Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 871: The Broken Inheritance

In the crowd, Qin Feng watched all this silently, thoughtfully...

"Qin Feng, Yao Chi's expression was a little weird just now..."

Qing Lin's voice transmission sounded in Qin Feng's ear.

Yao Chi was Qing Lin's enemy in her previous life, so she was naturally very concerned.

"Well, I see it!"

"By the way, Qin Feng, I remembered something."

"What's the matter?"

"Back then, when Yaochi tricked me into entering a dangerous place in a previous life, we passed by a place and saw a lot of Sanqi Ancestral Water-...

Qin Feng was taken aback.

Immediately, when he remembered the Great Competition, Qing Lin only woke up from the memory of his previous life when he saw Sanqi Zushui.

Looking back on it now, he understood the reason and suddenly became enlightened.

Having said that, although he got some Sanqi Ancestral Water, he didn't mind getting some more.

Such spirits, the more the better.

"Sister Qinglin, didn't you think about getting some Sanqi Ancestral Water? The Sanqi Ancestral Water and Liuling Ancestral Water are spirits of the same level."

"Naturally thought about it! Unfortunately, there are many Yu clan spirits guarding around the Sanqi Zushui, and there is no chance to start, so I gave up..."

"Yu tribe? What race is that?"

"It's the fish-like monster you killed last time!"

"It was them!

Qin Feng was stunned.

His Sanqi Ancestral Water was obtained from a spirit that resembled a bird and a fish.

It turns out that those guys are the Yu people.

Qinglin continued to explain.

"There are many kinds of spirits in Guixu, and the Yu clan is only a medium-strength group. By the way, the spirit with a lion body and a deer head that appeared together last time, with a body like snow and a third eye on the forehead, is the Bai clan. 99

"The Bai ethnic group is also a middle-class ethnic group, and it is an alliance with the Yu ethnic group. The two ethnic groups are located very close to each other. The dangerous land I mentioned before is actually the old nest of the Bai ethnic group!

Qin Feng suddenly said: "So, your previous life was murdered by Yaochi and Bai people! 35

"Yes! However, I remembered something else. When we passed by the old nest of the Yu clan, we found that there was a Sanqizu Water Spirit Pond with a spirit egg in it. The aura emanating from the spirit egg was actually Eternal realm..."

"Afterwards, we sneaked into the forbidden area of ​​the Bai people. In the forbidden area of ​​the Bai people, we found the Six Spiritual Ancestor Pool, which also contained a spirit egg. It's just that the spirit egg has a weaker aura, but it also has the aura of a god."

"However, trillions of years have passed, and the spirit eggs of the Bai people should have grown up, at least half a step into eternity..."

Hearing this, Qin Feng was surprised.

"It's interesting! The Yu clan created the Sanqi Ancestral Water, and the Bai clan created the Six Spirit Ancestral Water. Both clans used the Ancestral Water, and each gave birth to a spirit egg. Could it be possible, what is the purpose behind this?

"Yeah! I think so too. Before, I was thinking about revenge and ignored these details. But looking at Yaochi's expression just now, I was a little worried..."

The two secretly communicated.

At this moment, the sky above the square shook violently.

Qin Feng couldn't help raising his head and looked into the air.

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

In the void, there was a rumbling roar!

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

There was a loud noise like ice cracking!

Above the void, a crack appeared.

The cracks opened wider and wider, forming a golden gate of light, blooming with golden light, illuminating the entire square.

Immediately afterwards, countless spiritual energy of heaven and earth poured out from the door of light and spread to the whole square...

The concentration of the spiritual energy in the surrounding world has increased several times. . .

It can be seen that behind the golden light door is a world rich in spiritual energy.

That golden light gate is the entrance to the road to return to the ruins!

Everyone looked at the golden light door with excitement.

The members of those top forces are gearing up for each other, eager to enter immediately.

The people around were envious.

At this time, the true God floated into the air.

With a wave of his hand, more than 200 jade talismans flew towards the crowd.

These jade talismans can only be possessed by those who have entered the road to return to the ruins.

Qin Feng caught the jade talisman, and after a little observation, he found that it was a kind of talisman similar to a pass.

"Everyone, drop a drop of your own blood into this jade talisman and refine it quickly! If you don't refine it, you will not be able to enter the road to return to the market!

After saying this, the true God took the lead in dripping blood essence into his jade talisman and began to refine it...

Everyone followed suit.

Qin Feng also followed the dripping blood refining.

After a while, the passable rune was refined in the audience.

At this time, the true God looked at the Jiuyuan God.

"Nine yuan, take out the inheritance jade, and activate the pass rune! 35

"it is good!

When Lord Jiuyuan flipped the palm of his hand, there was a piece of jade in the palm of his hand.

As soon as Qin Feng saw the jade, he felt a sense of familiarity, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

Not only him, but even Fuzhi, Qin Baobao, Xuan Ming and others showed strange expressions.

It turns out that the jade in the hands of Jiuyuan God is very similar to Qin Feng's three-world creation jade in the double universe, and it can even be said to be exactly the same.

The only difference is that the jade in the hands of Jiuyuan God is broken, only half a piece.

At the beginning, what Xuan Ming, Qin Baobao and others refined was a complete inheritance of jade.

After they were refined, they became the Lord of Hell and the Lord of Human World respectively.

What happened to the broken jade in the hands of the Jiuyuan God?

Just when Qin Feng and others were puzzled, Jiuyuan God pinched hundreds of seals.

The broken jade in his hand exudes a thousand zhang purple light...

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

The universal runes in the hands of everyone also resonated, and they all bloomed.

The pass rune is activated!

There was a wonderful telepathy between the people's hearts and the runes.

"Okay! Almost reached the limit!

Jiuyuan God let out a long sigh of relief and put away the broken inheritance jade.

It turned out that all the runes needed to be authorized by the inheritance jade.

Only the number of authorizations is limited, and only two hundred or so are authorized.

This is also the reason why the Southern Alliance limited the number of entries, because if the quota is exceeded, the pass rune cannot be activated.

Seeing that Jiuyuan God completed the activation, Zhenji God was also relieved.

Immediately, he looked at everyone and said, "Everyone remember, this universal rune is only valid for one month. After we enter, we must rush back to the original road within one month, otherwise we will be lost in the ruins, and the consequences will be at our own risk! 95

"I'm waiting to understand!

The crowd echoed.

"Let's go!""

At the moment, the three gods took the lead and flew into the door of light.

The members of the superpower followed in succession.

After all the superpowers entered, Qin Feng also entered with the members of the Youth League.

Immediately afterwards, the people from Huoyue Mountain followed.

Everyone is ranked according to the power, and then enter....

After a while, Qin Feng took the Youth League members and entered the gate of light.

With a whirlwind, Qin Feng put his feet on the ground.

He opened his eyes and saw that he had entered a new world, with mountains and water, flowers and grass, strange insects and beasts, and oceans, volcanoes, and the Great Rift Valley in the distance...

His consciousness scans farther, and he reaches the edge of this world.

The edge of this world is an endless void, cold and dark.

It turned out that the place where he was located was a continent suspended in the Returning Ruins.

This continent is incomparably huge, far larger than all the heavens and blessed places, but it is below the great world.

Qin Feng was feeling strange when Qing Lin came from behind.

"Qin Feng, do you think this continent is strange? Do you want some familiarity?"

"Yeah! I thought the Guixu world was cold and dark, and the space was constantly changing. I didn't expect that there is also a mainland world here, and the space is still so stable."

While speaking, white lights flashed beside Qin Feng, and more and more players entered.

At this time, Qing Lin said in a low voice, "Actually, this continent was not created by Guixu.

Qin Feng was puzzled: "Then why did it appear here?"

Qinglin explained: "This has to be said from a long time ago! At that time, a very powerful person appeared in the south, not only the god of great perfection, but also the very rare master of the universe, so his comprehensive strength is comparable to eternity. environment."5

"Because of his existence, we in the south are not weak in the God Realm. But who would have thought that such a powerful existence would encounter three Eternal Realm spirits in this return to the ruins.

"After a battle between the two sides, the three Eternal Realm spirits were seriously injured, and the Lord of the Universe also fell. His inner universe collapsed and turned into dozens of continental fragments..."

"The continent under our feet is one of the fragments!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng was a little surprised.

This is the first time he has heard of the Lord of the Universe at the Great Perfection level of the gods.

Unfortunately, that man has perished!

It can be seen from this that the master of the single universe can be comparable to the eternal realm when he cultivates to the great consummation of the gods.

He is a stronger master of the two universes, and I am afraid that when he reaches the realm of the gods, he can be comparable to the realm of eternity.

At this time, Qin Feng thought: "Sister Qinglin, Jiuyuan God and the God-level Lord of the Universe you mentioned have some origins, right?

·0 for flowers·

"That's right!" Qing Lin nodded slightly, "Jiuyuan God is the descendant of the Lord of the Universe, and he was the Lord of the Human World back then. The inheritance jade in his hand is the inheritance jade of the human world. .

"Unfortunately, in the first battle that year, the Lord of the Universe died in the battle, and the Jiuyuan God almost fell, and the inheritance jade was shattered in half. This made him unable to control this broken continent."

"By the way, speaking of this, I want to tell you. Although the lord of the universe has fallen, his residual thoughts are still there. His residual thoughts will be repelled by any creatures not born in his universe..."

"Whether it's the spirits in the ruins, or the people from the realm of the gods, as long as they step into these broken continents, they will be forcibly teleported out."

"Fortunately, the broken jade in the hands of Jiuyuan God, although it cannot control these broken continents, it can authorize us to enter, which is equivalent to giving us a legal identity and is recognized by the residual thoughts of the Lord of the Universe."

Hearing this, Qin Feng finally figured out the cause and effect.

No wonder, before they enter, they need a pass rune.

No wonder, the true God reminded them that they only had one month.

After more than a month, they will be forcibly teleported out, and then they will be lost in the return to the ruins, and they will die without life.

"Sister Qinglin, where was the spiritual root that day?

"Follow these shattered continents, step by step, and you will be able to find them. Back then, the Lord of the Universe fell because he competed for the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

"His residual thoughts have been locked in the spiritual root of that day, so no matter how the space of Returning Ruins changes, there will always be a continent that stays near the spiritual root of heaven and earth.


"Also, although his universe is shattered, those broken continents are still connected by some residual thoughts. We can find the spiritual roots of heaven and earth by following behind the Nine Yuan God.

Qin Feng nodded slightly: "So it is!

Immediately, his eyes lit up: "Hey! Sister Qinglin, with what I know about the Lord of the Universe, as long as we find the remaining three and a half pieces of inheritance jade, we can gather all the Broken Continents together, and even evolve it. For a big thousand worlds!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng was excited.

If he wants to create a new God Realm, he can build his own dual universe into the main body of the God Realm, but these are not enough.

He also needs some great worlds to form the lower realm of the God Realm.

Having a lower realm is equivalent to having a cornerstone, and such a realm of the gods can be completed.

And there is a ready-made Broken Universe in front of him, which can be used to derive a Great Thousand World.

After Qing Lin heard it, he smiled bitterly: "What you think of, many people have thought of it before, and many people have searched for it, but unfortunately they haven't found those lost inheritance jade, even the Nine Yuan God can't help..."

"Why is there no way?" Qin Feng wondered.

Qing Lin sighed: "The inheritance jade is very special, it is something that can only be made by the lord of the universe. Except for the cosmos, no one else can sense it, even the gods can't sense it, so it is difficult to find the lost inheritance jade. , unless there is a master of the universe. But in this world, the master of the universe is too rare.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Sister Qinglin, don't forget, I am also the master of the universe!


Qing Lin's eyes lit up, and his face was full of joy.

She almost forgot about it.

At this moment, all the players came in.

The True God announced: "Everyone, this continent has been untouched for a trillion years. After this trillion years, resources such as spiritual flowers, exotic fruits, and divine mines have grown a lot and are very rich.

"These are your great opportunities! I'll give you three days to clean up and collect them! After three days, gather here, and we'll go to the next land..."

As soon as these words fell, everyone was overjoyed.

"Thank God! 99

"I'm waiting to go!"

"Haha! I'm going to the east sea, who will go with me?"

"Brother Wang, I am with you!"

At the moment, everyone cheered and rushed to the four sides of the mainland to start a new wave of resource collection.

Qin Feng and Qinglin looked at each other, and happily led the Qingmeng people to the depths of this continent.

Of course, Qin Feng's goal is to search for inheritance jade.

If he can collect the remaining three and a half pieces of inheritance jade, he will be able to control the broken continent.

At that time, he will come as he wants, and leave as he wants.

I just don't know, on this broken continent, is there any inheritance of jade.

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