Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 893 Encirclement and Suppression of Heavenly Sage

Time flies so fast, a day has passed in a blink of an eye.

At the end of the day, Qin Feng, with the help of the beasts, has gained a lot.

What he gets by himself is dozens of times what the players get together.

If this is said, the three gods will be jealous.

At this moment, in the depths of the sea, on an uninhabited island.

Qin Feng took stock of the harvest in a happy mood.

After a while, he dug out a black crystal the size of a walnut from the many harvests.

It was actually a very rare source of extreme yin, much bigger than what he grabbed from Huoyue Tianzun last time.

Qin Feng took a breath and swallowed it.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the source of extreme yin... Your god base, true spirit, and heavenly soul have been successfully tempered by the source of extreme yin, and you are still 77% away from the body of the Moon Saint... The host's combat power has increased to 6.3 trillion yuan..."

Strength has increased again!

This time the harvest is really not small!

Qin Feng opened his eyes with joy.

His current combat strength is 6.3 trillion jones, and he is getting closer and closer to the threshold of the great perfection of the gods.

The threshold of battle power for the great perfection of the gods is 7 trillion yuan.

However, Qin Feng's comprehensive combat power has completely reached the level of the great perfection of the gods.

In other words, he is the hidden God.

"It's time to do something serious..."

Qin Feng put away the storage ring, looked towards a certain direction of the sea, and showed a sneer...

In that direction, the ancestor of Tiansheng is healing at the bottom of the sea...

Qin Feng is going to make a move.

This day, the ancestor of the saint had a grudge against him, and he knew the secret of Qinglin's reincarnation, so he couldn't keep it.

Besides, there are only 10 nine hours left before everyone gathers, and he must get rid of this guy as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng soared into the air and flew in that direction

At this moment, in that direction, in the depths of the ocean, it was cold and pitch black.

The ancestor of Tiansheng sat cross-legged on the bottom of the sea, constantly absorbing the cold evil energy of the bottom of the sea to heal himself.

Around him, there are six true gods protecting the Dharma.

There are only six true gods in Tiansheng Mountain.

They are all here to protect their ancestors.

In any case, the ancestors of Tiansheng are the only support of Tiansheng Mountain, and they must protect them.

After two days and two nights of healing, Heavenly Sage Patriarch's complexion has improved a lot, and his cultivation has returned to 80% of the original.

The true gods see it in their eyes and are happy in their hearts.

At the moment, the six communicated in a low voice.

"Elder, look at the complexion of the old ancestor, the recovery is very smooth!"

"Yeah! The cold evil energy here is very suitable for the ancestors to heal. As long as the ancestors are given some time, he will recover to subversion. At that time, he will be able to regain his position.

'It is impossible to get back the original ranking. After all, Qin Feng and Qin Lei are on the top, but it is no problem for the ancestor to get the sixth place.

"That's right! The sixth place is always much stronger than the current penultimate place, and you can get more spiritual fruits!"

"Hey~! It's all to blame for Qin Feng and Qin Lei. If they hadn't appeared, our Tiansheng Mountain would still be the fourth place, and we would have gotten more Spirit Fruits!"

"Yeah! Where did those two hateful guys come from? If it weren't for them, Qing Lin would have long since become something of the ancestor, and the ancestor would have also broken through to the peak of the gods! 39

"Haha!! More than just Qinglin? The red moon, green tea, and the girls in Qingqiu have also become our playthings..."

"Speaking of the women of the Qingqiu clan, all of them are fair-skinned and beautiful, as beautiful as the gods, and they can pinch water, which is extremely attractive. Haha!!

As soon as these words fell, the six of them laughed heartily.

It's just that the six people didn't find it. Not far from them, a sea turtle was lying under the coral reef and secretly observed them...

All their words and deeds have long been seen by Qin Feng without knowing it...

At this time, another True God sighed.

"Hey! It's a pity! It's a pity! We have already lost the bet, and it is almost impossible to get a woman from the Qingqiu clan."

"All this is a good thing for Qin Feng and Qin Lei, two little beasts! 35

"Yeah! I can't wait to kill these two little beasts, but I'm sorry I don't have that ability! Hey!"

"Third elders, you don't have to worry! Qin Feng offended not only the ancestors, but also Huoyue Tianzun this time. They will not let Qin Feng go!"

"Second Elder is right! I heard from my ancestor that Tianzun Huoyue was secretly working with his helpers, preparing to attack Qin Feng in the depths of Guixu, and our ancestor also agreed to join. The first elder knows this best!

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes lit up, and they all looked at the Great Elder.

"Elder, do you know who Huoyue Tianzun is uniting with?

"Yeah! Can you tell me a little bit?"

The first elder smiled proudly: "It's okay to tell you! In fact, this time, someone else took the initiative to contact Huoyue Tianzun to deal with Qin Feng together."

This time, everyone was stunned.

They couldn't think of anyone among the top forces who had a grudge against Qin Feng except Tiansheng Mountain and Huoyue Mountain.

At the moment, an elder wondered: "Elder, who is contacting Huoyue Tianzun?"

"It's from Yaochi Mountain!"

"What?! Yaochi Mountain? People of the Lord of Yaochi?

"No way! Why did the people of Yaochi God want to deal with Qin Feng?

"Haha! Don't ask me why, I don't understand, but they just want to deal with Qin Feng..."

Everyone took a deep breath and looked at each other face to face, very puzzled.

But after a while, everyone's face showed great joy.

"No matter why the people from Yaochi Mountain did this, but with their help, Qin Feng is doomed this time!"

"Why don't you ask?! That kid would never have imagined that he was able to enter Gui Ruins alive, but never returned! Ha! Ha!

The crowd laughed complacently.

But at this moment, the water pattern above suddenly fluctuated.

Immediately, there was a sneer from the top of everyone's heads.

All the true gods were shocked and looked up one after another, and saw a stalwart figure plummeting from above.

When they took a closer look, the person who came was Qin Feng, and his face turned pale with fright.

"Qin... Qin Feng!

"not good!"

The crowd exclaimed!

But before they could think about it, Qin Feng slapped it with a palm, and the sea shook, and hundreds of millions of sea water squeezed the six people away...

This time, the ancestor of Tiansheng, who was not far away, was disturbed.

"It's you!"

The ancestor of Tiansheng looked at Qin Feng in horror.

"Ancestor, help!"

Several true gods saw the life-saving straw and desperately called for help.


The ancestor of Tiansheng was in a great hurry, and he rushed to the rescue in a flash.

But at this moment, the phantom avatar suddenly flashed, and punched the ancestor of Tiansheng.

The ancestor of Tiansheng was shocked and hurriedly stopped.

With a loud noise, the ancestor of Tiansheng groaned, and he was smashed by the phantom clone and vomited blood and flew upside down...

At the same time, Qin Feng's palm also fell....

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!..

Six bangs in a row!

The six true gods were all bombed!

All fleshly bodies, true spirits, divine foundations, and heavenly souls have been turned into dust!

The six true gods died on the spot!

The blood is rolling in!

Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, then swallowed it all...

"Ding~! The host killed the true god (six people)... The karma value increased by 63 trillion... 35

"Ding~! The host has swallowed a lot of energy.... Your cultivation base has increased to 94.6% of the true god realm... The combat power has increased to 6.42 trillion yuan.

At this moment, Qin Feng's momentum continued to increase...

The Heavenly Sage ancestor who was blown away just saw this scene, his face changed greatly with fright, and his eyes were full of disbelief...

Immediately, without even thinking about it, he turned around and ran away!

Killing six true gods in one move, even the peak of the gods can't do it, unless some special spirits are used.

Such as Qin Feng's Creation God Fire!

But this time, Qin Feng did not use the Creation God Fire at all, but crushed it with strength.

To be able to do this to such an extent, only the gods are consummated.

403 Ke Qin Feng was at the peak of his strength a month ago!

How could he be promoted to the level of great perfection of the gods so quickly?

He couldn't imagine why Qin Feng's strength had increased so terribly!

Thinking of this, the ancestor of Tiansheng was extremely frightened, while swimming desperately to the sea...

He knew that Qin Feng was here to kill him.

He must flee as soon as possible and ask the three gods for help!

He wanted to tell everyone that Qin Feng killed his southern colleagues and was the destroyer of southern unity...

In the blink of an eye, the ancestor of Tiansheng rushed out of the sea.

But at this moment, there was a voice over the sea.

"Tiansheng, are you fleeing?! 35

The ancestor of Tiansheng was startled, he looked up quickly, and saw a beautiful figure standing in front of him.

The person here is Qinglin!

It turned out that before Qin Feng wanted to kill the ancestor of the Heavenly Sage, he summoned Qinglin in advance and asked her to stay on the sea surface to prevent fish from slipping through the net...

When the ancestor of Tiansheng saw Qinglin, he breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a trace of disdain in his eyes.

A true god dares to stop himself, he is simply courting death.

At this moment, the waves under him were surging, rumbling and roaring constantly, and a black shadow was rushing up from the bottom of the sea...

That was the phantom avatar catching up.

The ancestor of Tiansheng was in a hurry: "Bitch! Go away!"

Qing Lin was furious, took out a long sword, and shot towards the ancestor of Tiansheng...


Heavenly Sage Laozi disdainfully waved his hand, and a pair of S-shaped machetes turned into horns attacked...


A shocking metal crash!

The sound of the sword resounds throughout the universe!

Countless sword lights and knives bloom in the sky...

Qing Lin and the ancestor of Tiansheng groaned at the same time, and flew out at the same time.

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