Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 894 Shocked God (please complete the order)

This time, the ancestor of Tiansheng was stunned.

His injuries have not yet healed, but his combat power has returned to the normal level of the gods.

But Qinglin was able to compete with himself, could this woman break through to the gods?

How did she break through so fast?

Did she wake up from her past life memory?

At this moment, countless thoughts appeared in the ancestors of Tiansheng.

But he didn't have time to think about it, the phantom avatar had already caught up.

He dodged and rushed out of the sea again.

But at this moment, the space ahead shook for a while, Qin Feng stepped out of the void, and slapped him with a palm...


The ancestor of Tiansheng screamed in horror.


A loud bang!

The whole continent shook violently!

This shocked all the players, looking in this direction one by one...

The power of that palm is too terrifying!

It has completely reached the god-level level!

People are terrified!

The gods were also stunned.

Even the three major gods were stunned on the spot.

Immediately, the three three gods came to this side involuntarily...

But he said that Qin Feng slapped the palm of his hand and blasted the ancestor of Tiansheng into a cloud of blood. . . .

The blood mist rolled violently, and the mad roar of the ancestors of Tiansheng came out.

"Qin Feng! Stop being wishful thinking! You can't kill me! The three gods will surely come and save me! By then, your crime of murdering your southern colleagues will be revealed to the world! Haha!! 35

As soon as these words came out, Qing Lin frowned secretly, a little impatient.

Murdering colleagues is against Confederate unity!

If you are caught by the three major gods, I am afraid that you will be disqualified from sharing the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, and it will not be worthwhile.

What's more, killing a god is different from killing a god-level spirit.

God-level spirit monsters do not have a god base, a heavenly soul, nor a primordial spirit, and they cannot be resurrected indefinitely. Killing them once is enough.

However, the gods have primordial spirits, which are immortal and can be resurrected infinitely. It is extremely difficult to kill them.

Even if God takes action, it will take several hours to kill a god...

And the three major gods rushed here, I am afraid it will not take half an hour.

Is all this still possible?

Just when Qing Lin was worried, Qin Feng took action.

With a wave of his left hand, the fire of the God of Creation turned into a sea of ​​golden fire, instantly swallowing the blood fog in the sky...

At the same time, with a wave of his right hand, the Sanqizu water turned into three-color waves and rushed into the blood mist...

Both of these things do great damage to the primordial spirit...

When the two things are combined, water and fire are both beneficial!

Suddenly, the explosions continued, and the damage to the primordial spirit suddenly increased by more than ten times...

The primordial spirit aura of the ancestors of the heavenly sage suddenly descended at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Qing Lin was overjoyed, he hurriedly raised his long sword and launched a mad attack...

The phantom clone also arrived at this time.

He sacrificed the four swords of slaying the sky and launched a mad attack...

"No~! Forgive me! Lord Qin Feng... Forgive me~"!"

The ancestor of Tiansheng was completely panicked.

He didn't expect that Qin Feng's method of killing the gods was so sharp...

At this speed, before the three great gods arrive, he is about to perish, so he has to beg desperately...

Qin Feng will naturally not be soft-hearted, he will do his best to urge the Creation God Fire and the Sanqi Ancestral Water...

"Master Qin Feng, spare your life! Spare your life... spare your life... ah!"

After a while, there was an extremely shrill scream!

Yuanshen is destroyed!

The ancestors of the Heavenly Sage completely vanished, turning into a blood fog that filled the sky...

Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing everything....

"Ding~! The host killed a god... Karma increased by 137 trillion..."

"Ding~! The host has swallowed a lot of energy.... Your cultivation base has been raised to 99% of the true god realm... The combat power has been raised to 7 trillion yuan...

In an instant, Qin Feng's whole body's momentum skyrocketed, covering the sky and the ground...

That aura completely reached the level of God, and all beings hundreds of millions of miles away sensed it, and they were all terrified.

After a while, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his face full of joy.

His combat power has reached 7 trillion Yuan, just reaching the threshold of God's combat power.

And his cultivation base has also reached 99% of the true god realm, and he is just a line away from the peak of the true god.

Having said that, his background is too deep, even if he absorbed the energy of a god, he still failed to break through to the peak of the true god...

This also shows that his potential is extremely terrifying, far beyond everyone's imagination, even the Lord of the Ancient God Realm is not comparable.

"Qin Feng, Tiansheng is dead! Grandma's revenge has finally been avenged!"

The great revenge was avenged, and Qing Lin was excited.

Just a few days ago, Qin Feng told the three Qinglin sisters the truth of Qingqiu's grandmother's death.

The three daughters were extremely sad and hated the ancestors of the Heavenly Sage.

Now that the ancestor of Tian Sheng died, Qing Lin was naturally happy.

Qin Feng also looked relieved.

With a wave of his hand, he put away the storage ring and spiritual tool of the ancestor of the heavenly sage.

But at this moment, three rapid air-breaking sounds sounded in the distance...

"The three gods are here! Let's go!"

Qin Feng took Qinglin and the phantom avatar into the double universe.

In the next second, he activated the space call and disappeared into place out of thin air.

Not long after Qin Feng left, three figures rushed to the scene.

It is the three gods!

As soon as the three arrived, they looked around in disbelief.

But there is only a faint smell of blood left on the scene, and no one can sense the breath of anyone else...

"Strange! The old man clearly sensed that there was an extremely powerful aura here, why did it suddenly disappear out of thin air?"

"Yeah! The little girl sensed it too. Look at the aura of combat power, it has completely reached the level of God!

As soon as these words fell, the expressions of the three of them changed slightly.

There are not only the three of them at the God-level level!

How can there be a fourth person?

Could there be a god-level spirit intruding?

At this thought, the three gods looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

"`You two, something may have happened!"

True God took a deep breath.

"Brother Zhenji, do you think it was a god-level spirit that broke in?"

Jiuyuan God looked worried.

"Brother Jiuyuan, other than this situation, what other explanation is there? The aura just now was clearly at the level of God, but it was fleeting, which means that the incoming person was forcibly sent out by the residual thoughts of the mainland..."

Jiuyuan God suddenly realized: "That is to say, the people who come must be spirits, not from the south of us, otherwise they will not disappear so quickly!"9

"That's right! It must be the work of spirits! Besides, we don't have such powerful characters in the south..."

"That's right! 9

Jiuyuan God nodded again and again, obviously agreeing with this point of view.

Immediately, he smelled the blood in the air and had a very bad feeling.

"Brother Zhenji, the smell of blood is strong here, obviously there was a battle just now, I'm afraid something bad happened. 35

"Yeah! The old man also thinks it's a little bad. Although the god-level monsters come to this continent, they will be forcibly teleported out, but the god-level is the god-level, and it is not possible to complete the teleportation in a second..."

"As long as the god-level monsters stay here for a quarter of an hour, it's not difficult to kill one or two players (horses are good)!"

"Brother Zhenji, looking at the current situation, I'm afraid that someone will be poisoned!

Yaochi God also interjected: "Two! The little girl is worried that the spirit that was forcibly teleported away will be found again?

Hearing this, the True God and Jiuyuan God were all shocked.

The ghosts of the ruins and the spirits of the gods are natural enemies.

If the spirits find that there are people from the realm of the gods appearing here, they will definitely look for them again.

At this moment, the true God took a deep breath of cold air: "It seems that this place is not safe, we should leave here quickly and rush to the next land! 95

"That makes sense! Then let's hurry back to the meeting point and call everyone back, Joe! 99

"it is good!"

As soon as the voice fell, the three three gods hurried back to the gathering place.

It's just that these three people don't know that everything was done by Qin Feng before, not some god-level spirit..

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