Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 912 - Palm spike (seeking full order)

In this way, the actions of all parties proceeded quietly.

Time passed quickly, and after half a quarter of an hour, there were two air-breaking sounds near the valley.

"They are here!


The three Bai clan elders sensed it immediately.

Bai Mo was stunned for a moment, as if he had discovered something, and turned his head to look in another direction.

"White Moose, what's wrong?"

"Elder, I see that the true God is speeding towards this side, he seems to know the address a long time ago!


"Damn! How did Zhenji suddenly know?"

The three elders frowned, a little depressed.

But at this moment, the sound of breaking the air outside the valley was getting closer.

"No matter how much it is, let's ambush first, take nine yuan and talk about it!


The three elders had no time to think about it, and they all ducked into the bushes to hide themselves.

Bai Mo did not dare to neglect, and with the help of the three elders, he also hid his figure.

It didn't take long for the four of them to hide, and two lights and shadows flashed in from outside the valley.

The people who came were Jiuyuan and Yaochi.

"Yao "four zero three" pool, you said that the treasure is in this valley?

Jiuyuan God swept his eyes around, with doubts on his face.

He didn't find any treasure!

Lord Yaochi smiled slightly: "Fellow Daoist Jiuyuan, have you seen the big tree in front of you? This thing is a treasure! 99

"What? Is that a treasure?"

Jiu Yuan was surprised and looked at the big tree carefully.

I saw that the big tree was a thousand feet tall, white in color, jade-like in texture, burning with radiance, and faintly exuding cold air. At first glance, it was really extraordinary...

Jiuyuan God was very curious, so he wanted to take a closer look and approached that strange tree...

The closer he got, the more he found that the coldness of the strange tree was getting heavier, and it really looked like some kind of treasure, which made his curiosity even heavier.

After a while, he arrived at the bottom of the big tree, and what was coming in front of him was a wave of extremely cold air, emitting from the trunk.

Jiu Yuan was curious and reached out to touch it.

But just as his fingers were about to touch the tree trunk, a sudden change occurred in the field...


A blast!

Earth Cracks!

The big tree suddenly tilted.

The ground under Jiuyuan's feet suddenly cracked open, and a huge mouth of blood rushed out, swallowing him...

"This is….."

Jiu Yuan exclaimed.

Only then did he see clearly that the huge mouth of the blood basin below was actually the mouth of a god-level monster.

The big tree before is not a tree at all, but a horn of this monster.

Jiuyuan suddenly felt fooled, and secretly shouted that it was not good.

In the blink of an eye, the giant mouth approached, and the monstrous cold air rolled in...

Jiutian's face changed greatly, and he wanted to escape from the monster's mouth.

But at this moment, the mutation regenerated.

Bang~! Bang~!

Two bangs!

Two Bai elders broke out, one left and one right, attacking Jiuyuan.

In an instant, the three god-level monsters came to attack Jiuyuan.

"Yaochi help me!

Jiu Yuan was horrified.

The three god-level monsters joined forces, and he couldn't resist it at all!

He immediately asked Yaochi for help, and at the same time retreated desperately, trying to get out of the encirclement of the three monsters.

"Fellow Daoist Jiuyuan, I'm here to help you!

It was at this moment that Yaochi's coquettish voice sounded behind him.

The Lord of Yaochi rushed up directly and slapped it with a palm.

Nine yuan is overjoyed.

But in the next second, his face changed greatly, and his eyes showed shock.

Where is Yaochi's palm helping him?

It was clearly attacking him!

This time, he had no way to retreat, so he had to bear the combined attack of the four great gods, and serious injuries were inevitable.

"Yao Chi, you are crazy!

At this moment, Jiu Yuan was extremely sad and angry.

Yao Chi ignored him, his eyes were actually proud.

Seeing that Jiuyuan is about to be severely damaged by the four gods, the field is mutated and regenerated.

"Yaochi! Die!"

With a loud shout, a person rushed in from outside the valley and attacked Yaochi's back.

The person who arrived in time was Qin Feng.

"Huh?! Qin Lei!

When Yaochi saw Qin Feng, he thought it was a phantom avatar coming, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, but he ignored it and continued to attack Jiuyuan.

The three Bai clan elders also showed disdain when they saw Qin Feng appear.

A small pinnacle of true gods also feels involved in the struggle between gods, it is simply courting death!

"Little thief, you are courting death!"

At this moment, a person rushed out from behind the forest and intercepted Qin Feng.

That is the white moose that has been hidden for a long time.

He was worried about not being able to fight, and the appearance of this human being at the peak of the true god just gave him a chance to express...

But at this moment, light and shadow flashed on Qin Feng's body, and the phantom avatar appeared instantly, directly meeting the attack of the white moose...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Three loud bangs in a row!


The entire continent was shaking violently, and countless creatures were terrified and looked towards this side.

The true God who was coming, suddenly changed his face, and rushed over at a faster speed...

After the loud bang, there were three consecutive screams in the field!

The first scream was from the Nine Yuan God.

After all, he was unable to defeat the top four alone, and was blasted to pieces on the spot, turning into countless blood mists...

The second scream was from Yaochi.

She was shot by Qin Feng's palm and turned into a blood fog that was more serious than Jiu Yuan...

The third scream was from the white moose.

He was smashed to death by the phantom clone, and the sky was filled with water mist energy, as well as a mass of Rengui water essence, and a complete inheritance jade ultimatum, suspended in it.

Before everyone could react, Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing up the energy of the water mist and the essence of Rengui water, and began to devour and refine...

The phantom avatar also waved at the same time, and put away the inheritance jade....

In the blink of an eye, the field was empty.

The white moose died so suddenly!

The three Bai clan elders were dumbfounded!

One by one, they looked at the phantom clone in astonishment.

This guy actually killed the white moose with one palm...

If you want to kill the white elk in seconds, even the powerhouse of God may not be able to do it!

How did this pinnacle of true gods do it?

The three Bai clan elders couldn't believe everything in front of them, and even suspected that they had hallucinations.0

Immediately, the three elders were awakened, and they were all shocked and angry.

"He...he killed the white moose!

"Bai Mi is the grand-nephew of the patriarch, we..."

"Kill...kill that kid! Avenge the white moose!"

Immediately, the three elders roared violently, and they transformed into animal-like prototypes and slaughtered towards the phantom clone...

At this moment, Qin Feng is closing his eyes and swallowing energy, ignoring the audience...

Jiuyuan and Yaochi were also resurrected together at this time.

The two were shocked by what had happened before, but it was too late to think about it.

As soon as the Yaochi God was resurrected, he rushed towards the phantom avatar.

She wants to cooperate with the three elders, first destroy the phantom clone and then...

"Bitch! Go away!"

The figure of Jiuyuan God flashed and stopped in front of Yaochi.

The two sides fought together immediately.

At the same time, the phantom clone also fought with the three elders.

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Several loud bangs in a row!

There were also several muffled groans in the field.

Jiuyuan and Yaochi were evenly matched.

The phantom avatar actually repelled the three elders in one fell swoop, and they fought evenly, their strength was terrifyingly strong.

The three elders were greatly shocked, and they felt that something was wrong.

Immediately, the three elders looked at each other and nodded.

The next second, the red line between their eyebrows split open, and the third divine eye opened one after another.

Yaochi was also completely shocked by the strength of the phantom avatar.

Afterwards, she sacrificed her own spiritual weapon - the mirror of Yaochi, ready to fight with all her strength...

At this moment, an astonishing breath rose into the sky, instantly alarming the audience...

Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw Qin Feng-4.7 opened his eyes with joy.

Just now, he devoured the energy of the white moose, and his combat power increased to 33.7 trillion yuan again, and his strength could not enter much...

The three elders felt the change in Qin Feng's breath, and vaguely felt that it was not good.

At this moment, the three of them couldn't see Qin Feng through.

Yao Chi and Jiu Yuan were puzzled.

They looked at Qin Feng, and then at the phantom clone, wondering why there were two Qin Lei.

At this moment, Qin Feng's face changed and returned to his original appearance.

"Hey! Qin Feng, you...why didn't you die?"

Yaochi God exclaimed.

Jiu Yuan was also stunned.

Qin Feng sneered: "If you hadn't waited for you, the spy, to expose yourself, the deity would not have been hidden until now! Now is the time for this deity to clean up you!""

Yao Chi was furious: "Dream!

Qin Feng stopped talking nonsense and slapped it with one palm..

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