Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 872: Monitoring the World

However, Qin Feng brought everyone from the Youth League to an uninhabited valley and stopped.

The Youth League people were waiting for his instructions.

"Sister Qinglin, is there no danger in this continent?

"Normally, there is no danger, because the spirits in the Returning Ruins cannot step into this continent. As long as they break in, they will be sent out by the continent's remnants, so we will not encounter the returning spirits...

"However, there are also some powerful beasts on this continent, and many of them are at the level of true gods, so be careful. Of course, as long as we don't take the initiative to provoke them, or rob them of the treasures they guard, we'll be at peace with each other. thing…"

Qing Lin had been to Guixu many times in his previous life, and he was all too familiar with the situation here.

Qin Feng felt relieved after hearing those words.

Immediately, he looked at everyone: "Everyone, act! Remember, if there is any danger, notify me immediately!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

In the next second, everyone went to search for treasures in all directions...

For a moment, only Qin Feng, Qinglin, and phantom clones were left in the valley.

"Qin Feng, are you going to look for the inheritance jade?"

"It's natural!"

"This continent is not small, it is not easy for you to search the entire continent within three days.

"I have a phantom clone to help, and it's very easy to search within three days!

"That's good! If something calls, I'll take a step first..."

Afterwards, Qing Lin also went on a treasure hunt.

Next, Qin Feng and the phantom avatar each chose a direction of "403" and started a carpet search...

Inheritance jade ultimatum is generally hidden deep in the ground and is extremely concealed.

Qin Feng needs to infiltrate his spiritual consciousness into the ground in order to detect the whereabouts of the inheritance jade.

With the strength of his consciousness, he can detect 300 million miles per minute. . . .

The speed of the phantom clone is slower, but it is also 100 million miles away...

In this way, Qin Feng and the phantom avatar started their full search.

In a blink of an eye, it had been an hour since the people in the south had entered the Returning Ruins.

In a remote jungle, a shrill scream suddenly came out.

"Ah~! Wen... Wen Yuan, why did you sneak up on me!

"So much nonsense at the end of the day! Go to hell!


A loud bang~!

Accompanied by an incomparably shrill scream, a player fell.

At this moment, in the jungle, Wen Yuan picked up a storage ring from the blood all over the ground, with a happy expression on his face.

"Young friend Wenyuan did a great job!

In Wen Yuan's body, the northern gods were excited.

"Seven seniors, who will come to refine the universal rune first?"

Wen Yuan pulled out a pass rune from the storage ring.

"Give it to the God of Heaven!"

"it is good!"

As soon as Wen Yuan thought about it, he sent the access rune into his universe.

After that Maori Tianshen obtained the universal rune, he used his own essence and blood to sacrifice again.

It turned out that these northern heavenly gods did not have a passable rune, so naturally they did not dare to show up.

Otherwise, as soon as they show up, they will be forcibly teleported by the mainland Can Nian.

However, they quickly thought of a way to snatch the pass runes from other players.

This is also the reason why Wen Yuan sneaked up on that player.

After a while, the god of the sun refined the universal rune.

Following a wave of space fluctuations, the God of the Sun came out of Wenyuan's body without being forcibly teleported.

"Haha!! It's done!"

"This method really works!"

The northern gods rejoiced.

"Congratulations, Senior Maotian!" Wen Yuan respectfully saluted.

"What's the name of the person who just died?"

"His name is Kuiying! The disciples of Tiansheng Mountain, the cultivation base is a pseudo-god of great perfection!

"it is good!"

When the God of Heaven shook his body, he turned into the appearance of Kuiying, and his cultivation was also disguised as the level of the Great Perfection of the pseudo-god.

Wen Yuan was amazed: "Senior Mao, your secrets of disguise are extremely clever, I'm afraid even the gods won't see through."

"Hehe! When it comes to the art of disguise, Mao is more confident than the gods!""

Uri Tenjin looked proud.

"Brother Mao, you go and kill six more players, so that the six of us can also come out..."

"Haha!! Mao is going now!"

As soon as the voice fell, the god of the sun burrowed into the vast jungle and disappeared...

"Wenyuan, hurry up and search for the inheritance jade!!

"Senior is right!"

Wen Yuan quickly released his consciousness and began to search for the inheritance jade.

He was also searching for the inheritance jade.

It's a pity that his spiritual awareness is far inferior to Qin Feng's, and he doesn't have the help of a clone, and his search speed is not even 1% of Qin Feng's.

However, the gods in the north were full of envy when they saw that Wen Yuan was searching for the jade.

Inheriting the jade, there is no way for the gods to refine it.

Because the god base, true spirit, and celestial soul of the gods have been integrated into one and transformed into the primordial spirit.

Without an independent Heavenly Soul, there is no way to plunder other people's universes, and there is no way to refine and inherit the jade ultimatum.

This is a kind of law of heaven and earth in the dark.

Therefore, even if Wen Yuan found the rumored jade ultimatum, he could only let Wen Yuan come to refine it.

As for Jiuyuan God, he also refined the half of the jade before becoming a god.

In this way, while the vast majority of players were searching for treasure, Qin Feng, the phantom clone, and Wen Yuan were secretly searching for the inheritance of jade...

Time flies so fast, and a day has passed in a blink of an eye.

Most people got rich harvests, and some people were assassinated by Maori Tianshen, but no one knew about it...

At the same time, Qin Feng and the phantom clone had swept 80% of the continent in one day, but found nothing.

Just when Qin Feng thought that there was no jade inheritance on this continent, news came from the phantom avatar.

They finally found out.

Qin Feng was overjoyed, hurriedly dodged, and disappeared in place...

The next second, he appeared above a crater.

Qin Feng looked down and saw the fiery red magma below kept rolling, and waves of heat were blowing towards him.

At this moment, a figure rushed out of the magma, bringing out a fire wave hundreds of feet high.

That figure is the phantom clone.

As soon as the phantom avatar appeared, he waved his hand, and a broken inheritance jade flew over.

Qin Feng was overjoyed when he caught the inheritance jade ultimatum with one hand.

Unexpectedly, on this land, there is really a incomplete inheritance jade.

It was worth the hard work he searched for a day, but he finally got something.

However, it was said that as soon as the jade began to shake, it seemed to be spiritually vibrating, as if to break free from Qin Feng's hands.

Qin Feng quickly cut his fingertips, ejected a little blood essence, and fell onto the jade.

Then, the drop of blood essence was absorbed by the jade at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Qin Feng hurriedly moved the seal and began to practice...

After a while, the jade slogan lit up with purple light...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, you have refined a piece of the inheritance jade of the Lord of the Nine Springs Universe (heavenly world, broken)... The host has a certain degree of control over the creatures in this world..."

The Lord of Jiuquan Universe is the ancestor of Jiuyuan God.

As soon as this prompt came out, the jade ultimatum seemed to be fully activated, making a 'humming' sound...

Immediately, a cold breath flowed out from the jade, followed Qin Feng's arm, and rushed directly to Qin Feng's sea of ​​consciousness...

That cold breath is the remnant of the Lord of Jiuquan Universe.

In just a moment, Qin Feng's consciousness and remnant thoughts merged together...

Qin Feng closed his eyes involuntarily and began to communicate with Cannian...

Moments later, the two sides reached an agreement.

Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, and a happy expression appeared on his face.

He has been approved by Cannian, the master of the universe of Jiuquan, and he is already the master of half of the heaven, and he can initially control all the creatures born in the heaven.

This means, even the Nine Yuan God does not have it.

Because Jiuyuan God's jade is to control the human world.

The continent where they are now is a fragment of the heaven world, and the creatures here are controlled by Qin Feng, not by Jiuyuan God...

At the moment, Qin Feng pinched a seal and manipulated the jade in his hand.


The jade ultimatum is activated, and it blooms with purple light!

In the next second, the remnant of the Lord of the Universe of Jiuquan sent an order to the beasts all over the continent...

In the minds of those beasts, a stalwart figure immediately appeared, standing above the nine heavens, exuding supreme golden light...

That figure is Qin Feng!

According to Jiuquan Cannian's prompt, Qin Feng is their new owner...

At this moment, the hundreds of millions of beasts on this continent were all excited.

They have waited for tens of trillions of years for a new owner.

All the beasts were excited and roared in the sky...

For a time, the entire continent was filled with the roars of beasts, one after another, deafening...

The players who were hunting for treasure were all shocked and looked around in horror one by one...

"What's the matter? Why are these beasts screaming all of a sudden? Isn't it going to be a riot?

"Hey! This phenomenon is so strange! I've never seen it before! Could it be an accident?

"Looks like something is wrong! 35

For a time, questions from the players came from all corners of the continent.

The crowd was astonished.

Even the three major gods were alarmed, and one by one swept the surroundings with their divine senses.

But after watching for a long time, the three of them still didn't see why they came...

At this moment, Qin Feng's thoughts communicated with the beasts happily.

The beasts had unreserved trust in him.

Qin Feng hurriedly used his thoughts to convey the images of the Youth League and others to the beasts, ordering the beasts not to attack the people of the Youth League...

The beasts readily agreed, and told Qin Feng, where are the strange flowers hidden, where are the strange grasses, and where are the spiritual treasures...

In just a moment, Qin Feng has a lot of treasure information in his mind...

Qin Feng was overjoyed, with these ferocious beasts, it was too easy for him to gather resources.

Then, he grafted his vision with the vision of the beasts.

In the next second, the scenes that hundreds of millions of beasts saw flooded into Qin Feng's mind.

Qin Feng saw the scene of the entire continent in an instant.

For example, in a top power family, two members, a man and a woman, did not go to treasure hunts, but actually did something unsightly under a big tree. The scene was 4.7 unsightly.

It's just that the two did not find that on a leaf on the big tree, there was an insect lying on the back of the leaf, watching all this curiously...

Qin Feng saw all this clearly through his compound eyes, and couldn't help but want to laugh...

He quickly cut off the screen and looked elsewhere.

But I saw a female contestant bathing in the mountain spring with a comfortable face...

It's just that she didn't notice, a naughty fish swam through her legs...

Qin Feng quickly cut off the screen and looked elsewhere...

All in all, it all feels amazing!

This means that Qin Feng controls the continent to a certain extent.

Thinking of this, he was overjoyed.

Immediately, he also started a treasure hunt...

With the help of the beasts, Qin Feng doesn't have to worry about finding treasures at all.

As long as he follows the map and asks for it, he can get the treasure.

In this way, he can acquire resources thousands of times faster than others.

Of course, he only collects what is useful to him, and leaves some that are not useful to the beasts.

In this way, Qin Feng started a pleasant journey of harvest...

At the same time, all kinds of strange things that happened in the corner of the continent were also watched by him and monitored all the time.

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