Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 907: Refining the Small Universe (Seeking Complete Order)

Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

Several piercing sounds from far to near.

Qin Feng and the others had not gone far before they met Luling and the other five.

"It's you! Qin Feng!"

"Boy, why did you come behind us?"

Lu Ling and the others were shocked and angry.

"Lu...Lord Lu Ling, look at that light spot!

Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

Lu Ling and the others hurriedly followed the sound, and saw Qin Feng not far behind, a cosmic light spot was quietly floating...

Several people instantly understood what was going on, and their expressions changed drastically.

Lu Ling was furious: "Little bastard! You actually killed Wen Yuan!"

"Lord Luling, we fast forward to the universe, otherwise there will be no way out!

Someone exclaimed to remind.

An anxious god, even rushed towards the cosmic light spot...


He picked up the giant axe and slashed directly at the god...

Right now, the phantom avatar is refining the universe, and he doesn't want anyone to disturb...

"Four zero three" boom~!

A loud bang!

Shake the earth!

With an axe, the god of heaven was blasted out.

"court death!"

Lord Lu Ling waved his hand, and a long rope flew to the iron, and in the blink of an eye, the iron was tied firmly...


呲tie fell directly from the air, and fell into a solid...

The moment he was bound, his Primordial Spirit was sealed by the spiritual rope, making him unable to move...

Shi Tie was inexplicably horrified.

The northern gods were overjoyed.

It turned out that the rope was called the Heavenly Binding Rope.

It is also the most proud spiritual weapon of Luling God.

In one encounter, Qin Feng lost a general, and the Luling five were naturally overjoyed.

Immediately, the five roared and rushed towards Qin Feng and Qinglin.

But at this moment, Qin Feng waved his hand, and sacrificed a spirit bead, blooming with five colors of light...

Under the light of that aura, the five Lulings suddenly felt dizzy with their five senses, and the movements in their hands slowed down...

The Lingzhu is called Ding Lingzhu, and it was forged by Qin Feng with a different eye.

That strange eye is the third eye of Shiramarsh.

Qing Lin was overjoyed to see this scene, and took this opportunity to attack the Luling five.

Qin Feng also took a shot!

The 20 trillion battle power exploded in full force!

The 200-fold increase is instantly activated!

With the power of that palm, gods block and kill gods, demons block demons, destroy heaven and earth...

At that very moment, God Lu Ling broke free from the interference of the Ding Lingzhu, and instantly came to his senses...

As soon as he woke up, his eyes widened in horror, and his face was full of disbelief...

Isn't this Qin Feng a real god?

Why does his combat power exceed the limit of the God powerhouse!

At that moment, Lord Lu Ling was so frightened that he turned around and wanted to escape...

He doesn't have the slightest bit of fighting spirit at all...

But it was all too late, the stun effect of Ding Lingzhu. He has already lost his chance...


A loud bang!

The whole continent shook!

At this moment, hundreds of millions of beings were startled, and looked here in shock one by one...

In the next second, the True God and Jiuyuan God hurried towards this side...

After experiencing the previous two mutations, they are now reacting extremely quickly...

This time, they must find the culprit.

On the other side, Lord Yaochi was feeling very depressed because he lost his phantom avatar...

The loud noise startled her.

Immediately, she also rushed over here.

For a time, the three major gods rushed to the end of the battle at the fastest speed...

But he said this, Qin Feng took the picture with a palm...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~! ….

With five consecutive loud noises, the five Luling people were bombarded...

Qing Lin took the opportunity to attack, preventing the five Lu Ling from being resurrected.

At this moment, the four gods had no resistance at all...

Lu Ling is still full of energy, while desperately trying to resurrect, while urging the rope to bind the sky...

As soon as he thought about it, the spiritual rope that was originally tied to the iron slammed into Qin Feng, trying to tie Qin Feng...

Qin Feng hurriedly waved his hand, the Mother Earth and the Heavenly Sutra appeared, blooming with nine colors of light, generating infinite suction, and suddenly sucking the rope into the sky...


The Lord Lu Ling roared in horror, his voice full of despair...

The Heavenly Binding Rope was a spiritual weapon of the highest quality, and it was his only reliance to regain his disadvantage, but he didn't want to be taken away by Qin Feng.

He never imagined that Qin Feng was not only strong, but also had many spiritual treasures, and all of them were of extremely high rank...

Today's Earth Mother Heavenly Scripture has been sacrificed by Qin Feng to become a heavenly grade, just enough to restrain the heavenly rope...  

"Damn old thief! Dare to tie Laozi with rope!"

As soon as Shi Tie got out of trouble, he roared and rushed towards the battle, raising his axe and slashing...  

Qin Feng also took the opportunity to release the God Fire of Creation and the Ancestral Water of the Three Spirits......

The golden sea of ​​fire blended with the three-color ancestral water, instantly swallowing up the blood mist in the sky, and the shrill screams were endless...

Poof~! Poof~! Poof~! Poof~!

In just a moment, four consecutive soft sounds, the four primordial spirits were shattered...

"Ding! The host succeeded in killing a god.... Karma increased by 32 trillion..."

"Ding! The host succeeded in killing a god.... Karma increased by 37 trillion..."

"Ding! The host succeeded in killing a god.... Karma increased by 39 trillion..."

"Ding! The host succeeded in beheading a deity's peak.... The karma value increased by 58 trillion..."

In just a moment, the four gods died, and only the god Luling was still struggling...

Looking at the situation, there is not a quarter of an hour, and he can't be destroyed at all.

Qing Lin and 呲 Tie couldn't help frowning, feeling a little anxious in their hearts.

A quarter of an hour was enough time for the three major gods to arrive.

At that time, Qin Feng was not easy to explain.

More importantly, if this matter is broken by Yaochi God, it will definitely be unfavorable for them to deal with the Bai people.

Qin Feng also frowned slightly, secretly thinking that the god-level powerhouse is really hard to kill!

He still underestimated the toughness of God-level powerhouses.

The next second, he opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing the blood mist energy of the other four gods...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing a lot of energy.... Your cultivation base has increased to 35%.... The combat power has increased to 22 trillion yuan...

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng's momentum skyrocketed, and his strength greatly increased...

He was overjoyed and hurriedly joined the battle.

The breath of the Lord Luling suddenly accelerated down... .

The stronger Qin Feng's strength is, the faster he can kill God...

"Forgive your life! Little friend Qin Feng, please spare your life!"

Lord Lu Ling finally panicked.

Qin Feng sneered, didn't bother to pay attention, and strangled with all his strength...

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your phantom avatar has successfully refined the universe... The host has obtained an additional small universe, which can be evolved into 4.7 small thousand worlds..."

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your phantom clone has refined a small universe, become the master of the universe, and obtained the power of the universe.... The combat power of the clone has increased by 1 trillion.... The host's combat power has also increased by 1 trillion Rang‥

Hey! You can still do this!

Qin Feng was surprised and delighted.

He did not expect that his clone could also become the Lord of the Universe.

And after the clone has refined a universe, the strength has increased so much, far exceeding his expectations...

In the next second, the cosmic light spot not far away suddenly disappeared, and the phantom clone also appeared out of thin air.

Afterwards, he rushed into the battlefield, sacrificed the four swords of slaying the sky, and slammed into the wronged soul of God Lu Ling...

Qing Lin and Shi Tie were all overjoyed.

With the addition of the phantom avatar, it means that they have an extra god-level helper.

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