Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 913: Beheading the Head (for full order)

Qin Feng stopped talking nonsense and slapped it away...

The God of Yaochi hurriedly set up the divine mirror of Yaochi, and a beam of light shot directly at Qin Feng. …

Her attack increase was originally only 130 times, but with the blessing of Yaochi Divine Mirror, it has reached 150 times, and it has caught up with the increase of the Lord of the Universe.

This is also the strongest blow of the Yaochi God!

The three elders of the Bai clan also shot at the same time, their eyebrows suddenly lit up, and they each spurted a silver pupil light...

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

Three beeps!

The power of each pupil light is earth-shattering, and it directly tore the space of returning to the market and shoots at Qin Feng...

That power suddenly reached twice their previous attack!

This is also their strongest attack!

"not good!"

When Jiuyuan God saw this scene, he was very anxious.

In his opinion, Qin Feng's strength is at most comparable to the phantom avatar.

But the phantom avatar only barely blocked the joint strike of the three elders.

Now, the three elders used the strongest blow, doubling the attack power.

Yaochi also performed the strongest blow!

These four teamed up to deliver the strongest blow, I'm afraid Qin Feng can't stop it!

With this in mind, he was going to support Qin Feng.

But at this moment, a lot of change happened.

I saw Qin Feng's momentum also burst out with all his strength, suddenly reaching 33.7 trillion yuan...

The 200-fold increase is also activated instantly!


That palm shot with all my strength~!

Wherever the palm wind passed, the space of returning to the ruins burst apart one after another, as if the sky was collapsing...

Its power suddenly reached the half-step eternal level!

Jiuyuan God was stunned!

Oh my God!

Half-step eternity?!

There are no half-step Eternal Realm masters in the entire 10 southern and northern parts of the God Realm, which shows how rare it is...

The four of Yaochi were also terrified...

But it's too late!

Before they could react, Qin Feng slammed down...

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

Qin Feng shattered the attack of the four with one palm, and Yu Wei crushed it down...


The rubble is flying, the earth is cracked, the sun and the moon have no light!

That palm flattened the entire valley, leaving a huge palm print deep pit on the ground...

The Lord of Yaochi and the three elders of the Bai tribe were all photographed in the pit, leaving a human figure and three animal figures...

The Jiuyuan God on the side was dumbfounded!

One palm slaps the four gods, and only a half-step Eternal Realm powerhouse can do it!

But isn't Qin Feng the pinnacle of the true god?

At this moment, not only he was shocked.

True God, who came from a distance, just saw this scene, and was completely dumbfounded...

Not only the two of them, but the players scattered in every corner of the continent were also stunned...

These people are basically existences above the true gods, and their knowledge is not weak.

The power of Qin Feng's palm made the Guixu space tremble, extremely terrifying.

They decided in an instant that it must be a blow from the half-step eternal existence!

Thinking of this, the players were extremely terrified!

Half-step eternity!

Only by uniting all the forces of the Confederacy can they barely compete.

In other words, if the Southern Alliance had a Half-Step Eternal in charge, it would not be ranked last among the nine major forces in the God Realm.

But on the battlefield, Qin Feng smashed the four gods with one palm, shocking hundreds of millions of souls...

The phantom avatar took the opportunity to wave it, and a long rope flew to the Lord of Yaochi...

That Yaochi God just climbed out of the deep pit when he saw a long rope flying towards him...

She was horrified, and hurriedly brought out the mirror of Yaochi, and she was about to block.

That Yaochi Divine Mirror has both offense and defense, and has many wonderful uses.

But she had just brought out the divine mirror, when a long spear dashed towards the divine mirror and knocked it flying...

But it was the Nine Yuan God who made the move!

The Lord of Yaochi lost his protection immediately, and with a 'swish', he was tied tightly by a long rope...


She suddenly lost control of her body and fell directly to the ground...

The long rope that bound her was the rope that Qin Feng snatched from the Lord Luling.

At this moment, Yaochi's primordial spirit was sealed by the spiritual rope, making her unable to move...

As soon as the primordial spirit was sealed, she lost control of the Yaochi Divine Mirror.

The phantom avatar took the opportunity to wave his hand and grabbed the Yaochi Divine Mirror in his hand...

"let me go!

The Lord of Yaochi was furious and frightened, desperately trying to break free from the rope...

After all, she is a god-level powerhouse, this struggle, the light of the spiritual rope floats, and it is a little loose...

But at this moment, a coquettish shout out of thin air resounded throughout the audience.

Qing Lin suddenly appeared.

"Yaochi, do you still remember the deity?"

As soon as these words fell, Qinglin let go, and a golden light flew towards Yaochi's neck, that was the golden Jiaojian...


Jin Jiao cut a gate

I saw a flash of golden light, and Yaochi's head rolled down.

Qing Lin had already prepared everything, she grabbed the head and sealed it in a jade bottle, feeling very happy...

The enemy in the previous life was finally captured by himself!

This scene seems to be cumbersome, and everything is completed between electric light and flint.

Really God is stunned!

He still didn't understand why Jiuyuan, Qin Lei, and Qinglin joined forces to capture Yaochi?

But before he could think about it, the three elders of the Bai clan on the other side were already scared and fled into the void...

At this moment, they dare to stay there.

Don't say Qin Feng, an existence comparable to half-step eternity, they simply can't deal with it.

Even if the phantom clone and Jiuyuan join forces, they will all be at a disadvantage.

What's more, the Yaochi God was captured, the True God God had already arrived, and everything was over.

If you don't run away now, when will you wait?

At the moment, the three elders rushed to the void with all their might, and escaped thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye...

That tens of thousands of feet across the sky, the players on the entire continent saw it and exclaimed one by one...

Oh my God!

How can ghosts and monsters come to return to the ruins on this continent?

And looking at the aura of the beast body, it is clearly a god-level monster!

The players are terrified!

But at this moment, the space in front of the three giant beasts changed for a while, and a handsome figure walked out of the void, blocking the way of the three giant beasts.

When everyone saw the figure, they exclaimed again.

That was Qin Feng!

Isn't Qin Feng missing?

How would it appear here?

Before they could think about it, Qin Feng slapped the three giant beasts with one palm, and all the players were stunned...

Oh my God!

The three god-level monsters fly with one palm!

That can only be done by half a step of eternity!

Could it be that Qin Feng is the powerhouse of the Half-step Eternal Realm?

Doesn't he only have the cultivation base of the True God Realm?

At this moment, the players were dumbfounded, unable to digest the facts in front of them.

In the next second, after the three giant beasts were shot flying, they escaped in three directions, regardless of their serious injuries.

Qin Feng dodged and stopped a giant beast.

The phantom avatar also dodged and stopped the second behemoth.

"Brother Zhenji, follow me to stop it! Don't let any one go!"

"Damn it! Never try to escape!

Jiuyuan roared and rushed to the third head.

Although the true God has not yet figured out all the causes and consequences, the ghosts of the ruins and the spirits of the gods are natural enemies.

He didn't even think about it, he rushed over to stop it.

In the blink of an eye, he and Jiuyuan God stopped the third giant beast...

The three giant beasts are inexplicable!

"Quick! Quickly ask the patriarch and the elders for help!"

One of the giant beasts spit out human words, trying to scare away Zhenji and others.

You must know that the patriarch and the elders of the Bai clan are half-step eternal existences, and they do not believe that these people of the gods are not afraid.

But as soon as his voice fell, there were bursts of shrill screams not far away.

Everyone followed the reputation and saw that the giant beast had turned into a 403 half-water mist, which reduced the damage of the attack.

This atomization method is the specialty of the Bai people.

Even if the opponent's strength is several times stronger than his own, it is difficult to kill them in the atomized state.

But Qin Feng's strength is too strong, the giant beast is still screaming constantly under his indiscriminate bombardment...

"Ah~~! Little... boy, even if you have the strength of half a step of eternity, you can't kill me within five hours..."

"I have already asked the patriarch and the elders for help! They will arrive soon..."

As soon as these words fell, Jiu Yuan and Zhen Ji became nervous.

The players watching from a distance are also afraid!

Qin Feng sneered in his heart.

He knew that the giant beast was bullshitting.

The Bai Clan's old nest is very far away from here, and it is impossible to rush over within five hours.

However, he didn't bother to argue.

As soon as his mind moved, he summoned the divine fire of creation and devoured it towards the giant beast...

"Chuang... Chuang... World God Fire~! No... No! Forgive my life... ah!"

As soon as the Creation Divine Fire came out, the giant beast let out a terrifying roar...

In the blink of an eye, the golden sea of ​​fire engulfed the giant beast...

In just a moment, the giant beast turned into a mass of water mist energy, and died...

A god-level spirit monster fell, within a few minutes before and after, at an astonishingly fast speed...

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Even if the Eternal Realm powerhouse takes action, it may not necessarily be so fast.

Qin Feng was overjoyed, secretly thinking that the God of Creation was indeed the nemesis of the Bai people.

Of course, if he attacked with Sanqi Ancestral Water, it would be ineffective.

In the next second, Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing up the energy of the water mist in the sky.

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