng was surprised. It was the first time he knew the strength of Yaochi Mountain.

As soon as the three superpowers arrived, they were surprised to see the changes in the Youth League.

The speed of progress of the Youth League surprised them.

Especially the Lord of Yaochi, his expression was inexplicably uneasy.

She couldn't help looking at Qing Lin in the crowd.

Fortunately, Qing Lin had already used the Confused Heaven Technique to hide his cultivation.

Qing Lin has awakened the memory of his previous life and learned the secret techniques of his previous life.

However, Lord Yaochi always felt that there was something wrong with this Qinglin.

Her intuition has always been sharp.

Just when the Lord of Yaochi was in shock, there was a huge roar over the square, and the power of space that covered the sky and the earth was generated above everyone's heads...

The whole audience was shocked and suspicious.

"Hey! This time, the road to return to the ruins has opened, an hour earlier than before!"

"Yeah! There won't be any changes in Gui Ruins, right?"

True God and Jiuyuan God both looked at the sky in surprise.

Seeing this, Yaochi God's eyes flashed an imperceptible joy.

She seemed to know why.

Immediately, she smiled and said, "You two, it's just an hour early, so there shouldn't be any changes in the return to the ruins. If you want the little girl to see, it's better to open the entrance as soon as possible, and take the spiritual root as the most important thing!

"That's right! It hasn't changed for trillions of years, and this time it won't be so coincidental!"

"Brother Zhenji, fellow Taoist Yaochi, let's start it!"

"it is good!"

At the moment, the True God and Jiuyuan God have no doubts about it, and they begin to manipulate the seal and open the entrance.

In the crowd, Qin Feng watched all this silently and thoughtfully.

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