Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 906 Space Nodes (Seeking Complete Order)

Qin Feng's sudden appearance made Wen Yuan's faces change drastically.

But before the three of them thought about it, Qin Feng slapped Wenyuan with a palm...

"No! 35

Wen Yuan shouted in horror.


Uri Tenjin roared anxiously.

He and another god wanted to rescue him, but they were entangled by Si Tie and Qing Lin...


A loud bang!

It's like the sky is falling apart!

Qin Feng smashed Wen Yuan to pieces with a single palm, his body collapsed, Shenji, Zhenling, and Tianshun were smashed into pieces on the spot, turning into countless fragments...

Wen Yuan suddenly fell on the spot, the sky was filled with blood fog...

"Do not!"

Uri and the two let out a desperate roar...

At this time, Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing all the blood mist energy, leaving only a sesame-sized light spot in the field, exuding looming spatial fluctuations...

That is Wenyuan's entrance to the universe...

"Go away!"

At this moment, the god of the sun broke through the barrier of the iron and rushed to the cosmic light spot desperately...

He wanted to get into Wenyuan's universe.

Although Wen Yuan is dead, the universe is well preserved.

The most important thing is that there is a super teleportation array in the universe, which can directly transmit back to the northern part of the God Realm.

That's their only way out!

At this moment, Maori Tianshen no longer cares about the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, he just wants to escape and go back...

Anyway, his identity has been revealed, and if he doesn't leave, he will stay in Guixu forever...

Not only did he think so, but another god of the sky also broke through Qinglin's blockade, desperately rushing towards the cosmic light spot, trying to escape...

"Oh! Looking for death!"

With a wave of Qin Feng's hand, the Creation God Fire and the Sanqi Ancestral Water turned into a sea of ​​golden fire and a sea of ​​three-color water respectively, rolling down...

That monstrous weather covered the sky and the earth, changing the color of the sun and the moon, and the sky and the earth were splendid...

It was at this moment that Qin Feng's fighting power suddenly reached 18 trillion yuan, far stronger than Lu Lingtian's...

"This is….."

"Impossible! It's impossible!"

The two of them widened their eyes in horror...

Immediately, the two wanted to escape, but it was too late...

In the next second, the sea of ​​golden fire and the sea of ​​three-color water swallowed the two of them...

Qinglin and pyridoxine also participated in the attack at the same time...

With two shrill screams, Maori and another god of the sky fell on the spot...

In just a few tens of seconds, a Tianshen Peak and a Tianshen were killed by Qin Feng and the three of them. The speed can be described as extremely fast...

Afterwards, Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing all the energy......

At the same time, hundreds of millions of miles away, in a valley, Lu Ling Tianshen's five people were looking around with dazed expressions.

They chased and killed all the way, but were surprised to find that Qin Feng had disappeared out of thin air.

And the place where Qin Feng disappeared was this valley.

But they turned around in the valley a few times, but they didn't find Qin Feng's figure at all, not even a breath...

Just as God Luling and the others seemed to be running around for a while, a few shrill screams could be vaguely heard in the direction behind them...

The sound was not loud, as if someone deliberately blocked it.

Ke Luling is a god-level powerhouse, and his six senses are extremely sensitive, and he noticed it right away.

He hurriedly followed the sound to look, and the next second his face changed greatly.

The place where the scream came from was where Wen Yuan was.

He immediately changed his face: "Not good! Go back and save Wenyuan!""

Lord Lu Ling was the first to rush back.

The other four also secretly shouted that something was wrong and followed closely...

Wen Yuan was their only retreat.

If something happened to Wenyuan, they would not be able to return to the north, how could these people not be in a hurry...

But on the other side, on the battlefield.

After Qin Feng suddenly swallowed the blood fog energy, his momentum continued to soar...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing a lot of energy... Your cultivation base has increased to 19% of the peak of the true god... The combat power has increased to 20 trillion yuan...

In just a moment, Qin Feng opened his eyes with joy...

After devouring the energy of a god's peak, a god of the sky, and a master of the universe, his combat power has risen sharply.

Today, his combat power is 20 trillion Yuan, just reaching the limit of God's combat power of the gods of the gods.

But the God who has the gods of the gods is definitely not as strong as Qin Feng in terms of increase.

Looking at the heavens and the world, I am afraid that Qin Feng is already the number one powerhouse in God.

At this moment, even if Zhenji, Jiuyuan, Yaochi, and Luling join forces, they are not necessarily his opponents.

The only ones who can deal with him are those who are half-step Eternal.

Of course, there is still a big gap between Qin Feng and Half-Step Eternal.

After all, the threshold of half-step eternal combat power is 40 trillion yuan.

All in all, Qin Feng is very satisfied with his progress.

·0 for flowers·.........

"Qin Feng, what about this little universe?"

As soon as Qin Feng opened his eyes, Qing Lin asked with concern.

After Wen Yuan's death, the cosmic light spot has been staying in place, very conspicuous...

In fact, it is a space node leading to the universe.

As long as the gods come, they can discover its existence.

"Only when this small universe is refined can this space node be closed and taken away. Otherwise, this space node will stay here forever..."

Qin Feng is all too familiar with the universe.

"Your Majesty, hurry up and refine it! This subordinate is worried that the movement here will attract more people. When the time comes, the secrets of this universe will be exposed to more people and will know..."

"Yeah! Qin Feng, hurry up and refine. The two of us are here!


呲tie and Qinglin persuaded again and again.

But as soon as the two of them finished speaking, there were five rapid piercing sounds in the distance.

Qin Feng couldn't help frowning: "The five of them are back! 35

The expressions of Qing Lin and the two suddenly became difficult to look at.

"Qin Feng, it's going to be troublesome now. One of those five people is God! This time, we don't want to make a noise..."

"Yes! As long as there is a big movement, the three major gods will come. At that time, the secret of this small universe will not be kept..."

Qing Lin and Shi Tie both looked helpless.

Qin Feng smiled coldly: "Not necessarily!

Immediately, he waved his hand, and the surrounding space changed.

In the next second, the phantom clone appeared out of thin air.

After that, the phantom avatar did not say a word, and got into the cosmic light spot and began to refine the universe...

This scene made Qing Lin's eyes light up.


They forgot that Qin Feng also had a phantom clone.

In this way, Qin Feng can do two things with one heart.

Perhaps before the three major gods arrive, the phantom clone will refine the universe...

It was at this moment that the sound of breaking the air in the distance was getting closer.

"Go! Follow me to meet the enemy!

Qin Feng dodged and took the initiative to meet the enemy.

Qing Lin and Shi Tie followed closely.. Spoon

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